A Heart to Heart

I know at times, I'm an 8 year old in an old ladies body ! Grin. I just Gallup off, at times. I never knew a Mother/Father's Love. So I guess in a way I'm still looking for approval, and a pat on the head, Or discipline. For Love, to put a fence around me. Grin But I'm getting cleaned -up; Abba is at work in me there is Hope.... Even at almost.. 60..Chuckle ! And I know better than this, It doesn't matter what man thinks of me What really matters is what Abba thinks about me! But it goes to show you am as human as the next person.

As soon a prophet is about to be conceived in the womb and brought into this world you can bet satan has a plan ready trying to destroy their life and stop their entering in to what Abba's called them too. Most suffer rejection from the womb on. I think it's part of their training! Their call is an invitation to humiliation!

I woke this morning I was sobbing, I woke up sobbing and repenting, asking Abba's mercy ...Crying out, "We are blind, we are deaf, forgive us and have mercy"..I felt it was more than just me, It was intercession . I still feel moved and close to tears. " Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't" ! Chuckle.

You find your self wondering if you've heard right. Thank Elohim for conformations! A Christian sister and her hubby saw Al Gore on TV and over his face they both saw what was a ancient looking lizard. (They live in Canada) I cried , I thought for awhile I was a total nut, because I witnessed to his being a beast-man and very likely the "man" himself! Thank Elohim, others have seen the ancient lizard beside just me. . I call it being out on the end of the faith limb! You just have to trust and drop. UP.D.(I understand now he is the hidden Masonic Illuminati leader )

There are many leaders, all having this beast nature. It will become clearer and clearer. To those who have an.. eye and ear.. it doesn't hurt for the body to keep compare notes ! If we seek we find. If we sin we get deceived. If we share we may find out another has heard the same!

If Jesus was here today walking about in His earthly type ministry would people even believe it was him ? I mean if he came in with a whip and started knocking over things in your church? They are calling evil good and good evil.. Things are so corrupt.. He says at the end they are all sleeping. And cant tell the difference. Just the bride is listening,and flowing in His restoration. He's bring her forth now.And things will start to get stirred up !

It all looks so Holy... but is it ? How does Abba see it ? I'll take What he says about the end-times in His word over what most are preached nowadays. (I Do Like Reading Brother David Wilkerson. )He's seasoned mature, I'm in training, since birth I think!

Abba's shown me some straw in my own walk, it will burn. He's said," Some will be saved as through fire.' At lease I'd heard His warning and know I need His help , to find my errors and clean house. And I "know" He called me the "Wall", Prophetic -- a work in progress -- no doubt! But that doesn't make me exempt ..from a switching when I need one. LOL

That reminds me ...One of the sisters, Carla, Got mad at this attach on my body and prayed and warred for me. ( Three days of Sheer Pain , Chills and fever.) I felt it " Break" in the spirit..and felt clearer at once.. Praise Praise Praise ! That's What it's about Setting the captive free. I'm feeling so much better already in mind and body. It's only been a couple of days but I know I'm better.

On reflection my whole life and things that have happened and are happening seem to be an "Allegory" of what's happening in the Church . I've noticed this before and I've wondered about it? I'll try and share what I'm seeing .

When Ive trusted in man, instead of Elohim-- Well it fell apart. Ouch .. I think perhaps I open the door to "Fibo" by wanting pity.. plus, etc, in order to get someones attentions, help, or what ever I could manipulate ect.. they all failed me miserable, as should of been, because of my idolatry! For the last few years I haven't been able to do much of anything but set helplessly. and Put my trust in the only Husband who wouldn't let me down, Yahshua Messiah !

I was sick and tied of working, and sickness/injury the only good excuse for stopping.( Well in my book at least.) Yes, I was injured, and under spiritual attach, but who and what open's the door ? "hidden sin." Some kind of carnal thinking always keeps the door open. Yes, there is Spiritual house cleaning going on and I'm not exempt !

Any and everything I did caused pain. When all you do is set in helplessness , and in self pity or if not in self pity; Still if you don't have any able bodied help, everything goes to pot ! We need both, Literal helping hands and anointed ones. I needed both. We all do. Help only came as I stayed in the spirit. and the body supplied with prayer and counsel. I see a shadow and types here. Physical and Spiritual. I'm I making sense to you ? Let me try to show you.

