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Scrapbooking Page

Welcome to my scrapbooking page. I have been scrapbooking for a little over a 5 years now and love every minute of it. I decided to post a few of my pages I have in our family scrapbook album and plan to add more in the future. I'll be adding some more links to some terrific scrapbook sites out there on the Internet.

Just click the thumbnail and you'll be whisked away to a bigger photo of the page....

Bear page

Harley Page

Larry's Birthday

Water fun

Jessi's Memorial


Wild Bikers

Rocket Park - page 1
Rocket Park

Rocket Park = Page 2
Rocket Park

Christmas 1999
Christmas 1999

Kacey's Homecoming

Kacey's Homecoming

Fingerprint Dog
Jessi Fingerprint Dog

Puppet Kids
Harry and Lloyd

Pure Joy
Pure Joy

Please be patient, I hope to add more scrapbooking links soon. This page was created on October 12, 1999

Links to Scrapbooking Pages

Creating Keepsakes
Simple Scrapbooks Magazine
The Quote Garden
1001 Free Fonts
Free Stuff for Scrapbookers

Click HERE to go back to Main Page

Household hints - Words of Wisdom - True Stories
Links - Family Pages - Scarecrows Adventure
Graphics - Humor Page - Scrapbook Pages
Memorial to Jessi - Moon Phases - ATV Rides
Colorado Scenery - Alaska Photographs - Wallpaper

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Grumpy's Gathering Place
Web Design by Grumpy2nAM

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