This news page is dedicated to Rabbi Meir Kahane zt"l, hy"d

(1932-1990)REMEMBERING KAHANE (With audio link)


Arlene Peck


Beth Goodtree

Lauren Alexander Lauren's Weekly Rant

David Ha’ivri

Jim Nutting

Michael Devolin

The opinions expressed by our guest columnists are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Defense League. If you are interested in submitting material for inclusion in our "Opinion" section, please email your material to the JDL Webmaster at: Note: Submission does not guarantee publication on the JDL web site. No compensation is paid to any of our guest columnists.





















































News and Comments


 Maccabee Conference 5765

REMEMBERING KAHANE (INN)  (with audio link)

Most Recent 

Half an Acre and a Mule
by Zack Lieberberg

Noachides And A Rumor of Brotherhood  by Michael Devolin

Recent Archives

The Great Divide by Michael Devolin

Poetry, terror and political narcissism
by Alyssa A. Lappen
The American Thinker

March 4, 2005

How to Stop 'Protected' Hate Speech by Beth Goodtree

Source By Jim Nutting

Suicidal Jews: When Will They Learn?  Israel National News

40 Months - A Travesty of Justice by Howard Silbiger

The Feminist Left Lauren’s Weekly Rant  

Today, Ariel Sharon is Irrelevant! By Ariel Natan Pasko

The definition of Torture      Lauren’s Weekly Rant  

Violent Clash In Outpost Eviction (INN)

Stingy   Lauren’s Weekly Rant

Time to Get the Hook Arlene Peck

Ariel Sharon's Journey Backward By Michael Devolin

Stop The Discrimination Now Against American Jews in Israel! Ariel Natan Pasko



Abraham Foxman's Hyperkeratosis  Michael Devolin

Fear-They Understand Arlene Peck

Get The U.S. out of the U.N.   Lauren’s Weekly Rant

Pimpin' the Grey Gold  Beth Goodtree

 Let's call terror what it is   Howard Silbiger

Local teacher told to remove Nazi flag from classroom

Holland: Disaster in waiting

Swastikas painted on Tahoe synagogue

The Left’s Assault On Christmas

Why are Jews their own worst enemies?

Secure Borders

Radical vegetarian group seeking to slaughter one of the world's largest kosher meat processors

Somerville Should Divest From U.S.

Palestinian-Canadian convicted of planning attacks in North America

Report Exposes Name-Changing Hamas Front Group

Practice For Gaza Expulsion?

The Europeans and how they outsmarted themselves

Palestinian Terror On Campus

HATE 101

A Guerrilla and Statesman? I Want To Gag!

Submarine Penetrated Israeli Territorial Waters

Arafat's Terrorist Legacy: A Partial List

All the President's Dupes

What a Difference a Day Makes

When do The Saudis Get the Blame?


Paris Tells Palestinians to Remove Arafat

Sharon: Bury Him in Gaza

After We Break Out the Candy

Concordia allows PLO speaker on campus

Arafat Is Hoping For Kerry

Neo-Zionism Targets American Jews

George W. Bush For President

Syria now admits it has Saddam's money, But insists amount much lower than U.S. alleges

Jews Object to Presbyterian-Hezbollah Talk

Duke to host anti-Israel conference

Politically Correct? Give them Death!

U.S. Congress Passes Lantos’s Anti-Semitism Bill

Mossad Assassins Caught in Syria

Israel Accuses UN Agency of Aiding Terrorists in Gaza

Sinai Massacre – an Iranian-Hizballah-al Qaeda Co-production

Aryan leader charged in Reno threats has HIV


Free Speech at Concordia

Israeli Company Keeping 'Lady Liberty' Safe

A Month without News!

Caught On Film: U.N. Involvement In Terror

HOLTEN: Denied bail; still in custody at Washoe County Jail

Letter from the Aryan Nations

Sharon: Maybe I Erred in Not Staging Disengagement Referendum

Hamas in Support of Chechen Terrorism

Video Shows Beheading of American

Palestinian man detained for alleged tie to terror group

US Court Nixes Enforcement of "Jerusalem, Israel" Law


 Great Adventure's Muslims-only day

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon criticized Israeli hard-liners

Hamas: Left-Wing Encouraged Us to Attack


Follow-Up to the Temple Mount Wedding

Israeli Arab crime statistics

Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler dies at age of 86

European Marksmen-for-Hire in Gaza

Moderate, peaceful Muslims — where is the evidence?

Remember 9/11, Stop Sanitizing the Killers

Islamist terrorism on America's Internet

Muslims are the main perpetrators of terrorism!

FBI probes Arafat for 1973 murders Suspected of ordering execution of 2 U.S. diplomats in Khartoum


Reno synagogue hit with graffiti

Give them the Death they Revere

Its Always Been Them vs. Us

European Union Funding Diverted To Terrorism and Incitement

Where is Irv Rubin When You Need Him?

Arafat Paid Rabbi Moshe Hirsh Tens of Thousands of Dollars


Friday June 10, 2005







The new JDL site is under way!  Please just hang in there.  If anyone has any ideas, please don't hesitate to send them to me. .





Arafat Paid Rabbi Moshe Hirsh Tens of Thousands of Dollars

( According to documents recovered from Yasser Arafat's Ramallah headquarters, he has paid Rabbi Moshe Hirsch tensof thousands of dollars to obtain his continued support. The documents were recovered from Arafat's office by IDF troops during Operation Defensive Shield.   

