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Daniel 11:21

Abert Arnold Gore, Jr.
(6) (6) (6)
Today's 'Hidden' World Order False Messiah:

German World War III shall be under this evil man!)


Revelation 17:10-11

This prophecy comes to you from Yahovah (YHVH) and Yahshua Messiah, and not from us.
Many have waited on this prophecy to come to them through the Ruach ha Kodesh (Yah's Spirit of Truth) and have prayed to Yahovah through our Yahshua, that they be given understanding of our Yahovah's 'hidden mysteries' presented in Daniel, in Matthew, and in the Book of Revelation. That being said, few will now accept these truths behind Gore and the world's total deception.

The world is 'looking' for the 'false Messiah', but they 'cannot see him'. The world is expecting some Walt Disney type of 'superman' with incredible powers to suddenly appear on the world scene with a spectacular entrance: as witnessed in Hollywood Productions. Why do they expect this type of fictional world order dictatorial man? Because Christians/ Catholics have been fed tons of fictional self-serving prophecy books containing lies: especially about history. They have received direct hits deep in their minds from millions of intentionally guided 'skud missiles' sent by an unending army of Iesus and Madonna ministers, and a 2,000 year old line of very gifted false prophets of their 'God'.

"…THEY SHALL NOT GIVE the HONOR * of the KINGDOM to HIM…" Daniel 11:21

* Gore shall not receive the 'honor' of his kingdom. (According to the dictionary) he shall not receive (be given) the distinction or validity, or credit or esteem of his office, or the public's respect of high rank! Thus, Gore has already entered into his world order kingdom as written, not as fictional writers proclaimed. He is the "Bird Man" from the east, the Great Eagle son "that causes the world to tremble", as written in Isayah.

Upfront, the prophetic verse in KJ Daniel 11:21 describes a very specific 'characteristic' from Yahovah of this last 'Little Horn' world Tsar ruler. It does not agree whatsoever with current Christian ministers, Christian books and movies, or their speakers in U.S. 'prophecy' clubs! Read it again: "…They shall not give the honor of the kingdom (to him): but, he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." Gore came in peaceably and in prosperity with Clinton (his mouthpiece) in 1993, and then again in 1996, and then again in 2000. What?

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Gore Pledging allegiance to the FLAG… for WHICH IT STANDS… Ancient Egypt! Masons know their man! They 'rejected' him in 2000 They know Iesus! (He has the power) (Imitating Yahshua) (Jesus Today)

But deceived say: "Wait a minute! Isn't George W. Bush our Commander in Chief and U.S. President?" There is such an incredible deception today behind that question, it would take another prophecy to expose George "W". Bush Jr. as the elite Mason's 'honorary' President. But, to put something up front to make you think as you are reading this Part I, listen to a direct quote in USA TODAY (AP) Oct. 2001, soon after the World Trade Center 'terrorist attack' in New York City.


Why did Gore say this? An excellent choice of words by Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. in a Masonic "dark sentence" that few would ever catch! Why? To let his world Masons know that he is in total charge with the power, and calling all the shots in this German Third World War, and not George W. Bush! Thousands of these types of sentences are convincing in the News: it was clearly told in the prophecy of Daniel 8:23 that this last Little Horn (Masonic) false Messiah * would have understanding and use of (Masonic) "dark sentences" in his world communications. (Gore knows the Mason's codes.)

* There have been false Messiahs before Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., and many anti-Messiah men and women raised up in the world. Apostles confirmed this truth, and this is why Yahshua said in John 3:18 "He that believes on Him (Yahshua) is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of Yahovah." The world had two thousand years since Yahshua walked among us in Jerusalem to accept Yahovah of Israel, the Only Name of Salvation (that was given to His Son: Yahshua, the Only Name in which He came to reveal Yahovah that was in Him) and to reject Satan and his many sons of this world. Time is up for the world: the end of this Gentile Age has finally arrived. It is already too late for the deceived who hate and reject Yahovah and Yahshua. Regardless of what ministers say, Yahovah has known since the beginning who would accept Him and who would not!

Daniel's Last 'Little Horn' World Ruler Prophecy Revealed Wednesday, September 8-9, 1993 (Update for Gore 2001-2004)

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Albert (Bright Shining One) Arnold (Eagle With Power) Gore Jr. (Son of Blood) The Masonic "One World Order God Tsar" Nobody Suspects! "The dragon gave him 'his Power', and 'his seat', and great authority." Revelation 13:2 (Yahovah reveals the location of the 666 dragon's seat and power for his son) "Power was given him to 'exercise authority' forty two months" Revelation 13:5 (Yahovah reveals how this world power was given to him: he now has it) "Power was given him to make war with Yah's chosen and to overcome them:" Revelation 13:7 (Yahovah reveals what is behind Gore's imminent war against Jews today) "Power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Revelation 13:7 (Yahovah reveals how this was done peaceably through covenants)

Yah's World Judgement sign has already been pronounced (January 8th. 1992) and He then unleashed the destroyer! Yes, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, that old serpent, the dragon, is loose. Thus, we are in Yahovah's final Countdown and also in the Evil One's Top Ten Countdown as written! We reveal hidden evil behind Satan and his last deified ruling son, and how their great army of stealth workers have deceived the world!

As written: "Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions: yes, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it away…none shall deliver it. And in 'that day' they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one look unto the land, behold 'darkness and sorrow', and the 'light is darkened' in the heavens thereof." (Isayah 5:29-30)

Note: The illustration of Al Gore above contains many evil symbols of what he is today. Do you see them? As black triangle (Gore), Baby Eagle face, goat, Osiris-phallic, Isis-vagina, Ur Cross, Babylon High Priest, Trinity Arch of Satan's covenant, the Egyptian-Ur-Hittite rabbit, and the ancient Nike Emperor wreath.

Receiving all of this power what is Gore going to do with it? One thing that he must do, is plant the tabernacles of his residential palace in Jerusalem. When this is actually done, most throughout the world will not have any idea what 'it' is, or what 'it' means:

Gore: "He shall 'plant' * the tabernacles of his 'palace' between the seas in the glorious sacred mountain…" (Yahovah's 'Mount Zion', which is only located in Jerusalem, Israel). Daniel 11:45

Precisely what is Gore going to soon 'plant' in Jerusalem? Understand then these basic definitions: Tabernacles (that which is present in a small quantity from a larger whole. Repository is usually a special ornamental building for safe-keeping the 'consecrated elements' of 'something worshipped' and these elements are used in making someone a King or an Emperor, and they help to identify him and establish his presence as the Soverign Emperor over the land and all people. Roman Caesars and Emperors did this in Jerusalem and proudly displayed their Great Eagle God image of Jupiter!

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What is Worshipped! Anointed and Deified by Masons His Great Eagle God Seal Sacred Eagle God Consecrated Eagle Son Seal of the World Emperor (Of Zeus-Jupiter) (Over U.N./U.S. Military) (Seal of Gore, not Bush!)

A building with the emblem/ worshipped image to fulfill the above today, is the location of the United States Consulate, or Embassy in Jerusalem, with the U.S. Great Eagle God Seal of Gore displayed! How is this connected to Gore? Because Gore is today's World President, not George W. Bush, or anyone else. The ancient and Sacred U.S. Great Eagle God Seal is exclusively Gore's Seal, as he is the consecrated/ deified Eagle God's son, as was Emperor Augustus Caesar of the Roman Empire.)

Palace (is the actual residence of a consecrated King or deified World Emperor. Therefore, as it is written above, the last Little Horn World Emperor's 'palace-residence' does not have to be built in Mount Zion, in the Old City, Jerusalem, but certainly his consecrated elements, as His Great Eagle Seal, that identifies him and his God must be located/ planted in the Old City, Jerusalem! Gore's actual Palace is the White House, and Bush is only there temporarily as an 'honorary' President!)

Proposals are for the U.S. to send 20,000 troops (under U.N.) to Israel for peace-keeping purposes. C.I.A. is already there. Jessica Steinberg, of the Jerusalem Post 1/18/2002 reports that: "Although plans to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem have been postponed yet again, local builders are still banking on the U.S. President's promise…" (* to 'place it' in Jerusalem, Israel!) Gore: "He shall accomplish the 'scattering of the power' of Yahovah's chosen people…" Daniel 12:7 The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is being made 'ineffective' through U.S. policies! Introduction to Masonic Mysteries in Washington, D.C.

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None of these Masonic Symbols have anything to do with Yahshua! (Pharaoh, five pointed star, red cross and pyramid = Osiris-Iesus)

The following is an extension of the "Jerusalem Prophecy" and "Esdras II Prophecy", given 1992-2000 to the world. It was given to "very few" who wanted more details in understanding Yahovah's revelation of Washington, D.C., today's Masonic One World Order, their evil ancient Ur-Chaldean-Egyptian-Hittite-Assyrian-Greek-Roman-German Aryan Eagle God Covenant, their world political and religious connections, and their hidden world false Messiah! Their deceptive plan has fulfilled Yah's prophecy: making their 666 man insulated, protected, and not even suspected in the world!

The totally deceived across the United States even roar with laughter, snicker, and scoff at his name. Why shouldn't they? Satan and son are known to elite Masons as the two "Jokers who are Wild!" (52 in a Deck of Cards: 2 others are called the 'Jokers'. 54 = 666,666,666 = Isis, Satan and Son)

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Note the Poster with Star 50,996,116 Voted for the 666 False Messiah (Ancient Osiris-Iesus Star) (Shall Yahovah now forgive them for this?)

Few today (not Masons) understand what happened in the U.S. Masonic 2000-2001 political arena (an unprecedented U.S. election fraud) that put the "icing on the cake" to keep the public, worldwide Jews and Messianics, Christians, Catholics, Arabs, and the whole world in darkness! They have done it!

666 imitator "Cornerstone" of the true "Cornerstone" (Yahshua) was rejected by Masonic builders! (His rejection does not change these truths: he is the number one son of Satan to inherit his kingdom. With all of the incredible released horrific events, do you think that Gore is totally stupid? Or Satan? Gore is not going to take all the heat or blame for the war against worldwide Jews and their attacks or massive killings. Satan is thus imitating Yahovah in saying: sit at my right side while I make your enemies your footstool! Gore's World Empire Kingdom is now being purged that only goats remain! His World Kingdom is being firmly united together militarily, in religion, and against Yahovah!)

Masons that are Christian Ministers (over large herds of world goats today) are keeping very quiet. 2 billion Christians and Catholics (not Masons) think they are the chosen ones to know when this last evil 666 false Messiah finally comes on the scene, and they will be first to instantly recognize him. (Lets get serious: Are these people on guard for this evil man, or are they simply living their lives as usual?) Many believe when this happens, they will be raptured away to safety. Yet, they are a major part today of the worldwide Masonic deception, already under the last false Messiah, and do not even know it!

Many Christian Ministers and authors of prophecy books clearly say that this evil man is coming as Jesus Christ and people shall be ordered by law to worship him, or even tricked into worshipping him as their "Jesus"; and thus many shall then be deceived by the wrong one, the false Messiah. We simply ask: are they not already happy in worshipping their Jesus, who is already the wrong one?

Are they not already worshipping Jesus on Sunday (declared pagan day of worship by law) and have they not already been deceived/ tricked into worshipping Jesus with two billion others worldwide? (This part one of the false Messiah explains how easily this was accomplished in the past 2000 years!)

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No. 45 Ur's "Colt 45" False Messiah's Colt "Iesus" Beard

It never occurs to them they are deceived and already worshipping the wrong one; receiving his mark and his number in their hands almost every single day of their lives throughout the world! (To admit now that they are already deceived, would cause a catastrophic collapse in their lives and churches) This truth is not easy to present at this stage in Yahovah's Judgement (already pronounced), and is difficult to convince even Messianic Jews differently. Why? Most think they are too smart and too informed to be deceived! You will discover the world has been totally had by Satan and his son and a huge army of workers: namely, millions of world Masons! Pride, arrogance, ignorance, and believing almost 2,000 years of Iesus lies, cannot change (this final prophecy) Yahovah's truth today.


This urgent life and death message is especially for Jewish Beth Messiah (Yahshua) Congregations! If everyone knew who was the world's false Messiah, Masons would not need to protect his identity and hidden purpose of massive murder, and goal of world extermination of Jews! There would be no need for Masons to communicate in dark sentences, ancient symbols, mystery codes, numbered (mystic) languages, secret Temple meetings, and Satanic 'hand signs' to keep the world in darkness.

(Jews and Christians knowing little about world Masons, reject this prophecy without examination) If everyone had an in depth understanding of history, the Masons, and Washington, D.C., they would know today's "false Messiah" must come from U.S./D.C., and must also be over all world Masons! If everyone worshipped Yahovah and Yahshua, this message would not be needed! The world would not be deceived! But Yah says: the whole world lies in wickedness and shall be deceived, and the whole world shall worship the beast and its 666 image (except Yah's called out sheep).

Scripture is where these truths have been all along. If you are "one" of Beth Yahovah's chosen and Yahshua Messiah's sheep, this Spiritual truth and meat of Yah's Living Word will be welcomed. (Again, read John 3:18. If you already believe on Yah and Yahshua Messiah, you are not condemned.) This may sound strange, but if you are one of God's chosen people serving (Iesus) Jesus Christ, or worshipping today's Masonic-German Catholic's Isis-Nike-Juno-Diana Madonna, then more than likely, Yahovah's truth and His prophecy will not ever be understood, or ever accepted!

Mystery Revelation of "THE BEAST THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS" (Rev. 17:8) Shalom and blessings to those that are His: from the Most High Yahovah (YHVH) Father (Abba) in Heaven, our Salvation (Psalm 3:8) from Yahovah's only begotten Son, Yahshua Messiah, our King of Kings, returning with all power, and all authority to reign at the throne of David in Jerusalem over His Kingdom established forever. Yahovah's world judgement has now come! Praise our Yahovah!

The world is unaware Satan has already fulfilled his work of deceiving the world! (Rev. 12:9). He had only a short time (two days) to achieve it when he was thrown out 2,000 years ago when Yahshua ascended! (John 12:31, 14:30) (Psalm 90:4) (Rev. 12:12) How did Satan do it? Through world illusions and lies from his elite workers: today known as the Illuminati, Masonic-Rosicrucians in the world: the Counts, Kings, Dukes, Bishops, Lords, Earls, Kaisers, Tsars, Presidents, Judges, Governors, Mayors, lawyers, teachers, preachers, comedians, actors, singers, policemen, sheriffs: even your own next door neighbor. Pope and Catholic Church is in the same evil covenant as all Masonic groups!  Graphic's not available

"Triple Crown" "German Shields" World Emperor's Soverign Emblem Double Headed Eagle God of Russia (3,800 B.C. to 2004 A.D. to the end) (1613-1918 A.D. again 1994 to present)

A major key in Yahovah's revelation for these last days is the exposure of what is behind the Mason's Double Headed Crowned Eagle (God), used in their 33rd. and 32nd Degree pins, and on their Lodges or Temples. We give you the truth, as documented, that you know precisely what this Eagle means, and who has used it throughout history. Those that proudly wear these Mason pins cover all walks of life.

Multi-millions of these Lucifer worshipping wolves in sheep's clothing are Christians and elders and ministers in Churches of God today, and they run the world's banks, businesses, and governments. They are jubilant: their 666 World Savior is here, and their work to present him is finished. What can Yahovah now do but reveal His prophecy being fulfilled, and reject or accept it. Yahshua's real sheep written in "the Book of Life" receiving these truths are quickened by Yahovah's Spirit. They are now in danger from the enemy! Rejoice and fear not! Time is also up for all the wicked! The false Messiah shall now bring horrific times, but it is Yahovah who shall say when it is finished!

Billions shall suffer Yah's double portions of wrath, but those that are His, overcome the Beast and "Keep His Commandments" to the end. (Rev. 12:17, 14:12). Among the billions of deceived to be punished and to perish with the world's goats on the left hand (Matthew 25) are almost two billion (Masonic led) Christians and Catholics! Why? They repent not of their worship of the wrong one! They do not worship our Yahovah or Yahshua! This at first seems impossible, but it is the truth!

(If you are quickened by Yahovah and Yahshua and one of their sheep, you will continue to read and repent of this deception that has consumed the entire world. If not, you shall remain with the goats!)

Yahshua's "children are not in darkness, and will not be taken unawares" (I Thessalonians 5). Who is this last Little Horn World Ruler spoken of by Daniel? In today's terminology, he is the last ruler of the world to wear the Double-Headed Eagle's East-West God Tsar (Caesar-Kaiser) Royal Crown of Satan and Son's 3,800 B.C. Ur Covenant! Christians and Jews know him not! Yahovah revealed him in Sept. 1993, and then warned us of what shall certainly happen now under his power. There is no other World Order (God) False Messiah that precedes the coming of Yahshua Messiah!

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Over East and West Holds the World Mason's Sacred God Emblem Bavarian Royal Crowned Princes (3,800 B.C. Ancient Ur-Lagash) (From the History of Germany)

World's Double Headed Crowned Eagle Man is here! Those with teeth as 'lions' are under him. (Rev. 9:8) Gentile Princes, ancient Kings from Ur-Mesopotamia, Persia, Babylon-Assyria, and Duke Canaanites, Emperors of Germany, Prussia, Earls, Roman Ceasars, Kaisers, Russian Tsars, and long lines of Pharaohs, have all worn the Single, Double and Triple Headed Eagle (God-Gott) that covers all of history up to today. Many were consecrated kings, but others were also deified as "Gods".

It may come as a shock, but all of these world rulers under this Double and Single Headed Eagle do not worship Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah! Their last deified Masonic Great Eagle Son has arrived! (Most Double Headed Eagles have a Third Crown over two Crowned heads for the coming E-W ruler) He is revealed: Freemason's "number one" son of Satan now rules the world! The 666 surprise: Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., their "Osiris-Iesus" God-Tsar, who has deceived the world, as written!

(Gore is the 666 Masonic Cornerstone Masonic builders rejected in the pre-arranged 2000 election! Gore has been intentionally placed in stealth where he can work without being noticed by the world!) Masons have established their Bavarian World Order "Police State" and deified Gore as God. He has 'power' 42 months! Great evil shall now happen under Martial Law and Homeland Security.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but (fight/struggle) against the 'PRINCIPALITIES', against 'THE POWERS', against 'THE RULERS' of the 'DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD', (and) against 'SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES." (Ephesians 6:12) In over eight years, we have found few having Yahovah's Spirit of discernment between this great evil and good. (George W. Bush says this Third World War is between good and evil and for freedom! Understand?) Who addresses spiritual wickedness in high places and rulers of darkness of this world? Ministers have failed to warn their congregations of evil Masons, and accept them in their midst. And why not?

Most major "Christian Churches" throughout the U.S. and abroad were founded by Masons and still run by Masons! They are the blind leading the blind straight to the pit. It is already over. Flocks (of the goats and lost sheep) under them have no idea that they are worshipping the Mason's deified Gore (who is Osiris-Iesus-Apollyon). He is over all the world's wicked! (666 goats on left)

* "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (coming of Yahshua) shall not come except there come a falling away first, (from Yah and Yahshua and truth) and THAT (666) man of sin be REVEALED, the SON of PERDITION (Satan's Son), who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called an 'El' (a mighty one), or worshipped (above Yahshua and all deities of 4,000 different world religions), so that he, as (a)* 'GOD' (as Satan, who is Zeus-God) sits in the TEMPLE OF (a) GOD (as God Nisroch's Temple Isayah 37:38), and shows himself that he is GOD." * (a) Ezekiel 28 (referred above) (II Thes 2:3-4). (You must understand that God is Gott and Gott is the Eagle!)

