The battle is not over, we must all rise | ||
There are still several settlements to be evacuated in Gaza where there will be some resistence but also in the northern Shomron the settlements of Sa -Nur and Homesh plan to give the army stiff resistence we can still reverse this madness and why would we give up now anyway this fight has only just begun this is just the start of many more withdrawels of surrender by the Israeli govt till G-D forbid the palestinian flag flys of Jerusalem .The 3 weeks are over we just had Shabbos Nachamu (comfort) we can overthrow this evil regime today if only we will rise up before it,s to late "if not now when,if not me who" Chazak Never Again to indifference. Never Again to silence. Never Again to Ethnic Cleansing. Never Again to the deportation of Jews. "I will plant them upon their land, and they will never again be uprooted from their land which I have given them, said HaShem, your G_d." Amos 9:15. Stop the Deportation/ Maalat HaGeula Moshe Finberg, Chairman Email: Phone: 303.442.1276 In a special speech at the Gaza Airport Saturday, Palestinian Chairman Abu Mazen said that the withdrawal was the ''result of the sacrifice of the Palestinian people, the shahids (martyrs) and the Palestinian prisoners. (Guysen.Israël.News) He added that it was only a prelude to further withdrawals from Jenin, the West Bank and Jerusalem. Now will you rise up to the occation? Watch this video: Casino Scandal And follow with: Must See And this: Developments The Land of Israel from above: Space - Israel |
Katyusha rockets in Eilat and Aqaba | ||
DEBKAfile: The multiple Katyusha rocket attack Friday on Jordan’s Aqaba port, US naval shipping docked there and the twin Israeli Red Sea port-resort of Eilat was the work of a Jordanian al Qaeda team controlled by Abu Musab al Zarqawi. 5 more communities reamain to be destroyed by the IDF. Synagogues and Jewish centers of study were desacrated. Reports of IDF soldiers looting Gaza homes. Beatings of children and teenagers. Sharon's dissengagement has given Jew haters a victory they would have never been able to achieve on their own! |
Horror stories of forced evacuation | ||
"You are not ashamed that when your child asks you what you did in the army, you will have to tell him you threw other people's children out of their homes and gave their land to the terrorists who will continue to murder us?" (Expelled child to soldier) More than 12 of the Jewish communities of Gaza have been made Judenrein (No Jews Allowed) and ready for demolition and to be handed over to our Arab enemies. Jews are losing their homes, their livelyhood and are faced with a suicidal Jewish leadership that is blind and deaf to reason. Debka: Four Palestinians shot dead by an Israeli driver, Asher Wisegan, 38, from Shvut Rahel outside Shilo, on the West Bank. Using his own sidearm, he first killed two Palestinians in his vehicle. He then headed for Shilo industrial zone, killing a third Palestinian and injuring three - one of whom died of his injuries in Hadassah hospital - before he was detained by a Shilo security officer and handed to the police. Jews who wish to expel Arabs instead of Jews are driven to violent and non-coherent behavior. There is no legal form of expression for those who feel that Israel belongs to the Jewish people, unless he believes that "Israel" is Tel Aviv and its surroundings. Yes, many followers of Rabbi Kahane are a bit "crazy" but there are hundreds of thousands of Jews that would embrace his suggestion of expelling the Arab enemy if it were legal to voice such an opinion. This unilateral suicidal "dissengagement" as Sharon calls it, is nothing but an appeasement of radical Muslims who are now celebrating a partial victory as they see Israel retreat with its tail between its legs. Some Jews prefer to fight for their land. |
Tonight forcible eviction of Jews begins | ||
Tonight thousands of soldiers will remove Jewish men women and children from their homes, to give way for an additional Islamo-facist terrorist state. Debka: Senior US official David Welch and Gen Ward arrive suddenly in Gaza as the UN orders its personnel to leave Palestinian areas forthwith. Both are alarmed at sharp rise in the danger level as a result of Abu Mazen’s loss of authority against the Hamas, Jihad and other terror groups. Hours ahead of Israeli pullback, the terror groups have positioned guerrilla-trained units near Gush Katif to grab evacuated properties ahead of the Palestinian Authority. UN staff are due to exit within 24 hours. |
Jewish Gaza and northern Shomron closed off | ||
