By Daniel Salmon
January 8, 1992:
Then elder President Bush while in Japan: "Stood up, vomited at the head table, staggered as a drunkard, and laid down in his own vomit as a dog." * As written: this is Yah's judgement sign delivered by Yah's prophets against an evil leader, his proud nation, and all of his people, when they have "exalted themselves" as Cain's Eagle God. Christians reject and ignore that Yah has already given them His Judgement Sign! They do not accept today's catastrophic world impact of it, with damages in the trillions! Ref: Jeremyah 48:26-40, 49:16, Psalm 107:26-27, Isayah 28:8, 29:9, Job 12:24-25, Proverbs 26:11, Rev. 3:16, and II Peter 2:22. (who also used part of it)

1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: You have exalted yourself in My face and in front of the Nations of the world as the Eagle: your sins, wickedness, arrogance, and pride have waxed great before Me! Therefore, you shall stand in front of them. You shall sway as a drunkard and spew vomit at the head table: then, you shall lay down in your own vomit and wallow in it as a dog! Your people in your 'world order' expect good, but I shall now deliver them an abundance of evil! (Bush, an evil man belonging to German Aryan Nazi "Skull and Bones Club", is Yahovah's enemy)

1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: I have sent a perverse Spirit upon you and My Living Word is now delivered once again that you now know My Righteous Judgement (wrath) is already upon you to the end of it and I come. I have proposed it, I have now spoken it, and I shall not repent of it! I have now turned the destroyer loose upon your evil nation and the world. I will now give all of them an abundance of what they now love, instead of accepting and obeying Me and My Son!

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Warning from Yahovah! Warning from Yahovah! Joshua (Yahshua's) Tree "Hale Bopp" Comet over Joshua Tree

After Yahovah declared His Judgement, incredible record breaking catastrophic disasters have been happening across U.S. and throughout the world. We highlight some obvious warning signs in this "Gore is God" revelation, and how to understand some of today's evil Masonic "dark sentences". Yahovah warning: Seven (7) earthquakes struck in California in 1992, followed by 1000 rapid after shocks. "Joshua Tree" was 7.0 center: out of California's massive damages, only one small boy was killed. His actual "name" was "Joseph". He was exactly three (3) and one half (l/2) years old".

Gore shall have 42 months of power against Jacob. Update: 2001-2004 Iesus is here. (In case you missed this sign, Yah repeated a 7.0 again in 1999 again at Joshua Tree in California) This boy was not a "Gentile" he was a real Jew. U.S./TV News reported: "the wall came tumbling down on him". Yahovah's wrath is to Jacob/Israel "first", and to German Aryan Gentiles "second", as written.

First "Joseph" went into captivity, and with another "Joseph" came Yahshua. Under Joshua (Hebrew Yahoshua) the wicked were slaughtered at Jericho. "The walls came tumbling down on them". The "tree" (Joshua's Tree) was where "Yahshua shed his blood" for our sins. Yahovah's known prophecy 1/8/1992 "Judgement Sign" put on prior President Bush was in newspapers, magazines, and television.

Yahovah my Master Saith thus to the deceived of the U.S.: Because you did not heed My strong warnings, nor repented of your sins and wickedness, nor have you turned to Me with all of your hearts, minds, and souls, destruction and death will be unleashed across your land. Millions of doubters and scoffers and unbelievers are the seeds of Cain-Esau of the wicked one. How will they escape the depths of the pit? For everything they do is based around their own time, their own events, and pleasures of the "flesh" in their abominable U.S. 'Daughter of Egypt' and the world. They worship Me not! They serve Me not! They know Me not!

(1992) Thus Saith Yahovah: You will see I Am delivering My Righteous Judgement upon U.S. Daughter of Egypt and upon all people who worship and bow to images of man-made Gods and Goddesses as I once did to their "Mother Egypt" in days of old. They have greatly erred in their ways: making good into evil. I see all of their wicked works. I have spoken it. I will now do it: and, I will not repent of it, as written. I will not hear prayers of the wicked who are exceedingly proud and now "exalt themselves as the Eagle" and worship it. (See Yah's Obadiah prophecy)

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Thousands of major grass and forest fires in the world have broken records. (Russia, Europe, Indonesia, Greece, Rome, Australia, S. America fires raged)

Rev. 8:7 says 1/3 of trees and then grass "shall be burned up": July 26, 2000: 54 raging inferno fires in 16 Western States and 8 million+ acres burned in 2000. (1992-2001) Major huge forest and grass fires around the world broke records! 100,000 fires in 2000 alone! Orange blight in Florida crops and even 'home' trees (See Oct. 2000). Major drought in Florida caused water tables to drop 30 ft. Alabama is also in drought. Major west coast drought has caused some lakes and their water tables to drop as much as 100 ft. According to News, one reason for California "blackouts" is lack of water for the "power generators". One third of all fish and whales are now to die in the world's oceans.