According to correspondent Haggai Huberman, Hirsch received $25,000 in January 2002 and an additional $30,000 when he signed on the dotted line, officially lending his support to Arafat.
 Hirsch is affiliated with a fringe extremist segment of the ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta sect which does not recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel, and goes so far as to express support for a Palestinian state since members feel Israel may not run affairs in the Land of Israel until the Messiah is revealed.


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 Where is Irv Rubin When You Need Him?

 Where is Irv Rubin When You Need Him?

Arlene Peck

Recently, while transferring some of my past television shows (Wow! It’s Arlene Peck!) >From tape to DVD’s I had a chance to review some I had done with Irv Rubin. For those of you who don’t know who he is, Irv was the Director of the Jewish Defense League which was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane who was also murdered. I knew both of these men well and it’s ironic how in those days the words of both men which were considered ‘radical’ and ‘crazy’ have become mainstream thinking today.

I remember Rabbi Kahane telling me repeatedly how “We Jews are the only ones stupid enough to give our enemies the ability to vote. Tell me?
Which Arab country would Jews be allowed to visit, much less vote. They aren’t going to beat us with bullets, but with ballots!”

Irv was another story. Although he didn’t have the same charisma as Kahane, he was a powerful force. I have no doubts that he was killed in prison on his way to arraignment. The official story of suicide was ludicrous. Knowing Irv as I did, there is no way he would have killed himself. Especially, after waiting a year in jail for his case to come up.

The reason I mention this now is because there is a terrible void of the kind of ‘rabble rousing’ that these men represented that is needed in the Jewish state.

Leaders come and go, (usually the same half dozen) and ten minutes in office capsulate to the demands and whims of our State department. Most of which officials, I believe, to be firmly in the pocket of the various Arab countries that they once represented. Israel is not a banana republic yet is treated like one. Unfortunately, most times its leaders respond as such which doesn’t help the situation. Instead of opening the jails and tearing down the fence, they might want to show a little backbone. Any other country would, at this point in time, bombing the hell out of the Palestinian Authority. Yet, the current logic is, “Let’s tear down the fence so Arafat can go bomb another bus and we can keep the guys in Hague happy.”

Aside from the lack of leadership, where are the public relations from the Israeli government that they are in sorely needed? Far too often, I see issues being buried under ‘quite diplomacy’ which should be shouted from the roof-tops. Stories, which should be placed in the national newspapers totally ignored by the local consulates. If necessary, full page ads should be taken out on a regular basis to get the point across.

A case in point is Walid Shoebat who was recently a guest on my television show. He was once a former PLO terrorist who is now a strong supporter for Israel. Under great danger to himself, he is speaking out about the violent culture which he was raised under.

A week or two before the taping, I called the Consul General, Yuval Rotan’s office to invite him, or a representative to appear on the show.
As usual, I was rebuffed. I then contacted the Press Office to see if they would like to send someone to the studio to go on with him. Nobody was interested. What are those people doing over there?

Incidentally, I contacted the good people at Jerusalem Front Page, a Christian Broadcasting station with over a hundred outlets and they jumped right on it. He was even invited to North Carolina to attend the Christian Coalition meeting.

When speakers like he or Daniel Pipes, Tovia Singer, or most any controversial person, who happens to be Jewish are booked to speak at a University, the Arabs are there in full force. They intimidate. They threaten. And, usually are able to shout the Jewish speaker down. I spoke with Dr. Pipes on his way to the Berkley campus and he told me his reactions afterward. “It was a carnival atmosphere but, I also expected the university to do a much better job of controlling the outbursts, the insults and the general atmosphere of intimidation.” He is a guy who can handle that, however, most speakers can’t and the students are the ones who suffer.

When I was in Israel reporting, I went to that bastion of Arab anti-Semitism, in Jerusalem, Orient House where the press seemed to like to gather and have drinks in the evening. The Arabs were out in full force socializing with the members of the press. Maybe it’s time for the Israeli Consul to do a little of their own promoting.

"Anti-Zionist" Film festivals are becoming the norm at our universities and the students are being taught regularly about the "siege and occupation" of Israel by the Jews. anti-Semitism is running rampant at our schools. What is being done to combat it? The Irv Rubin that I remember would have been outside with a bullhorn reminding these planned "demonstrators" that they were not allowed to do all that they are getting away with today. He took his own "troops" to Idaho to confront the Nazis. Where are the backups to combat these Arabs who are out there at our universities masquerading as students?

Like the hijacking and “suicide” bombings this violent culture has besieged upon the world, they have been very effective. So, now the unthinkable, anti-Semitism, is given full reign and nobody is there to combat them. . Maybe the Israeli consulate should be doing less 'plaque taking" and a little more of the basic public relations? We need someone around to remind the world, “Never again!”

Arlene Peck is an internationally syndicated columnist and television talk show hostess. She travels extensively worldwide, reporting to her audience about political events, social happenings (Cannes Film Festival, London event for the Variety Club, etc.) and "must see" spots. If there is a place to see and be seen, she'll write about it for her international audience.

Arlene's syndicated column is read weekly by millions and her television show ("Wow! It's Arlene Peck!") can be seen throughout Southern California every Monday night.

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France Allows Hizbullah Broadcasts To Continue


(Israel National News) France's highest court, the State Council, has prevented a move by French officials to ban Hezbollah's television station, Al-Manar. The Council gave the terror group two months to demonstrate that its broadcasts are not anti-Semitic. Haitham Manna, who heads France's Arab Human Rights Commission, told Islam Online that Friday's court decision was a triumph over the pressures practiced by the Zionist lobby against the Arab channel.

On the other hand, "There will have to be a strong commitment that there will not be any anti-Semitic programming," said Sylvie Clement-Cuzin, the State Council's legal director.

