8 steps to Geula:
- Eretz Yisrael
- Ahavat Yisrael
- Jewish Pride
- Jewish State
- Faith
- Truth
- Mesirut Nefesh
- The Temple
Changing the Rules of the Game /
Yisrael Meir Cohen
Translated from the Hebrew original by Yaakov Ish Tam
[email the author]
    The "Defensive Shield" organization is gathering the signatures of as many reserve soldiers as possible who plan not to participate in the expulsion of Jews from Eretz Yisrael. The petition reads as follows:
    "We, the undersigned, are Jewish citizens of the state of Israel who serve as reserve soldiers in the IDF. We proudly fulfill our military service with recognition of the duty and honor of taking part in the defense of the Jewish people and our land and to wage war against our enemies.
    "We identify with the words of the rabbis and public figures who view the "disengagement plan" of destruction and expulsion as a national tragedy and violation of Jewish law in which is forbidden to participate. We are declaring that we will refuse to lend a hand in the execution of this plan."
It is important that as many soldiers and members of the security forces as possible publicly state that they do not intend to participate in any activity which advances the disengagement plan. This doesn’t only have the obvious physical ramifications but serves as a major threat as well, long before the soldiers actually refuse. If soldiers declare that they will refuse orders, the army must plan a response. Since the army doesn't know how large the force of refuseniks will be they can't create a plan of operation to rectify the situation. The army, police and shabak need to worry about a group of hundreds of soldiers who will violate orders, not only reservists but enlisted soldiers as well. And not only soldiers but policemen, border police, and the civilian guard volunteers who will fill in for the policemen sent to Gaza.
It turns out that those in charge of planning the disengagement must spend a tremendous amount of time and energy to come up with a backup plan in the event that the refusals do in fact take place. They must plan for both specific incidences of refusal as well as the possibility that it will spread throughout the entire army. The worst case scenario in the eyes of those who plan to surrender Eretz Yisrael is that they won't be able to formulate a competent plan, which will lead to feelings of defeat and depression.
There is another side to the issue of refusal: The police will have to deal with the likelihood that at the time the dismantling is going on, criminals will capitalize on the fact that a large bulk of the police force will be concentrated in Yesha. There have already been estimates of large increases in crime statistics at the time when the police are occupied with the dismantling of outposts. The police are expecting a crime wave of a magnitude which has never before been experienced in Israel. Some experts are predicting an increase of several thousand percent in the crime level which can potentially last weeks or months.
We ask of all reserve soldiers and those faithful to the Land of Israel to contact "The Defensive Shield Task Force" at Fax: 02-970-9654 or email homatmagen@walla.co.il. Please provide your name, address, military ID number, telephone and cell number.
In addition we are looking for volunteers to help in gathering signatures. Forms can be sent by fax by calling 050-773-8901
    G-d willing we will change the rules of the game because "Jews do not expel Jews"!
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