Riot police and special forces advance to focibly remove Jews from their homes. Back in 1993 Sharon had already decided what their fate would be. Who said Jewish lives are not for sale? ABC: Following months of uncertainty as to the fate of hundreds of hothouses in Gush Katif, some 200 farmers from several Gaza Strip settlements on Friday signed a $14 million deal that would enable the transfer of hothouses into the hands of a Palestinian Authority company. The deal - finalized just three days before the evacuation is to take place - was reached with the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF), a private group dedicated to fostering Israeli-Palestinian economic ties. ECF coordinated donations made by private investors who wished to assist the deal. Special Quartet envoy to the Middle East, James Wolfensohn, contributed US$500,000 of his own money to make the deal go through, said MK Yossi Beilin, who was involved in the talks. |
2 Days of prayer and protest | ||
Tel Aviv was witness to 250,000 Jews who gathered to protest against Sharon and his evil decree against Gaza and northern Shomron. As always, there was no violence. Every Jew that showed up, did so out of love for Israel, her people and her land. Never before such a protest has occurred. The speakers, some good, some just ok, asked the beautiful people of Israel to head down to Gush Katiff on Monday ahead of the dissengagement move. Bush has preasured Sharon with increased intesity, while his popularity in America declines drastically. Bush is bringing too many body-bags from Iraq, and to appease Muslims he will use Israeli concessions. Yesterday: ( Over 250,000 worshippers turned out for Wednesday night’s Western Wall prayer event. The crowd was so large that it extended outside the Western Wall Plaza past the confines of the Old City into neighboring areas of the capital. Leading rabbis were on hand to lead the crowd in prayers, calling upon G-D to cancel the evil disengagement decree. Today a larger crowd is expected at Kikar Rabin in Tel Aviv. A quarter of a million Jews in Israel is equivalent to a protest of 20 million people in the USA. Something unheard of and with such public outcry, no democratic government could possibly get away with such an unpopular policy. Leave it to 3rd world nations to do America's will even at the expense of their national security and interest. |
Netanyahu resigns | ||
Bibi Netanyahu resigned his position as Finance Minister in the Sharon's government. Bibi resigned well after he could have toppled Sharon's government. The move is strictly political to gain sympathy and support from Israel's right wing. Ehud Olmert (of questionable repute) will take Netanyahu's place temporarily. Peter Jennings, ABC's news anchor died at 67 of cancer. He was tough on Jews and Israel throughout his career and will remembered for having had an affair with Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian spokeswoman who is nothing but short of an Israel-hater, and a revisionist. |
Arab terror | ||
INN: Palestinian terrorists fired from a passing vehicle, seriously wounding a 10-year-old north of Jerusalem. He was flown by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital, where he is being treated. So-called Palestinian Arabs are pleading with the Jewish State for a war. We continue to ignore their request and all the meanwhile we continue to treat victims of their terror. On occasion they treat their share, but the call for war is relentless. Where is Sharon the corageous military leader? |
Jewish AWOL soldier kills 3 Arabs | ||
Natan Eden Zada, 19 a soldier known for having pro-Kahane views, boarded a bus with mainly Arab residents in the northern town of Shafram (a Druse village). Eden allegedly shot and killed the driver and three more passengers, he was then overtaken by the police, cuffed but even then the crowd got to him and lynched him to his death. Many questions remain unanswered. Why Druse Arabs instead of Palestinians? Why after being AWOL did he have a gun? etc. Did the Israeli secret service (Shaba"k) have something to do with this? We may never know. Was he a settler gone mad? He was from Rishon L'Tzion, south of Tel Aviv and a soldier who refused orders to expell Jews. More than that will require investigating and guessing. If it were true that he was understanding the Kahane view of expelling the Arab enemy from the land land of Israel, then it is a shame that pro-Kahane individuals do not have a voice in Israel's "democracy" and end up resorting to acts of total stupidity. His actions hurt the entire national religious movement and pro-Transfer and pro-Kahane Jews worldwide. |
Thousands will march to Gush Katiff | ||
INN: Tens of thousands have reached the Negev town of Sderot despite police attempts to limit the number of participants in the anti-expulsion rally. Protesters intend to march to Gush Katif Wednesday. Leftists pro-dissengagement marched in Jerusalem in support of Sharon. The march had been announced continuously by Israeli radio, tv and newspapers. The marched gathered.... 50 idiots altogether!! While anti-dissengagement protests reach over 50,000 participants weekly!! What democracy is this? What is the will of the people? And most importantly, why is Sharon marching to the tune of America and the minority Israeli left? AP: A senior Israeli official confirmed Wednesday that Israel is willing to consider the idea of foreign inspectors, provided they are given a clear mandate and have the authority to stop smuggling. Israeli acceptance would mean Gaza residents will have unfettered access to the world for the first time in decades. It also would show Israeli readiness to subcontract security checks, something it has been extremely reluctant to do in the past. (** Trusting the world - how naive and suicidal) |