My literal Kitchen was full of cockroaches, hidden up in the cupboards; the floors in bathroom and kitchen were weakened from water leaks. Cobweb hang in the bedroom I never use now. I stay in the front room. The whole house been untended or cleaned properly for more than a year! The yard is over grown, Doggy smell greet all comers. I'd become an unkempt mess. Having been unable to lift my arms up without pain. Sure is a shadow type of no husband here getting any praise. Seeing the shadow and type I'm trying to share yet?

Cockroaches are unclean things a type of sins or wicked thoughts. Bad foundations in both Kitchen and bathroom . Kitchen is the hearts condition . The bathroom is a shadow & type place of intimacy. The foundations under them where bad . Cobwebs in the bedroom .. No Husband there either. I'm looking at me saying is this me too? Am In as bad shape spiritual as this ? Or is this just another type of what I see happening around me to teach me, or some of both, I guess? Yes , I still need some house cleaning ! Praise Elohim for Grace, because I see it! I can repent!

And I will get back at the literal house cleaning as I am able to. Abba is helping me with the spiritual side too; He does want us to submit to His house cleaning, and get all Pride, bitterness un-forgiveness out of His house! Nothing is as deceitful as ones own heart! We need to keep checking the fruit! Father wants love on His vine.. There is a river flowing and only His will enter it, It will be over our heads we better know how to swim..

Money's flowing back in, The house is getting repaired, a brother I'd loaned to over a years back,, repaid a hundred. So Praise for that ! It's seed that will be planted for a future harvest. Soc Sec now knows they owe me money! Instead of me owning them 3000.00, They own me! Praise Elohim, Yes it's been a battle! But a check is on the way to me . Joy joy joy.

My own joy in giving had soured for a time. I know, Abba's had to do a work in my own heart there.. I got so turned off by their begging. I had to really pray as to who is left to give to ? I had always given only where Father led me to give and it never was how the churches had taught. I gave to "His" storehouse where ever I found the anointing and a need, and his leading.-- I questioned that at times, because I was at the time setting under that confusion. But I understand it better now, To give where the anointing was coming from. Not just noises..or singing.

But that's not a good excuse to dry up. Not all that ask for help turn me off. LOL But You feel the different in their spirit And when you speak against begging bag preachers.. your heart doesn't include them. The war isn't with people. Though written out it might seem to include all who ask.. I struggle with my pages to make it clear what I am saying and what I am not saying . I'm just trying harder not to confuse people. Maybe I just worrying over nothing.. But I'd rather run things by the beloved than get bitter again.. It creeps in and hides ..Only the Holy Spirit can purge it..

I use to have pure joy in my giving and it just dried up setting under that sorta leech thingy, because anger creep-ed in and a spirit of spiritual pride too. I don't want to go there again. We really need to get alone more and more with Abba.

I know it's hard to know the players on ones own team nowadays, Like a football game played in the mud.. everybody's uniforms are covered in grime. LOL It "The Fruit" we got to check is is sweet or sour ? We just got to forgive and walk on in love! Or we maybe found playing on the wrong team our self for a season..

My thoughts are that Father drew a line in the sand on 9/11/01 Then He gave a grace period.. for repentance but to the world it is business as usual...and the church for the most part slept through it.. some are starting to awaken.. and rub their eyes.

And it's about to hit the fan again ! The sign seekers are in a drunken stupor thinking it's just revival. and don't see anything coming but wealth and blessings. Oh How Pride blinds us. I see Abba coming with a big switch just like Gram ma use to carry..
Hey--- It made me sing and dance to her tune ! LOL. She really loved me. And Abba Loves us too much to leave us like we are. Someone once said," I'd seen the enemy, and it's us!" How right they were..!


America has shed innocent blood in the name of freedom. It's soaked in the blood of the innocents . And Father hears. " The blood cry's out." The Blood of Yahshua was innocent blood too ! The Sleeping Church isn't a safe hospital for the wounded anymore it's become a high court checking you out, wanting to see your papers and cash. But you have to forgive them when they wound you or your part of the problem and not part of the answer !

Jeremiah 39:18 For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee:
Those that trust in another "way." Amos 9:10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.

God declared, "I will also visit the altars of Bethel: and the horns of the altar shall be cut off, and fall to the ground" (Amos 3:14). This was a devastating word. In the Old Testament, the wooden altar in the temple had four carved horns attached to its corners. These horns were covered with brass, and were in the shape of a ram's horns. The horns represented the right of sanctuary. By laying hold of them, an offender placed himself under the protection of God's saving, keeping grace.