The Al-Manar case reached the State Council after several French Jewish organizations reacted with outrage to an anti-Semitic series aired on Al-Manar. Manna, who is also a member of the Commission in Solidarity with Al-Manar, said the channel would easily manage to maintain its legal existence in France and Europe. He said that the court ruling is actually a tactful rejection of the charges against Al-Manar.

The ruling negates a commitment to close Al-Manar made by French officials to President Moshe Katzav while he was in France on an official visit last February. Israeli officials provided French leaders with virulently anti-Semitic recordings from Al-Manar television, including scenes promoting the ancient blood libel accusing Jews of killing non-Jewish children to use their blood for religious purposes.

Hizbullah terrorist officials responded to the charges by insisting the station is merely anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic.

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Arabs Prove Islam a Lie


Posted by jewishindy on Friday, August 27 @ 00:56:08 EDT
August 26, 2004

I just looked over transcripts of some Arab 'educational' material ( and couldn't believe what I'd read. According to Palestinian educational television, Islam is a lie based upon lies. Of course they never actually say this, but if one extrapolates the absolute 'truths' they present, this is the only conclusion that can be drawn. Below are just some of their illogical or damning teachings (depending upon your point of view) that can be drawn from these latest diatribes. But first, some facts.

It is undisputed fact that Islam regards Jesus as a prophet.

It is undisputed fact that Jesus was Jewish.

Let's start with something very, very basic -- something even the two esteemed historians who presented the material, Dr. Jarir Al-Qidwa, Head of the PA Public Library and Arafat's Advisor on Education, and Dr. Issam Sissalem, Senior Historian and Educational TV host, former head of History Dept. of PA University, can understand.

According to the website Islam101

"He (Jesus)and his followers used to worship in the temple which other Israelites used. The message of Jesus was to call people back to the religion of Abraham and Moses from which they had gone astray."


"Based on the statements of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus will return to earth at a time when Muslims will be in a dire need of a leader."


"The Holy Quran also gives a detailed account of the mission and lives of Jewish prophets like Moses and Zakarea (Zechariah)."

Meanwhile, both Dr. Al-Qidwa and Dr. Sissalem state that there is no such thing as Judaism nor that Jewish King Solomon's Temple existed:

Al-Qidwa: The Temple is the fruit of their (Jewish) imagination.

If what these two 'learned' individuals claim is true, then Islam, which claims Jesus (who was a Jew) as one of their main prophets and future saviors, is based upon a lie.

At the same time, the statements of Dr. Al-Qidwa and Dr. Sissalem fly in the face of facts proven by legal expert and erstwhile Judaism researcher, Dr. Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Al-Zaqaziq. In the August 9, 2003 edition of the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Al-Arabi stated that he takes as fact the Bible’s account of the Exodus: " based on what is written in the Torah. It can be found in Exodus, [Chapter] 35, verses 12 through 36…"

That Dr. Hilmi tried use these facts as the basis to sue every Jew on the planet for gazillions of dollars is immaterial. That he clearly stated in his interviews that he had verified the factual aspects of the Bible, even using the Egyptian police to do the detective work is significant. Dr. Hilmi has stated that the Hebrew Bible is fact, and that the Jews of today are absolutely the descendants of the Jews of yore. This alone flies in the face of what Drs. Al-Qidwa and Sissalem present:

Sissalem: "I want to point out that we should not focus much on what is called the [Biblical] Hebrew tribes, who are in fact Bedouin Arab tribes. There is no connection between them and these Khazar Jews [of Israel today]. Those [Hebrew - Arab] tribes were erased and ceased to exist and no traces were left of them..."

If nothing else, Dr. Sissalem has negated Dr. Hilmi's lawsuit against modern-day Jews by saying that we have no relationship to the Jews enslaved for hundreds of years by the Egyptians. It also implies, by extension, that if the Egyptians want to sue for return of goods ostensibly stolen from the ancient Egyptians, they should be suing the Bedouins. Unless of course, Drs. Sissalem and Al-Qidwa are wrong...

Further along, a very damning statement comes from the esteemed Dr. Sissalem:

"...the Bible expresses a tradition of legends, that has no connection to history." (emphasis mine)

Notice how he didn't state 'little connection,' or even 'only partial connection.' Dr. Sissalem stated very clearly the word 'NO.' Yet if one reads the Koran, it clearly states that Abraham settled, by God's command, in the place of what would become the Ka'ba (22,27).

Since Dr. Sissalem stated that the Bible has "...NO CONNECTION TO HISTORY," any mention of certain individuals and even groups from the Bible must be false. Therefore, since the Koran mentions Abraham, it must be a lie too. The same holds true for other individuals and groups mentioned in the false piece of literature, the Bible, as well as the Koran. Such people as Ishmael and Moses, and groups such as the ancient Egyptians. Therefore, the words of Mohammed, as written down in the Koran, are based upon a lie.

This aforementioned statement even negates the rest of these learned men's arguments that the 'Palestinians' are the descendants of the Canaanites and therefore entitled to take away Israel's land from the Jewish people and claim it for their own:

"...when our nation or our Canaanite forefathers came to Palestine."

Since the Canaanites are extensively written about in the Hebrew bible, according to Dr. Sissalem, there is no such thing as Canaanites since the Bible has " connection to history."

This means that the Palestinian claim of being the ancient Canaanites is a lie.

In essence, Drs. Al-Qidwa and Sissalem have not merely proven that the Koran is a lie, but that their very own contemporary scholars and statesmen are citing falsehoods when they quote the Koran, since it frequently mentions people and places which are mentioned in the Bible, and, as they will tell you, has no connection to history.

