Revava is a Jewish grassroots organization whose goal is to restore self esteem to the state of Israel by restoring Jewish national pride and values. |
Written by Dr. Miriam Adahan
a.. Imagine that you live in Israel, which has suffered 25,500 known terror attacks just since 2000, including 6000 rockets just on your small section of Gush Katif, and instead of attacking the Arab enemy, the government attacks you.
b.. Imagine that your teenage children are arrested for handing out orange ribbons on street corners and when you see the police choking them and bashing them with brass knuckles and you come to their aid, you, too, are arrested and charged with harming the police officers who arrested you. |
Written by Daniel Pipes
Sharon deaf to his own words; Withdrawal 'is a recipe for war' USA Today August 15, 2005[This article is presented as an "Opposing View" to USA Today's own editorial, "Gaza pullout begins with extremists poised for trouble."]
The Israeli government's removal of its own citizens from Gaza ranks as one of the worst errors ever made by a democracy. This step is the worse for being self-imposed, not the result of pressure from Washington. When the Bush administration first heard in December 2003 that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had unilaterally decided to pull all soldiers and civilians from Gaza, it responded coolly. Months of persuasion were needed to get the White House to embrace the initiative. |
Written by Menachem Rath - NRG [Maariv] - August 16, 2005
In a moving letter Jonathan Pollard expresses his support for the struggle against the disengagement plan. Televised scenes of the people of Gush Katif fighting the plan to evacuate them from their homes have reached audiences all over the world, and even as far as FCI Butner, the American prison where Jonathan Pollard is incarcerated. In an emotional letter sent via his wife Esther, Pollard expressed his support for the people of Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron. "Whoever takes part in this heroic struggle, is fighting not only for the Land of Israel, but no less than this, for the existence and future of the State itself," he wrote. |
Written by Eli E. Hertz
On April 2, 2002 armed Palestinian terrorists forced their way into the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. On August 18, 2005 unarmed Jews entered peacefully into N’evi Dekalim’s synagogue in Gush Katif. On April 2, 2002 the world was watching a group of Palestinian terrorists desecrating the Holy Church and refusing to surrender their positions and arms. |
Written by webmaster
In the middle of the night a person representing the State welfare office comes into the cell together with uniformed policemen and, ignoring the mother's pleas, ignoring the hysterical crying of the children aroused from their sleep, forcibly removes the 2 older children from their mother. They don't explain what is happening, or why. The children are taken to a stranger's home in the middle of the night and given into forced "adoption" for an unspecified period of time. At this point you are starting to wonder: maybe, you think to yourself, this is a history lesson about anti-Semitism in some European country during the Inquisition? Or maybe this is a story of a survivor of a Soviet gulag? No, dear friend, this story is quite recent. It is fresh off the wires, and it took place 3 days ago in the only Jewish State in the world. Sharon STOP the Prosecution of women and children NOW! Click here to sign peptition http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/STOPtheProsecution
Written by Webmaster
Try to imagine the following situation occurring anywhere in the world: A Jewish woman, mother of 9 children, is home alone with her small children. Her husband is at work, and her older children are out. She hears a loud knocking on her front door. Opening it, she finds herself face to face with a group of policemen. They arrest her. They forbid her to take with her even the barest of necessities. Not for herself and not for any of her young children. That is correct - she is taken to jail together with her 3 youngest children: little Miriam who is just 8 months old; David who is 2.5; and Yehuda who is 5.5 years old. |
Written by Webmaster
Our brothers in Israel need our help at this time. The plan for unilaterally expelling the Jews from their homes in Gush Katif was defeated in the last Israeli election. Despite that fact, Ariel Sharon is moving ahead to forcefully remove Jews from their homes in Gush Katif and in four towns in the northern Shomron. This will lead to increase terrorist activity, NOT to the people of Katif, but to all people in Israel. Jewish teenagers are sitting in jail for nonviolent civil disobedience while Arab terrorists are set free. We must let the Israeli government know that what they are doing is wrong. This is very simple to do! |
Written by Webmaster
Revava chairman David Ha'ivri, told Aljazeera.net that the Israeli government has no right to issue the order."I oppose any restrictions on Jewish people to build or settle anywhere in the land of Israel which was given to the Jewish people by God. I believe the law of the Torah outweighs the jurisdiction of the state of Israel."
Ha'ivri also said the internationally backed road map peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians would not achieve the desired results. | |