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[Pop. 7,140,643 Muslim 95% Non-Arabic (Somali, Bantu, &c)]

“Mogadishu – The President of the Somali Transitional National Government, Mr. Abdikasim Salaad Hassan today sent a message of condolences to the President of the United States on the death of thousands of Americans killed yesterday in four different attacks in New York and Washington.
‘We are shocked of the tragic death of innocent American citizens in the result of the crash that caused the collapse of the World Trade Center in New York and other cities, and we strongly deplore this cowardly terrorist action.
Allow me Your Excellency to express my deepest condolences to the people of the United Sates of America in general and the families of those killed in that accident in particular’.”

From article, “Somali President Hassan Sends Condolences To USA President” at from unlike many of the African countries presented here, the Somalis are not officially represented in Washington.

Other Stories:

“IRIN interview with interim President Abdiqassim Salad Hassan” (IRIN)

“Muslim Clerics Condemn Attacks on US” (IRIN)

“Parliament Condemns Terrorist Attacks on US” (IRIN)

“Leaders Express Shock At Attacks on US” (IRIN)

“Africans Condemn the September 11 Terrorist Attacks on the United States” (Washington File, U.S. Dept. of State)

Later Additions:

Government Sets Up Anti-Terrorism Task Force (IRIN)