God told Amos he would cut off the horns of the altar (protection). The Lord was going to sever the horns from the altar and cast them to the ground. This meant the people would no longer be under his protection. Instead, they would be open to great deception. They would have no security against false doctrines or false worship.

Bethel (House of God) worshipers were very religious. They zealously sacrificed every morning. And they were faithful to tithe and give. Once again, God urged them, "Bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes" (Amos 4:4). He saw these people begin every day by praising and worshiping. They were joyful as they went to their praise gatherings. Indeed, the movement of Bethel worship became so popular, it extended to cities throughout the region, from Bethel to Gilgal to Beersheba.

But the Lord warned them all: "Seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and pass not to Beersheba...(it) shall come to nought" (5:5). God was about to bring everything down. He was going to consume all their leavened sacrifices of praise and worship. Why? Because the people "leave off righteousness in the earth" (5:7).

See my page Noise of the Bruit. Abba isn't not happy with false mixed praises! He's not happy with the shedding of innocent blood. He not happy with sin period. Or Sottish preachers, which means stupid. That don't rightly divide his word and starve his children.

Let take a Look at that nation that shed the blood of Messiah on the cross-- look at their history-- it wasn't blessings following them-- it was a curse-- could worse things happen to a nation of people ? Wasn't that a witness to us? Not to sin as that nation, and shed innocent blood. ? that Generation came under the thumb of Hitler.. a type of He who is to come. The eighth and last of the Antichrists . Hitler understood how evil the Zionist Jews were, but he was in his flesh to come against them. And he came against them in the name of God! but not under anointing of God! We are to war in the spirit, not in the flesh. (Vengeance is mine saith the Lord!) In like manner it will happen again with this last generation. (Glad you got your eyes open !! If not Let me help! )

The Bad fig Jew's weren't cursed because of their love of "Yahweh/Yahshua", but under a cursed because they killed and rejected His Son ! And masqueraded themselves as being Israel.

THERE ARE THE REAL JEWS AND THEN THERE ARE THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES JEWS AND AREN'T. And There Is also Judah and The House of ISRAEL. And this all can be very confusing. Even to me..Ha. But Abba can tell the difference!

Abba also divorced Israel for there rebellion, and Idolatry.. They only get grafted back in the tree through the blood now today. Or not at all.

There are those who call themselves Jews; but are not.. There are ..those Father calls The evil figs. "And There are those who are destroyed for rejecting knowledge." too.
Ho 4:6 ¶ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy Elohim, I will also forget thy children.
(All sin is evil. No matter who you are).

Who'll teaches that today ? No we are told, they (The false Zionists Jews) in the Land of Israel, have a better covenant than we do ! We are told they are Israel!

Our convent which is the innocent blood of Yahshua Messiah, and we never question it ???? No, We are taught fly away from trouble doctrines. No, There more to it than that! And as soon as we quit fighting and get in the spirit we'll better understand what is happen right under our noses.

When we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. ( HOUSE OF ISRAEL ) Meaning God's Anointed Israel! 144,000 But trouble is most Christians don't know who real Israel is! Many are here in the USA.

Don't you understand the only peace for Literal Old Jerusalem will be their receiving Yahshua now, before it's to late? There must be a new heart, to become a new creature, there is no other peace! When Yahshua returns and his "feet" touch the Mt of Olives there will be a great quake that will destroy the (Whore) old Jerusalem! Then afterward we will see the New Jerusalem; Coming down from above! You can read that in the scriptures, It Yahshua's Judgment on them!

Remember those who are really his were told to flee to the mountains!

His wrath is upon the wicked tares! No nation will destroy the nation of Israel. Only Yahshua himself will judge her! Those who try will destroy them selves in the trying!

The (Tribe Benjamin) were called Jews in scripture. But don't confuse the real Jews Israelites with those who merely call themselves Jews and are not. They are (Zionists) And do the ruling over there in the land of Israel! They are the Tares! Bad Figs! Antichrist spirit! And they never were Israel!

But remember that the "House of Israel", the ten tribes that separated from Judah, does not mean Jew! Whoever the lost ten tribes of Israel are today, they are not Zionists Jews! Who are the lost sheep? You may be surprised! because they were scatter everywhere. Many are in the USA.

