With 29 acitve members of the Revava Forum, I would expect that at least 10 or 20 Revava-ites to be joining me Moshe Finberg, Director of Kol Hamacabee and Chairman of The Jewish Defense League, on our March mission to Aretz in support of our holy brothers and sisters in Yesha. David Ha'ivri is a co-organizer of this trip which is extremely well priced at $613/person for the land package. Let's show David, Meir, and our guest speakers which include Ruth Matar, Noam Federman, David Wilder, and tour guide Era Rappaport that not only are we here for them, WE ARE THERE FOR THEM! Contact Moshe@kolhamacabee.org to reserve your spot. ISRAEL NEEDS YOU. m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
While you are visiting Yesha, don't forget that Holy Yerushalayim is scheduled to be the last stop for the "disengagement" (read "abandonment") train. You also have brothers and sisters in Jerusalem who are living through bombings (I heard three of them from my own home), shootings and knifings and just plain theft. Everything that is not nailed down (and sometimes even when it is) is being stolen, and this from some of the poorest Jews in the country. Everywhere we go they are among us. We can't walk to the makolet or to drop a letter in a mailbox without being oggled and at times harassed by Arab dogs. (The Irya hires them to clean streets and gardens, but they are always on a perpetual hafsaka, standing and looking. (I chew them out every time I see them looking over a young Jewish woman, but what I'd like to do is put a bullet between their eyes.) We are pushed by Arab women in the shops (of course, we push back), but the Holy City is being overrun with Arabs who have flooded into the city from areas scheduled to be outside the Great "Security" Wall. There are more of them than ever.
Particularly, you should also visit Jewish "outposts" in "East" Jerusalem: The Jewish enclave in the "Muslim" Quarter (where families must be escorted to and from their homes under guard at all times) and in Silwan (Ir David), on Har HaZeitim and Ras al Amud and Sheik Jarrah (Shimon Hatzaddik).
Please keep Jerusalem in mind at all times. The battle is ultimately for her---the heart and soul of Am Yisrael.
You are right, and we will be spending time in East Jerusalem, the City of David, and the Old City. When I was in the Old City with AFSI in November a young arab boy ran through our group and then turned and pretended to gun us down with imaginary pistols. He was probably 10 years old. The brazen dogs will be shown the door. ,
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
She was reunified in some respects, but not all. Most of East Jerusalem is occupied by arabs. Righteous organizations such as Ateret Cohanim are diligently raising the substantial sums of money to purchase such property for Jewish residences. The prices are highly inflated and require an extra sum to essentially place the seller in a witness protection program for he will be killed as an infidel for selling to a Jew if found by his neighbors. The do sell, and the program is working slowly but steadily. We will visit some of these outposts where Jews bravely reside in a sea of kafiyahs. Come see for yourself. We'd love to have you join us. Kol tuv, m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
I'm really happy to hear it. Thanks! I place "East" in quotes because of course, there is only ONE Jerusalem. But there are evil forces and unwitting people who make reference to "East" Jerusalem and we should all be aware that, like Yesha, this includes the Biblical heartland, our ancient holy places to which we have the clearest title and most profound historical connection. I'm talking about Har Habayit and the entire Old City, the Mount of Olives, Ma'ayan Shiloach, Ein Rogel and Har Hatzofim. It includes as well as the small Jewish enclaves within predominantly Arab-settled areas that I've already mentioned, the Jewish neighborhoods of Ramat Eshkol, Ramat Shlomo, French Hill, Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital-Mt Scopus, as this entire area was reclaimed in the wake of Jordan's defeat in the Six Days War.
Toda Raba Devora Chaya. Please send people to me for the mission. I agree with you on the Holy Unitiy of Eretz Yisrael, and as you can now see, I was merely referring to the east side of Jerusalem as opposed to the north, south, or west side of the City. Shavua tov, m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
B"H, reservations are starting to come in, and we are limited to 38 people. Please join me, David, and Yisrael on the first Kol Hamacabee Mission in Support of the Settlers in March. It just may be the next best thing to making Aliyah, and I guaranty you will touch and be touched be the personal connections we make from Kedumim to Gush Katf. Kol tuv, m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
I particularly am interested in seeing a 1/2 dozen or so yishuvim in the Shomron for "househunting". Wll you be visiting Sa-Nur, Elon Moreh, Brachah, Emanuel, Ariel, etc?
I believe we will visit Sa-Nur and Ariel. We will at least drive by Brachah, and could make a stop there if we have time. I can send you the current revised itinerary if you'd like. Yasher koach on your house hunting mission. Might I suggest Gush Katif? They have beautiful homes with beach and Mediterranean views for about $50,000. Kol tuv, m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
The bus will be armored and bullet-proof. We will be armed and dangerous . I've heard that our tour guide Era, who will be with us at all times, is pretty good with an automatic weapon. No need to worry on that front. m
Send lawyers, guns, and money; the shit has hit the fan.
Report from Moshe Finberg Torah Zionist Mission Seeks/Finds Truth
Eleven Americans from across the United States received a first hand look at the real facts on the ground in the Land of Israel last month. Led my Moshe Finberg, International Chairman of The Jewish Defense League and a Director of Kol Hamacabee – The Center for Torah Zionism, these individuals traveled from Yerushalayim to Hevron to Gush Katif to Shomron visiting holy Jewish sights and meeting with soldiers, residents, and members of Knesset in order to cut through the media filters and propaganda to try and understand three things: One, why Jews insist on the right to live where they choose in the entire biblical Land of Israel; Two, why Muslims are moved to acts of extreme violence and terror to prevent Jews from doing so; and Three, why Prime Minister Sharon is willing to engage in the horrible and potentially violent act of deporting Jews from their homes in Yesha. The only clear answer which was voiced by the entire group was that the Biblical Land of Israel must be settled and lived upon by the Children of Israel as an eternal inheritance from G_d. Although the tour experienced no acts of violence, the participants understood that the Muslims and Jews must be separated, and felt that surely one of the existing 22 Judenrein Islamic states should be willing to welcome their brothers and sisters if Israel foots the bill for the moving expenses. No member of the tour could concoct any justification for the deportation plan. The group included four Gentiles who know their Tanach as well as most bokerim and who were outraged at the danger and hostility from Arabs near the ruins of King David’s boyhood home at Tal Remeida in Hevron, and the failure of Jews to follow their Torah law and to listen to their Prophets. Several also expressed concern for their own country over the Road Map and U.S. involvement in the Sharon plan with reference to G_d’s words in the Torah that those who bless you shall be blessed and those who curse you shall be cursed. Tour guide Era Rappaport was an informative and delightful source of history and culture as the group tried to fathom why anyone would surrender the now fertile sand dunes of Gush Katif after catching glimpses of Arab Gaza and traditional Arab xeriscaping throughout Israel accomplished with trash and broken appliances. The group hung on the words of hope from MKs Benny Elon and Effie Eitam, Kedumim Mayor Daniella Weiss, Moshe Feiglin, Revava Co-founder David Ha’ivri, and Neve Dekalim residents Moshe and Rachel Saperstein. This group of Torah Zionists came away with a profound sense of mission to awaken sleeping Americans to the lurking danger behind the Road Map, and departed yearning for the next mission planned for November which they insist will include more time in Jewish Gush Katif, Sa-Nur, and Homesh.