So instead of discrediting the Israel and the Jews, these two distinguished Arab experts have proven that Islam is a lie based upon lies. Bravo -- who knew you were working for us!

BETH GOODTREE lives in the New York City metro area and has a background in advertising. She writes political commentary and the occasional humor piece. Ms. Goodtree is a regular valued contributor to JewishIndy. She may be reached at


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Holocaust scammers follow Nigerian e-mail bank ploy

It was bad enough when millions of e-mail users found themselves bombarded with fraudulent pleas from Nigerian scammers.

But last week, a new scam arrived in e-mail boxes ... this one using the Holocaust to try to defraud unsuspecting responders.

Coming from a "Mr. George Graham, a member of Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP), Switzerland," the e-mail states that the "Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT) handles processing of all claims on accounts due non-Swiss citizens. A dormant account of 'ORDNER ADELE' with a credit balance of 50,000,000 US dollar plus accumulated interest was discovered by me. The beneficiary was murdered during the holocaust (sic) era, leaving no will and no possible records for trace of heirs."

And, of course, Graham - like the Nigerian scammers before him, makes this highly suspect request: "Being a member of ICEP, I have all secret details and necessary contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch. The funds will be banked in any country of your choice outside Switzerland or a tax free country, where we can safely withdrew the funds and...share the funds and use it for investment of our choice. Due to the sensitive nature of my job, I need a foreigner to help claim the funds."

What does the "helpful" Graham want from the e-mail recipient? "All that is required of you is to provide me with your details for processing of the necessary legal and administrative claim documents for transfer of the funds to you." In other words, Graham wants details like your bank's name, your name and your account number.

Fat chance he'll get this from the editors of Jewish newspapers to which he sent this fraudulent request. According to Phyllis Braun, executive editor of the Arizona Jewish Post in Tucson, "This scam e-mail's invitation to 'a lifetime of success without risks,' juxtaposed with the suffering of Holocaust victims, is particularly repugnant."

Although Braun deletes such e-mails immediately, she worries that other people could be conned. She told the Press that Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard just issued an alert warning residents the "Nigerian Advanced Fee" scam had resurfaced and reminding them "of the simple rule: If an offer sounds too good to be true - it is."

A survivor received this e-mail as well. He forwarded it to Jeanette Friedman-Sieradski, editor of Together, American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, and founder of Second Generation North Jersey. She happens to know Gideon Taylor, a member of the Claims Conference. (The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims was established in 1998 to assist Jewish groups, survivor organizations, and the state of Israel.)

Taylor was able to persuade the staff of the Volker Committee to release a statement warning the public of this fraud.

According to Friedman-Sieradski, "a lawyer in Toronto took up to $1,000 per survivor to file claims with Brooklyn Judge Edward R. Korman and then never filed them."

William Gauberson wrote in the April 30 New York Times, "Judge Korman has ruled that such funds should be used for the 'neediest survivors.' He found that the grinding poverty in the former Soviet Union was so severe that he allocated 75% of the humanitarian funds available for Jewish survivors to that area. Four percent is to be used for impoverished survivors in the United States, with the balance going to Israel and elsewhere around the world."

Added Friedman-Sieradski, "Anyone who finds themselves in (the) situation (of being scammed) is to immediately contact Judge Korman's office in New York and file an application with extenuating circumstances - that a lawyer bilked them out of the money and never filed the claim, but they are eligible. Of course, they'll need proof they were conned," she added.

"This is a disgusting scam and one I suspect will be very painful for a number of people, added Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning. "Each of us are vulnerable at some point. People are lonely, especially the elderly. These scams are designed to capitalize on that. They work because innocent people fall for them. This one's especially horrible because it focuses on the pain of survivors."

Like Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign, "just say 'no'" to e-mail scammers. Or, in this case, "just delete.''

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Army's "skunk bomb" will keep back Palestinian protestors


(IsraelInsider) The IDF has developed a pungent new weapon to be used to keep Palestinian protestors at bay, media sources reported. The so-called "skunk bomb" contains a synthetic version of the odor skunks release to deter predators and will be used to break up stone-throwing confrontations without causing casualties, security officials said yesterday.

According to the reports, the new weapon was developed to replace controversial rubber bullets, which have caused numerous injuries and killed many Palestinians during the course of the Intifada. Security officials said the army, which has come under international criticism for allegedly using excessive force, has been seeking out new non-lethal weapons to deal with violent Palestinian protests.

The "skunk bomb," which is not yet operational, releases a cloud so pungent that according to initial tests it permeates clothes for five years, the officials said, according to a Reuters report.

The "stinky" weapon could be particularly unpleasant for devout Muslims since they cannot pray with clothes that smell and would have to throw them away, the report said.

Earlier this week, the Jerusalem Post reported that the army planned to equip its tanks with non-lethal 'stun shells'.

According to the report, the shells are made of fiberglass and disintegrate in the air creating a loud noise aimed at dispersing crowds. Military officials said the shells, manufactured by TASS Israel Military Industries, would become operational "within a couple of months."

The IDF has been developing new non-lethal weapons for some time in efforts to disperse Palestinian crowds without causing injuries.

On May 19, at least eight Palestinians were killed and dozens were wounded when an IDF tank fired a conventional shell at a crowd of protestors, drawing international criticism.

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U.S. Holds Virginia Man After Taping at Maryland Bridge


Published: August 25, 2004

(New York Times) WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 - A Virginian implicated in a scheme to raise money for Hamas, the militant group, was in federal custody on Tuesday, and officials analyzed what they regarded as a suspicious videotape of a major Maryland bridge that his wife shot from their vehicle last week.