Note: This is one of the most misunderstood verses in prophecy! (It does not refer to a new Temple of Yahovah to be built in Jerusalem) It does refer specifically to a very real Temple of Zeus-God! To understand this great deception, you must first know the difference between "God" (Teutonic German Aryan's Gott) and Yahovah!) * Yahshua is also not coming to earth before Satan's last son is revealed: Yahshua comes after he is revealed, and after great tribulation (Jacob's Troubles) under him. Pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is an incredible lie deceiving multi-millions! If you are able to read Scripture, it is beyond comprehension to believe it! Yahshua stated clearly when He is going to return to earth with His angels to "gather up" those that are His elect:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days… then shall appear the sign of 'the son of man' (Yahshua Messiah) in heaven… and they shall see the 'son of man' coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And 'He shall send His angels' with a great sound of a trumpet, and 'they shall gather together His elect' from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other!" (Matthew 24:29-31) That being settled, this urgent message is for Yahshua's elect still here on the ground and preparing to meet Him and His angels "immediately after this tribulation" as written!

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U.S. Capitol is, in reality, the 666 Temple of Zeus (Capitol means Temple of Zeus). It was built on lot number '666' and all of D.C. designed around it! (Documented in 1790s' maps in the Library of Congress) Masons say it is the most Sacred Shrine-Temple ever built in the history of the world. (Do you find it strange that they place this Temple above the ancient Temples of Yahovah of Israel? You shall hear this with your own ears from their mouths on enclosed C-Span Cornerstone Video!)

Why? Because it is the Temple of Zeus, 666 God and 666 Cornerstone of this world! It is not looked at as a Temple of God, but it is today's World Headquarters of the Nisroch Great Eagle Gott (Isayah 37:38). Another "Assyrian Temple" for this Osiris-Iesus is today's White House.

YAHOVAH of ISRAEL has WARNED since 1992-1993 that GORE is the EVIL ONE in 2000! THEREFORE, as HIS appointed PROPHET, I HAVE WARNED SINCE 1992-1993 that GORE is the MAN of SIN, and that GORE IS ALREADY IN POWER. Because GORE APPEARS NOT TO BE IN POWER, they call me a liar (Calling Yahovah a liar who revealed it)! Therefore, WHO is the LIAR, WHAT is the LIE, and WHO is BEHIND THIS LIE? As FOX NEWS says: WE PRESENT: and YOU DECIDE! AM I A LIAR, or are the Masons and 'GORE' THE LIAR?

I say unto you: that Yahovah appoints ALL world rulers, as Gore, and Yahovah also removes them! After an unprecedented 'arranged' Presidential election of 2000-2001, it seems impossible to say the Mason's Number One (Gore) is today's (Zeus-Nisroch) false Messiah. But, it was already over in 1993: Gore rode "into his kingdom on an Ur ass/colt". (Democrat Symbol today for Ur's El).

"I AM WHO I AM" Gore Quote in Campaign 2000 (This is declaring an actual English translation of Yahovah's Name!)

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"Lord of The Rings" Today's Royal (Democratic) Symbol is identical to ancient Ur's Royal Ruling Symbol * German popular name Mueller is from Ur above! "Mule of Ur" (Mule-ur and Miller)!

3,000 – 2,500 B.C. Wild Ass (Onager) symbol was in a "Little Horn" Royal Eagle Son King's tomb of Ur. Satan promotes "Going Back in Time" (Back into the Future). Today's Democratic symbol came from Ur! "Gore also came riding into his World Order kingdom on an ass" (thus he imitated our Yahshua Messiah). Satan's "Marriage Covenant Rings" are held by World Ruling "Little Horns" and Eagle Goddess "Ashtaroth". To honor Gore, 'The Lord of the Rings', a new movie has come out with that title! Few will ever understand it. * Source: p. 171. 'The Horizon Book of Lost Worlds, editor, M.B. Davidson, published by American Heritage Publishing Co., New York. 1962. LCCCN 62-19438. (This book also shows 'Little Horn Ur-Assyrian Rulers') Gore has done it: HE SHALL COME INTO 'HIS KINGDOM' PEACEABLY! (Daniel 11:21) (Some of the most prosperous- peaceable times in American history were under Gore and Clinton!)

Greatest dictatorial take over in world history (through peaceful covenant diplomacy) resulted in a German World Order policy, consolidation and 666 numbered control * of all Nation's World Trade! It was accomplished under D.C. World Order Trade Covenants of NAFTA, APEC, and GATT 1993-2000. These give Gore power over the nations with his mark/number! (Rev. 13:7)

(* Numbered Control is 666 International Barcode by law. Barcode = Son's 666 Code. Now, his worldwide goat kingdom must be cleaned up! Imitating Yahovah! Do you think he wants blamed?)

GORE STOOD in these D.C. 'TEMPLES', and has already DECLARED HE IS GOD (Satan)!

Washington, D.C. has been prepared in minute detail over the past 200 years by Satan and his elect (Masonic Lucifer worshippers) to be the 666 throne seat for Satan and his last son to rule the world. Only one power in the world is capable of producing the Last World Order "Little Horn Ruler" of Scripture, and that is the United States (who even dictates policies to Europe, Russia, Korea, and China) U.S. has already merged its army and weaponry systems (even in space) under NATO, UN, and FEMA forces. They are capable of destroying the world hundreds of times: "Who can make war with the 666 Beast?" (Rev 13:4) Gore boldly stated: the "U.S. armed forces is the most powerful ever in the history of the world"! You will now understand why Gore said that 10/3/2000.

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Gore's Eagle God Seal of Covenant Osiris Phallic Obelisk in the Background War Eagle God of Ancient Ur Today Ur Five Pointed "Gore Star" of Lucifer Today (Third Bear with last Rib of Daniel) (Called Pytha-Gore Ring by elite Masons)

Yahovah's curses, destruction, and death are also here, as written in Daniel. Christians and those of Yahovah's sheep ask us an ancient question: "What have we done to deserve all of this evil?" We know Yah's Judgment is to us [Jews first], and to the Gentiles second, as written. Yah answers, and with a powerful message to Gentiles without His Name. He does not change.

Thus Saith Yahovah:
"Because you have placed other deities and their 'graven images' before Me! You openly and secretly worship them and the 'god of this world', and 'you know Me not'. You have turned far away from Me and My Son and repent not. Thus, My anger is kindled, and I will not repent! Your stubborn rebellion, disobedience, sins, and growing wickedness against My Name and everlasting Covenants are again before Me! This last perverse and deceived generation will now go the way of Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah, and as it was in the violent days of Noah!"

Where is hope for Yahovah's true sheep in such a message? Yahshua, John 3:18: those that believe on only His Name shall not come into condemnation, but He called all to repent; Apostles called all to repent, and thus, we do the same. Yahovah said He would bring a third of us through the fire (His chosen people) and refine them as fine gold. Pray then that you are among His third! As written: remember He who has the rod (why He uses it)! We (Jews) are led to the slaughter all the day long.

Yahovah has placed His terrible sword of His wrath into the hands of the wicked to execute His will: against all nations! (As in Ezekiel and Jeremyah). Woe to the wicked that carry Yah's sword. Who? As written, they are Assyrians (German Aryans today): who know not their imminent/ terrible future!

They "repent not of their murders, sorceries (drugs), fornication, or thefts." (Rev. 9:20-21) Today's liars, led by the liar of liars, Gore and Satan his father, are not found among the few Yahshua said would find the narrow path and enter His Kingdom. Apostle Shaul said: 'many shall reject the truth that they might be saved'. This has come to pass "that they all (might) be damned. Who?

Those (many goats) who have pleasure in unrighteousness". (II Thessalonians 2:8-12) This is the vast majority in U.S. today: especially those in the Beast's 666 military that carry Yahovah's sword! It is too late to have heated debates with them: even the Apostle Shaul (Paul) said this approach was unprofitable 2000 years ago! Why? They already stand condemned, as written. (John 3:18)

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A Serpent Woman Today Crowned Isis-Ashtaroth-Nike Today (Multi-Millions in U.S.)

(Seven Sons, then today's Eighth) Isayah Chapter 47 warns of "trouble from within that shall bring her down to the ground!" Over 100 billion has been poured into N.Y. since 9/11/2001, but it is written that none shall now save her!

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Ancient Eagle Fertility Goddess Ancient Seven Sons-of-the-Sun Royal Crown (Now on top of 666 Capitol) (Same Seven Son-Sun rays on Lady in N.Y.)

With Satan's "God" image on her head and holding two E-W serpents, do you need an explanation from Ur-Chaldean and Egyptian-Hittite writings (Canaanites) what she represents today? Nike-Eagle Goddess on top of the Mason 666 Zeus D.C. Capitol Temple is the same! LCCCN 62-19438. (Above is one of millions of Satan's Goldie Locks Isis figures throughout the world. Is she one of Yahovah's?) In 200 years, many Bavarian Masons have made the U.S. "Great Babylonian Whore" (Rev. 17-18) a reality. Prophecy against this U.S. "Lady Harlot" is in (Isayah Chapter 47). Prophecy against Cain-Esau-Hittites is found in Obadiah: after the Apollo Eagle landed on the moon July 20, 1969, the countdown for this last generation (40 years) began. "First man" on the moon was a Mason, according to NASA. Today, see NASA's giant 'Eagle's Nest' Space Station 2001 in the Stars!

(As written) Yahovah shall now bring them down to the ground. "Mir" (Mire, Myer) U.S./Russian Space Station, weighed 143 Tons and was a home for 106 Astronauts since 1986. (It was thus brought down in a giant "blaze of fire" in March 2001. This is a strong warning of things to quickly come. In the wicked's mind under strong delusion, these things are not thought of as prophecy from Yahovah)

WHEN DID THE BAVARIAN MASON GREAT DECEPTION OF WASHINGTON, D.C. BEGIN? (As with any great plan, the one massive deception and the unending lie, did not happen overnight!)

It does not take much to find New Rome: the original Eastern D.C. plot of "600" acres was named "Rome" (where Zeus 666 Capitol was built). At the North Cornerstone of D.C. ten mile square, is a "arc" to its twin from (Eagle God) Roman Empire, which became the (Eagle Gott) German Empire. World's symbol of Zeus/Jupiter and the deified ruling Caesar Eagle Son (God) is still the Eagle!

'Day of the Great Slaughter when THE TOWERS FALL' KJ Isayah 30:25

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66.6 Miles Around Satan and Son's Skull 1800 to 1964 A.D. 1993 "Skull of Death" in D.C. Satan and Son Eagle Throne (666 Preparation) (World Order Power Center) (Zeus sitting on the "Square")

Within this designed "Ten Mile D.C. Square" today are such incredible powers of darkness at work, that it is impossible to begin to present them all covering 200 years. Therefore, what you see highlighted in these three prophecies are simply the tip of a gigantic pyramid with Osiris-Iesus being the completed "capstone" for the end of this age: the real 666 false Messiah that the world worships!

There is absolutey no difference in the great family of Zeus (Jupiter) Eagle God "sons and daughters" worshipping Iesus and the Great Goddess Diana in Apostle Shaul's day (and in the time of Yahshua Messiah) than what you see all around you today! In fact, to quote a 2001 CA (Computer Associates) incredible TV Commercial showing an elaborate contemporary "Roman Empire" with Golden Eagles everywhere, and a "Roman Caesar" (shown on a giant TV screen communicating to the mass), who says: "My fellow Roman citizens! Our Empire/Nation has never been greater!" (Understand?) This is Satan and son communicating to Masons and millions of others, and the mass know it not!

A commercial begins with one man with a small business that grows, and he says on a large screen: "We've grown pretty big for a company our size!" A dark sentence reference to Daniel 11:23! Satan and Son are united as one. Pharaoh's Egyptian "Square" (D.C. ten mile square) inside 66.6-mile Green (Osiris) Belt represents the "Four Corners" of earth in Egyptian writings. Pharaoh's wore the square symbol with a Golden Eagle God Image over it. They were the Eagle-Serpent's "Son-of-the-Sun" World Rulers! (D.C. Mason's "Square" for their Gore means the same today.)

Satan's original 1791 Masonic square is a mirror image of Alexandria, Egypt. How was this done? Geographical layout and actual grid map plan, when held up to a mirror, is almost identical to ancient Alexandria at the end of the Nile river. (This was done before airplanes) All Grid Plans of D.C. are centered around the 666 Zeus (Satan) Capitol. Original numbered lots show the 600 series through the Capitol. Only lot without a grid number: between no. 660 and no. 669 is 666 on "Capitol Hill". Why do you think Masons unite together at this Satanic 666 Temple and sing "God Bless America"?

Washington, D.C. is corrupt and evil, and is Satan and Son's 666 seat today! From this actual world "Temple of Zeus", the Mason's "Great Dragon gives Gore his power, and his 666 seat, and great authority". (Rev. 13:2) Masonic Temple in D.C. has two giant Sphinxes from Egypt, and a Pharaoh Egyptian-Hittite lion door knocker. (Rev. 9:8). You will not get truth from U.S. Congress or Senate: they are full of Masons that secretly worship Isis, Satan (Lucifer) and Pharaoh Eagle Son Osiris-Iesus. Therefore, Yahovah's fifth angel (Rev. 16:10) shall dump its "double portion" of wrath on D.C.

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Original D.C. Map: Note "Circle with a Dot" and "Skull Symbol" at White House. (This map is conclusive doc. proof that Masons built the Capitol of Zeus on Lot 666)

Capitol and D.C. were designed by Satan and built by his "Master Builders" (viewed from the air). Sun Dome (Circle Orb) is at the top of a "Tower of Babel" (in 3,800 B.C. Ur covenants). Capitol's Sun Dome has '108' windows: the Mason's number of completion. A landscape design "little horn" (representing Satan's son) and a "big horn" (representing Satan) is above Capitol. This "Tower of Babel" with its ancient Eagle Serpent Son-of-the-Sun Dome, is pointing East. (Isayah 46:10-11) When Al Gore Jr. was a Senator, his "393" No. (9x3=27 and 3x9=27 and 27+27= 54 = 666 (18), 666 (18), 666 (18) Satan's trinity office was at the "right hand side" of Satan's 666 seat and Temple: imitating our Yahshua being seated at Yahovah's "right hand side" (in His Heavenly Temple).

Ur-Mesopotamians, Chaldean-Babylonians, Assyrians-Persians, Canaanites-Hittites; Egyptians were portrayed as "goats" and they worshipped the same U.S. Eagle God and * used identical symbols on hundreds of their Royal Seals representing Satan and Son as one deity. Who talks of these things? Royal Son-of-the-Sun Orb (Circle with a Dot), with the extended Eagle's wings, dates back to ancient Ur 3,800 B.C. The 666 U.S. Capitol has North/ South "wings" and built of "Aquila" (Eagle) Stone.

(* Note: Jews have forgotten their ancient past and being put under Nebochadnazir; his Eagle God)

Nothing is coincidence. (No, you cannot find these thousands of things specifically designed for the Last Little Horn of prophecy in any other grid map design in the world. This is where he now resides.) "Golgotha" also means the Place of the Skull for today's False Messiah! The Washington, D. C. Masonic Beltway of the "Beltway Boys" is precisely (666) 66.6 miles, forming this very precise Satan and son skull of death. The "C.I.A." (Osiris-Iesus Eye) is inside of Satan's "skull" with a "Little Horn" where the "Eye" is located.

Famous Route "66" leads straight to White House! (See? Get Your Kicks on Route 66!) Inside of the skull 'Temple' area of Satan and Son's skull is the actual 'Temple' of Zeus and Iesus, the real 'Temple' of the Masons, and the 'Temple' of Isis. You do have a temple, and guess what? Satan and son also have a real 666 "temple" area! Their "Temple" of the skull is inside of the D.C. Square. See some of it now revealed.

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(1993 Map with Horn) (Satan's Skull Design) Original Masonic "shot map" of D.C. from Library: See "Square" in center of Skull

Center of skull/temple is the White House (Name of Assyrian Temple). The Great Egyptian Cheops Giza Pyramid was also covered in slabs of polished glistening White Limestone. D.C. Monument of Masonic Grand Master George Washington is intentionally modeled after two ancient Egypt Obelisks: Cleopatra's two Needles * were at the entrance of the Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis; set by Thothmes III in 1831 B.C. Rhameses II later chiseled them with his achievements. 23 years before our Yahshua Messiah, Rome's Augustus Caesar moved them to Alexandria! 1819 A.D., one was (intentionally)presented to London, England and another one to (N.Y.) United States!

* (Historical Ref. from 'The Century Book of Facts', Ruoff, 1906. Read the above one more time to let it totally sink into 'your' temple: Washington, D.C. was founded on evil things from ancient Egypt and Babylon and the darkest mysteries of iniquity: it has nothing to do with the worship of Yah or Yahshua! D.C. is part of the 666 Masonic mystery of the U.S. and Great Britain connected to Egypt in prophecy)

Shrines, Satanic statues, busts, bas-reliefs, images (Idols-Gods) abound of Zeus (Jupiter), Nimrod-Osiris, Asshur Nazir, Apollyon and Dionysus (Iesus) Caesar, Eve, Diana, Juno, Venus, Ashtaroth, Nike, Minerva, Isis, and even Cain and Esau! 666 elite Masonic 'dead' heroes and idols are also represented throughout Washington, D.C. in and on buildings and their parks and museums.

A simple question: does any of this flagrant display of ancient Gods and Goddesses* and Satan's workers have anything whatsoever to do with the worship of our Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah?

"Lady Bird" (Eagle Goddess Park) Island is designed as the Eagle-Serpent's "EYE". In Egypt, this represented Horus and Osiris-Iesus, Pharaoh Eagle Son God. "Eye" is inside Mason's "Capstone" on Pyramid in U.S. Seal. Masons closed the "Gap", and the "Capstone" (representing Gore) has been lowered. (No new design One Dollar has been issued using the gap separated Capstone since 1996!)

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See Son-of-the-Sun Spot on left Cone Symbol of Seed Eagle Carries Snake More today are under this God! Typical Ur Great Eagle God Coin in 10-70 A.D. (U.S. Rome is under same Eagle) (Note Roman Son-of-the-Sun symbol; eggs)

Eagle God on the right is the same one of ancient Ur-Babylon and Canaanites with the "round eggs". Shaul said in Romans 1:22-25: They changed the esteem of the uncorruptible Yahovah into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things"! (Above)

They changed the truth of Yahovah into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature (666 Eagle-Serpent beast) more than the Creator Yah: For this cause (breaking Yah's law) He gave them up!" Shaul was aware ancient Greek towns he visited to bring Yah's "Good News" were totally given over to idolatry worship (many Gods and Goddesses). He faced their superstitions, traditions, and Satanic beliefs: especially in Greek-Roman worship of the Eagle God Zeus, Iesus, and Diana. What would Shaul say today about D.C.? They are all without excuse. The many Streets and Zeus (Greek-Roman) building designs are 100% controlled by Masons. Paul knew the ancient Greek city of "Eph'-esus" was even named after an Iesus (Jesus), a real deified Eagle Son-of-Sun (god) of Zeus! (see Apollo; Dionysus), before 500 B.C.! Iesus (Jesus) was not ever our Yahshua Messiah, then or today.