Referendum Coordinator arrested and released | ||
Yekutiel ben Yaakov, Director of the grassroots referendum to save Israel, was arrested and released on bail after several hours of interrogation by the Jerusalem police, earlier today. Ben Yaakov was charged with incitement to racism after circulating ballots that offer every Jew the right to vote on which disengagement he/she prefers: The expulsion of the Jews as is proposed by Sharon or the expulsion of hostile Arabs who refuse to accept Israeli sovereignty over the land. Ben Yaakov took full responsability for the referendum and asked his investigators why it is considered incitement to speak of expulsion of hostile Arabs (not all Arabs) while it is not considered incitement to speak of the expulsion of every Jew form the areas in question. Ben Yaakov also asked his interrogators why they do not arrest leftist inciters such as Buki Naeh who openly incite to murder "orange settlers". Ben Yaakov said he would be proud to stand trial on these absurd allegations to prove just how far the Israeli government has gone in their battle against Judaism and democracy. Thus far close to 50,000 people have voted in the independent referendum, that offers, the "only alternative that can yet save the Jewish state, according to Ben Yaakov. Those who wish to vote can do so on *Voice of Judea Commentary:* Israel still refers to itself as a democracy? mishal |
Arabs murder and they will still be rewarded | ||
INN: Two Arab terrorists murdered an Israeli couple (grandparents) David and Rachel Kol (They are survived by three children: Hila, 24, who has a one-month-old daughter, the Kols' only grandchild; Tamar, 17, and Yehonatan, 15) and wounded five others in an attack on a car between Kisufim and Gush Katif Saturday night. Soldiers killed both terrorists. As these terrorists fired at an unarmed vehicle, a family driving home, Reuters and the world press call these barbarians: gunmen! not terorists. Terrorists are those who kill non-Jews. Sharon plays into the hands of the Jew-haters of the world. If he trained the army to transfer people out of their homes, why doesn't he transfer those terrorists who deserve to be uprooted? |
Terror in Egypt's Sinai | ||
Debka: Death toll rises to 89 in al Qaeda car bomb attacks at Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh Friday night, July 21. Thirty-five of the 200 injured moved to Cairo hospital. Victims still trapped in the rubble. Mubarak arrives to inspect scene. 900 British tourists are in Sharm el-Sheikh and its believed the attack was meant against them, more than against any other particular group. Sharon wants Egypt to guard the border with Gaza and be vigilant against terror in Israel. Egypt isn't even capable of handling terror in its own land (remember Taba a year ago plus the bus bombing in Cairo). Egyptian and Arab media claim that Israel's Mosad was behind the attack: Jpost: Several Egyptian "security experts" and "political analysts" interviewed by Arab TV stations in the aftermath of the Sharm e-Sheikh bombings on Saturday claimed that Israel and Jews were behind the carnage. The accusations that Israel was responsible for the deadly attacks were made despite a claim of responsibility by a group citing ties to Al-Qaida, according to a statement posted on an Islamic Web site. Bush and Sharon's insitance of rewarding terrorists will have wolrd wide impact. Sharon should quit rather than continue with such a senless plan. |
50 thousand Jews march on | ||
More than 50 thousand Jews made their way to Kfar Maimon to begin a foot march to Gush Katiff in show of support to the residents and opposition to corrupt leader Ariel Sharon. Thousands of Jews were stopped througout the country, many pulled down from buses so that they would not reach Kfar Maimon. We ourselves were stopped at the major intersection before the settlement. Like us, many found dirt roads that lead them to the thousands who reached their destination. Police and soldiers armed with anti-mob gear found a non-violet demonstration were men, women and children simply spoke words of love and reason to them. Some policemen and soldiers, were arrested when they suddenly refused to continue their stand against the Jews. |
Muslim terror continues | ||
