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From matt@finberglaw.com Wed Aug 03 10:05:12 2005 Return-path: <matt@finberglaw.com> Envelope-to: stopterror@internetactivist.org Delivery-date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:05:12 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=imail.arieldesign.com) by cpweb9.idig.net with esmtp (Exim 4.50) id 1E0Mg3-0003R2-Gb for stopterror@internetactivist.org; Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:05:12 -0700 Received: from LATITUDE [] by imail.arieldesign.com with ESMTP (SMTPD-8.20) id AA7204A8; Wed, 03 Aug 2005 11:10:10 -0600 From: "Matthew Finberg" <matt@finberglaw.com> Cc: <stopterror@internetactivist.org> Subject: RE: Colorado GOP associating with terrorists? Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 11:04:16 -0600 Message-ID: <031101c5984d$636d7a30$0332a8c0@finberglaw.local> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0312_01C5981B.18D30A30" X-Priority: 1 (Highest) X-MSMail-Priority: High X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2627 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1506 Importance: High In-Reply-To: <005701c597e7$ee4620a0$0500a8c0@votekopelman.us> X-Declude-Sender: matt@finberglaw.com [] X-Spam-Tests-Failed: Whitelisted [0] X-Note: This E-mail was sent from [No Reverse DNS] ([]). X-Antivirus-Scanner: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus Status: R | Simple headers | ||||
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Thank you for forwarding this to me. There is a very active, well organized, and evil campaign here in the U.S. to marginalize and interfere with the legitimate activities of American Jews who support Torah based Zionism or Jewish pride, self-esteem, and strength here and in Israel. I have been a regular target of these folks who seem to be spearheaded by CAIR and American Friends of Shalom Achshav (Peace Now). They are deathly afraid that we will be successful in disrupting the heretofore successful infiltration of America (as well as Israel) of the violent Islamic jihadist fifth column. You can easily see that the writing is shoddy and lacks the minimal integrity which would be required of a fifth grade student writing a political science paper. Why does the author conclude that Revava is a reincarnation of Kach or Kahane Chai? Both of those organizations were legal and respected political parties in Israel in the last 2 decades of the 20th Century. It was only when the labor/likud entrenched Knesset members saw a threat to their power base from these parties that the Knesset outlawed them as "racist." Shortly thereafter, the powers that be got the U.S State Department to throw them a bone and list the organizations on the Terror Watch List of the State Department (it was the least the State Dept. could do for Israel considering how often it made Israel bend over backwards (and forward). Israel continues to feed supposed aliases of Kach and Kahane Chai to the State Department for additions to the list in order to protect the status quo. Neither Revava nor the Jewish Defense League is on the list. Revava is a legal public charity in Israel and the JDL is a domestic non-profit corporation dedicated to Jewish pride, safety, and identity. Their websites are www.revava.org <http://www.revava.org/> and www.jdl.org.il. Neither David Ha'ivri nor Yisrael Meir Cohen is a member of Kach or Kahane Chai or any of its supposed alter egos. They were members 10 to 20 years ago when the parties were no more controversial than the Green Party in the U.S. I am not now and never have been a member of either organization or an alter ego thereof. I was the International Chairman of the Jewish Defense League from November 1, 2004 to June 1, 2005, but have resigned to refocus my efforts. I am an attorney licensed in Colorado, Maryland, and the District of Columbia with a spotless record of almost 20 years. My biography is available at www.finberglaw.com <http://www.finberglaw.com/> . You may see other examples of the efforts to which these terrorist spin doctors will go by Googling "Finberg and indymedia.org." Indymedia.org masquerades as a liberal investigative journalism news site but seems to lack all of the safeguards necessary for responsible journalism. There seems to be no editorial supervision, and items are posted anonymously. I have considered lawsuits for defamation and have not ruled them out before the statutes of limitations expire. That, however, would distract me from the much more important work I have to do today. Those who have attempted to assassinate my character and reputation may well end up paying very dearly as I am not a public figure and the law is my professional life; the laws of the United States protect me from such attacks. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Please let me if you know of an investigative reporter who would like to do an expose on the author of this piece as well as indymedia.org and the people who posted libelous statements there about me and my friends. I greatly appreciate the support of the J-GOP, FBC, and all of the other righteous Jews and Gentiles who have seen evil and choose Truth. Only thus, m Matthew S. Finberg The Finberg Law Firm, P.C. 1871 Folsom Street Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: 303.442.1276 Fax: 303.442.1294 www.finberglaw.com This transmission (and/or the documents attached) may contain confidential information belonging to the sender, which is protected by the attorney-client privilege and the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, U.S.C. Section 2510-2521. