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Re: Certification Breakdown

Date: 2/21/2002


First of all I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) which I have obtained on the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 track.


My MCSE NT 4.0 consists of the following exams:


Network Essentials

NT 4.0 Workstation

NT 4.0 Server

NT 4.0 Server in the Enterprise

TCP/IP for NT 4.0

Proxy Server 2.0


Continued Training has provided me with the following certifications through Brainbench Testing:


Netware Basics

Netware 4.1 upgrade to 5.1

Master MS Windows 95 Administration

Master MS Windows 98 Administration

Master MS Windows 95 Navigation

Master MS Windows 98 Navigation

Server Memory and Performance

Network Technical Support


I am also currently studying for my CNE (Certified Netware Engineer) exams. And I have paper copies of all my certificates available upon request.