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Revava is a Jewish grassroots organization whose goal is to restore self esteem to the state of Israel by restoring Jewish national pride and values.

On means and ends PDF Print
Written by David Ha'Ivri   
Do the ends justify the means?

Are we allowed to utilize means to achieve a certain end, which in other circumstances would be outside the realm of acceptability? In our struggle for the integrity Land of Israel, we are willing to cross the accepted boundaries in order to protect the land, actions which are above and beyond what we would be willing to do in the normal day to day framework of our lives, and careers. In this struggle we find ourselves in the difficult situation where IDF soldiers are ordered to commit the crime of expelling Jews from their and destroying their homes contrary to all standards of morality and law. In such situations, we are required to act with self sacrifice, whatever it takes to prevent this horrible injustice.Since we are up against people who have a completely different world outlook than we do in the areas of a Jewish State and the territorial integrity of Eretz Yisrael, it is important to remember and remind ourselves that we are NOT "anarchists" who oppose authority for its own sake. What we ARE against, and with all of our might, is the corrupt authorities who are acting to rob the Land of Israel from the People of G-d and hand it over to our enemies. We are against the corrupt "authority" which is actively trying to remove all vestiges of holiness from the Jewish People.

Laws of the Torah and Laws of the State
Ideally, our path is the path of peace we make every effort to reach our goals by educating people about the necessity to create a Jewish State based on Torah ideals. In addition we also stand as a wall with self sacrifice to prevent any damage to the integrity of the Nation and the Land.
In a situation of conflict between the laws of the state and Torah Law, Torah Law takes precedence. Protecting the integrity of the Land of Israel, and the right of Jews to settle in any part they wish, supersedes any decision by the Hellenist government. We are willing to pay the price in order to uphold the values we hold dear. "For how long will you sit on both sides of the fence?!" We remember that we are destined to give an accounting of our deeds before the King of Kings. Better to violate the laws of man and not transgress the decrees of the King.

It is important to emphasize that we are law abiding citizens who value peace between fellow Jews. We don't want to get into violent conflicts with the army and police. Therefore, we must make every effort to explain to them that raising a hand against Jews and damaging the territorial integrity of the Land of Israel is NOT part of their duties or job description. But when left with no choice, in the name of protecting our most basic values—we must go against our nature and fight like a lioness defending her cubs. We must be ready even to violate the Torah in order to sanctify His name how much more so must be willing to transgress the laws of the nations. We must be careful that this law breaking does not turn into anarchy. We must not get used to contempt of the law for its own sake. We must remember that means do NOT become ends in and of themselves, and that the means should never compromise the end.
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