A lawyer for the man, Ismael Selim Elbarasse of Annandale, said he and his wife were videotaping sights from the bridge on their way back from a beach trip. But Maryland officials tightened security at major bridges and ordered extra boat patrols because of concerns that the tape could signal possible surveillance for a terrorist operation.

Hamas has often attacked Israeli targets but has never been known to attack a United States target.

Mr. Elbarasse is being held as a material witness in a federal case in Chicago that accuses three other men of having illegally raised money for Hamas to finance terrorist attacks against Israel beginning in the early 1990's. An accountant, Mr. Elbarasse was named but not charged as a conspirator in the case in an indictment announced on Friday. Officials said he had helped the defendants launder hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hamas.

Several hours after the indictment was unsealed, two off-duty police officers from Baltimore County noticed Mr. Elbarasse's silver Nissan traveling westbound over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, with Mr. Elbarasse's wife videotaping the bridge, state officials said.

The officers grew suspicious when Mr. Elbarasse's wife, whose name was not released, saw their police car and lowered the camera, officials said. Mr. Elbarasse, driving with his two daughters in the back, was stopped and questioned, and state officials determined that he was on a Federal Bureau of Investigation watch list as a "person of interest" with possible terrorist connections because of his ties to Hamas.

Travelers are stopped and questioned almost daily in Maryland after being spotted taping bridges, tunnels and other possible targets, said Police Chief Gary W. McLhinney of the Maryland Transportation Authority, the bridge operator. Chief McLhinney said Mr. Elbarasse's appearance on the F.B.I. list, combined with the tape contents, aroused suspicion.

"It was the nature of the videotape itself that got everyone's attention," he said in an interview. "This went beyond the normal tourist video. They didn't seem to be focusing on what people normally focus on there, the water, the skyline, the facilities on the shore. They were focused on the bridge itself."

With the country on alert for an attack before Nov. 2, Chief McLhinney and other officials said they were concerned that the tape could be used as a surveillance tool for an attack.

"That's possible," said Greg Massoni, a spokesman for Gov. Robert L. Erlich. "We haven't drawn any conclusions, but that's certainly an issue for us." Mr. Elbarasse's lawyer, Stanley Cohen, said the idea that his client was involved in surveillance was "absolute, utter rubbish."

"Hamas's struggle is in Palestine,'' Mr. Cohen said. "Hamas has never taken a position against the United States."

Mr. Elbarasse and his family "weren't doing anything," Mr. Cohen said. "They're going over this beautiful bridge, and his wife takes out a camcorder because she wants to videotape the sights. But all of a sudden it becomes a big thing because the cops see a woman in a hajib, in traditional garb, and it's like, 'Oh my God, she must be a terrorist.' ''

"If the wife was blond-haired and blue-eyed, they wouldn't have messed with her. This is straight out of central casting."

Mr. Elbarasse, who was jailed for eight months in 1998 for refusing to cooperate in a Hamas-related inquiry, will most likely face a hearing this week in the Chicago case, officials said.

The Justice Department has relied on arrests of material witnesses with increasing frequency since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to hold people who it says may be connected to terrorism. Officials are also investigating an illegal Pakistani immigrant found last month with what they described as suspicious videotapes of prominent buildings around the South. The man, Kamran Shaikh, also known as Kamran Akhtar, was indicted on Monday in North Carolina on immigration counts.

Scholar's Visa Canceled

SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 24 (AP) - The work visa of a Muslim scholar, Tariq Ramadan, who had been scheduled to teach at Notre Dame in the fall, has been canceled. Mr. Ramadan, of Switzerland, has been criticized for links to Islamic militants and for remarks viewed as anti-Semitic


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Sleeper Agents in the US Working in Key Positions in the Public & Private Sector


By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

The arrest yesterday of an Iraqi man living in Des Plaines, IL, a northern Chicago suburb, is a clear example of the warnings issued by Northeast Intelligence Network– sleeper agents living and working inside the United States.

In this case, Sami Khoshaba Latchin, 57, was arrested and charged with making false statements to immigration officials when applying for U.S. citizenship in 1998. More importantly, prosecutors allege that Latchin is a “sleeper agent” from Iraq, sent by Saddam Hussein to “embed” himself in our society and provide support and intelligence to other terrorists in the US and their state sponsors. Latchin, a resident of Bay Colony Drive located about 5 miles north of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, worked for a security firm at the airport. He received his first security badge at O'Hare airport, where he was working for a company called Secret Service, Inc. in May 1995.

His arrest came about 30 days after the indictment was unsealed, suggesting he is part of a larger investigation involving other sleeper agents and embedded terrorists. The indictment states that Latchin failed to disclose his membership with the Iraqi Intelligence Service and his affiliation with Iraq’s Baath Party and the Iraqi Intelligence Service known as the Mukhabbarat.

A review of the indictment finds that Latchin made three trips to Iraq between 1994 and 1997 since becoming a US resident, where he met with his Iraqi Intelligence handler and to receive payment on the first two trips in exchange for his information. Latchin entered a “not guilty” plea in federal court.

This case is a clear example of Iraqi agents entering the United States as political refugees when they actually have more nefarious plans. Following the first Gulf War, it is estimated that thousands if not tens of thousands of such “sleeper agents” have entered the US under false pretenses, lying in wait to assist or take part in further terrorist attacks inside the United States. In her book The Third Terrorist, Jayna Davis outlines this very practice, detailing the case of Hussain al Hussaini, a former member of the Iraqi military. Combining all information of related cases since the early 1990’s, it is clear that there is an organized effort to embed sleeper agents for activation at a later time, and to place these agents in positions of responsibility and trust.

