Beloved Elect Of Yahweh,
This is a brief outline of what is found throughout my own websites. Information and conformation for the Elect..The Bride. From " Jeremiah 1" To the "70" Elders of Elohim.
Not as man see's but as Father has chosen!

The revelation Father has opened to me is on the site I have tried to lay it out and sort of link it as it came but my skills as a writer and web master.. are not top notch... But I try.. but every thing I've written ties together.. and I have added all the links where I found some kinda conformation but not everything on their pages ..agrees with the Witness of the Spirit...

Conformation keeps coming as I keep writing..But sometimes the sources are a mixture...and the Holy Spirit has to help me sort through the material..

It started with the dream I had So I wrote it in "The Hour of Temptation"As a Letter to the Body.
He all so gave me a open vision or revelation in "The Cloud"
And Showed me the Man of Lawlessness was soon to be revealed, I have seen this come to pass!

At first I didn't understand what I'd seen in the spirit or understand it fully, but I knew what I'd seen and that Father had shown me "something. It came that way to me ..And later He reveals, brings understanding, and more clarity ... The Very Day after The Towers were hit I saw in the Spirit a Total Darkness cover all unbelievers!

I " Knew " Elohim was showing me this.. I see in the Spirit but I don't always know how to explain it to others. Then later He began to bring the understanding ....( Our Human self has a hard time receive Spiritual Truth so He brings it as we are able to receive it...)

I wrote updates in "Sudden Darkness" adding the source the conformation came through. ( Elohim chooses what, who, how, He will us )

These are things that Only The Holy Spirit can confirm to you.. I ..Or no man can give revelation to another But The Holy Spirit must 'Quicken " it to your Spirit!

I Want every much to "Sound The Shofar" But I Must Wait for Father to lead me...So Many refuse at first to hear real truth .The" old man" cast it down at once, because it will bring him to death! And he doesn't want to hear ! Understand? ...Smile

Antichrist Spirit has always been here ..satan is little g -god of this world from the beginning.. Given to him to test and try man.. A Place to separate Sheep and Goats....Even Yahshua as Tempted ! But did Not Sin!

Now The Man Of Lawlessness has been revealed to Elohim's Elect.. The Bride Is now sounding the shofar to awaken the Virgins.. But This is no work of man's flesh.. It can only come through The anointing of Holy Spirit in Her..

The Whole World has already been deceived.. and the Church is asleep to it sill.." Virgins"... just as is written! Rapture doctrine has deceived many.. Raptor, Bird of Prey, Serpent.. The Eagle Dan...From the tribe of DAN.. and a Abomination to Elohim Cain, Kenite, son of satan, has deceived the Whole world already!

Now Is the time That The Gospel of the Kingdom is going to be preached by the Bride Of Yahshua Messiah! " Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done. On Earth as it is in Heaven " He is coming His Kingdom is... in us.. He is bringing heaven with earth! This is the "Gospel" that will be preached and then the end will come!

The white stone a "New Name written" and Only He who receive It from Elohim Know what is on His Stone.. Understanding came... First I understood The White Stone for me.. met a Ticket.. Then came the story of Corrie Tenbloom, a conversation with her Father ..

She is afraid Because she does not feel she could lay down her life if needed for Messiah. Her Father In Wisdom tells Her, "Corrie When do you we buy our TICKET, Long before we are to leave or When we are ready to use it?"

"Faith" and Elohim's "Grace" come in the Hour Of Our Need for it, Not before we need it! Beloved some are called to be His martyr's And they are without spot or wrinkle And in them he finds no Fault! They are no sorry group left behind! They are His chosen! The Two Witness are Two Church Smyrna and Philadelphia in Which He found no fault! He will reveal what is written on your own stone..

We were chosen even from before the foundation of this world! Even as The Lamb Slain! We were predestine from the begin ..We stood with Messiah In the first war! We Overcame even then.. And in that war against Lucifer...and Father destroyed the earth with a great flood ..

"And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Gen 1:1

2 Peter 3:
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
