Friday, July 25, 2003

Kol hamacabee

The Center for Religious Zionism
July 25, 2003

Dear Chaverim:

This is a first in what we hope will be a regular series of letters which we call PAROS (Print And Read Over Shabbos). It will contain the writing of people who grapple with HaShem and our challenges in restoring the glory of Eretz Yisroel. Please forward this to others who may find the writing thought provoking or inspiring, and submit your written thoughts, concerns, and ideas or lessons brought down in the names of your teachers to share with others. We will eventually have PAROSim available from the website which is going to be a real gem thanks to the professional assistance of our webmeister Tony Wilson. You will also be able to access from our website information concerning our programming including guest speakers from Israel and Missions to the Land for our supporters, the teachings of scholars of Religious Zionism, from the date of Creation to today, and links to other sites which support objectives which are similar or complimentary to those of Kol Hamacabee.

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions, and whether you would be interested in applying for a position on the Kol Hamacabee board of directors. Your help and support are needed. Our application for recognition of Section 501(c)(3) status is in process, and we expect a favorable determination letter from the IRS within the next 6 months. The favorable tax status will be retroactive to the date of formation of the organization, so your current contributions will be tax-deductible in your 2003 tax returns, subject to any limitations applicable to your individual situation. We are operating on a shoestring budget, so any donation will make a big difference.

David Ha’ivri of Kfar Tapuach left an impressive inventory of t-shirts, pamphlets, cds, and books which were featured at our table at the Boulder Jewish Festival in June, so please let us know if you are interested in acquiring any of them. There is no suggested donation anything other than the hardcover books and t-shirts. David expects to return to the U.S. on a speaking tour which includes Boulder and Denver to date within the next 4 months. He may be contacted directly at

We are pleased to announce that Boulder’s prolific media analyst and political/social commentator Yael Lieberman has accepted a position on the Kol Hamacabee board of directors and will serve as our Director of Media Relations.

Please free to forward this letter and to give me contact information of other people who might be interested in Kol Hamacabee and its mission.

Good Shabbos and Koach HaKodesh,

Moshe Ha’levi