Analysts of the Northeast Intelligence Network have found numerous connections between these various sleeper agents in terms of material and logistical support, financing, and the planning of future terrorist operations inside the US. Connections to the first World Trade Center bombing, to Oklahoma City, to the 1997 New York subway plot and through the attacks of 9/11 are beginning to crystallize. Upon closer scrutiny and analysis, ties can be made between the independent smattering of indictments over the last several years – connections that illustrate just how deeply our society is embedded with potential terrorists and supporters of terrorist organizations.

Slowly, it appears that the US Intelligence community is putting the pieces together. The question remains, however, can it be done in time?

UPDATE: Indictment of Sami Khoshaba Latchin-PDF File Just Obtained.

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US policy regarding Israel and the Middle East

  The still unfolding story of Pentagon analyst Lawrence Franklin and his alleged spying for Israel has attracted wide media attention and generated considerable discussion. Details of the FBI's investigation of his activities are still coming to light. But regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain: there will be no  fundamental change in US policy regarding Israel and the Middle East.  Support for the Zionist state in both the White House and the Congress is so fervent that Israel hardly needs bureaucrats such as Franklin to track the inner workings of the US government. Whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican, American policy is so tightly in the grip of politicians and government officials who are ardently dedicated to Israel and its interests that the Franklin case will make no difference.

  In the current administration, a cabal of high-level pro-Israel "neoconservative" Jews — including Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Richard Perle of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board; David Wurmser in the State Department; and Douglas Feith, the Pentagon's Undersecretary for Policy — played a decisive role in pushing the United States into war in Iraq.

  This is so widely understood by Washington insiders that US Senator Ernest Hollings was moved in May to declare that Iraq was invaded "to secure Israel," and that "everybody" knows it. Referring to the cowardly reluctance of his Congressional colleagues to openly acknowledge this reality, Hollings said that "nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on." With few exceptions, members of Congress uncritically support Israel and its policies due to "the pressures that we get politically," he added. In Britain, a veteran member of the House of Commons candidly declared in May 2003 that pro-Israel Jews had taken control of America's foreign  policy, and had succeeded in pushing the US and Britain into war in  Iraq. "A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians," said Tam Dalyell, a Labour party deputy known as "Father of the House" because he is the longest-serving Member of Parliament. "There is far too much Jewish influence in the United States," he added.

 During the 1980s, Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US  Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke with blunt exasperation about the Zionist  hold on Washington: "I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they  would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on."


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European Union Funding Diverted To Terrorism and Incitement

17 Elul 5764

 (Israel National news) Since 1993, the countries of the European Union have contributed, individually and collectively, over four billion euros to the Palestinian Authority - and a new report shows that much of this sum has gone towards corruption, incitement and violence. Another 250 million euros were budgeted for the year 2004.

The new report, released by the Funding for Peace Coalition (FPC), substantiates a compelling connection between European funding and ongoing Palestinian corruption and terrorism. Entitled "Managing European Taxpayers' Money: Supporting The Palestinian Arabs - A Study In Transparency," it also highlights the failure of European organizations to monitor how these funds are used.

The FPC and other organizations have long stressed that the PA has soaked up huge sums of international donor aid. Even Muhammed Dahlan, a murderous terrorist himself (responsible for the Kfar Darom bus bombing in Nov. 2000 - two killed, seven wounded, including three siblings who lost legs) and now a leading PA official, was quoted in The Guardian last month as saying that the billions of dollars donated internationally to the Palestinian Authority "have gone down the drain and we don't know to where."

The FPC report shows European taxpayers that their money has not reached its intended target - namely, the people living in PA-controlled areas - but has rather been diverted towards graft, terrorism and anti-Israel incitement. Often quoting under-reported disclosures, many from Arab sources, the report also shows that terrorists are on the Palestinian Authority payroll - despite repeated denials by senior European politicians and civil servants. One of the conclusions is that the salaries of the very same people whom Europe has officially classified as terrorists, come directly from budgets provided by European government aid.

The report also documents the involvement of the European Union in funding PA textbooks replete with anti-Israeli incitement and hatred. A relevant excerpt:
"The Palestinian Ministry of Education has imposed a curriculum that fails to meet international standards. It uses inflammatory and racist messages, albeit in somewhat less obvious forms than were found in previous versions. The materials carefully exclude all Jewish presence from the contemporary and historical Middle East. When a child is taught that every Muslim has the personal obligation to eject a foreign presence by Jihad, the intent to indoctrinate is clear. The result of this education can be seen in the expanding and escalating violence in the region, and in the increasing number of young perpetrators."

Asked whether the European Commission had misled the European Parliament, FPC spokesperson David Winter noted that there have been "countless reassurances that the PA payroll is tightly controlled [- yet] the payroll has been found to be bloated with fictitious names or comprised of groups adjudged as terrorists by the EU itself."

Excerpts from the extensively footnoted report:
"The most conspicuous example of an unsupervised and unaccountable departmental budget is Chairman Arafat's office, where expenditures during 2003 averaged almost $6 million per month - $12 million for the month of August 2003 alone."

"In at least two cases, [several European Parliament Members] found clear evidence that money from the combined [PA] account had been diverted to terrorism. Given that the vast majority of disbursements from this account have not been adequately identified and traced, these cases can be assumed to be just a small sampling of a concerted effort aimed at funding terrorism from the monies that were intended as aid for the Palestinian people."

