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Colorado Scenery - Yankee Boy Basin - Page 3


As stated on the last page, my fear of heights and being in a car at the same time really kicked in. The first four photos below might give you an idea of why.

To be honest, it was a nice walk. Vehicles coming uphill have the right away on these back country roads. Going downhill we were on the cliff side and if you encounter a vehicle you must pull over as far as possible to the right side of the road. No way, no how was I going to put myself in that situation, with this section of the road. It's very narrow in spots, as the photos below will show you.


approaching the cliff
Actually I was out of the vehicle before this photo was taken, you can see how much traffic there actually was.


approaching the rock
Approaching the rock outcropping, notice how they reinforced the road with a rock wall.


rock outcrop
This is pretty cool how they engineered this section of the road.


I wanted to capture just how narrow this section of the road can be. I'm actually standing with my back touching the mountain side of the road. These sections of erosion really do make it hairy for chickens like me!


Back down in Ouray, Colorado. I wanted to take a few photos of some of the buildings. Most were built at the turn of the century and have a lot of charm to them.


I love these old buildings. I don't know what this one is called.


rock shop
Another cool building, there are many, many more of them in Ouray.


Yule Marble Quarry Area - Garden of the Gods - Monarch and Independence Pass - Telluride Page One - Telluride Page Two - Yankee Boy Basin Page One - Yankee Boy Basin Page Two - Yankee Boy Basin Page Three - Crystal - San Juan Loop - San Juan Loop Page Two - San Juan Loop Page Three - San Juan Loop Page Four - Owl Creek Pass - Slate Road - Rocky Mountain National Park - Rocky Mountain National Park Page Two - Miscellaneous Scenery

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