D.C. is also a city dedicated to Iesus! Masons and those under them are given over to the worship of Zeus and Iesus, and Diana-Isis-Nike-Ashtaroth-Juno-Victoria! Washington, D.C. = "Wash" in Japan = "Eagle" and "Washigeni" was an Aryan Hittite Capitol: the enemies of Jacob/Israelites/Jews in Scripture! As ancient enemies of Yahovah's real Jews (Judah and Israel) in the world, their open and secret plot to still eliminate Jews is fully exposed! (Ignoring these truths will not stop them!)

Capstone and Eye, and the "Cornerstone" they consider Zeus (Satan) when erecting a building, are major symbols of "Osiris-Iesus" of Egypt. Major symbol of Osiris is also his phallic (male penis), and that is what all Masons worship! Ancient Greeks who visited Egypt called these Osiris Pharaohs 'Sons of Zeus' (Osiris-Iesus), as all the other Gods in the world were under "their" Zeus. Therefore, they considered/ described them as Iesus or as "deified sons of Zeus". Ie = son of, and sus = Zeus. This truth may greatly shock you, but this is the major deception at work within today's Christianity!

Conflict about Yah's Name, and worshipping Him and Yahshua, instead of Zeus and Iesus, is where the major separation of Yah's sheep from the goats begins: the differences in Yahovah and God!

"We will walk in the Name of Yahovah our 'Most High' forever and ever." (Micah 4:5, 7:7)


Because the penalty from Yahovah for worshipping Gentile "Gods" has always been death, and is still death in Revelation today, we spend much time explaining this no-compromise essential doctrine for Yahovah's Salvation: 6,000 or 4,000 or 2,000 years ago in Yahshua Messiah's and in Apostle's days. (World has compromised and rejected this essential doctrine! This very basic truth also goes against documented evil teachings of the German's Martin Luther [German Catholic Reformer] and his anti-Jewish incredible doctrine of burning Jewish Synagogues, killing Jews as rebels, burning their Torah and Jewish Hebrew writings, and driving them out of civilization in the name of Iesus-Jesus! Hitler got much of his doctrine of hate against Jews straight from Luther! Yah's chosen sheep know Ha Shem, even being blinded about Yahshua Messiah! This ancient Iesus is certainly not our Yahshua!)

Hebrew Jews and Israelites in Yahshua Messiah's day did not ever say: blessed is He* that comes in the name of Zeus *, Deus, or Theos. (* Iesus, son of Zeus). It never happened, and scholars know it.   Graphic's not available

"Yah's Place of Peace" "Garden Tomb" of Yahshua

"Blessed is He that comes in the Name of Yahovah (YHVH): Blessed be the Kingdom of our father David, that comes in the Name of Yahovah (YHVH): Hosanna in the highest." (Mark 11:9-10) Even (Psalm 145:21) plainly says: "Let all flesh bless His Perfect Name forever and ever!" (All flesh includes Jews, Messianic Jews, Israelites, and called out Gentiles forever: still valid today).

Isayah also said it clearly for all to understand: "Behold! Yahovah (YHVH) is my Salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Elohim Yahovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my Salvation." (Isayah 12:2). Also (Isayah 43:3-11, 56:6). Again says Yah's prophet: "I will exalt you, I will praise Your Name; for You have done wonderful things; and Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth." (Isayah 25:1-9). "Trust you in Yahovah (YHVH) forever: for in Yahovah (YHVH) is everlasting strength." (Isayah 26:1-4) "We have waited for You; and the desire of our Soul (our Spirit) is to Your Name, (YHVH) and to the remembrance of You." (Isayah 26:8)

Yahovah, speaking through Isayah: "I Am Yahovah, that is My Name: and My esteem I will not give to another, (as an Iesus "Jesus") neither My praise to graven images (idols)." Isayah 42:8. (Christians, Ministers and Doctors of Theology cannot read!) There is no other Name other than Yahovah! * Not giving Yahovah's praise to another includes Zeus (God) and Iesus! * Suggestive readings are (Daniel 9:19, II Chron. 7:14, Amos 9:12, Yeremyah 14:9, 15:16).

There is only One Name by which those that are Yahovah's are called: "I will say to the North, give up; and to the South, keep not back: bring My sons from far, and My daughters from the ends of the earth; even every one that is called by My Name: for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yes, I have made him." (Isayah 43:6-7). Do you see that you must be called by His Name?

Those against Yahovah's Name (which is also Yahshua Messiah's Name) and reject it, are not His sons and daughters! * "Yahovah is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shown toward His Name, that you have ministered to His called out ones." (Hebrews 6:10) See? This is what we are doing this last time before our Yahovah takes out His righteous wrath on His Own, and the world's heathen and confused/ deceived Germans! If this truth quickens you, then it is Yah now calling you by His Name, and separating you from this evil/madness, and not us! German Catholics, German Lutherans, and German Masons are ready to do great evil again!

(Listen to some of Luther's doctrine, and see if this hate has anything to do with Yahshua Messiah or Yahovah. Luther dramatically influenced Hitler. Luther's abominable anti-Jewish doctrine is still with us today: the third vicious German Bear is rising: its head with the last rib in its mouth, to devour much flesh!! Luther's Quote: "I pray all our [German] rulers in whose territories there are also Jewish 'subjects', to practise severe justice in regard to this 'despicable race' … similarly to a wise surgeon who, without false pity, severs such limbs, flesh, arteries, and all other parts, which are infested with gangrene! {Listen} The SAME METHOD SHOULD be APPLIED to the JEWS! If I were to baptize a Jew… I would fasten a stone to his neck and thrust him into the waters…" ) pp. 10-11. See? All Jews and Messianic Jews today in Yahshua now beware! Luther calls the Jews "SUBJECTS", not rulers! You will note he appeals to 'our' (his) rulers, and counts, and dukes, and others WHO ARE GERMANS, who are the real RULERS, (not Jews) as they still are today!

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Luther and Germans are under Eagle God This is their God (Gott)! (They cannot repent of this Ur ancient abomination) (Same God as Ur- Assyrians)

(His literature is in circulation again today to stir up the Germans in U.S. and elsewhere against Jews! More Luther quotes: "Burn their Synagogues, prohibit all the practices I have described and compel them to work… if all this is of no avail, they must be cast out like rabid dogs." Ref. to this incredible stream of hatred coming from Luther's own mouth, and more, comes from the pamphlet: "Vom Schem Hamphoras und vom Geschlecht Christi," 1543) Luther is thus cursed!

If you want to know what Germans who hate Jews are circulating once again, ask for: "Martin Luther and the Jews", Edited by Bishop Martin Sasse, Eisenach. Their last U.S.A. address for this pamphlet was: Bohica Concepts P.O. Box 546, Dept. LAB Randle, Washington 98377. You should now understand what happened to Chandra Levy in Washington, D.C.! Satan says: "Start at my 666 Temple!" This truth is covered up in much spin, but it is a real rally cry for Satan's 666 wicked army to begin in the U.S.! It is racial, and this has not been examined as a motive in the News or in D.C.!)

"I, Even I, Am Yahovah (YHVH); and beside Me there is no Saviour…" (Isayah 43:11-14). Read (John 10:25-26-38 and 12:15). Why Yahshua Messiah said to serve only Yahovah; why Yahshua did works only in His Father's Name, and said: "The Father is in Me and I in Him". O Yahovah, our Master, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth." (Psalms 8:9)


What the prophet said is irreversible. It is such bold truth, it was quoted over 100 times in the Good News from Yah! Yet, today's deceived reject what Isayah said: speaking for Yah! Yahshua said: "Father, glorify You in Me with Your Own Self… I have manifested Your Name" (John 17:5-6).

A 'serious conflict' exists between those that accept Yahovah and Yahshua and those that accept Zeus (God) and Iesus (Jesus). It does not matter if you have degrees, or Torah Scholar, or a "Theos" ology graduate: you cannot make Yahovah into Zeus! You cannot make Osiris-Iesus into Yahshua! "The man of wisdom shall see Your Name (Yahovah): Hear you the rod, and who has appointed it." (Micah 6:9) Those in today's One World Order have their Zeus and Isis-Nike, and Osiris-Iesus under the world's Illuminated Masons. It is hoped you will now come to know the differences.

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Psalm 18:2 "Yahovah is my Rock… my Deliverer… and my Salvation."

In Books of Psalms alone, stated clearly for all to read over 50 times, Yahovah (YHVH) alone is Salvation. It is also stated clearly again and again that only the Name Yahovah (YHVH) is our Rock. Yahshua and Father (Abba) Yahovah are as One: He said to read Psalms: for it is written of Me. (Psalm 3:8) Thus, "Salvation belongs to Yahovah". (Psalm 8:14) "I will rejoice in Your Salvation." (Psalm 13:5) "My heart shall rejoice in Your Salvation." (Psalm 18:46) "Let YaHoVaH (Yah) of my Salvation be exalted." (Psalm 20:5) "We will rejoice in Your Salvation, and in the Name (Yahovah) of our Mighty One of Israel, we will set up our banners!" (Psalm 21:5-6) is written of Yahshua:

"His (Yahovah's) esteem (Yahshua) is great in Your (Yahovah's) Salvation: honor and Majesty have You (Yahovah) laid upon Him (Yahshua). For You (Yahovah) have made Him (Yahshua) MOST BLESSED FOREVER." When Yahovah sent Yahshua to walk among us, this Psalm (prophecy) was used by Apostles. (Psalm 98:2) "Yahovah has made known His Salvation: His Righteousness has He openly showed in the sight of the Gentiles." Repeated in (Isayah 62:2) and again by Peter and others. "Be it known therefore unto you, that the Salvation of Yahovah is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." (Which many did then, but not now) (Isayah 42:1 and Acts 28:8 and 15:17)

The end of this age has finally arrived, and horrific fulfillment of Yahovah and Yahshua's prophecy concerning the ancient mystery and truth behind Jacob's greater troubles from what he usually suffers: "For the time shall come when they shall not endure sound doctrine. They shall turn away from the truth (that is only in Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah) that they might be saved." This is now! Despite many denials, Yahovah still speaks through His prophets, and He has a terrible message to all deceived goats who refuse to listen to Him, reject His Name, or repent, as written in Revelation. (If you are indeed one of Yahovah's lost sheep, you shall hear now His Voice, and you will repent!)

Thus Saith Yahovah: Go to your abominable Eagle God now over the world and see if 'it' can help you! Go to your abominable Eagle Queen now over the earth and see if 'she' can help you! Go to your thousands of Eagle synagogues and Eagle son churches filled to capacity where I do not dwell, and see if I hear or answer one of your prayers while worshipping the world's abominations! Go to your sea of corrupt and evil rulers and leaders, your abominable law givers and lawyers, and your cursed ministers that despise My Name, and see if they will now help you in your time of great trouble! Thus Saith Yahovah: Yet, shortly it* will be over, and I will say: IT IS FINISHED! (Rev. 10:7) * Jacob's Troubles are here, and also Yahovah's double portions of wrath upon the world must be finished!

Some of the following is from Unger's Bible Reference Dictionary (Merrill F. Unger), and numerous Bible Encyclopedias, Concordances, and World Dictionaries, such as: Greek Dictionary of Exhaustive Concordance, KJ Bible Philadelphia Edition Dictionary, Brewer's Dictionary, and the 1990 LaRousse Encyclopedia. Other sources in public libraries contain the ancient history of Zeus and the Celtic Esus (Iesus-Dionysus-Osiris), and their major symbols, such as the Eagle God; five pointed "Blazing Star".

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Ancient Eagle God of "Babylon" Ancient Ur Eagle God of Germans ('In God We Trust' Today) (God = Gott = Eagle = Iesus = Satan)

"Gad" (god) p. 450 and 488. 'God', and false 'Gad' (Gawd) a worshipped (Chaldean) Canaanite God of Fortune. 'Gad' often appears in Hebrew compounds as "Baal-Gad". See Joshua 11:17 "Migdal-Gad" and Joshua 15:37. Note: Aryan Hittites are also Canaanites, as they are described in Scripture. Aryan Hittites are today's German Aryans across Europe and U.S. They still worship their Zeus-Jupiter (Gad) Eagle God of Fortune. See also (Isaiah 65:11). "Gad" (god) also means 'The God of/from Jupiter' ie. Satan's 'Star of Fortune' and also described as 'The Star of Great Luck' (Arabic). U.S. star is same Arab-Moslem's Five Pointed Star on their flags, on tops of their shrines and temples and incorporated in many Arabic emblems. The Shriners (of Masons) extensively use Arabic-Canaanite-Chaldean God's Five Pointed Star. In ancient Egypt, this same singular five pointed "Blazing Star" is the symbol of Osiris-Iesus! (Gore's Five Pointed Star was also used extensively by Aryan Hittites, who were Canaanites) "Gad" God of Luck/Fortune's "Five Pointed Star" (Osiris-Iesus) flies on and over 50 flags around the world. It is used extensively by the world's Masons; also known as the "Pytha-Gore" Star. This is the very same five-pointed "Blazing Star" the Greek's and Roman's worshipped and is clearly mentioned in (Acts 19:35) Described as: "The Image that fell down from Jupiter". "Gad" (god) Jupiter = Zeus = Deus = Theos = Wodan (Odin) = Dios = Satan = Devil = Lucifer. Major symbol representing all of the above is the Nisroch Eagle God in (Isayah 37:38). (god) 'gahd' or 'gawd', is today's worshipped 'God' = 'Gott' = 'Wodan' (Odin) = Eagle! IEU Name of Persian "Eagle Son-of-the-Sun God" of Illumination, as Mazda Ra. (Worshipped by Illuminaries: today's Masons). Mazda Ra, as Greek's Apollo, was the Eagle God of Light: 'Enlightenment'. Greek philosophers of Enlightenment viewed this Mazda God as yet another description of Zeus and Iesus. (Mazda = Zeus = IEU = Iesus = Apollo-Iesus = Osiris-Iesus) IEU (God) definition can still be found in the 11th. Edition of 'The Encyclopedia Britannica'. IEU Greeks dedicated their 'alphabet soup' to IEU, and forced Hebrew Jews/Israelites to eat it after conquering Jerusalem and Israel! Greek letters for translating Hebrew 'Y-H-V' of YHVH (YaHoVaH) Name did not even exist. Greeks taught that the Hebrew "Y"od = their letter "I" and the Hebrew "H" = their letter "E". Hebrew "V" a "V" became Greek letter "U". The Hebrew (Tetragramation/four letters) of the Hebrew Name YHVH (Yahovah) thus became falsely translated into the Greek as "IEUE". Note: IEUE pronounced in the German and spelled in English as 'Huey', and a root of name 'Hughes'. Satan spiritually makes fun of this deception, as in Huey Lewis and the News Rock and Roll Band. This means IEUE Lewis {Lucifer's News} Lewis song verse tells the story: "We're goin' back in time" from Satan's Movie: "Back to the Future" (for today) where the professor exclaims Mason's "Great Scott".

Greek replacement of Yahovah (YHVH) with IEUE and the replacement of Yahshua with Iesus (Esus-Iesous) was not accepted by those believing on Yahovah and Yahshua's Name. To make this ancient deception accepted, Romans, Greeks, Germans, and Satan's army of workers burned and destroyed the ancient Hebrew Scrolls and Hebrew Scriptures with Yahovah and Yahshua's actual Name!

Germans have spread their ancient Eagle Gott (God) and "Eagle Mark" over the face of the earth, and with Mason's lies, they have convinced the world (including most Jews) their Gott (God) is Yahovah! Charlemagne used the Eagle Gott as the National symbol and his Royal Seal 800 A.D.. In the 12th. Century, the Eagle Gott became the dominate figure or 'image' in the Arms of German Emperors and Kings. The Eagle also used in 1172-1190 A.D. in Maastricht (Now in Netherlands). Counts of Saarwerden, Henneberg, Kings of Bohemia, Dukes of Austria, and many Noble German Families exclusively used it in the 13th and 14th. Centuries. This "Imperial Gott" Soverign Eagle was used throughout all cities in the German Empire right up to today. (As Mosbach, Aalen, Deventer)

Gives Ancient 'Goat Sign'

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April 15, 2001 "Goat's Savior" Osiris "Eye" and "Eagle"

Christians and Catholics worship IEUE, ISIS, and IESUS. See "Gore" (Triangle) Egyptian Eagle Eye of Osiris. German churches have Masons, as the Methodists, Mormons, Lutherans, and Baptists! They love Iesus and Gott, and have lived freely not 'persecuted' or put to death in Satan's kingdom. Individuals in their ranks are bothered when they need a sacrifice, get out of line, become politically radical or socially incorrect, or become a major embarrassment within their German World Order. Apostle Paul (Shaul) told the Priest of (Zeus) Jupiter to turn away from these vanities unto the living Yahovah. (Acts 14:13-15) A Major High Priest of Jupiter (Zeus) today is the Pope at the Vatican.

Now in all seriousness, do you think the Pope would ever repent from IEUE, ISIS, and IESUS? And do you seriously think that over a billion deceived under this Satanic trinity will come to repent today? Why then do we go to great lengths to expose all of this 666 evil in the world today under Iesus-Jesus? Again, to show Yah's Word is still truth: "These things are written, that you might believe that Yahshua is the Messiah; He is the Son of Yahovah, and that in believing, you 'might' have life through His Name." (John 20:31) "I will rejoice in Your Salvation." (Psalm 8:14). "The fruit of our lips is giving thanks to His Name". (Hebrews 13:15, which repeats the verse in Isayah 26:28).

Israelites loved having Yahovah's Name as part of their own. In Hebrew, Ben = Son, and Bar = Son (Both used and seen in English translations). 'Jah' in Psalm 68:4 is also "Yah". Many Hebrew names ending in 'iah' is "Yah". No "J" was in the Hebrew Scriptures. The "J" was not invented until the late 1400s/early 1500 A.D. The first 1611 King James Bible had no "J". (Jesus is Iesus)

YHVH (Yahovah) is correct, not JHVH ("J"ehovah). Israelite names also confirm-document that YHVH (Yahovah) is the only Name of Salvation. It was used in Egypt, the Babylonian exile, and in Israel. Most Jews know Yah is a contraction (short Name form) of "Yahovah". Source: 1896 Bible Authorized Version of 1611 (Names in Combined Concordance Section) New York, New York: 37 East 18th Street, Thomas Nelson and Sons Publishers, U.S.A. See? Gentiles know Yah's Name is not "LORD", or Lord, or God (Gott). The question is why do they keep using these other abominations?