1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: "I will destroy your pasturelands for cattle and sheep 'with fire'. I will destroy your crops with hail, floods, pestilences, diseases, and 'severe drought'." And is not Yah causing destruction of massive amounts of cattle, sheep, and livestock all across Europe?

(This is also a warning alert, as the German wave of evil are targeting Yah's sheep and His chickens.)

66,000 Fires in West States (1992) and over 60,000 (started by lightning) in 1993 and again in 1994. (Government pasturelands are being taken away from farmers and ranchers.) Hail, insects, blight, floods, and drought destroyed millions of acres of crops in Kansas, North & South Carolina, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, California, Montana, Missouri, Florida, and Iowa and they are also being burned off.

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Trans-America U.S. Eagle God Luxor Obelisk of Egypt (Pharaoh Obelisk) (Isayah 37:38) (Model for D.C. Obelisk)

(The deceived ask: "How can we be the Daughter of Egypt?" And we say: Are you blind? Thousands of things in U.S. are designs, symbols, or Gods of Ancient Egypt. See Great Pyramid design Memphis, Tennessee and Las Vegas!) World's forests continue to burn-up, and the world is "heating up". One of the world's largest icebergs on record (12 stories high and big as a state) broke loose 2/13/2001.

1992: "I will destroy your vineyards: there will be no new wine for you to drink!" 64,000 acres of Napa Valley's wine vineyards, in California, attacked by a mysterious "Green-Lice" killing vines. Mysterious; unusual "Black Glob" disease now plagues world's winegrowers (1992-2000). Napa vines intentionally destroyed with fire at $25,000 acre, to try and stop green lice plague. 'Black Glob' disease-attacking grapevines has been reported on television and major Magazine articles. (July 2000) world scientists have yet to discover "what is causing it" and are unable to prevent it. (No follow-up)

1992: "I will send rats and mice in your fine homes. I will destroy them with fire, and send you plagues!" (1993) Hoards of field mice invaded Anaheim, Calif.: Hundreds of expensive California homes and businesses were consumed with "blow torch" fires: destroying them in minutes. (1992 through 2001) Many raging fires in Florida, Colorado, Montana, California and other Western States. (8/2000) Rats are breeding as "plagues" in New York, England, Australia and U.S. Letterman makes jokes about "rats" (Mason's coding them as "Jews"), and his guests reported "rats" in their houses.

Yahovah has also unleashed devastating "killer diseases" (unusual 'viruses' and strange imported insects) attacking millions of acres of National forests: destroying trees and farmer's crops. Cain the farmer is desperate, but repents not. These events in U.S. News, and Newspaper/Magazines. articles. "Major drought" (2001) plagues 18 States. Georgia is in its third straight year of severe drought as is North Carolina. Many Southern states finding wells going dry and going deeper for water. Wells on coast also becoming polluted with salt water coming in because of major drought. Alabama is also experiencing "extended drought". (Many farmer's crops across the U.S. were totally devastated).

Texas broke records since dust bowl: Yah sent them many locusts, and has sent them terrible floods. 1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: I will send you plagues and pestilences one after another and use My weapons of war day after day, that you cannot miss 'My Judgment' upon all of your land! (Happy, Texas is no longer 'happy'! Yah sent them a massive destructive tornado May 5th., 2002.) Tree blights, rotting diseases, severe drought, severe cold, blizzards, hail storms ranging to grapefruit size, and devastating trillions of insects taking a massive toll across Daughter of Egypt. (2000-2001) "West Nile Virus" threatens North East. Yah sends raging tornadoes, hurricanes, and violent storms one after another. (2000) Threat of "Arena Virus" plagues the West Coast. Bacteria contamination of water hit Minnesota and Virginia, around D.C.. U.S. repent not of worshiping "God-Iesus" (Jesus) or their lies, thefts, rampant fornication, adultery, murders, or massive use of "legal-illegal" drugs!

