Video Tapes




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"Jewish Legion promo documenting aspects of Jewish Legion courses and programs in Israel ." - $10
Quantity $$$ #40  

"Rabbi Kahane at Brandeis University, taking on this liberal campus and their liberal rabbis, turning many of them around and answering the verbal attacks in the sensational Kahane style." - $25

Quantity $$$ #3  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane at University of Minnesota, only days before he was assassinated." - $25 (the quality of tape is not that great..but content is fantastic)

On the video, you could see Rabbi Kahane and his people deflecting an attack by skinheads and Arabs on stage.

Quantity $$$ #4  

"30th JDL Anniversary in New York - A fundraising dinner for Binyamin Kahane's Yeshiva." - $ 25

Irv Rubin, Rebbetzin Libby Kahane and other key players in the earky days of JDL as well as Shmuel Sackett, Lenny Goldberg, fern Sidman, mike Guzofsky and others.

Quantity $$$ #5  

"Rabbi Kahane speaks at debate with Michael Lerner in San Farncisco. However, Lerner never shows." - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #6  

" Pictorial History of Rabbi Meir Kahane and, a beautiful Video promo made in 1998" - $25

Quantity $$$ #7  

"Kahane protest across Brooklyn Bridge to FBI headquarters after FBI raid on Hatikva Center." - $ 25

Raw unedited footage of this historic march for justice.

Quantity $$$ #8  

"Michael Guzofsky - Jewish Legion Talk" - $ 25

Seaview Jewish Center - 11/11/01
Addresses 9/11 attacks and war in Afghanistan. Interesting.

Quantity $$$ #9  

"JDL Camp 1969" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #10  

"Camp MEIR - Kahane Training Camp 1993" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #11  

“8th Annual Memorial for Rabbi Meir Kahane” - $ 25

(1998) with Binyamin Zev Kahane, and local distinguished rabbis including Rabbi Shaul Kassen, Leadre of the Syrian Jewish Community.

Quantity $$$ #12  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane at Congregation Beth El, Newton, Mass." - $ 25

With interesting T.V. footage of the historic visit to Boston.

Quantity $$$ #13  

" Memorial for Binyamin and Talia Kahane" - $ 25


Baltimore, Maryland with Rabbi Blitz, Lenny Goldberg, and Mike Guzofsky

1 hour 21 min

Quantity $$$ #14  

"3 part all day seminar with Rabbi Meir Kahane." - $ 75

Topic: "What is so special about being a Jew"
$75 for full seminar - 3 tapes
Great Seminar!

Quantity $$$ #16  

"Yeshivat Harayon Hayehudi" - $ 25

Promo made by Rabbi Meir Kahane about his beloved Yeshiva. On the video Rabbi Kahane shows the Yeshiva, its students and explains about his unique style of teaching Torah.

Quantity $$$ #17  

"Rally in Jerusalem - Rabbi Kahane, Hebrew." - $ 25

July 7/1989
Shortly after the bus attack where 14 people were killed.

Quantity $$$ #18  

"U.S. Congress of State of Judea. Rabbi Meir Kahane at Halloran House. 1/23/88" - $ 25

Also featuring (Brett) Tuvia Becker

Quantity $$$ #19  

Shloshim Eulogy for Binyamin Ze'ev and Talia Kahane, in Silver Spring MD." - $ 25

Rabbi Kranz, Lenny Goldberg, Mike Guzofsky.

Quantity $$$ #20  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs. Rabbi Yitz Greenberg. Debate with moderator Rabbi Avi Weiss. Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, N.Y." - $ 25 (Out of stock)

Quantity $$$ #21  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane in debate with Alan Dershowitz, two awesome debaters." - $ 25

Judaism Vs. Democracy ?

Quantity $$$ #22  

" Rabbi Meir Kahane at Yeshiva University
The Yoke of Heaven "
- $ 25

Feb 14, 1989
Fantastic Torah Lecture

Quantity $$$ #23  

" Rabbi Meir Kahane at National Press Club, Washington D.C." - $ 25

Nov. 13, 1986
Watch M.K. Rabbi Kahane address this prestigious group of correspondents.
Rabbi Kahane is assaulted with red dye, yet he does not even flinch.

