Danger! Assimilation in Israel |
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Written by David Ha'Ivri | |
Assimilation in Israel is not only a demographic threat, but it also
leads to a real security risk. Loss of Jewish identity often evolves
into a situation where one sympathizes with the enemy, and can reach a
point where one finally crosses the line to full-fledged, active
support of the war against Israel. Tali Fahima is a Jewish woman and a resident of Tel Aviv who paid frequent visits to Jenin, where she developed a romantic relationship with Zakaria Zubeidi, who is chief of "the Al-Aksa Brigades" and one of the most wanted terrorists in the Shomron. Not only is she the "mistress" of this Arab terrorist, but she herself was arrested by the Israeli authorities when it became known that she was involved in terrorist activities against Jews in Israel. This "agent of love", as she has been coined, has become a "celebrity" of the leftist Israeli media, who are quick to quote her from her prison cell each time she praises Arab terrorists. Here is an example: "Even if Zakaria did carry out attacks, so what? He is under occupation. He is a freedom fighter." Fahima, a self-proclaimed "peace activist", faces a multi-count criminal indictment which includes charges of aiding the enemy in a time of war, relating to her allegedly passing military information to terrorists to facilitate the commission of terror attacks. Fahima herself said that she wished to serve as a human shield for Zubeidi, to protect him from Israeli security forces. This is hardly a new phenomenon. While statistics are obscured as to how many Jewish girls are being held in Arab villages, the estimation is that the number is in the tens of thousands. As part of the over-all war against the Jewish state, they systematically dispatch young Arab men to charm Jewish girls and take them back to their villages. These Arab men freely enter Jewish towns and cities where they entice Jewish girls. Often, they pretend to be Sephardic Jews, and only after they become romantically involved do they reveal their true identity. But by then it is too late. The girls have been drawn into their clutches, and eventually into their villages. In time, they literally become slaves, abused by the Arab husbands and families. Though they suffer, they remain as captives, since there is no where to turn to. The children in these affairs are considered Jewish by the Halacha, but are raised as full-fledged Arabs, hostile to Israel. The Israeli authorities don't dare get involved, at the risk of being accused of being racist. Not only do the Israeli authorities ignore this, but recently a Jewish woman in Tel Aviv was arrested for trying to break up the relationship between her 17-year-old daughter and an Arab "suitor". How twisted! In the Jewish State, a Jewish mother is being held as a criminal because she tried to save her daughter from the hands of our Arab enemies. Is this in the name of democracy? Or in the name of insanity? This Jewish mother should be given a medal. At the very least, she should be helped by the government of Israel to save her child from becoming another Tali Fahima. But, no. the girl's mother and four other relatives have been arrested and are being held for allegedly trying to kidnap the Arab "boyfriend" to persuade him to end to the relationship. In the book of Bereshit, chapter 34, we learn of Dina, the daughter of Yaakov Avinu, who wandered off into Shechem and was abducted by the king's son who physically abused her, and then sent messengers to Yaakov suggesting that Yaakov agree to have Dina marry him. Shimon and Levi, sons of Yaakov Avinu, refused to sit idly by while their sister was being held captive. They took their swords, entered the city of Shechem, and wreaked havoc upon the city. Unfortunately, in Israel today, Shimon and Levi would end up in prison for their undemocratic behavior. One of the reasons that HaShem gave us the land of Israel was so that we could dwell alone, separate from the nations and not intermingle with them. The Torah teaches us in the book of Devarim, chapter 7, "you shall not marry your daughters to their sons and you shall not marry your sons to their daughters." The purpose of the State of Israel is to create a place where the Jewish People are gathered together, so that Jewish girls can marry Jewish boys and have Jewish babies; a place where Jewish mothers and fathers need not worry of such assimilation. Instead, we are witness to a plague of intermarriage in our own country a problem we once thought was limited to the exile. The "open minded" Hellenist society cultivates an atmosphere vapid of Jewish content, making it so easy for confused Jews to cross the lines and join the enemy. Let us put an end to this insanity before it puts and end to us. |
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