A Gentile source of Hebrew names with Yah is 1939-40-41 Bible Translated out of Original Tongues: Revised Version of Conformable Text to Authorized or 1611 Bible Version (Pub. No. 5550), by The Whitman Pub. Co., Racine, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 'Table of Proper Names' incorrectly use Jehovah (corrected here), but also knew Hebrew Name YHVH was not "IEUE", Zeus, Deus, Theos, Divinity, El, God, or LORD. Our King David said: "Glory you in His Name (YHVH)". (Chron. 16:10)

German One World Order is real, and they are sneaking around behind the scenes doing great evil all around the world and especially in the United States. They think that none sees them or knows them! But Yahovah saw them thousands of years ago, and He knows all they still do and He has revealed it! What? Today's German Aryans are Assyrians, and the Aryan Hittites/ Canaanites of yesterday. (Yahovah shall cut them off from the hearing His Living Word in December 2001, as they repent not) "Keep not your silence O' Yahovah! Hold not your peace, and be not still, Yahovah! For Lo! Your enemies make a riot, a turmoil, and they that hate you (as Bavarian Masons) have lifted up their heads!

They have taken crafty counsel against YOUR PEOPLE, and consulted against Your Hidden Ones. They have said: Come, and let us cut them off from BEING A NATION; That the Name of Israel may be no more in remembrance! For they have consulted together in One Consent: they are the CONFEDERATE AGAINST YOU!" ….. (Did not U.N. consult and vote together in One Consent against Israel? Has notUnited States proposed to divide Jerusalem and have a Palestinian State? The U.S. is not a true friend of Israel or Jews whatsoever, despite their manipulative lies for many years.)

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'Trappings and Marks' of the Gods Ancient Ur-Mesopotamia-Babylonia Lion Prince Edward "In God They Trust" Masons in Professions (German) (Bavarian Club) (Their Noble Men)

Do unto them as the Midianites… which perished at En'dor; they became as dung for the earth! … Make their Nobles like O'-reb, and like Ze-eb: yea, all their Princes … who said, LET US TAKE TO OURSELVES THE HOUSES OF YAHOVAH IN POSSESSION! O' my Yahovah! Make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. As the fire burns a wood, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire (Yahovah has set 20 States on fire the past four years in the U.S.!)

So persecute them with your tempest, and make them afraid with YOUR STORM! (Satan mocks this with his 'perfect storm', his 'perfect solution' to try and slaughter all of Yahovah's real sheep! A recent code given on Letterman is "Serendipity", dark meaning "The Perfect Solution" to kill sheep!)


That men may know that you, WHOSE NAME ALONE IS YAHOVAH (YHVH), are the Most High over all the earth!" (Psalm 83) (Today, see the enemies of Yah seeking His Name, and even now coming in His Name, but they are not Jews or Israel! See the real Yah Israelite names of old!) Benjamin (Israelite Tribe) = "Son of the Right Hand of Yah". Jedidiah = Yah's name for King Solomon. Eli (Eloi) = "Mighty Yah". Eliyahs = "My El is Yah". Eliab = "Yahovah is my Father". Eliadah = "Yah Knows". Eliud = Yahovah of the Jews (UD). Elishua = "Yahovah is Salvation".

Elihoenai = "My Eyes are to Yahovah". Benaiah = "Son Yahovah Has". Beraiah = "Son Yah has Created." Beriah = "A Gift of Yah". Berechiah = "Son Yah Blesses". Dodavah = "Beloved of Yah". Eldaah = "Whom Yah has Called". Eldad = "Yahovah Loves". Elasah = "Yah Made".

Jair = "Yah Enlightens". Jakim = (Yahkim) "Yah Establishes". Jehoadah = (Yahuadah) "Yah Adorns". Jehoaddan = (Yahuaddan) "Yah Has Beauty". Jehozadak = (Yahozadak) "Yahovah is Just", and Jehucal = (Yahucal) "Yah is Able". After reviewing only these few Hebrew names, who says Yah's Name is unknown, or there is no way to translate it, or pronounce it, or ever find it out?

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The prophet says: "It shall be in that day…Yahovah (YHVH) shall be King over all of the Earth: In that day shall there be One Yahovah, and His Name One." (Zechariah 14:8-9) = Zechar-Yah (Now does Yahovah lie? Does the prophet coming in His Name lie? No Zeus or Iesus shall be found) The prophets of Yahovah declared again and again in Scripture that only Yahovah offers Salvation! Almost 2000 years ago when Caiaphas wrote down and spoke the Name of our Abba in Heaven, the Creator of all things, it is evident there can be but only 'One Yahovah of the Living'. All pagan and Gentile gods and goddesses are nothing, their names are nothing (as Iesus), their dumb images and icons are nothing, and their lifeless statues and busts in many world churches are nothing, as written.

For just as it pleased Yahovah to give Moses His Name, and reveal it to Israelites, and establish His Name forever in bringing them out of Egypt, thus through His Only begotten Son, Yahshua Messiah, it also pleases Him that He reveals again to us His Name and His Living Word that came to us and walked among us in His Name, and His Truth and His Salvation that is only in His Blessed Name.

Therefore, as the Father and the Son are as One, the only way to reach Father Yahovah is through His Son Yahshua Messiah, as written. Yahovah established Him as our only "Counselor" and our "High Priest", and bestowed upon Him all things throughout Yahovah's Universe, the heavens, and throughout the world. As written in Revelation, He is the only One found worthy, for this Lamb of Yahovah was and is without spot. Billions of Gentiles and non-believers say Yahovah's Name means nothing! Woe unto them, as it is over for them! They have rejected the Only Name of Salvation! (Even those who know the Name of Yahovah and Yahshua do not want to hear these truths today!)

Others stubbornly worship and follow their Iesus and their God of the Gentiles! They have forgotten or reject the truth written: You must become a Jew (Jacob/Israelite), "circumcised of the heart", and "reborn again" in Yahovah and Yahshua's Name to be saved. Iesus and God worshippers have not the Seal of Yahovah's Name, or the Ruach ha Kodesh Baptism of His Spirit! (There is no argument.)

Will they search Yah's truth and understand these written truths? Or will they call Yahovah a liar? Yahovah said: "I Am Yahovah, that is My Name." (Isayah 42:8 and Jeremyah 33:2) Yahovah said: "This is My Name Forever." (Exodus 3:15). Yahovah said: "My People are called out by My Name." (Chron. 7:14). Yahovah said: "My People shall know My Name." (Isayah 52:6)

"Whom the whole family in heaven and earth is Named." (Ephes. 3:15). Yahshua said: "I have come in My Father's Name." (John 5:43). And this great truth: "There is no other Name under heaven whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12). Written in (Rev. 14:1) "His Name written in their foreheads. Read also (Zech. 13:9, Isayah 48:10). These are a few reasons that we should always… "Love the Name of Yahovah." (Isayah 56:6) It is incredible that Christians reject all of this truth!

"Praise the Name of Yahovah (YHVH) your Elohim, that has dealt wonderously with you…" (Joel 2:26) Aaron and his seed were chosen by Yah to sanctify (separate out) Yahovah's things used in worship services and to bless Yahovah's Name forever. (This also means for today). Many of Aaron's seed therefore ended their names in Yahovah's Name written in our ancient Torah of Israel.

Behold! Mal-chi-YAH, A-bi'-YAH, Shec-a-ni'-YAH, Ma-a-zi'-YAH, Re-ha-bi'-YAH, Ye-ri'-YAH, YAH-a-zi'-YAH, A-hi'-YAH, Ged-a-li-YAH, Mat-ti-thi'-YAH, Han-a-ni'-YAH, Ye-da'-YAH, Me-shel-e-mi'-YAH, Peth-a-hi'-YAH, De-la'-YAH, Yeh-de'-YAH, Is-shi'-YAH, Am-ari'-YAH, Neth-a-ni'-YAH, Hash-a-bi'-YAH, Buk-ki'-YAH, She-mai-YAH, Sem-a-chi-YAH, and Ish-ma'-i-YAH, to name only a few. Today, it is my joy to say as Aaron: Bless Yahovah's Name forever! Read the Hebrew Scriptures and you will find Yahovah's Name mentioned almost 7,000 times. Again we say boldly as written: "I will praise Your Name for ever and ever." (Psalm 145:2)

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"As I live, Saith Yahovah, Every knee shall bow to Me." (Isayah 45:23). (See Romans 14:11) (See? Satan and Son would have you now bow down your knee to God, Lord, Jesus and their Isis!)

As stands corrected, hear again (Philippians 2:9-10-11). "Wherefore Yahovah (YHVH) also has highly exalted Him (Yahshua), and given Him His Name which is above every Name: that at the Name of Yahovah (Yahovah's shua is Yahshua) 'every knee shall bow', of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue shall confess that 'Yahshua Messiah' is indeed Yahovah (YHVH), to the esteem (glory) of Yahovah the Father (our Abba)."

If you stand firm in this deceived world on the Name of Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah, and reject Iesus, Yahovah's prophecy shall come to pass concerning His Name as written: "All that are Mine shall be hated and persecuted for My Name's sake". (Read Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13, and Luke 21:17) Do you see two billion Jesus-Isis Christians and Catholics being hated and persecuted? (Especially millions of Christian Masons and their wives? They become frustrated in anger at those who bring this truth up! They do not want to hear it!) Because they repent not of their "Osiris-Iesus-Apollyon and Deus-Zeus" (Theos-God), and their Nike "Madonna" (Isis-Ashtaroth) and accept only Yahovah and Yahshua, this is their certain/ immediate (imminent) future as also stated in Psalm 83:

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that (A) know not Yahovah (YHVH), and (B) that obey not the Good News of Yahshua the Messiah." (Thessalonians 1:8) Remember the strong warning of Moshe (Moses) who said that all who obey not the Living Word (Yah's Good News) of the prophet (Yahshua) to come after him (coming in Yahovah's Name), shall perish (shall thus be put to death)? Perhaps you question who allowed the elimination of Yahovah's and Yahshua Messiah's Name from today's Bible Versions? Yahovah allowed it! It is yet another way of Yahovah separating out from the wicked world those that are His Sheep, as written. What? Yah's Ruach ha Kodesh quickens those that Yahovah calls out by His Name, and Yahovah does know every sheep that is His, as written.

Deceived goats on the left shall remain deceived and shall continue to reject His Name, and shall not ever obey Yahovah's Voice, or His Ruach ha Kodesh, or ever repent! (as is written in Revelation). Now you might think again and again that two billion people cannot be wrong, and you are absolutely correct: the actual number wrong today is almost six billion, and the billions more who have already died worshipping the wrong one since the beginning! Thus, they have died in their sins as written!

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Old City Jerusalem, Israel Read Psalms: Yahshua said, it is written of Me!

We are firmly convinced that Christians and Catholics cannot read plain English today! Did not Yahshua Messiah say: "I Come in M Father's (Abba's) Name". (John 5:43) And, is it not written that only in Yahovah's Name is Salvation? (Psalm 51:14, 62:1-2-7, 65:5-19-20, 69:29, 70:14, 74:12). Why Yahovah's sheep have the Name of YHVH written in their foreheads. (Rev. 14:1) "Seek Yahovah and you shall live… Yahovah is His Name." (Amos 5:6-8) Thus, His prophet said: "I will rejoice in Yahovah, I will joy in the Elohim of my Salvation." (Habakkuk 3:18)

Gideon did not call on a German Eagle Gott (God), or Zeus, or Iesus, but knew who he was speaking with and being tested. He tore down the abominable alter to Baal (Iesus Eagle Son-of-the-Sun God) of the Chaldean-Hittites and specifically named his only alter of worship: "Gideon built an alter…. And he called it: 'Yahovah Shalom', which means: (In) Yahovah is Peace…" (KJ Judges 6:24)

Yahovah said: "In all places where I record My Name (YHVH) I will come unto you, and I will bless you." (Exodus 20:24) Why those that are Yahovah's sheep are thus sealed in their foreheads (recorded in their temples) with His Name in the Book of Revelation. Those that are deceived today ignore and reject Yahovah's Name as Salvation and the words of Yahovah's prophets, who testified again and again that: "Salvation is of Yahovah" (Jonah 2:9) "Jerusalem" = Yahovah's Peace!

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Documented Proof Documented Proof Isayah's Scroll in Jerusalem Jews carry Yahovah's Word

Yahovah's prophet Isayah clearly gave our Messiah's only Name to all of Israel: it is not a mystery. His Name is clear in Hebrew, as recorded in the Shrine of the Book Museum (Isayah's actual Scroll now displayed in Jerusalem, Israel). Isayah gave this prophecy: that Yahovah, the Most High Mighty One of Israel, would send His chosen Hebrew-Israel people His Only begotten Son. He would come only in His Name (as Yahovah's Son of His Salvation = Yahovah's shua). Yahovah's blessed Son shall be established as our only counselor, our only Messiah, and shall be called our Prince of Peace.

"Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bare a son, and shall call His Name IM-MAN'-U-EL." Does this sound like the Greek's son of Zeus, or the Roman's Jupiter, Theos, Deus [God, Gott, Lord] Wodan, Odin, or the Germanic and Celtic's Esus, or Greek and Latin Iesus, Iesous, or English Jesus today? The Hebrew definition and English translation: "In-this man-is Yah-our El". (Isayah 7:14)

'In-man'-Yah-el' translated in Hebrew: "In this son of man is Yahovah, our (El) Mighty One of Israel." "I AM'-is-in-this-son-of-man! He is Yah's El." Yahovah's Mighty One! "Yahovah's Son is this man of flesh." Did not Yahshua Messiah verify this, when He called Himself the "son of man" again and again, and He plainly said: "I speak not of Myself: but the Father (Yahovah our Abba) that dwells in Me. (See?) Immanuel: clearly means "Yahovah is with us!" (John 14:10)

"For unto us (Jews) a child is born, unto us (Yah's) son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called (defined as meaning): Wonderful, Counselor, Their Mighty One, The Everlasting Father (Abba), The Prince of Peace." (Isayah 9:6) How can the Son be called the Everlasting Father, unless Yahovah the Father is in Him? Yahovah is in Yahshua! (Will Catholics and Christians repent of their Iesus and Madonna and simply accept these truths? Firmly No!) Therefore, Yahshua Messiah's Apostles and disciples used these Scriptures in their teaching to prove to Hebrew Israelites that Emmanuel, who had walked among them, was indeed their Only Messiah, and that our Almighty Father in Heaven (Abba Yahovah) was inside of Him they crucified at Golgotha.

This truth made Israelites and Jews hate it, or it quickened and convicted them on the spot, and many cried out: "What shall we do? How can we be saved after what we have done to our Yahovah?" (It is written that Yahshua Messiah, the Cornerstone of Israel, would be rejected, and taken and killed) Apostles exclaimed: It was indeed our Yahovah's very own blood, which is life eternal, that flowed in Emmanuel. For did not Yahovah say: that "life is in the blood", and "the blood is life"? And did not Yahshua Messiah say you must then drink of His blood, the only blood of Salvation? Was He not our blood 'sacrifice' as the 'spotless' lamb without blemish for the remission of all of our sins?

You shall be forgiven, if only you repent of your sins, and accept your Father in Heaven's gift of His Salvation, through sacrifice of His only begotten Son (accepting Yahshua Messiah as your Salvation). See? Yahovah sent His only begotten Son to wash away your sins and to fulfill His Word, and for His Name's sake. Yahovah's 'shua' (Yahshua Messiah is the only bath of Yahovah's Salvation). So now rejoice, and give praise of His Living Water, as you take Yahovah's bath to wash away your sins, and be baptized now in His Name! Many thousands of Israelites were quickened by Yah's Spirit of Truth, and cried out and greatly repented of their sins, and were taken down to the river and baptized in the Name of their Father (Abba) Yahovah, and Yahovah's only begotten Son, Yahshua Messiah, and Yahovah's Ruach ha Kodesh (all as one and the same, that comes and enters into each one of them, and dwells in them, as they then become 'living stones' of His New built Temple, as written).

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Where Blind Man received Sight View from Old City, Jerusalem

Many came up out of the water after taking Yah's shua, Yah's bath, and praised Yahovah's Name as written in (Isayah 12:2-4) Behold! "Yahovah, our Mighty One of Israel! He is My Salvation. In Him I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Most High Yahovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my Salvation!" Again, Hebrew Israelites in those days looked up to the Heavens, and knew the prophecy of Isayah had come to pass as they went down to river Jordan to take Yahovah's 'bath' of living water in the Name of Yahshua Messiah. (Who preaches this basic doctrine today?)

"Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the well of Salvation, and in that day shall you say: Praise Yahovah, call upon His Name, declare His doings among the people, and mention that His Name is exalted!" Why do you think Yahshua Messiah 'sat on the edge of the well' and proclaimed of life everlasting to those who indeed drink of His Living Water (fulfilling Yah's prophecy)? And why do you think that the woman at the well ran out and 'declared His doings among the people' and brought out the whole town to meet Him and to joyfully hear Living Words from Yahovah?

Yah's shua searches out every Israelite/Jew: will they call on His Name, accept Yahshua Messiah, and repent before it is too late? As fulfilled in (Isayah 11:2) "And there shall come forth a rod out of the 'stem' (cells*) of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots: and the Spirit of Yahovah (Ruach ha Kodesh) shall dwell upon Him." In this son of man is Yahovah of Israel: 'Emmanuel' (II Corinthians 5:19) * (Beware great hidden evil behind this'Stem Cell research/law' today! Remember Nazis!)

Christians and Catholics and the world reject this truth, and say to Yahovah and Yahshua: "Depart from us: for we desire not the knowledge of Your ways"! They rejected Yah thousands of years ago! "Wherefore, do the wicked live, become old, yes, and are mighty in power? (As Cain's elite seed who now rule the world, and their seed under them) Their 'seed' (children of ancient DNA of Cain, the goats of the world) are established in their sight with them, and their offspring (kids) before their eyes." (Job 21:7-8) Apostle Peter much later plainly said: that these wicked seed are even 'cursed children' (II Peter 2:14-15) (See them all around you today in great abundance!)


No Difference in a "Black Sabbath" Concert or a Christian 666 "Cornerstone" Iesus "Stryper" Concert! These are nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua! "They had the hair as the hair of women…" (Rev. 9:8)

"Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of Yahovah upon them! They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their 'children' dance! They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave!"

"Therefore they say unto Yahovah, 'depart from us', for we desire not the knowledge of Your ways! What is the Almighty (YHVH), that we should serve Him? And, what profit (as also said Esau that lost his heritage with Yah) should we have, if we pray unto Him?" (Job 21:9-15) See?

This is the wicked's reward: the elite and chosen seeds of Cain in U.S., Europe and elsewhere have elaborate homes and buildings in the multi-millions, and their mountains of 'stuff' from the 'God of Mammon' that they serve with all of their hearts today. See their multi-millions of children of all ages dancing into a sexual frenzy to Satan's wicked and vulgar music. Note: Did not Letterman recently 'play the harp' and have the 'King of the Organ' on his TV show? See also the expensive organs in churches of Satan (God, Isis, and Iesus today). See 'Harp' in Queen of England's shield.

Their horrific and immediate (imminent) future was even written in Job, and shall now come to pass: "Do you not know their tokens (signs, marks, seals, characteristics) that the wicked (their plentiful seed, known as the 'goats placed on the left hand' of Yahshua to be destroyed) are RESERVED FOR THE DAY OF DESTRUCTION? They shall be brought forth (their seed in birth and marriages to one another) to the day of Yahovah's wrath!" (KJ Job 21:29-30) His day has at last arrived.