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information, is strictly prohibited. While precautions are taken against computer viruses, it is your responsibility to scan for their presence and we accept no liability or responsibility therefore. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone at 303-442-1276. _____ -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 10:58 PM To: Cc: Subject: FW: Colorado GOP associating with terrorists? Below is an email sent from a pro-PLO anti-Semitic organization registered with the email address "internetactivist@lycos.com" as their contact. Please, don't take my word for it. Simply go to Google.com and type in "internetactivist@lycos.com" and read the propaganda that comes up. -----Original Message----- From: Republicans Against Terrorism [mailto:stopterror@internetactivist.org] Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 2:07 AM To: stopterror@internetactivist.org Subject: Colorado GOP associating with terrorists? According to the U.S. Department of State, the organizations "Kahane Chai" and Kach are designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations [1]. Further, as the listing in the Office of Foreign Assets Control "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons" list shows, the United States government not only considers these two specific Kahanist (followers of American terrorist leader Meir Kahane) organizations as terrorist, but also their many front groups and aliases.[2] Nevertheless, like all terrorist organizations that find themselves listed publicly, they are constantly inventing new front groups and adopting new labels. The newest manifestation of this terrorist movement is "Ravava" [3] This new front group is the product of Sharon's "disengagement" scheme in the Gaza Strip and has spearheaded the more extreme right-wing resistance to the Israeli pullout. Though Revava is careful not to directly call for violence because of Israel's strict incitement laws, they do make it clear enough that "anything goes" - "Every individual path is acceptable in order to guard the integrity of the Land of Israel." [4] Beyond the clear Kahanist position of the Revava group, it's co-founder, David Ha'ivri, is also closely allied with the famous Kahanist leader Yehuda Richter who resisted the Sinai pullout and moved on to opening fire on defenseless bus loads of people. [5] Now Colorado, specifically Glendale, is to host Yisrael Meir Cohen, co- founder of Revava, on Sunday, July 31, 2005 at the East Side Kosher Deli (499 South Elm Street, Glendale, 303-322-9862 Fax: 303-321-3290). This is the very same Yisrael Meir Cohen that has openly endorsed causing massive "disruption" throughout Israel in order to call away the military from removing the settlers in Gaza. Though he doesn't describe this "disruption" in detail, it is clearly implied that it must be sufficient measure to create a need for armed troops elsewhere throughout the country and thus sounds suspiciously like a call to violence, threatened or actual. [6] So, who would bring this open terrorist to Glendale? Apparently he is being hosted by the radical Christian Faith Bible Chapel (2870 N. Speer Blvd., Denver, 303-238-4475) and an otherwise unknown outfit calling itself "Maalat HaGeula". The contact person for the event is a Boulder attorney named Matthew Finberg (1870 Folsom, Boulder, 303-442-1276). Mr. Finberg also happens to be International Chairman of the Kahanist JDL and direct successor to the notorious terrorist Irv Rubin who was imprisoned for attempting to bomb the office of an U.S. Congressman. [7] Interestingly, the venue - East Side Kosher Deli - is also the regular venue for the monthly meetings of the Jewish Republicans of Colorado. [8] Further, it seems as though the Faith Bible Chapel - a sponsor of the upcoming terrorist event - and the Jewish Republicans have a history of collaboration with one another. For example, both endorsed a September 7, 2003 "emergency rally" organized by the "Americans Against Terrorism" (AAT). [9] To quote Neil Dobro, leader of the AAT: "We have a good relationship with Faith Bible Chapel, Jewish Republicans Colorado, other churches and elected officials." [10] Whether or not the Jewish Republicans of Colorado are affiliated with those groups sponsoring the upcoming terrorist event remains inconclusive, but in view of the considerable overlap, it is sincerely hoped that they are not. Bear in mind that the Colorado Republican Party directly links to Jewish Republicans of Colorado website. [11] Either way, both the Jewish Republicans of Colorado as well as the Republican Party of Colorado should be careful who they choose to associate with. Collaboration with active terrorists is not likely to help the Party. Please take a moment to register your protest to those hosting this foreign terrorist. Please