1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: "I will take away work from your land. Fishermen* will find their nets empty. Your skilled workers in metal, and makers of fine products, clothes, and linen, will weep when they suddenly have nothing to do!" 2000 Update: 1/3 of the world's fish is destroyed.

Million Maine Salmon "farm fish" are also destroyed because of a killer disease struck in 8/13/2001. (Steel jobs, clothes and linen, and other jobs are lost to "low-wage earners" in foreign countries) Tens of thousands of U.S. plants controlled by German National Corporations moved their operations, cut back, or have closed. NAFTA, APEC, and GATT are Gore world trade covenants under his control.

Skilled blue collar union workers are at record lows: they are "purged" from the unions into minimum wage or part-time plebe jobs without insurance. (50 million across U.S. are now without insurance). The longest (Osiris) "Bull Market" is beginning to show signs of a "Bear" market in 2001-2002. 1994: * Clinton declared East-West Coast entire "U.S. Fishing Industry" a National Disaster. See? Fishermen are selling boats for pennies on the dollar. Prices of many types of fish are rising. Still, deceived continue to buy and sell, build, eat, drink, party, laugh, and ignore Yah's wrath as written.

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Kiss mild Roc pictures: see on MTV Isis Goddess Massive Sex Perversion on Stage (Madonna, AC/DC, Black Sabbath) (Multi-millions now copy this!)

1992: Thus Saith Yahovah: "I will greatly magnify your 'lusts for evil', and turn your 'sexual' fornication, adultery, and abominable acts and perversions of your flesh upon each other. You will be consumed in them until the end!" (See what is greatly happening across U.S. and world) (1994-2001) Millions of gays/lesbians are in one spirit. Prostitutes paraded in Germany (2000). NEA teaches young to participate in whatever sexual desires please them. Colleges now have sex courses. Many girls "puberty levels" are dropping to 8 years old without explanation(s). 1996-2001 HBO TV, MTV, FOX News, CNN News, and movies, have had dramatic increases in showing 'explicit' sex.

9/9/2001 Announced on the news that over 400,000 U.S. children are now sexually abused each year. (1992-2001): over 9,000 disasters * in "U.S. Daughter of Egypt" alone: over half of 50 States had very damaging National disasters. (*As reported by the National Red Cross) Tens of thousands of homes, vehicles, personal property, businesses, and many "Jesus" churches are violently destroyed. (Yahovah is exposing the Catholic Church as being full of perverted Child molesters and abusers!) "Leaf miner" (Florida) and out-of-control insects, virus (Texas) and major drought 'threaten major crop damage'. In ¼ of south Florida alone, Hurricane Andrew destroyed 40 years of materialism, and left thousands homeless. (1992-2001) Many "Christian Churches" are destroyed: yet, they repent not!

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Victory Nike Crowning "Goat Cross" of Ur Federal Reserve (Mars is the God of War) (Sun's Osiris-Iesus) (666 "G" Eagle)

Personal, and large and small business bankruptcies have broken records. Thousands of smaller Banks, Savings; Loans closed, and collapsed as Cain-Esau's seed stole multi-billions of dollars: consolidating their massive world holdings. (1994-2002): Many world water and river supplies are greatly polluted.

And Yah's angel poured out its vial upon the waters and poisoned 1/3 of the ocean waters. (Rev. 8:8) Great Lakes Water System is at an all time low. Many retirement funds have also been depleted and skimmed off. All of above documented in News/ articles. World Order leaders behind this "covenant with death" are at work murdering, stealing, hoarding, and confiscating property and money (as the BCCI and S & L Scandal) through lies, raids, "selective" laws, ordinances, and any means necessary.

2001 "rip off" of gas prices and up/down control. James warned this would happen (James 5:3-4) (Deceived place blame on things around them without ever knowing Yahovah's truth). Over half of States and major U.S. Cities are "officially bankrupt", or having serious financial problems. Since 1933, the U.S. is bankrupt. Technically, these German-Cain-Esau Bankers and their long established "Money Trusts" that people owe trillions to today, actually own your "flesh" and can now collect it.2001 Congress and Senate implementing legislation "closing escape route of bankruptcy."