And did not our Yahshua Messiah confirm this truth stated in Job, when He warned: They will be "buying, building, selling, planting, and given in marriage, then sudden destruction shall come upon all of them." (How many today? All of them! There is no mercy for all those now reserved! Despite all of the incredible warnings from Yahovah, the world, especially the U.S., stands defiant!)

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"Zippor" Eve-Isis Satan and Son with Isis Today (Bird God) (Bird Woman) (No Salvation in these three)

Man (and woman) have always corrupted Yahovah's truth since the very beginning. Yahovah had seen enough in Noah's day of this corruption and continuous wickedness: He destroyed them. For strange reasons and excuses today, the majority of six billion people think Yahovah has changed! (We say for them to simply read the Book of Revelation, and they will find that Yahovah does not change in His Truth, or His Name, or His Ways. This is not what the world wants to hear today!)



Creator has One Name Yahovah (YHVH) vs. Adversary, Lucifer (Satan) has Many names (Many of His Prophets have His Name) (Jupiter, Zeus, Horus, Odin, Nisroch, Osiris) Yahovah is the Only Name of Salvation vs. God and Lord: the counterfeits of Salvation (Savior of Jews/Israelites, Gentiles) (Savior of deceived, Christians, and Catholics) Yahshua Messiah = Only True Messiah vs. Iesus (Jesus) Christ is world's false Messiah (Son of Yahovah coming in His Name) (Iesus is a Son of Zeus, coming in his name) Emmanuel: In this man is Yah our El vs. Osiris-Iesus: In this deified man-god is Satan (Yahovah came in this Son of Man) (Satan magnifies himself in his Little Horns) YAHSHUA OVER SABBATH JESUS (Iesus) OVER SUNDAY Yahovah and Yahshua over the Sabbath vs. God and Iesus over Satan's (Sun) "Sunday" (Sabbath is one of Yah's Commandments) (Sunday is a Roman Catholic commandment) Yahshua and Apostles kept Sabbath vs. Zeus/Iesus/Diana worshippers met on Sunday (Sabbath was never done away with) (Sunday enforced with a Pope death penalty) Many Persecuted Keeping Yah's Sabbath! Pope's also Destroyed Scrolls and Scripture! The Gentile/Greek/German False Messiah!

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"IT IS WRITTEN" Iesus of Long Hairs Giving "Goat Hand Sign" (Ref. by Yahshua) (Ur-Assyrian Son-of-the-Sun Cross at head) NO IMAGES


Yah is a Spirit worshipped in Truth vs. God and Iesus have many images and Icons. (Yah's Spirit is Life and is His Gift) (Satan's spirit is Death: his gift is his seed) Must worship Him in Spirit; Truth Satan seeks those making 'images' of him Yahshua Messiah did not murder vs. Multi-millions murdered in name of "Iesus" (Taught not to think of murder) (Taught to slaughter and eliminate enemies) What war fought in Name of Yahshua? vs. Many wars and Crusades in name of "Iesus" (Apostles did not fight in the flesh) (Many Eagle Rulers declared wars for Iesus) Yahshua kept Yah's Commandments vs. Christians say "Jesus" did away with them. (repeated them in New Covenant) (Roman Catholics eliminated/changed them) Yahshua hanged on a Tree as written vs. Jesus crucified on the Ur-Chaldean "Cross" Yahshua kept feast days of Yahovah vs. Christians observe "Christmas and Easter" (Jews and Israelites have Passover) (Gentiles celebrate days of Osiris-Iesus-Nike)

"To Yahshua Messiah all of the prophets gave witness, that through (Only) His Name (He came only in Yahovah's Name) whosoever believes in Him shall receive remission of sins." (Acts 10:43) p. 622. Dictionary of Comparative Religion: "Greeks generally identified the chief deity of other peoples with Zeus." (This included Yahshua, who Greeks called their Iesus) There is no salvation in the Greek names Zeus and Iesus, or in the Germanican pagan/demonic word "Gott" (God).

Neither is there salvation in the Catholic's worshipped "Madonna" above all others! They can say all they want that you will not ever be saved if you do not pray through their Madonna, but it is a lie! By stating these truths upfront, and declaring the Only Name of Salvation, Yahshua's Words are very true: "You shall be hated of all men for My Name's sake" (Matthew 10:22). The deceived say it makes no difference about His Name, and that its only what is in your heart that counts, but you shall now see vividly and explicitly what the Christians and Catholics worship. They cannot repent of Jesus Christ!

You will find out why Masons made "In God We Trust" the Official United States Motto in 1965. You will find out why they love singing "God Bless America". They do not worship Yahovah. What they actually worship is totally exposed, that you know for certain why Yahovah shall soon punish them greatly, and then destroy them! Do not get mad at us for this truth: if you have any complaints take them to Yahovah, or wait until you must stand before our Yahshua Messiah! (The deceived love their many worldly freedoms and their liberties to greatly sin under their God) That you may understand some of the "dark sentence" shocking things and their meanings within this prophecy, we are going to show you a few icons and extremely well recognized figures used by Satan.

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"Christopher" "Super Man and Woman" "Superwoman" (Christ for Her) (Dean Cain is his name) (On a Square)

Yahovah broke Superman's neck as a sign for today: "There are no Supermen: You shall not even breath without me!" Saith Yahovah! Dean (Chaldean) Cain is indeed playing up the Cain of old!

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Mesopotamians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the Aryan Hittites worshipped "Goldie Locks" their Queen of the World, "Ashtaroth" Isis covered with Gore's Stars.

This woman was called their "Fertility Queen", and one of her symbols was the Bunny Rabbit. The "Bowtie" is also from ancient Ur in 3,600 B.C. and represents one of Satan's "buds" from his tree! Dolly Parton is called a living "Barbie Doll", and those too came from ancient Ur and the Hittites! None of these things are of Yahovah, and certainly are not a part of the worship of Yahshua Messiah. They are everything to do with Cain and Esau, and "Perpetuation of the German Aryan Race".

What you are about to see may shock you, but you may verify these truths with numerous grid maps in most libraries, travel agencies, such as AAA, Washington, D.C. Tourist Maps, and 'original' plotted Washington, D.C. maps recorded in the Library of Congress. You will know that it is already over. We now give a condensed update that just happened! We are officially at War, as in World War III! The "EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN" is now BEING IMPLEMENTED in the United States. (This is what they have precisely planned for many years, despite the Mason 'surface look' of chaos)

Bush flipped a coin on the Whitehouse lawn 9/9/2001, under the pretense of symbolically starting the NFL games, and when the coin hit the ground, it was "Tails" (which is the symbol of the Eagle God and the Eagle Son as One). Then he said: "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Now before this happened, Satan said the following through a TV Commercial: ITS BEEN ALL ABOUT THE GAME SINCE THE BEGINNING, and ITS STILL ALL ABOUT THE GAME and HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED. I'M READY TO PLAY THE GAME. (Do you understand?) Bush and Satan said what they said to signal the real start of "World War III", Daniel's "Third Bear" with the "Third Rib" in its mouth.

'THE DAY OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER WHEN THE TOWERS FALL!' KJ Isayah 30:25 Then, 9/11/2001 BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM! (four airlines hijacked and used as weapons). Two crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in N.Y., and thousands dead, along with many who tried to help. Another slammed into the south wall of the Pentagon. Again, deaths and injuries. Magazines and papers and TV will cover this story, but not what you are going to see that is behind these things. This is the 666 'planned game' and the "excuse" to do a purge across the U.S., and to eliminate Jews, and all dissidents they do not want. Everything is planned: even those four planes: "American EAGLE Airlines", and two of UNITED, and their numbers as 77, and 11, and even the very number of passengers! U.S. appears like a victim, rather than the 'world order' perpetuators!

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Washington, D.C. "Heliopolis" (Obelisk) (Obelisk)

As much as you would still like to think that what happened is just a coincidence in connection to this prophecy, you are wrong. The "Man of Death" is already in Washington, D.C., and this is the final game, the final countdown, as written in Daniel, and in Revelation. World Trade Center Towers in N.Y. and Pentagon were hit with two (American Eagle God) planes! It was also evident that in the way they totally collapsed within minutes of each other, killing thousands, that it was an inside job! (Programmed Implosions used: if you have seen this on other large buildings taken down with high explosives, watching three buildings suddenly collapse; with the amount of dust, and the way they came down, was too quick: they had help! Even Arab terrorist leader Ben Laden said he was stunned that the buildings fell/collapsed below the area where the planes hit! He did not expect this at all!)


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"Images" are real; every line precise, and proportionally built by Satan's "Master Builders". "Dot" = birthmark beside her lip, is Washington Monument = obelisk phallic symbol. Cleopatra's needle women with this birthmark around lips are usually made Madonna sex stars in Satan's world. Song "Little Miss Ridin' Hood"/ "Big Bad Wolf" was written by demons for this design in D.C. No new designed * One-Dollar Federal Note should use this Seal again with Capstone not joined. Why? With Gore as the "Osiris-Iesus Capstone" World Ruler September, 1993, "Gap" design is obsolete. Arranged elections and the "spin" in the Masonic "chess game" has been deception since 1993.

* In 2000, Masons introduced (by law) a new Dollar "Golden Eagle Coin" for Gore, who is already in his hidden role as "Jesus", imitating Yahshua. Before you think this is a big joke, hear out this prophecy. Masons promoted this Eagle Coin for all to receive in their hand. (Rev. 14:11). They even said some were mistakenly (intentionally) stamped with (Mason's) George Washington, and thus making them worth $50,000 or more, as reported on CNN News. Repent of handling this actual 666 coin, and all 666 "Eagle Marked" Beast money.

"L'Enfant" (French, means 'the child') Masonic code/ reference to Satan's 666 evil child to come. L'Enfant detailed D.C. grid map design that included "triangles" (Gore), squares, circles, "bow-ties", and images from around the world. His plan included the "Circle with a Spot" (representing Satan's Son-of-the-Sun) at the White House. This became the shape of the "Egg of Isis" (with a ground Zero Stone). She has given birth to Satan's last child, and he works in the shadows of D.C. For 200 years, Masons expanded on L'Enfant's (elite Mason from France) design, and added "multi-layered" images of ancient named Gods and Goddesses: many shown doing "perverted sexual acts" all across D.C.! Satan's "evil child" is shown in different stages growing up (in grid maps) into the last "Little Horn" World Ruler. Gore, the Eagle, is well known to elite Masons since 1948, especially in D.C.. "Rock (Eagle) Creek Park" (designed in shape of a gigantic goat rearing up against a Pyramid). It faces the "Naval" (Son-Sun) Observatory, where Gore lived as "Vice" President for eight years. "Oxon Run", "Back Lick Drive", "Eagle Street", "Lover's Lane" Walkway, "Dumbarton Lab", "Scott (Masonic) Circle", "Highway 66", "Cherry Hill", "Kennedy Playground", and thousands of names and places have Satanic and hidden Masonic meanings revealing their "Isis, Satan, and Iesus Son".

Deceived today refuse to talk of such things, or accept documented truths that D.C. is run by Masonic Lucifer worshipers. Their "deified", and consecrated Gore today has many names and symbols. i.e. Masonic Code "Dumbarton" = "The Dummy": The "Imitator Son" in 2000. ("Bar" = Son) Those not understanding dark sentences; do not know this name refers to Gore! (Daniel 8:23) "CORNERSTONE" (Square in a Square) symbol of Pharaoh's 666 throne seat in a Tower of Babel (flat design) was finished in 1996. East of White House, it completes the Mason's Federal Triangle. It is today's Reagan World Trade Center of NAFTA, APEC, and GATT. D.C. "Tower of Babel "666 Cornerstone" below 13th. St. Zeus Capitol Temple's "sacred 666 Cornerstone" was consecrated on Sept. 18th, 1993, representing 666 Mason's phallic God "Osiris-Iesus": Mason's Gore today!

All 50 Grand Master Masons from 50 States bowed to this "Gore Cornerstone" (C-Span) in 1993. Gore Cornerstone was 'rejected' by Masonic builders (2000-2001), to imitate verses of "Yahshua". Masons state Washington, D.C. is 'THE MOST ACCURATE DESIGNED CITY EVER BUILT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD'. It was all done for "Isis, Satan and Son (Osiris-Iesus-Apollyon)". All of their efforts behind these incredible demonic designs are for "the perpetuation of their race". Seeds of Cain-Esau-Chaldeans-Hittites (DNA blood and heritage) are in U.S., and 666 plan for their domination is all contained in D.C. Engraved above U.S. Justice Department it reads in stone letters: "WHERE HER (Isis-Ashtaroth-Nike) TEMPLE STANDS… PROGRESS FOR OUR RACE". Masonic Temple North of the White House was designed to represent the location of the heart of Isis, who was the ancient Queen Nefatari of Egypt, their Aryan Hittite worshipped Mother Goddess!

See? "Alas for them. Because in 'THE WAYS OF CAIN' have they gone, and in the 'ERROR OF BALAAM'S (Baal Eagle Son) WAGE HAVE THEY RUN RIOT" (Jude, Verse 11) This is what the World Order has been all about: the worship of the "phallic and vagina" for the perpetuation of the German Race. (Same as Hitler) Turn upside down to see the "Miss Ridin' Hood" lines, p. 29.

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Temple for Iesus "Tower of Babel" Satan's 666 Temple (Whitehouse) (Over World Trade) (U.S. Capitol)

Above is the Osiris-Iesus "Pytha-Gore" (Goat Star) = Pytha = "Serpent's" (Gore) = "Murderer". Upside down = Giza Pyramid with Capstone. See Capitol "horns" and 666 Tower Cornerstone. "Green Square" with smaller "Bow-tie" is (Mason's Great) Scott's Circle: symbol of Gore's 1993 "Ash Receiver", which also symbolizes the Mason's Osiris Giza Pyramid. Large "Bow-tie" at White House, symbolically says: "This Bud's for You" (German's) "Red Budweiser" Satan and Son logo.

Note the Sun Circle in the square at Capitol with "Little and Big" Horns. Viewed downward, the (yellow) "Square in the Square" is the Isis-Pharaoh Cornerstone of this flat designed Tower of Babel. Note "Bow-tie", or wings, and (2) Pyramids above Capitol, which are from a 3,800 B.C. Aryan Hittite Chaldean Ur Covenant with Satan. Demons work and communicate in Masons to make these designs and ancient symbols become a reality. Do you recognize the German Beer Budweiser's "Bow-tie"? Why do you think "This Bud's for You" includes "the Frogs" (of Revelation), "Cross-dressers", and sequences of demonic things in TV commercials? Ur's "Bud" is Satan's son, and he is for you!

"Oval egg" for the "Oval Office" in the Whitehouse, from the Egypt Egg of Isis-Ashtaroth-Victoria. It was used by Ur/ Mesopotamia, Babylon, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Germans: the Easter Egg signifies bringing forth an Eagle-Serpent Son of the Sun to rule the world! (an Osiris-Iesus Pharaoh). Yah's Revelation given 1993-2000. Time for more extensive D.C. study is over!

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Osiris Phallic (serpent) with a "Cross of Life" design comes from Egypt (Small Insert 1,700 B.C.) Close up on right is Whitehouse area: see "egg", Osiris phallic, sperm, seed, lotus, and "down view" of Pyramid with "Capstone". Egypt "Sun Bowl" brings forth an "Osiris-Iesus Eagle Son-of-the-Sun". (Black area bottom left is a symbol of an Osiris cut-off phallic with sperm, and also forms the Egyptian serpent)

"In the latter time of their kingdom *(Cain's German World Order), when the transgressors (plan against Yahovah and Yahshua by the Masons and their 100 associates) are come to the full, a king (a consecrated, deified Masonic World Order God Tsar) of fierce countenance, and 'understanding dark sentences' (signs, codes, symbols and ancient words of Masons), shall stand up." (Daniel 8:23) * This latter kingdom is not Jewish: after two World Wars, it is obviously the German's 'One World Order'. (This is already done). What Masons have done is so radical from the prophecy beliefs of mainstream Americans, Christians, and Jews, that to present their works to the majority is a waste of time. Why? No amount of historical proof, Scriptural proof, Archeological proof, or documentation from even the Masons, will cause them to repent, or change their minds about their worshipped Masonic (Gott), the "God They Trust" today, or their worshipped "Baal", their Lord and Savior: "Osiris-Jesus"!

Why present it? "PROPHECY IS ONLY FOR BELIEVERS." Only those Yahovah quickens shall see or understand these things, and now repent and overcome them as written. If you have eyes to see, the coin portrait image of Gore, the legend phallic Osiris-Iesus on cover, is also below in these maps.

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WASHINGTON, D.C., ARLINGTON, VA. Map (where Gore was born, and resides) Masons worship Isis (vagina), Eagle-Serpent, and Nimrod-Osiris (phallic): found above and more.

Lines (roads and streets) were minutely designed by Satan and built by Masons. Arlington Cemetery is designed as a Bust Image of Isis, and Lady Bird Island leading to it was once "Mason's Island." There are over 40 Egyptian "images" in Arlington's Isis. "Arlington" (also used across U.S.) is a Masonic code that means in 'word' phonetics: "Our Link to N", or "Ur's 'N' 2000". (N = Nisroch Eagle God of Ur and Assyria, and ton = 2,000). What is behind this code fulfills their covenant with Satan they have kept for thousands of years! One Mason in Ohio basically said it was too late for people to understand their hidden Masonic "words, codes, and symbols". He repented not.

Mason's gods and goddesses in history were incorporated into their Master's (Satan's) plan. Actual heads (busts); statues of Zeus/Nike/Iesus, Griffins, and "Glyphs" abound on many buildings in D.C. Isis is shown again and again in grid layouts and in the bas-relief sculptures of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses from one end of town to the other. The ancient story unfolds again and again of Satan's first child (first-born Cain) and his first "Great Eagle Goddess", who was Eve (Isis) the "Ashtaroth". Ashtar = "A Star", and "Roth" = Cain. These fertility women are sexual stars of Cain, the Roth one. U.S. would be 'sex stars' are rampant: (multi-millions) over 80% lose virginity as a teen, and over one million a year get pregnant! Niki (Nike Taylor) Super sex star with a "beauty mark" over her lip was stricken as a sign from Yah. This beauty mark is a down view symbol of the phallic-obelisk D.C. monument on Miss Ridin' Hood. (Janet Jackson, Crawford, Monroe, and thousands of others have it)

Many books have been written on Masons, and warned of their major part in today's "World Order": "Scholarly John Quincy Adams made an 'impartial examination' and investigation of Masonry. He did so from purely 'Patriotic Motives'. In his 'Address to The People of Massachusetts', he said: 'I saw a code of Masonic Legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it. I saw the practice… of abstinence of atrocious crimes, limited exclusively by Lawless Oaths, and barbarous penalties to the social relations between the brotherhood and the craft. I saw the never ceasing penalties of death. Such are the Laws of Masonry…a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many'…" pp. 555-556. M.W. 'Freemasonry, an Interpretation', 1912.


THUS SAITH YAHOVAH: "LET DOWN YOUR LOCKS, MAKE 'BARE YOUR LEG' and THIGH, O' VIRGIN DAUGHTER OF EGYPT: YOUR NAKEDNESS SHALL BE SEEN! Done. Thousands of these "images" are in D.C. No man could design them with this precision. It was done by the Mason's Master Architect. Masons, as Satan's Master builders, finished them. Note location of the Isis "Oval Egg", Capitol 666 Temple, Goat's "Cornerstone", and Naval Observatory.