call those involved to let them know how you feel about their decision to bring this terrorist leader here. Further, if you happen to know anyone who is opposed to terrorism in general, please be sure to let them know what is happening. Be sure to register your protest with your elected representatives and the government of Glendale (http://www.glendale.co.us/) as well. Colorado, and especially the Colorado Republican Party, should not play host to foreign terrorist leaders, especially in the midst of our national struggle against global terrorism. Please forward this message widely. [1] Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), 03/23/05 http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/37191.htm [2] U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons" http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/sdn/t11sdn.pdf "AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE UNITED YESHIVA (a.k.a. AMERICAN FRIENDS OF YESHIVAT RAV MEIR; a.k.a. COMMITTEE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE ROADS; a.k.a. DIKUY BOGDIM; a.k.a. DOV; a.k.a. FOREFRONT OF THE IDEA; a.k.a. FRIENDS OF THE JEWISH IDEA YESHIVA; a.k.a. JEWISH IDEA YESHIVA; a.k.a. JEWISH LEGION; a.k.a. JUDEA POLICE; a.k.a. JUDEAN CONGRESS; a.k.a. KACH; a.k.a. KAHANE; a.k.a. KAHANE CHAI; a.k.a. KAHANE LIVES; a.k.a. KAHANE TZADAK; a.k.a. KAHANE.ORG; a.k.a. KAHANETZADAK.COM; a.k.a. KFAR TAPUAH FUND; a.k.a. KOACH; a.k.a. MEIR'S YOUTH; a.k.a. NEW KACH MOVEMENT; a.k.a. NEWKACH.ORG; a.k.a. NO'AR MEIR; a.k.a. REPRESSION OF TRAITORS; a.k.a. STATE OF JUDEA; a.k.a. SWORD OF DAVID; a.k.a. THE COMMITTEE AGAINST RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION (CARD); a.k.a. THE HATIKVA JEWISH IDENTITY CENTER; a.k.a. THE INTERNATIONAL KAHANE MOVEMENT; a.k.a. THE JEWISH IDEA YESHIVA; a.k.a. THE JUDEAN LEGION; a.k.a. THE JUDEAN VOICE; a.k.a. THE QOMEMIYUT MOVEMENT; a.k.a. THE RABBI MEIR DAVID KAHANE MEMORIAL FUND; a.k.a. THE VOICE OF JUDEA; a.k.a. THE WAY OF THE TORAH; a.k.a. THE YESHIVA OF THE JEWISH IDEA; a.k.a. YESHIVAT HARAV MEIR) [FTO] [SDGT] [SDT]" [3] Revava http://www.revava.org/ Note the initial link to "Kahanebooks.com" and exhaustive Kahanist material provided throughout the site. The open association with the terrorist Kahanist movement is in no way downplayed or hidden on this website, though this is bound to change now that they have been "outted". [4] "Revava - Changing the Rules of the Game" by David Ha'ivri http://www.revava.org/content/view/20/40/ [5] "The return of the suicide bunker" by Nadav Shragai Ha'aretz Magazine, 10 June 2005 http://www.fromoccupiedpalestine.org/node.php?id=1551 [6] "How To Stop the Withdrawal" by Yisrael Meir Cohen http://www.revava.org/content/view/33/40/ [7] The JDL or "Jewish Defense League" has an exhaustive history of terrorism inside the United States, bombing various targets around the country. [see, for example, the MIPT Database (directly linked to the FBI's counter-terrorism page) http://www.tkb.org/Group.jsp? groupID=183 ] On January 10, 2002, Irv Rubin, the International Chairman of the JDL, was indicted for attempting to bomb the office of California Congressman Darrell Issa as well as other targets in California. See: " GRAND JURY INDICTS TWO LINKED TO JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE IN PLOT TO BOMB OFFICES OF CONGRESSMAN DARRELL ISSA" from the Department of Justice, http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/cac/pr2002/004.html International Chairman Irv Rubin was murdered in prison pending his trial and was succeeded by Bill Maniaci, as International Chairman. In 2004, Maniaci was succeeded by Matthew Filberg as International Chairman, see: "Maccabee Conference 5765" by the Jewish Defense League, 11/05/04, http://jdl.org.il/News.htm To quote: "Maniaci has been a successful leader for the JDL since the murder of Past Chairman Irv Rubin. Chairman Maniaci handed over the torch of leadership to Matthew Finberg. Mr. Finberg is a successful attorney in Colorado and embraces Torah and Jewish Law." Finberg makes no apologies for his open terrorist association as is illustrated by his membership in the " Boulder Stand by Israel Meetup Group" whereat he boasts of his status as "Boulder attorney; director of Kol Hamacabee - The Center for Religious Zionism - National Chairman of The Jewish Defense League." http://standbyisrael.meetup.com/25/ It must be noted that responsible Jewish organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League, applauded the FBI's successful apprehension of these Kahanist terrorists, see, for example: "ADL Applauds FBI For Arrest of JDL Leader Irv Rubin for Alleged Acts Of Terrorism" http://www.adl.org/PresRele/Teror_92/4016_72.htm [8] Jewish Republicans of Colorado http://www.j-gop.org/ [9] See, " AAT - Americans Against Terrorism invites you to a Picnic & Emergency Rally Sunday, Sept. 7th" http://zioneocon.blogspot.com/archives/2003_08_31_zioneocon_archive.html [10] "Vigil or rally: two very different views", By Andrea Jacobs, Intermountain Jewish News, http://www.ijn.com/archive/2003%20arch/032803.htm#story3 [11] Colorado Republican Party Links page: http://www.cologop.org/links.php --
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