A barrage of suicide attacks in Iraq have claimed hundreds of lifes this half year. Yesterday a bomber blew himself up inside a gas truck next to a Mosque killing 98 and wounding 74. If they don't respect their own holy places how can we expect them to respect ours? This coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday over 50,000 Jews are expected to make their way into Gush Katiff, and area that has been closed to non-residents since last Friday. Residents who refused to show their identity cards to the police were brutally attacked and several are in the hospital. Police brutality has been a problem in Israel since time immemorial, here the police answers to the central government and not to the city or region, lending itself to be used as a political tool and giving little to no protection to its citizens. More Kassam rockets claimed victims in Jewish Gaza settlemets. At least 6 people have were wounded this weekend. The UN has condemmed Israel and accused her of trying to stake a claim over the West Bank through the construction of the wall. Israel is guilty of never having annexed Judea and Samaria properly and therefor the land continues to be labled as "disputed". PA TV, Radio and Mosque speeches continue to call for genocide against the Zionists. The Israeli government continue to ignore the only way out it has in order to deal with these people: Transferring the Arabs out of Israel. Sharon has betrayed his people, his land and his God. A wall and cowardly withdrawal will only fuel their thirst to complete our destruction, heaven forbid. |
3 Days of Terror | ||
Debka - 22 year old Dana Gelkowitz was killed in five-missile Qassam barrage of Moshav Netiv Ha’asar north of the Gaza Strip, claimed by Hamas and Fatah-al Aqsa Brigades. In less than an hour, 15 missiles landed on Israeli targets on both sides of the Green Line. OneFamilyFund: Suicide Bombing in Netanya Kills 5, Wounds 90. A suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to the Hasharon Mall in Netanya this evening (July 12), killing four and wounding 90, at least 6 of whom are in serious to critical condition. The bombing took place at around 6:45 pm at the entrance to the mall, where shoppers were waiting in line to pass through the security checkpoint and into the mall. The wounded were evacuated to Laniado hospital in Netanya, Hillel Yaffe hospital in Hadera, and Meir hospital in Kfar Sava. During the course of the night, the bodies of three victims were identified at the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv. Those killed were Yulia Weltshin, 31, of Netanya, and Rachel Ben Abu and Nofar Horvitz, two 16-year-old girls from Tel Aviv. Late Wednesday morning, Anna Lifshitz, 50, of Netanya, succumbed to her wounds in hospital. On Thursday morning, IDF soldier Moshe Maor Jan, 21, died of his wounds, bringing the death toll to 5. Jan's wife, who is 8 months pregnant, was hospitalized following the attack to protect her pregnancy. IU: A car bomb exploded outside Karnei Shomron. No one was hurt except the Arab who drove the vehicle as he attempted to enter the community. Sharon and Peres welcome 500 new immigrants from the US. Most immigrants are modern religious and would never even dream of voting for losers like them, however it was a good photo-op so both politicians came out to welcome the Olim. |
An expessive bribe | ||
$3 billion in assistance was promised to the Palestinian Authority by the G8 countries. $3 billion to thugs who have yet to stop corruption and terror. $3 billion as these G8 nations beg of the Muslims to halt attacks targetted at them. Kill the Jews instead. When they do, terrorists suddenly become militants, and there are no condemnations, not by the UN and not by any of the G8'ers. $3 billion and the West still doesn't get it... It will come and bite them in the rear! Muslims will be Muslims. | ||
45 dead in London attacks | ||
DEBKAfile’s counter-terror experts confirm that on the morning of Thursday, July 7, London came under a large-scale al Qaeda assault exceeding in scale the March 2004 rail attacks in Madrid. A least four coordinated bomb blasts hit metro stations and trains in central London close to the City financial district as well as wrecking a double-decker bus. The London underground service was shut down and central London bus lines suspended. CORRECTION: It was not a terrorists attack! The people who planted the bombs in London are called Militants not terrorists. CORRECTION AGAIN: They were actually terrorists. they are only called militants when they kill Jews. Sorry for the confusion I hope now its clear. |
Israel cut in two | ||
AFP - According to the report, Palestinians will be able to travel between the West Bank and Gaza in convoys escorted by Israeli security forces in the immediate aftermath of Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip this summer. In the longer term, Israel has agreed to build a railway line which will link the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip and Tarqumiya near the southern West Bank city of Hebron. The plans, which would facilitate movement of people and goods (GOODS - ANY DOUBT WHAT THESE GOODS WILL BE??) between the two territories, were approved by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Is there any doubt about the extent of Sharon's treason? That this man with a strange past is overseeing the creation of a terrorist Palestinian state, while broadening the rift between the secular and the religious, almost bringing Israel to a state of civil war. AP - 50 Terror Groups Believed to Be in Canada. Besides al-Qaida, those groups include Islamic Jihad; Hezbollah and other Shiite groups; Hamas, the Palestinian Force 17, Egyptian Al Jihad and various other Sunni groups from across the Middle East, CSIS (Canadian Intelligence) said. Canadian Intelligence? giggle. |