(If you get large different Grid Maps of D.C., you will find these precise lines and images are real!) Isis Queen of Egypt is still the worshipped "Madonna with Child" (Isis and Osiris), "Mother" for the Mason's German/Roman World Empire with the Catholics and others. (Isayah 47). Why worship these abominations? Without Eve-Isis's original sin with Satan, there would not be "seeds" of Cain-Esau. They therefore worship their "father" Satan, their "mother" Eve, and their "Eagle" God Son(s) in their covenants. (Genesis 4:15). The German Teutonic word GOD (Gott) describes Satan, not Yahovah! Saith Yahovah: Do you remember My strong warnings to you about these wicked things?

"TAKE HEED TO YOURSELF, LEST 'YOU MAKE A COVENANT' (an agreement) WITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND WHERE YOU GO*, LEST IT BE A 'SNARE' IN THE MIDST OF YOU." (Exodus 23:28-33 and 34:12-16) Read (Daniel 2:40-45) about "mixed seed". * (Jacob/Israel also came to U.S.: like it or not, they are under this German-Hittite 666 Covenant and are "mixed together" with multi-millions of German [Cain-Esau] immigrants from all over Europe).

You may reject these truths, but the German Aryan Hittite (Bavarian Illuminati) Masons of the world will keep right on with their Master's plan as they have for the past 6000 years. In it was the (arranged and deceptive) Election and Gore's World Order reign as Jesus, the 666 "false cornerstone" Messiah. (Rev. 13:5) His cover is a "teacher" today. They will keep on schedule with or without your religious beliefs, opinions, arguments, or your rejection of Yahovah and Yahshua's Name and truth. The irony is that all of these people, Christians, Masons, Satan, and Gore, are fulfilling Yah's prophecy. An ethnic purge of their World Kingdom is imminent. At this time, Yahovah is also greatly consuming Gore's worldly kingdom to the very end. (as written in Daniel).

Many portraits of Isis, Satan and Son are in the D.C. "grid maps", and this is one of many ways Satan "reveals" himself to Masons. This one is "Mr. McGoo" ("G" Master of death). These are not jokes: because Satan has nothing to lose, he presents himself many times as a "joker", in cartoons, movies and through his many stars! Thus Gore said on September 8, 1993 Top Ten Letterman Countdown: "A police escort gets him to the Movies faster." (Meaning that having a 'Police State' will bring him into being over his father's worldly kingdom faster!) Satan's world is a 'house of cards', a premium "star-studded world" of make-believe, illusions, deceptions, many murders, and lies.

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Downtown Washington, D.C. See Pyramid, Phallic, Rabbit Those who can see these 'hidden things' in Illuminati are said to possess the 'third eye' vision. We only see because Yah gave us this gift. We reveal only a few of them that you know they are real! (Can you see the young Pharaoh on left? Upside down is another view of "Little Goldie Locks" pregnant.)

Few will believe these things are in Satan's make-believe world, and already consumed by the "lie". This is the real "Top Ten Countdown" today: you must now overcome the 666 beast and its image:

1. Repent of the Nisroch Eagle "God", which is also the German "Gott" (God) and Satan himself. (Stop worshipping their "God" and "Lord": they have nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua) (Worship only Yahovah and Yahshua: love and obey them to the end as written in Revelation)

2. Repent of pledging and taking 666 oaths to "God", Isis, and Osiris-Iesus Son's Egypt flag(s). 50 Osiris Five Pointed Stars from Ur-Babylon and Egypt Isis "Blue Square" is an abomination.

3. Repent of worshipping in that ancient name "Iesus", as Jesus is the 666 "Son of Satan" (Zeus). (Stop worshipping Egypt's Osiris-Iesus and Apollyon: known in Greece as deified Sons of Zeus)

4. Repent of worshipping on Greek's Zeus-Iesus Sunday: keep Yahovah's "Sabbath" as written. (Remove from yourself and your house that abominable 3,800 B.C. Goat Cross and Eagle God)

5. Repent of receiving in your hands today's "Eagle God-Iesus 666 Marked Money" (Rev. 14:11)

6. Repent of receiving in your hands "666 Barcode" (Son's Code) on world merchandise/mammon. (Made law through NAFTA, APEC, and GATT: all done for Gore's world order control of trade)

7. Repent debt to Cain's bankers, pay them off; disconnect yourself from Gore's 666 Beast System. (Repent of 666 Credit Cards, Bank loans, and 'owe no man nothing' as written in Yah's Scripture)

8. Repent of all sins of the flesh, and be baptized in the Name of Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah. (Accept Yahovah [YHVH] as the Only Name of Salvation through His Son, Yahshua Messiah)

9. Repent of all things to do with today's Masonic Babylonian-Egyptian Whore and World Order! (Come out of her My Children) (Stop eating foods and drinks dedicated to Isis, Satan, and Son)

10. Repent of fellowship with the "workers of darkness", give up the things of this world, and obey Yahovah's Commandments to the end as written. (Be willing to die for Yahovah and Yahshua!)

Majority seeds of Cain-Esau-Hittites (Bavarians) shall not repent from their 666 covenant with Satan, nor from worshipping "Osiris-Iesus" (Jesus), which means in ancient Greek, "the son of Zeus".

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Masonic Abominations against Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah! Inside the Masonic D.C. Temple Portrait of "Osiris-Iesus" (See Giant Phallic Osiris-Head) (Who they now worship)

(I.e. = "son of", and sus = "Zeus". Christians become angry and emotional at this truth, but this lie is at last coming to an end. Ask a fluent Greek from Greece how you say Zeus, and then "son of"? Then put them together! Look at cities named after "Iesus" (Jesus), as "Eph-esus", hundreds of years before Yahshua. Masons are full of Christians and Christians are full of Masons. Masons founded thousands of "Iesus Christ" and "Churches of God" places of worship across U.S. They both worship Jesus (Iesus). Masons recruit Iesus Christians, and Christians recruit Iesus Masons! Yet, those informed Christians that write about Masons and expose their connection to Isis (Eve), Lucifer (Satan) and Son (Osiris), cannot see through this simple, but very effective world deception: God (Gott) is the German Wodan (Zeus is God), and Iesus is also "Osiris"! They are not Yahovah or Yahshua!

As an example, in 1912, Pastor Martin L. Wagner of Dayton, Ohio, wrote a 550 page researched book exposing details and ancient history of the Mason's evil Craft. This prompted G.H. Gerberding, who wrote the introduction, to ask: "Is Masonry a part of the final apostasy?" p. 28. The answer: yes! But, after 90 years, people (as Wagner and Gerberding) refuse to accept the obvious truth that Masons and "Iesus" Christianity are one and the same. Masonry cannot be separated from Egypt's "Osiris-Iesus". Non-Masons mistakenly begin their profound belief that their "God" and their "Iesus" today is somehow different than the worshipped (Gott) "God" and "Osiris-Iesus" of all worldwide Masons.

What Catholics and Christians worship! "Goldie Locks" with the "Little Bear"!  Graphic's not available

"Son-of-the-Sun" Osiris and Isis "Madonna" "Eve-Isis" With 666 "Child of Purple" Apollyon "Iesus Kristos" (Dionysus) Little Horn "Osiris-Iesus"

"Orange Sun" is where Gore lived eight years. Gore (Eagle) is revealed in many D.C. street names. Truths behind Christian's Egypt-Greek "Iesus" is too much to take today or in the past. Why? There is no difference between a "Mason" who worships "Jesus", or a devoted "Christian" who worships Jesus! Greek's Iesus is not Yahshua, and neither is God or Lord! Christians and Jews refuse this ancient truth. "God" (Lucifer) of Masons is the same "God" (Lucifer) over the world's Christians!

As a major example of incredible promoted confusion today, in calling Masons Lucifer worshippers, and yet still promoting their Osiris-"Jesus" Christ and "God" as salvation, is the well known Texe Marrs. 'Power of Prophecy' April 2001 (Vol. 2001-04) makes statements against the world Masons and their powerful control in Christianity, but he cannot see their deception with Iesus-Jesus! (His facts/Baptist research confirms what we have said about Christian Masons for over eight years)

Texe Marrs quote: "…the vile, pagan cult of Freemasonry that 'almost'* has the entire Southern Baptist denomination in its death grip. Most Baptist pastors (and Methodist, and Presbyterian, and Episcopal pastors) are Masons. As a result, the Devil (Satan) has achieved a slick and sleazy pathway into the lives of millions of 'Southern Baptist' churchgoers. Most 'Southern Baptist' seminaries and colleges are likewise controlled by Masons. Take for example, Baylor University, Texas' premier Baptist institution. Baylor U. has always had a 33rd degree Mason at its helm. Baylor President Herbert Reynolds is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason---meaning he has lain in a coffin and drank from a human skull, among other atrocities." p. 1. (*Not just 'almost', but all)

"Tony Campolo, best selling 'Christian' writer/ professor of the Bible at Eastern College in Penns., …served as one of Clinton's spiritual counselors during Monica Lewinsky affair. Campolo also believes that homosexuals can live together and go to bed together and 'cuddle' without breaking God's laws. All homosexuals 'have Christ' within, he says, 'because all people do'!"

"Campolo told a huge group of teenagers… 'Jesus is everywhere and in everyone'. He actually said: When you go out there today and you witness to a prostitute, the Jesus in you will be witnessing to the Jesus that is already in her!' "One wonders if this is the kind of sordid advice Campolo offered Mr. Clinton. Did Clinton have the impression that the 'Jesus' in him was simply ministering to the 'Jesus' that was inside of Monica Lewinsky when they did what they did in the Oval Office at the White House?" p. 1. (Truth and the answer is yes: they have Jesus!)

Marrs cannot understand this Jesus deception, or he is perpetuating the Masonic/Catholic lie! You will see how these Marrs' quotes tie in directly to the 666 Gore revelation: why Gore is a "Baptist", and the truth that Jesus Christ is in everyone that does not have Yahovah and our Yahshua Messiah! These people are not breaking their "God's Laws"! Why? Because their "God" is not Yahovah, and Jesus Christ is not Yahshua Messiah! At the end of this prophecy, the Masonic introduction of Gore to the Masons on the Letterman Top Ten Countdown (1993) includes the above Campolo 'scenario'.

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Front of D.C. Library: Image of Zeus Egyptian Clan of "Osiris-Iesus" (God = Zeus = Wodan = Mazda) (Inside of D.C. Masonic Temple)

Marrs should take the D.C. tour and in the Masonic Temple in Washington, D.C. Perhaps he might see the obvious: all of Washington, D.C. has nothing to do with our Yahovah or Yahshua Messiah.

Texe Marrs also has very 'bad things' to say (and rightfully so) about Reverend Jesse Jackson, the Reverend Henry Lyons, President of the National Baptist Convention (with 8.2 million members), Benjamin Chavis, in the United Church of Christ, Dr. Martin Marty, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Jerry Falwell of the defunct Moral Majority, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Pat Boone, Beverly LaHaye, Reverend Robert Schuller, Gary Bauer (a pawn in Presidential 2000 elections), Ralph Reed (who worked with Pat Robertson in Christian Coalition), Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong, Evangelist Steve Hill, and other Christian establishment leaders, such as Chuck Colson, C. S. Lewis, James Dobson, and faith healer Benny Hinn, who is a 'great admirer' of the Pope, Rick Joyner, (false prophet) who joined the 'Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta', and Pope John Paul II, who tells Hindu leader, 'Your gospel and my gospel are the same' (which it is), and of course, the Reverend Billy Graham. (With all of this, Marrs cannot see the Jesus deception!)

Quote Goat Graham from Larry King Show (CNN) 1997: "Asked what he thought of Mormonism, Catholicism, and other such (Iesus) faiths *, Graham responded, ' Oh, I think I have a wonderful relationship with them. I am very comfortable with the Vatican. I have been to see the Pope several times. He and I agree on 'almost' everything." p. 2. (* God/Iesus 'Faith Based' Groups)

Some Masons claim to be real Israel, while they still worship God and Iesus (Satan-Son). U.S. and Britain are Egypt-Hittites; not new Zion, nor do they have anything to do with the Throne of David. Some think "their" (German) Messiah will appear in U.S. He has! This is the truth: Yahshua shall return where He ascended: in 'Yah's Place of Peace', which is Jerusalem. Study ancient Egypt, and you will find Osiris-Iesus is today's Masonic U.S./Britain Eagle Son of Zeus (son of Satan).

'Promised land' of Bavarians and elite Masons is U.S. Daughter of Egypt. Their leader is already in D.C. He is over his "World Order" as Satan's last ruling son. (i.e = son of, and sus = Zeus). He is in "stealth" and in his "humble servant and (Rabbi) teacher role" as a walking Osiris-Iesus (Jesus) among the people for 42 months. He is imitating Yahshua, who walked among us 42 months. Yahshua first told his chosen Apostles to tell no one who He was, that He was the "Son of Yah", and to keep it guarded among themselves! Gore is doing the same thing with Mason disciples!

Yahshua was called "Rabbi" (Great Teacher), and so is Gore. On February 4, 2001, TV Fox News was filled with "Professor Gore" in his new role! Note: Professor means a "Teacher of the Highest Rank". Professor: "Someone who declares Views and or a Faith". "Rabbi" means "Teacher", and "scholar of Jewish Civil and religious Law", an ordained Leader of a Jewish Congregation (Rabbi, means my Master). P. 822. Source: The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary (Encyclopedic Addition).

After an arranged 2000 election, saying Gore is the false Messiah since 1993 seems impossible. But wait: Gore is still the Number One Mason over the world. What? That makes him Bush's Supreme Commander in Chief over the Masonic Pyramid since 1993! Checkmate: the "Chess Game" was over then, not 2001. "Gore-Iesus" is giving to the poor, hungry, homeless, and supporting his "Faith Based" (God and Jesus) Charity Organizations and Churches, especially "German" Catholics. How? Bush is a selected and expendable pawn in the game, to implement the explicit orders of Gore. He must obey his "Grand Master" (Gore), on the (G) penalty of death. Therefore, the (EO's) "Executive Orders" from Bush concerning their German World Order are approved by Number One Gore.

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666 "Cornerstone" of Temple of Zeus Canaanite-Hittite Osiris-Iesus Tree (Cornerstone dedicated to Satan-Zeus) (Represents Osiris and 666 seed)

Washington was a "Master Mason" and also many "founding fathers" (Source: U.S. History and World Book Encyc.) Master Masons are baptized as sons of the ancient Egypt Osiris-Iesus. (Hiram) (The new 666 Capitol builder's "Cornerstone" was anointed/consecrated Sept. 18, 1993 for Gore.) Grand Master Masons declared this "Cornerstone" the most sacred and hallowed in the world. Why? This Cornerstone is the Mason's foundation stone for 666 "Temple of Zeus"; for Isis and Iesus!

Christians unknowingly worship Zeus, Isis and Iesus! Gore is their son of Zeus, or Iesus, as was the Greek's "Alexander the Great", "Augustus Caesar" (God), "Napoleon the Great" of France, and the Mason's "Frederick the Great" and Mason's Hitler of Germany: all images of Osiris-Iesus.

Jews converting to "Iesus" worship this "Apollyon" the Lion, (666 name of false Messiah), who is Dionysus (Iesus). Christians say this is not their Iesus, but it is! Many still find it hard to accept that Masons worship Lucifer, because their father, brother, uncle, grandfather, or Christian neighbor, is a known "Shriner" or "Mason" wearing a 32nd or 33rd. Degree Double Eagle pin/ring. They argue he worships "Jesus" on "Sunday", and could not be worshipping Lucifer. They say he is only ignorant of what he has joined, and just needs to resign. Many are "patriots". They argue that 50 "founding fathers" of U.S. Constitution were Masons, and could not have founded the U.S. on Lucifer worship!

They cannot accept that prior (all non-Jewish) Presidents, as Bush, Reagan, Ford, Truman, and back to Thomas Jefferson, Washington, and even Franklin, were all "workers of darkness", along with all early Christians and all Masons who worshipped the same ancient "God" and "Jesus"!


An Encyclopedia states one in twelve men in U.S. are Masons, such as "Roy Rogers", "Gene Autry", "Red Skeleton" (Esau of walking dead), Warner (War of N from Ur) of Warner Brothers Studios, and a long list of famous men. Southern Baptist Churches and most "Christian" colleges are controlled by the Masons, who are all Lucifer worshippers! Gore is today's deified "Jesus", and a "Baptist".

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Osiris-Iesus Son-of-the-Sun Today's Osiris-Iesus

Masonic "Hand Sign" of Iesus-Osiris, "Little Horn" Ruler over all world's Goats: Little Finger Up = "Little Horn". Pointing to center finger = Eagle and "Phallic". (Tips of right hand fingers are hidden inside the jacket = the "hidden hand" of power)

"Circle in the Square" Iesus wears represents the world; down view of Giza Pyramid. Pope wears one, but Gore broke it open on Letterman as his (Great Scott) "Ash Receiver", revealing he is Iesus. This was also done September 8, 1993. Game over. Gore is indeed the Mason's "Number One".

(Those knowing little about Masons want to deny, argue; debate, but it will not change Gore's rank) In this prophecy, you will understand how this happened, and what is behind Gore's 'Ash Receiver'.

After you read these truths, you have decisions to make. You will know who are Yah's enemies, and they have planned a long time to destroy all Jacob/Israel off the earth! What must you now do?

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful 'workers' of darkness, but rather reprove them." (Ephesians 5:11-12) Consider this a rebuke to all Masons (i.e. Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Moslem, or others as Philosophers, Rosicrucians, Knights Templars, Monks, and Jesuits) Let them deceive you no longer: "For because of these things 'comes the wrath of Yahovah' upon these children (seeds of Cain-Esau and all those adopted into their evil covenant) of disobedience. In knowing their evil, be not partakers any longer with them." (Ephesians 5:6-7) Now you know their evil!

"If there comes any (person, angel, or spirit) unto you, and brings not this doctrine (Yahovah and Yahshua's doctrine), 'do not receive him into your house' (do not invite him in), neither bid him Yah's speed (in what he does): for he that bids him Yah's speed is a partaker of his evil deeds." (II John 1:10). Ministers today are firmly united with Masons in church, government, and business. They invite Masons into their houses, churches, and they also help support and elect them to office.

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Gore is the King: "Elvis" Gore of "Ur-Chaldean Purple" (Elvis = Augustus Caesar) (Ur Bud Black Goat Bowtie)

It is incredible, but over 50 million people in the United States voted for Satan's last son! They are getting precisely what they want: Osiris-Iesus! This is Yah's righteous ways upon their heads.

They (Early Germanican Aryan Hittites-Canaanites and Esau) hated Yahovah's Jacob/Israel when Yahoshua after Moshe (Moses) slew the Canaanites (Cain's brothers and sisters), and Yahovah brought Israel out from under their Eagle God and (Osiris-Iesus) Pharaoh in Egypt, and back to when Cain first slew his brother Abel. This inward hatred of Israelites (Jacob/Jews) is now rampant again.

