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9th Circle "Treacherous(Lucifer)"

"Virgil and Dante come to a frozen lake. This is the first section of the 9th Circle and contains traitors to their kin. It is named 'Caina' after Cain who betrayed his brother Abel. The second section of the 9th Circle contains traitors to their country or party. One of the sinners gnaws at another's head from behind. The third section contains those who betrayed their guests. The fouth section of the 9th Circle contains those who betrayed their benefactors. They are frozen in the ice of the lake. At its very center, Virgil and Dante come across Lucifer (Dis). Lucifer has three faces, beneath each head waves a set of wings, whose motion keeps the lake frozen. Each of Lucifer's mouths holds a traitor being chewed constantly. The first is Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ. The other two are Cassius and Brutus, who betrayed Julius Caesar. Virgil takes Dante on his back, climbs down the frozen form of Lucifer, who, he explains, is imprisoned at the center of the Earth. Eventually, they emerge on the opposite side of the Earth near the mountain that is Purgator." End