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The Itsy Bitsy Spider

the itsy bitsy spider crawles up the wate spout

down came the rain and washed the spider out

out came the sun and dried up all the rain

and the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again

the itsy bitsy spider cralwed in from the sun

crept into the crib and found the baby bun

baby cept a crying till mamas work was done

and the itsy bitsy spider crawled back into the sun

the itsy bitsy spider cralwed into to mommys bed

crawled upon her hubby and bit him on the head

mommy lay there sleeping while hubby laid there dead

the itsy bitsy spider cralwed out of mommys bed

the itsy bitsy spider cralwed into to mommys shoe

mommy was forlorn and didnt know what to do

she tried to go for help but her foot was turnin blue

and the itsy bitsy spider cralwed out of mommys shoe
