Of Ravens Beasts and Golden Truth

I desire for you to know and understanding what Father is showing me and How he has revealed it to me.

My little part of the "puzzle". At first it seems people are hearing two different things. From the throne ..How can this be we think?

I see it as a group of Christians putting together a picture puzzle. The higher your are above the picture the more you can see what the picture is becoming! If You only look at the small piece in your own hand you will miss the larger picture.

The prophets are hearing and receiving truth. But in some cases they each have been given a separate piece of the puzzle! To place in Father's puzzle picture and Father knows just where each piece fits. He is brings understanding to His elect in these last days and as we all come to his table in love and place our part down Father will put it into his picture and we will see the whole picture not just one small piece of it. And come to understand what is happening around us!

I was reading some time ago about the fourth year of Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 25: 1-3)

When it came to me by the Spirit that The one coming , following Bush would be the Man of Lawlessness. I didn't have all the understanding at that time..but I felt it in my heart to be from the Holy Spirit. And Father is still..revealing..

This next scriptures show us that at first the man of lawlessness is hidden behind the scene. Daniel 11:21 THEY SHALL NOT GIVE the HONOR * of the KINGDOM to HIM…" Now I understand he is at first behind the scenes. I want you to look at these pages on my site OK? Because things are happening even as I write this.

It is important to me you understand what Father is showing me.. How He brings things to me are very different than how he may bring it to you or another , He told me many years ago he would send the Ravens to feed me...This word came three times in one day by three christian, neither knew the others had said the same thing! OK You Follow so Far? This of course isn't the only way he Reveals things to me! I don't want you to be confused by some of the pages I make available here. Some times I add them before editing them. Because time is running out and the time is short!

If we understand all knowledge of the mysteries of Yahweh and do not have the fruit of His Holy Spirit we are nothing... That means we can put on the beast nature by getting under the letter of the law.. and leave his grace by trying to keep the letter of law again. By not walking in love... we enter spiritual darkness. and get under the law . See My Vision of The Man Beast
Now I understand why I saw the man-beast as a miner panning for gold. For he had found gold nuggets of truth from Father's Word.

This means prophets can bring a word of true revelation and give it in the wrong spirit.. Some times a prophet in training can get a "little toothy" and "puffed" reporting his insights!

But The Holy spirit still can winnow this word for us. And Father can still help us to receive the truth from it . The word is the sword that separates the soul-ish from the spiritual . So we can gather the wheat as the Holy Spirit uses the sword to separate which is and which isn't his. ( We should pray for those who have so erred.)

Father has brought me many ravens to feed me His Wheat.. Do you understand..? and he always brings me back out of the confusion of the mix.. Sometimes at first I wont fully know all, or understand this my self, at the time, but as his love bring me back out of it, he balances me again in his truth and the chaff is blown away by his Holy Breath! He also has brought me to mature and well balanced prophets, and dreamers and seers. I share many links. So you will find a bit of flesh mixed in at times. But we are all learning and growing too. I hope, I pray. I am not a teacher, that isn't my anointing. I try to share what I find.

...I am sent to retrieve His Golden Truth and and wrap it in His Love again. I weep.. because this comes as fresh revelation to me even as I write it from the Spirit. I do so need your prayers, Dear intercessor, they do help me to return from this journey.... into his Sweet Spirit of Love... Now I hope you understand what I have said ..and as you read these pages..on my site Let the Holy Spirit winnow for you too. Pray I will be able to do what He is given me to do. Gather the Wheat to share with you.

If we are living behind the veil, that is in the Holy of Ho-lies, nothing can harm us. Father can lead us in and out of many places. For others it is not safe ground. Better to obey and stay out of where Father says stay out.

I'm sorry I'm am not a good in depth teacher. I just try to share best I can what I see and hear There are those that have a anointing to teach more deeply these things than I do; To live behind the veil is to have the spirit leading, not the soul, the feelings, or emotions, They have to be crucified with Christ, to enter the Holy place..

Wheat Basket

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