Through Yahovah's grace and mercy, as His chosen mouthpiece for these days, we shame ourselves "to speak of these things" Masons have already done in darkness. But if we did not reveal some of their completed works (especially in Washington, D.C.), how would you know for certain they have already deceived today's Christians, and billions in the world under them? The deception is done.

"In Masonry, the 'resurrection of Hiram Abiff, is the 'Christ' (Osiris-Iesus). Few candidates (at first) may be aware that Hiram…is ideally and precisely the same as (Jesus) Christ." P. 78 M.W. and 'Mystic Masonry' p. 248. "Masonry is the most ritualistic of all the 'secret' religions." P. 79.

Regardless of what you have in pre-established opinions about Masons in the past and today, the truth in this prophecy (documented) leaves absolutely no excuse for you when standing before our Yahshua! They have helped Satan and son complete the world's deception: much of it done in that ancient name of Iesus (Jesus). Revealing Mason's completed works, you will know who is the 666 'cornerstone'.

World War I (first rib) and World II (second rib) of the devouring flesh eating Berlin German Bear of prophecy in Daniel (with three ribs in its mouth), was evident when Germans (seeds of Cain-Esau) tried to take over the world, and tried to totally eliminate Jews and Jacob/Israelites from being in it.

Amazingly, many Jews today have forgotten what millions of Germans tried to do to under "Goldie Locks" (Isis Sex Goddess) and the second German bear with the second rib in its mouth of prophecy.

They have had 2,000 years to do the job, and guess what? They have almost succeeded. Prepare now for the third rib in the little bear's mouth! This is Gore and his United German Army of the U.S., with Germany's new military. Gore is also the Russian bear with "Gomer's band", the NATO Army . An incredible clue about this third rib in this bear's mouth in German World War III, is contained in Masonic dark sentences is in the Satanic poem "Goldie Locks and the Three Bears". Do not laugh. Little Baby Bear (Little Horn) with the bowl that was just right, just perfect to eat, is for right now.

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Definition of Bear = "Stout Spirit" (Daniel). Letterman used a "bear" to introduce Gore. (Berlin, Germany's "Bear" is on their Flag. Gore is the third German Bear with the third rib)

The Berlin German Bear came out in two wars, and just on TV standing side-by-side on October 9th. 2001 was Germany's Schroeder, and German's George Bush, who said: "We are uniting our resources with Germany." And Schroeder said: " We are uniting our military with that of the United States."

German stand-up bear is the same style-image as German stand-up world conquering lion. Because Gore was introduced on Letterman with jokes, who will ever believe or take any of this serious? Satan and son are known to Masons as the "Jokers", who are wild. In a deck of cards, there are 52 plus (2) Jokers, which are the wild cards. "54" is Satan's trinity: Isis (18), Satan (18) and Son (18).

German's World Constitution, World Court, World United Nations, FEMA and NATO/UN Army and Isis, Satan, and Son Religion(s) are established for their own kind and for those "adopted" into their ranks. Illuminati, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations run by Masons), Council of Rome, Rockefellers, CIA and (Cain) "German Rothschilds" (Jewish pretenders) are manipulators. Included in this Gomer gang today are German Knights of Columbus, Knights Templars, and other "Eagle God Knights".

Update: Friday, April 6, 2001. Masonic language of "dark sentences" and the horrible signs from Gore (of imminent horrific things to happen to Jews) continues today on The Letterman Show. How can things be coming from Gore if Gore is not on Letterman? The language of these men is "coded", full of "symbols" and double meaning words: many out of Scripture, and referring to the false Messiah and key events: as Nebochadnazir's visions. (Because few, if any world scholars or researchers study or publish these heavy spiritual things, or are aware of 'dark sentences', they remain hidden today)

As an example of how this works, on Thursday, April 5, 2001, Letterman specifically referred to his special invitation and meeting with Gore at a University where Gore is "teaching" a class. Then, he told of this strange "personal" thing that happened to him on the way home at 10:00 P.M. at night. We will paraphrase what Letterman said in "Masonic" dark meaning sentences about this incident:

"I looked upon the horizon, (Egypt's Osiris-Iesus) and coming from the horizon, there was a great Arch Light (Eagle Man over the Mason's Arch Degree they must obey), a huge 'dome of light', the 'light that was coming from the horizon' (Gore, who is the Son-of-the-Sun-of-the-Horizon). It was like coming from a movie (right out of Satan's World of illusions), the colored lights, and at 10:00 P.M. at night. Then, a State Trooper (Satan and son's deputy dogs today) was 'waving his arms', and flagging me down. They were stopping traffic (which is what they will do: stop and then arrest those on their hit list) to measure the lanes or stripes. Why was it at 10:00 P.M. at night?"

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"X" Covenant of Ur There is no question that Al Gore is the Mason's Number One (The Countdown) (You had better understand there is no other before Yahshua comes)

He made other Masonic comments about State Troopers (dogs) having "mean looking cars", and a spy satellite. He was saying in code that messages were coming from Gore, their Master, and to be alert. It is too late to go through Top Ten Countdowns and other "dark coded" messages that confirm coming evil. (Elite of Gore have been excited since 1994, but have delayed, because Yahovah's Hand has held them back to give Yah's people time to leave. Germans cannot wait to be Yahovah's Sword!)

It was all about the upcoming purge or "blitz" to haul away their enemies and "cast them in the fire". The "Game Boy" is Gore, Number Five was "Jack Nicholas" (son of Satan), and Number One, was "I'm Dan Rather and I'd rather be getting it on!" (Dan in Scripture is who judges Jacob/Israelites, which is Jacob's Troubles. Dan was "Fifth Born": today's evil son [German's Wodan] of Satan!)

Letterman's weird guest was Masonic coded: David Spade, star of "Just Shoot Me", told of a sudden "break-in" at his house where he was beaten up, shot with a 'stun' gun, as he yelled: "Help! Please stop killing me!" (Coded evil commercials immediately followed with) "Enemy at the Gates." And in one commercial, these words were actually used: "Secret Society (Masons) prepare for take off." (Another sign given on Letterman July 23, 2001 was his use of the band: "Widespread Panic". Understand?) Background: in 1993, when Gore was on Letterman, in one of his Top Ten Countdowns, Gore said: "A police escort gets me to the movies faster." Meaning: a "police state" will help him arrive faster to be over Satan's Kingdom. (U.S. Nazi German Police State does exist today, and is ready to act!)

April 6, 2001, in more evil signs, the Letterman "bear" (representing Gore, with the third rib today in the bear's mouth of Daniel's prophecy) did a horrific act in a skit to see if there were any openings on his show. This bear attacked and killed an employee and splashes of blood hit the wall behind him! This was not funny whatsoever, but the Masonic meaning is clear: The bear is ready to 'tear up' and eat 'much' flesh: lots of flesh as written! A live'50' (Enlil) "Big Band" with lots of music and a "Tornado of Fire" was shown, a reference to Nebochadnazir's "Big Band" and his "fiery furnace". They plan on rounding up all Jews, and throw them in the "fire". (July/2001 more imminent signs! (Their tolerance/ hatred of Israelites and being mixed among them in the world has come to an end). Mason's reason behind Clinton's bold announcement June 27, 2000 of "Opening the Book of Life" decoding DNA: they can determine (with DNA) who is German Aryan (Cain-Esau-Hittite) and who is Jacob-Israel. In 'Nuremburg Trials' (Movie) "Goring" (actor), said that a reason behind violent German persecution of Jews was Freemasonry. In truth, it is their old German Covenant, not Jews.

His comment generates hatred for Jews, and is far from truth. Masons are a "Bavarian" religion with others (as Jews) "adopted" into their 666 covenant with Isis, Satan, and their Osiris-Iesus, which is "phallic" worship. Can you imagine this Mason slogan as bumper stickers to join Masons? HITLER WAS A MASON! YOU CAN BE ONE TOO! Mason's never tell that their Isis-Osiris religion is a phallic-vagina Bavarian thing for perpetuation of German Aryan Race: the "Great White Bavarian Brotherhood", as called in their books! Hitler was an elite German Mason. They also keep quiet that Hitler was a German Catholic! (Confirmed in Speer's best selling book being beside of Hitler)

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German Emperors and Popes Seeds of The Eagle God (Single and Double Eagles) (German's Mark of Cain)

Catholics are encouraged to have large families, but Frederick the Great "restricted the birthrate of Jews". Jewish men joining Bavarian Masons feel "protected" with "advantages", and become as one with them in their worldly "covenant with death" (Isaiah 28:15). As the ancient Israelites joined Canaanite-Hittites's Baal-Ashtaroth "phallic-vagina" worship and forbidden covenants, it is the same as Masonic "Osiris-Isis" worship today. Masonic ultimate goal is not to restrict the birthrate of world's Jews, but to totally eliminate them. War against Jacob/Israel is ready to "explode" again.

(Why it is called Jacob's Troubles). It is imminent to happen, but few will now heed or believe this final warning. After Jews are rounded up again, Christians and the rest shall then receive Yahovah's double portions of wrath! They will scream out: 'Why were we not warned?' Yahovah has tried for ten years, but they are determined not to react or repent of all this Bavarian Masonic world evil and their Iesus and Madonna! You should see the obvious why they shall curse Yahovah!

Most Jacob/Israelites and true Jews around the world are still just as "stubborn headed", "stiff necked", "arrogant" and rebellious, as they were in Moshe's day in the desert! They too, do not want to hear of another Hitler, or another Holocaust, and they think that I, also a Jew (especially one who accepts Yahshua), and appointed by Yahovah to warn them, am a crazy false prophet!

Hidden plan to do this evil against Jacob (Israelites) is all contained in D.C. Even before 1790, the Western portion of land where D.C. was built was named "Hamburg", after Hamburg, Germany, the founding 50+ Masonic father's Bavarian (Aryan) Reichland/ fatherland. They established the German Corporations and "Trusts" of the Masonic Trustees of Virginia, of Maryland and New York. Masons selected "their" U.S. Capitol sacred throne seat of "Zeus" (a name for Satan) for "their" Government under Lucifer in Washington, D.C. In an Act of Congress, printed on the D.C. 666 "Master Plan", (surveyed, original lots plotted out on a grid map) it plainly states for all interested parties to read:


Do you understand in plain English what the above means? Their Masonic Government was never for everyone to begin with: especially lower plebe rank and wrong (DNA) bloodline (As today's Jews). Therefore, this well planned movement towards 'their' German World Order is nothing new. The major thrust behind it all along has been bloodline and (Hitler's) "perpetuation of the race" of seeds of Cain-Esau-Hittites (Ruling Bavarians of today from the ancient 13 tribes of European-Germanica).

Caesar Eagle Son Caesar's Eagle God  Graphic's not available

Early Coins in U.S. actually have one like this for G. Washington!

Over their World Empires, they established their GOD (Gott, Odin-Wodan), which is not Yah of Jacob/Israel or Yahshua. Jews too, have been taken in by these damnable German Aryan words and names, and many call Yahovah by that ancient Anglo/Saxon/Germanican Odin and Satanic "G-d"! (Germans are the descendants of the Ur-Chaldean-Assyrians and Aryan Hittite-Esau tribes.) They have had their Great Eagle Gott over them going all the way back to Cain, and they are not about to suddenly change and repent of it. Even those who have wrote many prophecy books for today stop suddenly and refuse to touch the issue of the Eagle God and the Great Eagle Goddess. (The truth that it is the 'MARK', SEAL, and 'ROYAL SCEPTER' of today's Little Horn Ruler is just too hard to accept. Yahovah has indeed confounded them, and has now put them to shame under their lie.)

In fact, the word "Gott" is not in Hebrew. Where did "God" come from? We startle people when we tell them we can answer that "mystery" question. Word God (Gott) came from the "13" Gentile demonic-barbaric-pagan tribes of ancient Germanica scattered across Europe and even into England.

This is not some great mystery exclusive to only Masons. This historical information and plenty of documentation can be found in most public libraries, and especially in England and Oxford University. Truth can also be found in most older dictionaries and Encyclopedias. People just refuse to accept it. GORE has been called the 'STIFF and WOODEN' ONE (Wodan-Odin) for 'EIGHT YEARS'. Simply check this out in the public libraries: the Germanican's "Gott" actual name is "Wodan-Odin". (If you have not heard this on TV, and Newspapers, then you have not been paying attention to news or politics. You are not also paying attention to the consolidation of world religions under God, Jesus, and Isis!) Wodan (Odin) is pronounced Wooden, and is the week day Wednesday in Masonic code. (Daniel 7:20) The Last Little Horn World Ruler is the "Stout One", meaning the Stiff One, Wooden. Wooden, the "Stiff One" (over world's spiritually dead) is also Osiris-Iesus of the Book of the Dead.

 9/2000 "Rejected" Gore/Lieberman (Telling Masons they were to be rejected 11/2000!)

'G' Men spy on their enemies: This (Number six) Gore 'code' on Letterman is well understood by 'G' Masons. (Listed U.S. dissidents, and U.S. patriot groups are now infiltrated with Gore's workers). When you look at Gore (Osiris-Iesus-Apollyon), you are looking at Satan (Gott). Satan came as a mighty one of 'light'. Gore's name Albert means: "A Mighty One, the Bright Shining One".

Gore has come as a "deceiver of light". "Bert" = "Bright" in German, and can be found in German Dictionaries and in most name books. This is not shocking news, as many Germans have the popular Anglo name "Bert" or "Albert" today, as well as Gore's second name, which is "Arnold"! This name also reveals who Gore is today, as it means: "THE EAGLE (Ur's Supreme God) WITH POWER." Gore said his real name is Mr. Earl the 'Prince of Tennessee'! (Master, "Ur's El" = Duke of Earl) How does this tie in with Wodan-Odin? The "Eagle" was Wodan's symbol, and it meant "Gott".

The ancient history of the name Arnold is "phonetic": meaning "Ur's N of Old", (Arnold) Eagle God (Gott) Nisroch (Isayah 37:38) on back in history to 3,800 B.C. in ancient Ur-Mesopotamia! When you see Gore, you are seeing the "Earl", the Ur's Eagle God Son* that Christians worship. (Do you remember the Roc song in 1950-60s called: "The Duke of Earl"? This was about the coming of Gore!) * How is this possible? (Rev. 9:11) A-bad-don (A Bad God). The German's "EAGLE GOTT-MAN", their "ancient King over them", known as Wooden. For short, 13 "German tribes" called their Satanic ancient father figure "GOTT" (God). In ancient Sweden, the Germanicans actually called him their "Gotts-a-Gore", meaning their "God (Lord-Baal or King) over their land"! Few want to hear this ancient history of their God. "Gore" name comes from Aryan Hittite word, "Gar" [Ger], as in "Garth", and Ger-man, the Spear-man.

This "Gotts-a-Gore" is literally "Gore" today. When "Christianity" came to Germanica, they did not change who they called on, but convinced themselves and the world, their Germanic "GOTT" was also "Yahovah" and allegedly meant the same as calling on YHVH. They modified the worship of their ancient Gott in becoming Christians and Catholics, and put God and LORD (Lord-Baal) into their Bibles, thus replacing and eliminating the Name Yahovah (YHVH). (Documented at Oxford).

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Letterman used this "Man in the Wheel" to introduce Al Gore arriving 9/9/1993 Masonic code: Satan's deified dark sun-spot dot, his "Son of-the-Sun", has arrived. (Gore gives a quick 'goat' Masonic hand sign for the watching 'kids' of D. Letterman)

We say again, Yahovah of Jacob/Israel is not the "GOD" (Gott) of the Germans, never was, and never shall be, no matter that a sea of German Christians, German Ministers, and many Mason "German Baptists" (of which Gore is a member) say differently. They shall soon die in their sins.

Baptists are full of Masons: many are preachers, ministers, deacons, elders and active members! Yahovah is Yahovah: there is only One Yahovah (YHVH) as written! There are many "Gods", but only One Name of Salvation, and that is Yahovah: stated over 50 times in Psalms. (The World's elite Bavarian Masons already know these truths.) However, they have taken oaths to stay with "Osiris".

In fact, to make absolutely sure that all in the United States are under their ancient German "GOTT", they made it the law of the land and the U.S. Motto 'by law' in 1965: "IN GOD WE TRUST". It is on all coins by law and on Federal Reserve Notes. * As Jews, we know in Hebrew Scripture almost 7,000 times it proves Yahovah YHVH alone is 'His Only Name' (not many names). Yahovah is the only Author and Name of Torah, of Salvation, Name of Hebrew Prophecy, and "He alone is Good".

Masons have finished their work with millions of others in presenting the ancient German "Gott as Salvation". They have already "marked" almost everything and everybody, and brought every nation under their 666 Gott's abominable (U.S.) Eagle Seal, which is the (German) 666 Mark of his Name. Understand? (Rev. 14:11). Seven Kings of (Rev. 17:10-11) and now Gore, the number eight king, have all had this ancient "Eagle God" as their "Mark" or Royal Seal over their kingdoms.

Despite volumes of recorded history that this is truth, and displayed in museums, Christians reject it! The answer as to why they reject these truths is a simple one: they are not written in the Book of Life and are now worshipping the wrong one, and thus stand condemned in refusing Yahovah and Yahshua. (This sounds extremely cruel to Satan's goats who obviously want to continue in their sinful ways, and all of their proclaimed freedoms from Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah, but this is Yah's righteousness.)

The German's Eagle "Mark", is the same Eagle "bird" (Zippor) abomination once over ancient Egypt and still over Egypt and all world Moslems/Arabs today. "746" Gods and Goddesses are engraved in stone in Egypt, and guess what number "747" flew over all of them? Their Eagle God, known also as the "Shadow of Egypt" (the Fowler) the Griffin, Al Nesser (in Arabic), and Nesher God (in Hebrew). Have you ever wondered about the song: "Zippity do-dah, Zippity day, O my, what a wonderful day?" Or why multi-millions have a nine-digit Eagle God "Zip" Code, or use "Zippor" lighters?

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Thus Saith Yahovah! The 'Shadow and Abomination of Egypt' is over you again!

It is also called the "Zappor" (Zu bird), and in Daniel and Matthew, correctly described as: The Abomination of Desolation, and in some translations, the "Abomination that makes Desolate". In 'public functions', Masons call this Eagle God their "Master Architect" or "Supreme Deity". It is that "ravenous bird, the man from the East". (Isayah 46:10-11). "Nazir" means the Eagle, and was placed in many Eagle Son Little Horn King's names as Nebochad-'nazir' of the Babylonians and King Asshur-'Nazir'-Pal II of Assyrians: same as Gore Eagle Nazir God Tsar over Germans today. King Asshur was the third deified Eagle Son "Little Horn" One World Ruler of (Rev. 17:10-11). (18 Assyrian kings following him had the names of Asshur, and Nazir named after their Eagle God!)

This truth is rejected by those who have bought lies and deceptions of Masons over them. Their wroth arguments are understandable: Their Eagle "Gott" has been over them for 6,000 years. The identical Masonic Double Headed (E-W) Eagle God is traced to Ur's 1st. Dynasty and its on Royal King's Seals to 3,800 B.C. If this ancient Gott and Mark is not rejected, the beast and its (man) image already has you. "He (Satan, Eagle God), had power to give 'life' (blood DNA) to the 'image of the beast', that the image of the beast (Last Eagle Son) should both speak." (Rev. 13:5). The first part was done in 1947 and 1948 in the immaculate birth of Albert Arnold Gore Jr., and 2001 the last part, is over us.


