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Child's Glacier Photographs

Polar Bear Divider Bar

This pristine area is located approximately 50 miles from downtown Cordova. To get there you just follow main street out of town. You cross the Copper River at Mile 27 and will be on the delta, crossing several bridges for several miles. Keep a watch for bear, moose, and other wild life! When you get to the Million Dollar bridge at 52 mile you have several options. Turn left to go to the Child's glacier area, a short path takes you to the shore of the Copper River where you have a spectacular view of the glacier. This glacier is a stunning 300+ feet high! Keep your eyes open to watch it calve, it is possibly the most active glacier in Alaska. If you see a real big chunk of ice fall, run back up the hill, as the river could cause a big wave to come right at you! I was told that a 30 foot wave was witnessed in the past.

You can either walk or drive across the bridge. This bridge was built in 1910, the last span was damaged in the 1964 quake, but they have fixed it so you can cross by car. If you look to the right you see Miles Glacier 5 miles away. The road continues for a few more miles and can be negotiated by 4 wheel drive vehicles.

Polar Bear Divider Bar

drive to Child Glacier
Following the Copper River to Child's Glacier

On the way to Child's Glacier

Another beautiful view on the way to the glacier

Child Glacier
Child's Glacier peeking through the trees

Child Glacier
View of Child's Glacier from bridge

Bald Eagle soaring in front of Child's Glacier

Bridge across the Copper River at Child's and Miles Glacier

Another glacier near Child's Glacier

Mile's Glacier
Looking at Miles Glacier from the bridge

Polar Bear Divider Bar

Links to other areas in Alaska scenery section

Mt. Alyeska
Portage Glacier
Scenery around Cordova
Child’s Glacier
Power Creek area by Cordova

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