Soldier killed in the north | ||
An IDF soldier was killed by Mt. Dov near the Israel-Lebanon border during a gun battle with Hezbollah terrorists who apparently infiltrated Israeli territory with the intention of kidnapping Israeli soldiers. So much for the rewards of the Lebaneses retreat. Massive raod blocks throughout Israel to protest Sharon's anti-Jewish expulssion resolutions. Police brutality cases increasing every day. Avi Beiber, a soldier who refused to destroy Jewish homes in Gush Katiff was sentenced to maximum prison term. Avi is a true Jewish hero. The Hotel in Gush Katiff was evacuated by force. It is easier for Sharon and Bush to expell Jewish farmers than Arab terrorists, but expelling the later is the only real solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Reducing Israel's size and establishing an additional Muslim terrorist country within Israel's border is a formula for death and destruction. |
More Fatalities - Jewish boys 17 and 15 murdered | ||
Avichai Levi, 17, of Bet Haggai, a high school yeshiva student and 15-year-old Aviad Mantzur from Otniel were shot and killed by a drive-by Arab terrorists gang, later confirmed to have been PA's Fatah - Al Aqsa Brigades. That Jewish children can be shot and killed in the middle of the road because they are Jews, is something that even in Nazi Germany would have been frowned at. Sharon is destroying our country, our spirit and has committed the worst type of treason in the history of our State. Manhigut Yehudit, Women in Green and YESHA council are calling on all Jews to begin road blocks and massive orange painting of the land. They also call on all Jews not to use violence nor harsh language. Do not call for restraint. Let every Jew defend his land and his home as he sees fit. Silently marching into gas chambers is supposed to be something from the past. We say: "NEVER AGAIN" ! |
Another Israeli killed, his son wounded in attack. | ||
DBKA: Early Monday, June 20, Palestinian terrorists killed second Israeli in 24 hours. Yevgeni Rader, 28, was at the wheel of his car coming out of Hermesh in northern West Bank when four Palestinian gunmen shooting from drive-by car in N. West Bank near Hermesh killed him and injured his son. Their bullets hit the car’s fuel tank. Terrorists then headed for Tulkarm. IDF imposed curfew on nearby Palestinian Baqa al Sharqiyah village. Arabs in Judea and Samaria have seen that terror pays. Their borhters pounded Israelis in Gaza and now Sharon is retreating with his tail between his legs. Terror will now ignite Judea and Samaria. Once Bush has helped the Palestinians recapture the West Bank and establish a Palestinian terrorist country, terror will be directed towards whatever is left of Israel. |
Israeli soldier killed by terrorists | ||
Condoleza Rice met with Abu Abbas in Gaza. Hours before their meeting 3 terrorists armed with automatic weapons and RPG rockets killed one IDF office and wounded 1 soilder and 1 civilian by the Philadelphia road. Rice praised Abbas on his efforts to stop terrorists (sic). Another terrorist was caught in the West Bank as he planned a suicide attack in a major Israeli city. The would-be murderer was an Arab recently set free by Sharon; Rice called on Sharon to release even more Arab murderers from jail (sic II). Israel will never be the same starting today. Roads are being blocked which lead to Jewish settlements in the Shomron, scheduled for expulssion. The Jewish people are loosing to International anti-Semites and local non-Jewish Jews who have a nighmare of an agenda against their own breotheren. In Israel Kahane is illegal, he called for the expulssion of Arabs. Sharon is legal he calls for the expulssion of Jews. One must wonder if those "crazy" conspiracy journalists might actually be on to something. |
Stop The Deportation | ||