(1992-2002) Millions of acres of "crops and trees" destroyed. Billions of fish killed/poisoned around the world (Multi- millions killed in Hurricane Andrew). Millions of fish, whales, dolphins, are coming up on world's seashores. "Black Sea" fish kill (of Hittites and Germans) was catastrophic. Some world beaches closed for sewage and major oil and chemical spills (7/2001). U.S. population yawns. Toxic chemical; major oil spills and "poison run off" have also heavily polluted city water supplies. (1999-2001). World's Largest 40 Story Oil Rig off Brazil sank March 2001. Major water pollution (swine urine/waste) in N. Carolina, of Hurricane killing 100,000 + pigs, and broke their holding ponds. Massive pollution now in Florida Keys and up the coast on beaches. Poisons seeping in ground water. (Most people living near trash dumps and mountain land fills have found the water to cause cancers.)

Japan, Turkey, India, S.A., have had earthquakes killing many thousands. Minnesota chemical caused evacuation of 66,000 in one city as a warning. Increases in earthquakes, "volcanoes", typhoons and severe weather continue worldwide. Mississippi River flooded (July into October 1993) causing tens of billions in damages (exact period "Nile river" flooded its banks in Egypt). 2001 flooding again.

(1992-2000) Record Texas /Mexico killer 110+ degree "heat waves" excused off as acts of nature. Why? Cain controls "News reporting": thinking they control "their" lives and world, but they control nothing, as written. Yah's weapons of war are unleashed as rich hoard their illegal gains and prepare for battle against Him. (James 5:1-6). Regardless of what the elite now do, they will certainly lose.

After the great purge in the world, Yahovah shall show them no mercy whatsoever! Look what Yahovah did to Babylon, and to Assyria, and to Rome. Yah used them as His Sword, and then destroyed their entire empire after the fact. He shall certainly do it again! Over one billion in the world already live on less than one dollar a day, and over one billion more do not even get "basic requirements". (1999 U.N. /H.D. Report) U.S. is Yahovah's Sword today with WWIII.

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Major weapon of Yahovah thrown down in U.S. to punish the wicked! (Massive hailstorms all over the U.S. have done multi-billions in damages)

If you have read Scripture, then you know what Yahovah did with hail to His enemies and the enemies of Israel in the Canaanite lands. Also, remember what Yahovah did to the Egyptain people, as He punished them and their Pharaoh with great hail. Yahovah also sent the Book of Revelation warning "sign" of 100 lb. (hail) Great "Ice Meteors" (to be sent as one of the final double portion plagues) crashing down in several China provinces, leaving giant holes "three foot" in diameter. This incredible hail caused multi-millions in damages, and killed livestock.

Scientists could not explain hail that large coming from nowhere out of the sky. CNN reported that it was a great mystery in China. No, it is a warning from Yah! Again, the wicked repent not, and they do not recognize all of this hail, swirling fires, and lightning, many plagues coming from Yah. Isayah the prophet said plainly, that Yahovah will plead with ALL FLESH (Jew and the Gentile) with great hail, and fire, and with a strong hand, and with even the sharp sword!

2001 In Mandan-Brunswick North Dakota, a massive storm did multi-millions in damages to vehicles, buildings, siding, roofs, and crops. (Note: The flag of North Dakota has the Eagle God) Do you think they repented, or do you think that they considered it just a 'freak or common' occurance of wild nature? (This is yet another sign that Yahovah is closing a final chapter)

$ Trillions destroyed in 33,000 world disasters in only (8) short years. See severe plagues, killer earthquakes, drought, hundreds of tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, tidal waves, volcanoes, hailstorms, major crop-tree blights, insects, "continuous lightning-fires", major flooding, and mudslides. (1999-2002) Multi-billion dollar catastrophic losses threatening Cain's farmers of Germany, Europe, and England with spreading "Mad Cow" and other diseases. Yahovah's "final warnings" are upon us.

Many world "Christians" are suffering, and they ask "why"? Proud Christians in U.S. still think they are being blessed above all others on earth. No! Yah is only 'saving them' for greater wrath!

Southern France, "Most devastating floods in 2,000 years". Major floods also in Germany. Record breaking disasters in Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Idaho, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, North Carolina, California and other States.

Yah's destruction made multi-millions in world homeless, and massive starvation has hit many parts of the world in multi-millions. Yah swept 10,000 "Catholics" out to sea and inflicted massive damage in Central America with a record hurricane. The wicked repent not, and go on about their business. Elite Masons that control World News do not want the deceived under them to panic. (Rev. 9:20-21)  Graphic's not available "Hair as the hair of women". Rev. 9:8 "Eye" of the Serpent is over them.

