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scarecrow's title

Roadkill Cafe We made it down off the pass, I just worry so much about my eyes popping out when we get that high in elevation. You can't read the sign very well, but this here is called the "Road Kill Cafe", think I'll rest up a bit before I go in and eat some grub.

I'm just plumb exhausted! The high altitude dehydrated me, I kept telling Larry and Cindy I was thirsty, but they just wouldn't listen. I barely made it to this here watering trough and darned near didn't get back up. Water Trough in Pitkin, Colorado

Blue Mesa Reservoir Took in a bit of sun here at Blue Mesa Reservoir near Gunnison, Colorado. Had to leave real quick like though because some fisherman were threatening to use me as bait.
Vic and Kathy paid Larry back by "dressing" his Harley. It had streamers, a pink basket with a Teddy Bear, a little pink horn, and spoke thingys. I thought it was great...hahaha Scarecrow on the Harley

I feel so "bad" now...get yer motor runnin and watch out cause I'm heading down the highway...looking for adventure...whatever comes my way...YEAH! Maybe you'll see me at Sturgis next year Harley Ridin' Scarecrow

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