"The Europeans can argue with some plausibility that they have tried to monitor their payments. A team, led by Henry Siegman of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations and by Michel Rochard, MEP and former French Prime Minister, enabled the EC to conclude that payments were subject to the 'most extensive and intrusive monitoring system in any post-conflict situation.' The reader is left to draw conclusions as to the adequacy of this monitoring system, in light of the evidence presented in this study."

"Bearing in mind the evidence produced in this paper, particularly the direct contradiction of previous European statements and the complaints of leading Palestinians, the Funding for Peace Coalition cannot help but pose the following questions to the EU, EC and in fact, the PA itself:
* Why, after decades of deceit, does the PA continue to issue false reports?
* Why, despite everything, do European political leaders and their civil servants believe these reports so readily?
* Why do EU funds continue to flow unchecked and unmonitored, when the Palestinian people themselves are in the midst of an uprising against corruption and against misuse of the funds that by rights should be used to improve the quality of their lives, their educational systems, and their health care?"


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Special Pollard Session Next Week

(Israel National News) A special mid-summer recess Knesset session next week will be highlighted by a discussion of ways in which the release of Jonathan Pollard might be attained.

Jonathan Pollard is serving a life sentence without possibility of parole in a US prison for passing classified information to a US ally. The data in question included information about Iraq's offensive weapons capabilities. Pollard is the only person in the history of the United States to receive a life sentence for spying for an American ally. Despite the fact that the median sentence for this offence is 2 to 4 years, Pollard is well into his 19th year of his life sentence.

Pro-Pollard activists spent the past week bombarding Knesset Members of all parties with phone calls requesting their support for a special Knesset session on Pollard. The required 25 signatures were attained, in an effort spearheaded by MK Tzvi Hendel (National Union), and the mid-recess session is scheduled for next week. More issues have since been added to the day's agenda.

A group of new immigrants from North America, together with Israeli high school students, began a ten-day hunger strike on Pollard's behalf on Wednesday. Coordinators of the initiative, including Youth for Jonathan Pollard, Magshimei Herut and the Re'ut (Friendship) Movement, hope it will spread to high schools, army bases, yeshivot (talmudic academies) and seminaries across Israel.

From 5 PM to 8 PM on each day of the strike, pro-Pollard activists intend to hold protests outside the Knesset in Jerusalem. Rabbis, professors and Knesset Members will take part in the demonstrations.

Pollard activist Eli Yosef explained why the coalition of students and veteran activists decided that now was the time for a coordinated effort on Pollard's behalf: "The Hebrew month of Elul is one of repentance, and so we as a nation must make amends for the way we have neglected Jonathan Pollard in prison. This is the 19th year that Jonathan will spend Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot alone in a cell instead of with his people."

Yosef believes that both the social and security problems in Israel today stem from the failure of Jews to feel the pain of their fellow Jews. "The reason we are holding this hunger strike is to convey the message that Jonathan's plight literally hurts each one of us," he said. "The tragedy is that members of the government truly believe they can escape the pain - and so each of the hunger-striking young people will be speaking to four or five Knesset members. It is our hope that through this simple act, the government of Israel will begin to feel the pain of Jonathan Pollard."

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 Five Acquitted in 1994 Argentina Bombing


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - A federal court acquitted five men Thursday of being accessories to the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center that killed 85 people, the deadliest terrorist attack on Argentine soil.

In a nationally televised verdict, a three-judge panel cleared four former provincial police officers and a former used car salesman accused of supplying the van used in the attack, which also injured about 300 people.

The verdict concluded a three-year trial - the longest in Argentine history. The five were not accused of direct involvement in the bombing but were charged as accomplices for their parts in a stolen car ring responsible for the sale and delivery of the van.

Prosecutors had sought life sentences for the five, several of whom were ordered to remain in custody pending separate charges unrelated to the bombing probe. Fifteen others were exonerated of minor charges.

Jewish community leaders condemned the ruling.

"This is the worst outcome we could have imagined," said Jorge Kirszsenbaum, an official at DAIA, a leading Jewish organization. He urged supporters to join in a demonstration Friday outside the rebuilt community center.

The rigged van exploded July 18, 1994, outside the Argentine Israeli Mutual Aid Association. The explosion leveled the seven-story building, a symbol of Argentina's 300,000-strong Jewish community, the largest in Latin America. The masterminds of the attack were never identified.

It was the second of two bombings targeting Jews in Argentina during the 1990s. A March 1992 blast destroyed the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 people in a case that remains unsolved.

U.S. officials, Jewish leaders and some Argentine officials have charged the community center bombing was linked to Islamic fundamentalists and pro-Iranian terrorists, charges denied by Tehran.

After failing to extradite Iranian suspects wanted in the case, investigators instead focused on what has been called "the local connection."

Jewish community leaders attended the federal trial, which was tightly guarded and closed to the public.

Jewish groups have claimed the investigation was mishandled, pointing to a decision by judicial officials earlier this year to remove a judge who led much of the investigation after accusations surfaced that he bribed a key witness.

Jewish community leaders have accused the courts, the police and various Argentine governments of failing to carry out the investigation for fear they may lead to embarrassing revelations.

Among those acquitted was Juan Jose Ribelli, a former Buenos Aires provincial police chief accused of leading a gang of former police officers accused of providing the van.

Carlos Alberto Telleldin, accused by investigators of being a stolen car dealer under Ribelli's protection, was accused of delivering the stolen van to the police gang members eight days before the bombing.

Victor Stinfale, Telleldin's lawyer, said the decision cleared his client from a case "built on lies and false accusations."

"The leaders of the Jewish community need to ask him for forgiveness for keeping him in jail so long under false pretenses," he said.

