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Dottie & Itchy in HAWAII!!!

I’m reasonably certain that Dottie & Bill traveled to Hawaii in OCTOBER of 2002.

I still don’t know the exact dates …
BUT, I now know WHO the other folkz in these pix are!

Dottie did some SURFING before they went to Hawaii!!!

Itchy had an old Air Force buddy (from over 42 years ago) who lived somewhere in Hawaii. Dottie surfed the Net, and "voila"! She found his address and phone number on World They called, and he was there!

Wayne Soma (aka “Whiskey”), and his wife, Bea (who is German), live on the island of Kuaii, in Kapaa. Dottie and Bill were able to spend some time visiting with them … and THOSE are the other people in these pix!

It lukz as though they had a FANTASTIC TIME!!!

Letz End with a GROUP SHOT, Shall We???

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