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Favorite Links

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Weekly Freebie Compilation
Free product samples - pretty cool

Good Housekeeping's Stain Buster Site
Go here to find out how to get stains out of clothing, carpet and upholstery

GORP - Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
Awesome page - covers the USA - Parks, Monuments, Recreation, etc.

Lady Katharine's Page
My sis-in-laws page. When you visit be sure to tell her hi from me!

Top Secret Recipes
KFC Coleslaw, Wendy's Chili, etc.

Yahoo TV
TV guide, show info, etc.

Awesome site dedicated to the TV show ER

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Our other web pages

Just click on a banner and check out our other web sites

Colorado Cow camp banner
Spoof of a camp - a camp for cows only!!!

Favorite Harley Rides banner
Our favorite Harley rides with lots of links about western Colorado

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orca mail

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Household hints - Words of Wisdom - True Stories
Links - Family Pages - Scarecrows Adventure
Graphics - Humor Page - Scrapbook Pages
Memorial to Jessi - Moon Phases - ATV Rides
Colorado Scenery - Alaska Photographs - Wallpaper

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Grumpy's Gathering Place
Web Design by Grumpy2nAM

Counter added 6/24/03