Hoping to give new impetus to the trial, President Nestor Kirchner last year signed decrees opening secret intelligence documents and ordering intelligence agents to testify. Jewish leaders had hailed the decision.

A victims lawyer said she was "stunned" by Thursday's decision.

"I wasn't prepared for this," said Marta Nercellas. She called for a "serious" investigation. "Hopefully one day we'll have the answers we're looking for."


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 Its Always Been Them vs. Us


 By Arlene Peck

        The Arabs are bombing, murdering, mutilating, raping and causing havoc all over the  Judeo /Christian world. Israel has nothing to do with it…nothing! The front page of my LA times today headlined, (besides the Israelis who were savagely bombed in Beersheba) that  that these same sub-human savage “militants” who had killed twelve Nepalese workers want more! More concessions and more blood!

They also captured two French journalists as hostages, so as to influence French domestic laws. This is especially interesting since Mr. Jacque Chirac and France has gone out of his way to alienate their western allies and welcome them with open arms into the country

 They want to pressure the French to change their laws on headscarfs. Otherwise, they were going to kill them. Folks this is only the beginning. Within five years the required fashion in Paris will the burqas.

 Page two in the Times continued with a story how a female “suicide” bomber wearing an explosive device stuffed with metal bolts killed at least nine people in a Moscow subway station in a blast and injured about a hundred more And, now they are holding hostage hundreds of children without being allowed food to be brought into them. Does anyone remember the massacare of kindergarten children at Maloot? 

This, in addition to the two airplanes that the Arab fundamentalist blew up a few days ago in Russia where over a hundred more Russian countrymen were killed. I can’t even look at the television and see the nightly death toll of our soldiers in Iraq. President Bush makes speeches regularly about how we’ve brought democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq. Do you honestly believe these people want or will accept anything that’s brought to them in the way of ‘freedom’?

I haven’t even begun to get around to the holocaust which is happening by their rampaging, raping and killing hundreds of thousands in the Sudan by these same Arabs.

Personally, in the case of Israel and especially at this point in time, I think this would be the best time to begin to put a plan into place. The first step is to complete, as soon as possible, the security barrier. No matter what the world court or any other hysterical, politically correct audience says for its own self interest.

On a personal level , I believe a plan should be implemented where  announcements are made that anyone who even tries to bomb anyone in the Jewish state will be shot by bullets soaked in pig blood. Then they will be returned to their families who raise these homicide bombers  wrapped in pig skin for burial.

Flyers should be dropped in the neighborhoods which harbors them, allows their arms to be smuggled under their houses in tunnels and then dance on the street celebrating the latest Israel disaster, stating it will be bombed with missiles dipped in pig oil. And, then do it!

But, it won’t happen. Peres will have more secret meetings with his old friend Arafat. Sharon will make promises to Powell and Bush to not do anything to upset the election and ‘show restraint’. When did the leaders of Israel turn into lapdogs? 

It doesn’t matter where they are. It all boils down to the fact that the Judeo /Christian free world is at war with an evil, vicious, seventh century barbaric Islamic culture. These people kill indiscriminately. The Islamic Muslims don’t care who they target. Children, old people, people ridding on buses, teen-agers going to discotheques, eating in pizza parlors are all fair game. Even other Muslims. I think that finally though, the world is finally seeing that it’s not just Israel who is the target. It’s anyone who isn’t “THEM”, And, by that, I mean anyone who isn’t a Fundamentalist Muslim and what these reptiles consider to be ‘infidels.’

At the moment I’m writing this, there are two hundred babies in a school in Russia who they are holding as hostage. I have yet to see one out of the 1.3 billion marching in the street protesting   with outrage actions such as these are! Yet, they are quick to ‘dance in the streets and pass out candy’ at the joy of seeing the carnage in Israel’s misfortune.

Ironically, most people here that I’ve spoken with don’t even comprehend that this is a long term    problem that has been foisted upon us by 1.3 billion people. My daughter said, “Mom, my friend, Selena is an Arab and isn’t like that.” Well, that’s quite possible. Maybe there are millions of them that are like her friend Selena. Yet, where is the outcry from the Muslim community? The newspapers and television are filled with the outrages caused by her culture. Show me one mosque or protest by those peaceful Muslims? ONE!

We have been so caught up in not ‘hurting feelings’ and trying to show compassion that we have overlooked the master plan which is death and destruction from a culture that has absolutely no reverence for life. Hell, these people probably feel that they’re doing a favor to everyone by killing them as the only thing they’ve been raised to revere is death.

 Arlene Peck is an internationally syndicated columnist and television talk show hostess. She travels extensively worldwide, reporting to her audience about political events, social happenings (Cannes Film Festival, London event for the Variety Club, etc.) and "must see" spots. If there is a place to see and be seen, she'll write about it for her international audience.

Arlene's syndicated column is read weekly by millions and her television show ("Wow! It's Arlene Peck!") can be seen throughout Southern California every Monday night.

Arlene can be reached at: and

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Give them the Death they Revere

By Arlene Peck

        The Arabs are bombing, murdering, mutilating, raping and wreaking havoc all over the Judeo/Christian world.  Israel has nothing to do with it…nothing!  
 The front pages  of the LA Times  been completely filled with the latest catastrophic actions from these savage, barbaric Arabs who tortured and slaughtered hundreds of school children and their mothers during the past few days in the horrific school bombings. 

Children! Babies, who were forced to drink their own urine, because they were tortured and denied water and food for over two days in 95 degree heat . One six  year-old child was reported to have been killed by having a bayonet thrust through his little body when he had the audacity to ask for water from these "brave men" who were holding them