Quantity $$$ #24  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane Uncomfortable Question For Comfortable Jews. 5/10/87" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #25  

Rabbi Meir Kahane - Beverly Hilton. (01:57:00)" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #26  

Rabbi Meir Kahane - Century City Marriott. 6/6/90" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #27  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs. Rabbi Wolf Poor quality but fascinating debate. 5/10/87" - $ 25

Quantity $$$ #28  

"Our Temple" - $ 25

A special production on the discrimination against Jewish worshippers on
The Temple Mount; Judaism's holiest site.
Also featured on this tape a discussion between the late Monroe Spen,
Temple Mount activist and Rabbi Meir Kahane and a lecture given by Rabbi Meir Kahane at The Faith Baptist Church Quality of actual footage could be better, however it is clear enough. Audible content is classic.

Quantity $$$ #29  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane on Morton Downey Jr. Show with the late Arab leader M.T. Mehidi." - $ 25

Watch an action packed show with a lively audience. Mordy Levy of the JDO also verbally attacks Kahane on this show.

Quantity $$$ #30  

"Televised interview: Rabbi Meir Kahane vs. Rabbi Avi Weiss and an Arab spokesman." - $ 25

Great show, ok quality (missing tiny segment).
A must for all those still trying to figure out why Rabbi Kahane was truly
one of a kind.

Quantity $$$ #31  

"11th Annual Memorial for Rabbi Meir Kahane " - $ 25

Date: Nov. 4, 2001. Rabbi Burg, Rubbi Moshe Solway, Shifra Hofman and Mike Guzofsky deliver eulogies. Michael Elias sings a "Special Man", Ira Heller sings "Av Harachamin" and Chazan Cohen sings Memorial Prayer....

Quantity $$$ #32  

"Freedom Concert" - $ 50 (2 tapes)

Date: Nov. 4, 2001. 3 hour of UNEDITED music. Freedom for Pollard, Iran 9 & Israeli hostages. Starring: Jewish Legion Band, Pey Dalid, Yosi Piamenta, Honorable Mentchen, Michael Elias, Aharon Levy and Chaim Golan...


Quantity $$$ #33  

"Unity Against Terror" - $ 50 (2 tapes)

Date: Sept 23, 2001. 4 hours of great Jewish music unedited.Singers: Dov Shurin, Yosi Piamenta, Ira Heller, Honorable Mentchen, Pey Dalid, Michael Elias, Beatachon, Chaim Golan ...


Quantity $$$ #34  


"Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane addressing last NY Kahane Dinner" - $ 25

Date: Dec 19, 2000. 12 days before he was murdered. Other speakers include Eric Greenberg, Bernard Chapnick, Mike Guzofsky, Lenny Goldberg, Rabbi Melvin Burg, and Baruch Marzel.


"Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane addressing the 10th Annual Memorial for Rabbi Meir Kahane " - $ 25

Date: Nov. 12, 2000. Other speakers include Binyamin Zev Kahane, Shmuel Sackett, Eric Greenberg, Rabbi Melvin Burg, Mike Guzofsky, Rabbi Yitchak Ginsburg and more.

Quantity $$$ #36  

"Rabbi Meir Kahane at Washington National Press Club."- $ 25

Date: Nov. 12, 1985. As member of Knesset, Kahane very eloquently explains the ideology to this distinguished group in Washington. This tape is recommended for first time Kahane listeners.

Quantity $$$ #37  
"Rabbi Meir Kahane in debate with a Congressman Pete McCloskey-Israel, Arabs, Terror and Jewish counter terror."- $ 25

An interesting debate between Kahane and Congressman from San Francisco. They debate issues such as "moderate Arabs", Arab claim on "Palestine", explusion of Arabs, and many other topics.

Quantity $$$ #38  
"Rabbi Meir Kahane at Trunderbird Motel, Minnesotta."- $ 25

Rabbi Meir Kahane gives a speech and answers questions on Jewish Establishment leaders, expelling the Arabs, intermarriage, contradiction between Judaism and Western democracy and many other topics.

Quantity $$$ #39  

Mike Guzofsky on Crossfire, with Pat Buchanan, in deate with Alfred Moses of the American Jewish Committee, after the Barcuh Goldstein incident" - $ 25

(May be out of stock).

Quantity $$$ #1  

Mike Guzofsky on 60 Minutes in debate with Colette Avital, then Israel Ambassador in New York. " - $ 25

Topic: The Peace Process, (May be out of stock).

Quantity $$$ #2  


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