PUBLIC SUPPORT OF "DISENGAGEMENT HAS PLUMMETED TO 48%, down from 70% and the numbers are according to left wing sources, in reality the nubers are in support of Sharon/Peres plan are smaller. What can you do? Stop The Deportation March to Stop the Deportation of Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron · Date: Wednesday June 22, 2005 · Time: 1:00 am - 6:00 pm · Location: Outside the Israeli Embassy . Washington, DC Register - Ascendant Redemption has been determined by the I.R.S. to be anorganization described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to it are fully deductible as provided by law. Its taxpayer identification number is 68-0522194.Moshe Finberg Chairman email: phone: 303.442.1276 Shelly Sar - Director email: Yitzhak Pass and Mati Shvo were freed after serving two years in jail for possesion of illegal weapons. Original charge was 15 months but the leftist court extended their sentence to 24 months as a sign to their devotion to injustice, dictatorial tactics, and anti-Jewish sentiment. Yesha leaders are playing dirty politics. The answer is following Manhigut Yehudt and take our voices to the streets. Relying on Yesha has been and still is a foolish thing to do. We have no good leaders yet, so lets rely on ourselves and God for now. Two weeks ago, Israel sent 400 convicted PA criminals free under the condition that the PA not execute Arabs "convicted" of "helping Israel." (BTW, historically, many times, this help has been that they worked for Israelis and refused to pay protection money to the organisations.) The conviction usually consists of either their confessions under torture or a trial of a few minutes duration, with no legal representative, of course. This morning the PA executed four of them 3 by hanging and one by firing squad, and announced that the other 46 would be executed shortly. Bush/Sharon/Peres peace partners belong in Jordan and not in our land. Expell Arabs not Jews! |
Poll results hit international media | ||
Even though not accurate, Reuters reported today in the international press "Fewer than half the Israeli people back the planned Gaza pullout, the lowest level of support for more than a year, a new opinion poll published on Wednesday". MISHAL showed that over 70% of Jews and 60% of the general population oppose Sharon;s plan. MISHAL also proposes the correct alternative which is to help the Arabs relocate outside Israel's borders. Terror continued through out the Gaza region but the IDF did target Hamas terrorists complementing yesterday's take down of a chief terrorist near Jenin. |
Suicide bombers at large | ||
A main Arab operative was capture near Hevron; he confirmed that 2 suicide operatives are at large and plan to carry out a double attack in Jerusalem. Reuters: Dancing in streets as 400 Palestinians freed. A monstous act of treason by Ariel Sharon as he encarcerates youths who are protesting Jewish deportation, and the same time, frees 400 terrorists, many who were serving time in jail for bomings, shootings and other violent crimes against Israelis. |
Maccabi Tel Aviv and other news | ||
Guysen: Maccabi Tel Aviv won the Euroleague Basketball cup for the second time in a row, in Moscow, with a score of 90 to 78 against the Spanish from Vitoria. Maccabi Tel Aviv enters the basketball's history, being the only team having won the Europe cup three times in fives years. One more Jew has been arrested for protesting against the cowardly planned expulsion of Jewish families from Gaza and the Shomron. The police has requested to be able to implement administrative detention to all those who protest. |
Holocaust Memorial Day | ||
While in Israel we remember a third of the Jewish nation that was brutally murdered in Europe, our government continues to turn a blind eye to our Arab enemy who has been increasing their terror attempts. Jpost: report showed a sharp rise in the number of Kassam rocket and mortar shell attacks in April, with Palestinians firing 12 Kassam rockets compared to five in the previous month and 57 mortar shells compared to 10 in March. There were a total of 71 shooting and 17 bomb attacks in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in April compared with 55 shooting and nine bomb attacks in the previous month. Today most of Israel is debating wether or not to destroy Jewish homes once we "run away" from Gaza, and not wether there is an alternative to expelling Jews from their homes. INN: Revava Head Convicted of Incitement to Racism The chairman of the Revava organization for Jewish access to the Temple Mount, David Ha'ivri, was convicted this morning in Magistrate's Court of incitement to racism. The sentencing hearing has yet to be set. The charges stemmed from a t-shirt he distributed that had the slogan "No Arabs - No Terrorism". Ha'ivri stated in reaction to today's conviction: "The Israeli police are trying to implement the opposite policy of expulsion of Jews from their homes, with the claim 'No Jews - No Terrorism'. The state needs to file the charges against the prime minister for the expulsion he is planning." |
IDF Soildier killed near Tulkarm | ||
While chasing two terrorists, Arabs opened fire killing St.-Sgt. Dan Talasnikov, 21, of Moshav Nir Galim an Israeli paratrooper. The terrorist who belonged to Islamic Jihad was killed and his partner captured. The terrorist in question had been arrested and released by the PA. Jpost: The Tulkarm area was handed over to PA security control in March. Israeli security officials said that despite assurances to disarm fugitives, nothing has been done and other Islamic Jihad fugitives - including those involved in the Stage nightclub bombing - continue to operate in the area. |