True Israel race is in Jesus Christ and Born from above! Before his return ! They make up the elect of God! The 144,000. Who will ministry in the last days! This is true Israel! The Royal House of David! (Line of Adam formed on the eighth day) A chosen race. but I know most likely that's a new thought for most too!

The 6th day Creation are all the other different nations! ~~~~~~

The first place in the entire Bible where the word Jew is used is in II Kings 16:6

2 Kings 16:6
At that time Rezin king of Syria, recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

Ahaz began to reign as king of Judah (verse 1). He sat on David’s throne (verse 2). At this time, a man named Pekah was king of Israel. With King Rezin of Syria as an ally, this king of Israel came against Jerusalem in war, and besieged King Ahaz of Judah, but could not overcome him (verse 5). "At that time, Rezin, king of Syria "the ally of Israel, fighting with Israel, against Judah" recovered Elath to Syria and drove the Jews from Elath" (verse 6).

The first place in the Bible where the word Jew is used, we find Israel at war against the Jews! Israel’s ally, Syria, drove the Jews out of the town of Elath! I hope this information will prove helpful in your studies.

But Remember Yahshua has no pleasure when the wicked perish.
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Yes! Yahshua's anger and wrath are kindled against those who murdered and killed the Jewish people in the holocaust! Those who murder are after the likeness of satan who's very nature is that of murder! They will know the wrath of Yahweh for the vileness of their crimes as well.

We only have but to come in under His protection to be safe.
By believing in his only begotten son, Yahshua Messiah, Believe on Him, And his death on the cross and His resurrection, and to be washed in his precious blood.

I'm glad I have a Father who really loved me enough to not leave me in the mess I was in ! Grin. Even if it take a switch to change my tune or what I preach, as the case maybe. He doesn't want us under the letter, or in greasy grace either. And it will take a trip to the wood shed to get us "there." . "Woe to those who desire the day of the Lord." to quote brother Amos ! !

War's on the horizon, The Chaldaeans aren't far off.. And the Church is singing "I'll fly away." And couldn't tell you who The man of lawlessness is! If you ask them. and I don't mean that in a mean haughty way at all, just a fact. Has anybody read 2Thess 2: ?

No It isn't the church (Ekklesia) who holds back Antichrist, their a sleep! It was Michael, It's always been Michael's job!

The Traditions teachings of man make the word of God of none affect!

Even those awake have been told not to fall asleep in the last hour. Few teaching that either! What is this last hour? It is the time of the revealing of The man of lawlessness. That leads up to the wrath of Yahweh! This is what Yahshua was agonizing over in the garden ! His coming back as wrath!

Matthew 26:38
Then saith He unto them, My soul is "exceeding sorrowful, even unto death": tarry ye here, and watch with me.

The phrase "exceeding sorrowful even unto death" itself does not have anything to do with the crucifixion. "It is a figure of speech" denoting the depth in Christ's heart of His grief over the "subject" He goes to the garden and prays about...

which is what is going to happen when the cup of God's wrath is poured out upon the wicked at His second advent! He doesn't want to return and pour out wrath! It was breaking His heart. Yahweh doesn't just love, He is Love!

Yahshua understood these things to come and was in agony. Think how many mere men have face death? This wasn't the issue in the garden! it was the souls to be lost from His presents forever. He tells us in His word. Woe to those who desire the day of the Lord!

Why ? because it means if you desire it you don't understand it! He says, "Will I find faith on the earth when I return?"

This is why Father is angry, His people have not been taught, they'd been sheared and deceived, and destroyed for lack of knowledge!

Or More Correctly: Elohim actually and clearly said "My people shall be DESTROYED because "they have rejected knowledge." Hosea 4:6

I'm not super saint, I'm not a religious spirit, I am His Bride. A foolish thing that confounds the wise. I get spanked, I get revelation too, but I have been blessed to study the word under different anointed scholars, That the Holy Spirit has lead me to as I searched for truth, and I attempt to share it, so you too will desire to seek.. and that is to your benefit and good. Because There is coming an chastening from Father. Repent or we may see the enemy on our U.S. home soil soon. We need to seek Abba as never before.


Psalms 32:5
I acknowledged my sin unto thee,
and mine iniquity have I not hid.
I said, I will confess my transgressions
unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity
of my sin. Selah.

Begging Bags

Noise of The Bruit

Wheat Basket