These Eagle Son warrior images are in Arlington Park. Many Eagle Son warriors died for the Eagle God and Goddess and are buried there with full honors. They are actually back in the womb, and the "sacred egg" of Isis-Ashtaroth. They know not the ancient mystery of what they died for in U.S., and coming very soon, millions more shall die violently, as the bear with the third rib devours much flesh. End-time vicious bear of Daniel is today's world Germans, not Russians, as Christians believe.

1993: "Therefore, Saith Yahovah: you want a time to fit into your busy worldly affairs, so be it. In 1994, a massive black shadow of Satan's 'Eagle Warriors' will be assembled, and then soon afterwards, they will be released across your land. Many will be killed; others will be swiftly taken away. This wave of death will be unstoppable, for they now carry My righteous sword. They know not their own future. You have now been warned in advance, and know the end of this age is at hand. Listen again to My many prophets that have told you of these things. (Rev. 19:17-19). Behold! I shall again deliver My wrath on the wicked of the world as written". Update: 2001-4, Gore's 'X' band are prepared, and the signal is imminent to "release the dogs". Evil spirits shout in 'Sync': "Who, who, who, let the dogs out?" (Cain now has his sword drawn!)

   Egyptian God Roman God Jupiter German "Cain: Wodan"

U.S. is under the Seal of Caesar and Rome: the Supreme God of Greece and Rome. We are under the Eagle's Seal of "Zeus and Jupiter" (giving the goat sign): Gods of Ur, Mesopotamia, and Chaldea, and Great Seal of Kings of Ur and Babylon. Seal over all Pharaohs of Egypt is the "Eagle God Seal" of United States today: Great Seal over all the world's Arab-Moslems and Great Seal over all the world's Catholics. Cain's Mark (Seal), and still with him today: 666 Mark of the Beast and its Image in (Rev. 14:11) is now on Federal Reserve Notes (Money): the 666 Eagle God and Son Mark today of Gore.

Eagle is spreading his wings over U.S. Daughter of Egypt. (Rev. 19:19). "Abomination of Egypt is again united as one with its last Pharaoh Eagle son". (Moshe, Exodus 8:26) "Your Eagle God is an abomination". (Moshe, Lev. 11:13). "He shall now come as the Eagle against you." (Hosea 8:1) This is the Mason's Gore today. Gore is coming as the "Great Eagle God" of destruction.

"The whole earth shall be moved at the 'noise' of their fall! He (Satan's Last Eagle Son) has come once again over the land, and (he) now flies as the Eagle against you." (Jeremyah) "That ravenous bird (Eagle God), the man from the East (Satan's last Eagle son) that executes Yahovah's counsel, is upon you." (Isayah 46:10-11) All exalting themselves as the Eagle (Satan), and even building their nest in the stars, Yahovah shall now bring them (Cain-Esau) down to the ground." (Obadiah).

Countdown for this last "X" generation began July 20,1969, when the 'Apollo Eagle' landed on the moon, according to NASA, and then a Mason stepped foot on the moon. From 1969 to 1999 is 30 years. 2009 is 40 years. (Israeli actual Generation is 40 years in the Desert). Behold! This is Yahovah's final countdown, and He promised to "cut if short, or no flesh would be saved".

Hitler was the "second bear" in Daniel with the second rib (World War II) in his mouth and he built his famous "Eagle's Nest" retreat high in the rocks and above the clouds. Workers of Satan have also "built a giant Eagle's Nest in the stars right now. See? It is almost over. (Obadiah). "He (Satan) has made his 'image' (his Last Eagle Son) of the (Great Eagle) beast to now speak." Yahshua's message in Revelation is clear: the whole world shall follow and worship the Eagle beast (Satan) and his son (Gore). Who? All of those not written in the Book of Life shall wonder after him.

(Rev 17:8) Spirit of Yah that was in Apostle Shaul warns you: All now rejecting this final warning shall fall under Yah's terrible curse and His double portion (bowls) penalties of Revelation!

Majority of German ministers in their thousands of Churches of God and "Iesus" say they have heard this type of threatening talk before, and they quickly scoff at Yahovah's judgement and His signs. As Yahovah spoke to Israel, He speaks His same Words to a sea of defiant Germans: "Why should you be stricken any more? You will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick…" (Isayah 1:5)

Behold! Thus Saith Yahovah my Master to you again: "Because you served not your Creator with love, and joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, and for an abundance of all things, I shall bring a nation against you from afar: as swift as the Eagle flies" (Ref. Deuteronomy prophecy). Listen then to my only begotten Son: "The Eagles have now gathered together." (Luke 17:37) "Let them (Eagle Warriors) now feast on the blood of many." (Rev. 19:17-19) This is for real: Gore is the last vicious "Bear" with the "third rib" in his mouth. Gore is the "Dog". Gore is the "Eagle". Gore is "the 666 Man of Blood". Gore is the "Bad Andy". Gore is "The Intimidator".

Yahovah told tribes of Jacob/Israel: "After" he delivered them out from under many years of Bondage in Egypt, "After" He delivered them out from under the "dark shadow" of the Osiris-Iesus Pharaoh Eagle (son) of the sun of "Horus, the Eagle God" (Satan and his Pharaoh son ruling Egypt): "After" Yahovah violently brought down their Eagle-Falcon "Abomination of Egypt" to the ground, and bare all of his people Israel on 'its' wings (unharmed), then Yahovah commanded them: "You shall not have any other deities besides Me! For I alone brought you out of Egypt for My Name's sake!" (Note "two red hands" of Eagle covenant: used by Romans and in German crests all across Europe)

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The Number One God of Egypt was the "Eagle-Falcon" over 746 Gods and Goddesses. Satan's "Hidden Hand of the Covenant" is shown and the "dog's head". Yahshua said not to "feed the dogs", or they will turn on you. Today they chant: "Who turned the dogs loose?"

You shall not worship or serve the Eagle God and Pharaoh Eagle son-of-the-sun God of Egypt. What? Today, it is the same thing over again. U.S. Daughter of Egypt now has its Pharaoh Eagle Son Gore. Gore is the "Big Dog" (Under-dog). Gore is Satan's 666 Hidden Hand of power. All Masons of the world must now serve and obey him to the bitter end under their Masonic oath and covenant. What? God of all Masons is the Eagle (Satan). "Osiris-Iesus" of the Masons is the Eagle (Jesus-Gore). And why will they obey him, especially the Congressmen, Senators, and even George W. Bush?

Quote: "If a Mason be so placed that his duty as a 'Witness in Court', or as a 'Citizen of the Land' conflicts with his duty as a Mason, or as a Citizen of the State of Masonry (as Washington, D.C.) he must be true to his Order." pp. 515-516, M.W., 'Freemasonry, an Interpretation', 1912.

Seal of Caesar and New Rome is Gore's "Eagle Seal". Sept.13, 1993, Gore's book, "Reinventing Government" Eagle Seal holds One Arrow. Use of "One Arrow" goes back to world rulers over Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria. It was used as a major symbol/sign of ultimate power and authority as a deified "One World Order Ruler" with his Eagle God over people. The "13" Arrows of U.S. Great Eagle Seal also represents world military power of "13" tribes of Germanica under their Eagle "Gott".

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Napoleon was a Mason and an "Eagle Son" An "Image of Zeus" (He too rode a White Horse of Rev. 6:2) (Napoleon Ruler)

(Iesus) Napoleon = N's "Apolleon" = Apollyon of Rev. He thought he was to rule the world, but was not number seven or number eight. Esdras II reveals much about all of these Eagle Sons. (Concerning the White Horse of Rev. 6:2, it clearly refers to the many seed in this man of evil's loins, and not just "one man riding on one white horse") German Kings and conquerors, their Dukes and Princes, and especially German Kings of England, rode White Horses and had them sewed into their vests. George Washington rode one and was also a German (Bavarian) Master Mason.

Saith Again Yahovah: "You shall not make to you an 'image' of any form that is in the heavens above (as the Eagle Beast at Yah's throne, or earth's soaring Eagle), or that which is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth; You shall not bow yourself down to them.

You shall not serve them, for I, Yahovah, your Elohim, am a jealous Mighty One." Moshe thus warned Israel: The Eagle is an ABOMINATION (totally rejected) to all Jacob/Israelites and Jews.

Note: The Eagle, as the number one God of Egypt, and the known world God at that time, is the first bird of prey on Moshe's 'abomination' list. (Lev. 11:13) Moshe also warned Israelites differently in Torah that they would clearly understand: "You shall not make a 'graven image' whatsoever of 'any winged fowl' (as an Eagle, a Falcon, or Hawk or Owl) .... of stone, or wood, or metal... nor shall you bring these abominations into your houses." Saith Yahovah: I see billions of Eagles today placed on and inside of your houses, synagogues, churches, on your businesses, over your government, and on all your mammon and money in your "Daughter of Egypt"! (Deut. 7:26)

Thus, anyone with a golden, silver, or bronze Great Eagle God "image" now in or on their house, is cursed under Torah by Yahovah (knowingly or unknowingly, or rejecting Yahovah's Law)

Isayah 27:1 "In that day, YAHOVAH, with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea". (You may not like this whatsoever, but Yahovah shall defeat the entire U.S.)


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2001-2004 Marine Experiment Eagle God over the World (called: 'Millenium Dragon') (666 Beast of Revelation)

Only a few days before September 11, 2001, Masonic Communicator David Letterman had a large group of "ready to fight" Marines in fatigues on his show. They also marched in streets of N.Y.C.! Fighting forces after that date were told to get things in order and wear "dog tags"! You would have to be blind not to see the Osiris-Iesus "Green Dragon" coming up out of the sea on this Millenium Elite Marine patch! Obviously, the entire force of Marines with an incredible array of weapons and planes are not fighting against the "dragon", they are "fighting for and with the Green Dragon"! Let us now quickly examine this UNITED STATES "DRAGON" COMING UP out of the SEA: Deut. 32:33 "Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps". (They are totally behind the Luciferic dragon in this World War III)

Psalm 44:19 "Though You have sore broken us in the 'place of dragons', and covered us with the shadow of death". (Eagle God is now at work over all U.S. Jews: it is the shadow of death)

Psalm 74:13 "You did divide the sea by Your strength: You brake the heads of the dragons in the waters". (Yahovah shall indeed defeat this U.S. Dragon, even with all of their $$$ weapons!)

Psalm 91:13 "You shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall You trample under Your feet. (Again, Yah shall defeat His adversary and many evil workers)

Psalm 148:7 "Praise Yahovah from the earth, you dragons…!" And immediately following 148:11 Kings of the earth, and all people, princes and all judges of the earth… see Psalm 149:7-9.

Isayah 43:20 "The beast of the field shall honour Me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen."

Isayah 51:9 "Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of YAHOVAH; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Are You not it that has cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?"

Jeremyah 51:34 "Nebochadnazir the King of Babylon has devoured me, he has crushed me, he has made me an empty vessel, he has swallowed me up like a dragon, he has filled his belly with my delicates, he has cast me out." 51:37 "Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling place for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant." (Gore is fulfillment of Nebochadnazir's dreams)

Ezekiel 29:3 "Speak, and say, Thus Saith Yahovah: Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh King of Egypt, 'the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers', which has said: My river is my own, and I have made it for myself." (Gore is the Osiris "great dragon" of Revelation and is the last ruling Pharaoh King of the U.S. Daughter of Egypt and the world! Gore is the Eagle and the Dragon) Malachi 1:3 (And what shall Yahovah do once again to Esau and the Aryan Hittites?) "I hated Esau, (Dirty Harry) and laid his mountains and 'his heritage waste' for the dragons of the wilderness."

 Graphic's not available Eagle is the U.S. "God": "God" is not blessing America now! Yahovah commanded the last bear to devour much flesh in World War III (Third Rib in bear's mouth, Daniel. Amazingly, with lies, and great manipulation, 90% U.S. and the world now want this war!)

THE BEGINNING OF THE END: WORLD WAR III and devastation, death and utter destruction! U.S. Patriots, Christians, and millions of "government workers" now wearing it shall not ever repent of this ancient "God" over them. As Yahovah led Moshe out of Egypt: "Refuse now to be called the sons (or daughters) of U.S. Daughter of Egypt". This is extremely hard to do, especially for Jews.

As Yahshua led Paul, we do the same: "...choose rather to suffer affliction with Yahovah's people (Jacob/Israel), than to enjoy the short pleasures of sin, (freedom from Yahovah) and by faith, forsake U.S. Daughter of Egypt and not fearing the wrath of the King (now Pharaoh-Caesar Gore), endure to see the promise of Him who is 'invisible' and soon to come." (Hebrews 11:27) Who shall do this?

Thus Saith Yahovah: For a long time I have held My peace; I have been still, and refrained Myself. Now will I cry like a 'travailing woman' *; I will destroy and devour at once. I will make waste mountains and hiss, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools." (Isayah 42:14-15) * (Yah gave this vivid dream/sign to me through a woman in Jerusalem only a few years ago. It was in color, and since, the world is "drying up").

Part 1b

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