We were not yet born when Yah spoke to Moshe, after bringing His chosen Israelites (of Jacob) OUT FROM UNDER "THE EAGLE GOD OF EGYPT" AND DELIVERED THEM ON ITS WINGS UNHARMED. (Abomination of Egypt in Exodus 8:26 is their Eagle God they worshipped. Eagle is not, and was not, a positive thing, as most Christians and Jews are led to believe today). But, we have the same Yahovah Spirit that was once placed in others that were chosen to speak His Living Word.

EAGLE GOD cannot be an ABOMINATION TO ALL OF ISRAEL as written, and at the same time, be TRUSTED and over EVERYTHING in U.S. Billions now worship and serve it, they pledge to it, and already take (receive) the Masonic Osiris-Iesus 666 "Eagle Mark" in their hands to buy and sell.

As Hosea and others warned Jacob/Israel, so do we once again: Behold! Because you transgressed against Yahovah and His covenants, He (Satan's terrible Eagle Son ruler) SHALL NOW COME AGAINST YOU 'AS THE EAGLE'. (Hosea 8:1) (Gore today is this Golden Eagle Son King).

 Thousands of evil revelations are in the Washington, D.C. Grid Maps Last "Little Horn Eagle Son Number Eight" of Revelation 17:10-11

If you do not know what the Beast and image of the Beast is in Revelation, then you are now in severe jeopardy of "receiving the double portions" of Yahovah's wrath. The penalty for worshiping the 666 image (Iesus), is the same as taking in your hand his mark, or 666 number of his name. (Rev. 16:2) It is written: "All that dwell upon the earth shall 'worship' him…" (Rev. 13:8) Understand now?

Do not worship with Osiris-Iesus (Jesus) and Zeus (Gott) Churches of God and receive Yahovah's "double portions" of wrath, and thus be cursed (rejected)! Repent of any worship of the 666 beast and its deified Iesus Eagle Son "image" on Sunday. Repent of not keeping Yahovah's Sabbath, if you are not worshipping on Sabbath. Never worship Zeus-Jesus on Sunday Zeus-Osiris-Iesus" day!

Saith Yahovah again: You shall not 'make any image' (similitude) whatsoever of things in the heavens (as Sun, Moon and Stars) or on the earth (as the beasts of the field and men and women or animals), or things that are in and below the sea, or under the earth, or that which walks, or that "flies in the air". (As the Great Eagle Beast now at Yah's throne). Neither shall you make images of things that crawl, (as the serpent), and neither shall you worship, or bow, or serve any other deities before Me, and neither shall 'you bring these abominations in your houses' (see in U.S.) nor shall you ever make them (of gold, silver, bronze, stone, wood, or clay) with your hands.

If you do these things, you are under My curse, as written. I Am Yahovah and I Am jealous. Read My first and second commandments that I wrote for you to obey with My finger. Did not Moshe tell you again and again? Did not My other prophets also strongly warn you again and again? And did not My only Begotten Son Yahshua, say to you again that on only two of My commandments hang all of My law (Torah) and Word from all of My prophets? It is written.

If you will not quickly repent of your great sin against Me, you will join billions to receive double portions of My righteous wrath for making, worshipping, pledging, and serving an abomination, and receiving its name, its mark, and number of its name. My Word is all Truth, and therefore, the penalty for these transgressions is already written. The image of the Eagle is abomination. You shall not enter into evil covenants with Aryan Hittites-Canaanites (Germans of today) who worship an abomination. See? It has come to pass as Moshe witnessed against us in these last days. Shall you remain among them to be greatly punished, and destroyed in the end?

You should see that Yahovah is already destroying hundreds of Christian churches in U.S. and world. (In Mississippi and other states, Yahovah is leveling some of them with massive tornados since 1992) Destruction of these "Iesus" churches by Yah is a terrible warning, yet, they just build them again.

Cain, Esau, and Ishmael's seed*, have continuously violated Yah's Covenants and Commandments and Yahshua's doctrine coming straight from Yahovah. Their world leaders and rulers are all under the Mason's "Eagle Gott" abomination of desolation, as described in Daniel and in Matthew.

Yahshua has put all of them (billions and billions) in synagogues of Satan* under it, and, as He promised in (Rev. 2:9, 3:9) also those who think they are "Israelites" and are not. Cain-Esau-Hittites and Ishmael's world leaders and world rulers, especially Masons, have consistently violated Yahovah's Word and absolutely refuse to accept or ever obey Yahovah and our Yahshua Messiah.

Their many thousands of "Baal" (Zeus Eagle Son) Rulers of the Greeks and Romans, the "Eagle Son" Popes, the long line of Eagle Son Pharaohs, and Caesars, the German Kaisers of Germany, God-Tsars of Russia (Germans), the Eagle God anointed Royal Kings and Queens of England, and Eagle German Masonic Presidents of the U.S., are all worshiping 666 "Great Eagle God". Woe now to all of them.

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Image of German Messiah (Vulgar) "Little Orphan Annie" In Map Osiris-Iesus giving "Goat Sign" Nisroch Eagle God over his 666 Nest (Blue-eyed Blonde Aryan) (Gore's Double Eagle Gott Seal)

How do we know Masons belong to a religious organization? "Masonry is a religious institution, and its ceremonies are a part of a religious worship." (33rd. Degree Mackey's Encyclopedia. p. 60) Quote Rev. Doctor Oliver: on the Masonic Royal Arch Degree, he declares it to be purely religious: "If this be not religion, if this be not Christianity, then what is it?" p. 93 M.W. (One and the same)

There are numerous frauds in the world today in over 4,000 different religions, and the reasons behind them. But the primary fraud we address in this prophecy, is the one behind Mason's "Osiris-Iesus".

* "First born" Ishmael's seed claim to be the true sons and daughters of Abraham and Yah's covenant! * "First born" Esau's seed claim to be the true sons and daughters of Isaac to inherit Yah's covenant! * "First born" Cain's seed claim to be the true sons and daughters of Jacob and Yah's covenant!

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"The Single Green Tree" = Osiris See "Osiris" Great Pyramid of Osiris (Jesus Christmas Tree) (Iesus-Jesus) (U.S. Great Seal)

Let us examine some of the known names of the Mason's Osiris-Iesus who the deceived worship: Some of these names and their definitions can be found in the Larousse Encyclopedia ISBN 0-600-02351-6, Alexander Hislop's 'The Two Babylons' ISBN 0-7136-0470-0, and Brewer Dictionary of Phrases ISBN 1-85326-3001 and even in the older Standard Dictionaries and older Encyclopedias.

Dionysus (Iesus-Iesius-Esus-Iesous) = An Eagle son-of-the-sun of Zeus. Also known as Baachus. Iesius (Iesus) = YSOS = Son of Deus (Zeus/Jupiter), The Shining One (of salvation for the goats) Dionysus = A major God anointed and deified son of Zeus worshipped by the Hellenist Greeks. Diana (Juno, Victoria, Nike, Minerva, Venus, Isis) Zeus (Jupiter), and Iesus (Iesius) = Pagan Trinity.

Dionysus (Iusaas-Eusos) = Another name for Nimrod-Osiris of Chaldea-Babylon and ancient Egypt. Iesus (Iesius-Evus-Essus-Issus-Yesus-Yesos) The Assyrian God of War and major Celtic God. Evus (Esus-Iesus) = Germanic-Celtic bloody god of war, with blood sacrifices, and horrific rituals. Esus (Iesus-Iesous) Blood sacrifices and worship was at the Greek's Temple-Shrine of "El-Eusis" El-Eusis translated into today's English = "The Mighty One, Jesus" (who was Iesus before "J").

Dionysus (Iesus-Iesous) Plutarch wrote of this Greek God, who relinquishes life, and is born again. Dionysus (Iesus) became the image of everlasting life to all of Greece. (Symbol was the Eagle) Masons verify in their books that the primary symbol of Jesus (Iesus) Christ is the Eagle.

Dionysus (Iesus-Jesus) = God of Adventure, Travel, Pleasures, Sex, Farming, Wine; Civilization. Dionysus (Iesus-Jesus) is also Egypt's Osiris, and was called Osiris-Iesus by visiting Greeks. Dioskouros = "The Men of Zeus", who are Masons-Rosicrucians and philosophers of today.

Dionysus (Iesus) = The Lion King described by Greeks, inherits the world kingdom of Zeus. Vs. Yahshua Messiah, Lion King of Judeah who inherits Yah's kingdom.

Dionysus (Iesus) worship was widespread in the Hellenistic Age, as Jesus worship still is today. Note: Phonetics-pronunciation is the key to this name, not spelling: Iesus = Esus = Esous = Iesius.

Dionysus Zagreus Dionysus Sabazius Dionysus Olympius Dionysos Baachus Dionysus Bassareus Dionysus Osiris Dionysus of Crete Dionysus of Phrygia Dionysus Vedic Soma Dionysus of Lydians Dionysus of Greece Dionysus of Rome

Dionysus Zeus of Nysa and Dionysus of Thebes (known as 'Bos-Eusos') has "G" dark spiritual meaning, and is widespread. 'Bos Speakers' = Bos-Iesus (Osiris Speakers) to "hear" the word. "Boss", "Boss Man", "Boss of Music" and "Hey Boss Man" blues song is about Osiris-Iesus.

   ROCKY "V" EAGLE Serpent's Rambo Osiris 666 "Boss Man" (No. 5 Shall Judge) (Roc V = Eagle) (V Over the Goats)

Osiris-Iesus (Jesus) is also called "Dithy-Rambos" then and today. Why "movies" continue about Rambo and Rocky I, II, III, IV, V and starring "Rocky" Balboa = "The Eagle-Serpent's Baal". Rambo = Dionysus = Osiris = Iesus = Jesus = Roc = Eagle = Boa = Serpent = Bal = Baal = Lord.

Rambo is Osiris the Great Warrior. Osiris is the Great Fighter and Hunter. (Notice resemblance between facial characteristics of Gore and Rocky. If you compare younger portraits of Gore with Rocky, you might be surprised, and even in profiles). Gore is the Iesus Gar-Gur-Ger-man of War.

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"Ashtaroth" Pepsi (Pharaoh) Serpent's Woman "Over Lions" (Fertility) (She is Brit = Covenant Spear = Gore) (Rev. 9:8)

Dione = Diana = Greek/Roman ancient "Mother Earth Goddess" (an Eve-Isis-Juno) wife of Zeus.

She is still their "Queen of the Universe", "Miss U.S.A.", "Miss Universe", "Queen for a Day", "Miss Liberty", "The Lady", "Miss World", "Miss Venus", their "Wonder Woman", "Super Woman", "Cat Woman", their "Madonna", their "Miss XXX", their "Mystery Lady", and their "Victoria's Secret".

She is the 'X' Serpent's Woman, the "Great Eagle's Woman", and is shown thousands of times! Isis "Bunny Blondes" dot the landscape on TV, in Strip Bars, and throughout the United States. Dionysus is "Batman" (666 woman's man), "Spider Man", "Super Man", "Hercules", and "007".

The vast majority of Greeks and Romans never accepted Yahshua Messiah. The vast majority of the world totally rejected Yahshua Messiah. Then, by what miracle, or change in prophecy, are the vast majority of Germans accepting Yahshua Messiah? It simply did not happen, and it is not happening. Masons, Catholics, and Christians today are not worshipping Yahshua! Who do they worship?

German Messiah of the "Long Hairs" (Rev. 9:8) has 3,800 B.C. "Son-of-the-Sun" Ur-Chaldean-Assyrian-Egypt Cross, and gives Masonic Mendes Goat universal 'hand sign'. Masonic worship of the "phallic of Osiris" is evident with Monica "Lewinski" (Lucifer in the Ski) Clinton 33rd Degree promotion of it in the White House. It started with that, and shall end with that in abundance today. The game is over (deception of the world). To the end is "spin and puff" and their blitz-purge. This truth is spiritually played today on TV, through "Puff Daddy", and even the D.C. "Spin Room". Remember popular rock song: "Puff the Magic Dragon"? (What do you think that was all about?)

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"THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR" This contemporary Tower of Babel with 666 Temple of Zeus is to be viewed from the air! Note Government buildings with Esau (Edom) Red Roofs. Masonic U.S. "Red Roof" Inns

Arnold says: "Masonry marches in the same path with Christianity today. We wish to say the loving spirit of Christ presides over all its arrangements and inspires all of its operations. We do not hesitate to say that we regard Freemasonry as the truest expression of the mind and thought of Christ, this age is destined to witness." (Rationale and Ethics of Free Masonry, p.189, and p.93. M.W. of Free Masonry.) It becomes obvious "Osiris-Iesus" is not our Yahshua. "Masonry is the excellency of Christianity, and every Mason, if he is in reality a Mason, is a true Christian; or at least he is, in reality, truly religious according to his profession, whether a Jew or Christian." (Masonic Library, p. 47, and on p. 94, M.W.) Thus, a "Christian" is really an "honorary" Mason!

Gore is number eight of (Rev. 17:10-11), and has many (G) titles as the World's last Ruling Pharaoh over all nations of the world. As an Osiris-phallic image, and a deified Iesus Eagle Son, he is a "God" as was Roman's Augustus Caesar or the Greek's Alexander the Great, as "Iesus" (son of Zeus), which, unknown to Christians, means he already is the "Jesus Christ" today. As the world's number one deified "Crowned Double Eagle" Great Scott Grand Master Mason, he is already in power in Washington, D.C. He is over multi-millions of powerful Masons worldwide. He is thus far above the current "pawn", George W. Bush. Gore tells him what to do, and he obeys, under penalty of death.

Washington, D.C. Monument (Obelisk) is a phallic symbol from Egypt. An original is in New York, London, and one was erected at the Vatican. "What is the essence of the Masonic covenant? It is a disguised, veiled and allegorical form of the ancient Phallic Oath, in which men swore by placing the hand upon the phallus." P. 508. M.W. How then does this relate to Gore's power and authority? "All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him" [deified phallic man, Osiris-Iesus] (Rev. 13:8) "The Masonic Oath is irrevocable and supercedes all other relations, whether to family, to state (U.S. Government Executive Offices, and Senators and Congressmen) or (faith based) Churches. No (Government or State) law of the land can affect it, no anathema of the church can weaken it. Its obligation is perpetual. It can never be repudiated, or laid aside." P. 504. M.W. 'Freemasonry'.

What does this have to do with Gore and Bush secretly under him ? Every world Mason must obey their Number One Osiris-Iesus. This includes Bush. Gore is over the Executive Office, Congress, and the Senate, Masonic Temples throughout 50 states and the world, over 700,000 lawyers in U.S. and Europe who are Masonic, over courts and judges, over Governors, Mayors, and Sheriffs, mostly Masonic, and over law enforcement, which is also Masonic dominated. Christian impact: Gore is now over all of the "Churches of God and Jesus Christ" in the United States and world. Again, read (Rev. 13:8) He is over these churches and ruling the country by himself, and calling on those that are his to do great evil. As written, Satan is already in him, and they are now as one to the end.

 "Arlington Park" Grid Map: "The Brat, the German Urchin, the Bad Boy, the 666 Child" (These lines-roads were precisely built in Isis Cemetery "Egg" section to reveal Gore) "The Golden Boy", "Sunshine Boy", the "Anointed One", the "Reborn Osiris" of Egypt.

In this prophecy you shall see why Masons boast that D.C. design(s) are the most accurate of any city ever built in the world (where the power resides over the world). Soon, the "fifth angel" of Yahovah in Revelation shall pour out its vial (double portions) on this evil city, under the ("3" star) red striped "Flag of ancient Egypt". (See p. 96. Washington, D.C. Souvenir Book, ISBN 1-879295-08-3)

What is about to happen is Yahovah's will. We seal these truths, and do have authority from Yah to deliver them. May Yahovah and Yahshua bless every one that repents of all this evil, and obeys Yah, and overcomes. What you are reading has not ever been revealed by Masons to the public, and not by Masonic Christian "Osiris-Iesus" ministers and "Isis" Ashtaroth Madonna Bishops, who are under the same covenant. Incredible designs for Satan and Son in Washington, D.C. prove this is their 666 seat. Despite what Jewish people have been led to believe, U.S. is today's enemy for all world Jews!


Yahovah's Spirit now prepares his sheep (as promised and written in the book of life) for that which has now come upon the world: "That ravenous (wicked) bird (Eagle) from the East, the man" * (Eagle's ruling son) that executes Yah's will (Destroyer of flesh is among us) (Isayah 46:10-11) Let Christian ministers explain the prophecy of the 'Ravenous Eagle Son' (the bird man of the East).

He is the last "Little Horn" German King over Cain's World Order: now established. He is "full of lies and smooth talk": He is Satan's son. (II Thes. 2:3-12) This is Yahshua's promise to you: delivered now that none of His sheep will be caught unawares (taken) and that you overcome. (I Thes. 5:4-9) Cain's consolidation of all world trade, merchandise, money, mammon; and "human resources" for the explicit pleasure and purpose of a one world order "God-Tsar" over all other races is nothing new.

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German's "Eating and Drinking…" The 'Light' of Zippo! "Bock = Goat" "Fall of Babylon the Great" "Eagle God of Ur" (Reeboks) (Handwriting on the Wall) (Zippor = Eagle)

It is returning to Satan's ancient world of "Ur goats" when Aryan Hittite seeds of Cain ruled Egypt; worshiped their Eagle God, Cain's Goddess Ashtar-Isis, and their Pharaoh Eagle son "Osiris-Iesus". How many walk around in Reebok Shoes today? It means the "Return of the Goats"! Is this not a German (Krueger's ie. as Kroger's) Beer? The way of Babylon is indeed the way of the U.S. today!

Today's Alexandria of Egypt is Alexandria, Virginia, D.C. and deceased Queen Mother, Alexandra of Russia. "The beast that was, and is not, even 'he' is the 'Eighth', and is of the Seven" (Rev. 17:10-11) Number seven was shot in the head in 1918, and was God-Tsar Alexis Romanov (new son of Rome born from "Alexandra"), which came "number eight" Gore from "Alexandria", VA/D.C..

Gore fulfills the "German-Hittite World Order" Ur covenant (Isayah 28) made in 3,800 B.C. with Eagle God Nisroch (Satan's beast disguise) sealed by a Hittite King for the future of his people: DNA seeds lead to German tribes. German Jesuits, Catholics, Masons, Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, German Lutherans, and others, are under this evil 666 covenant with their "Gott" and "Iesus" today.

We warn using One World Order (NIV) Bible references to Scriptures: International Bibles (ancient Eagle Sun Goddess "Byble") are abomination. Satan's workers have added, changed, eliminated, and substituted numerous "words" and interpretations, and then built on lies to eliminate Yahovah's truth.

They have also eliminated His "Name". Original Authorized Version of King James seldom contains (YHVH) "Yah" Name (Psalm 68:4). Where it has Iesus (Jesus), it should be "Yahshua". Where it has "God" (Gott) and LORD (Lord), as pagan and demonic references to "Yahovah", it should be corrected to Yahovah (YHVH) as it was first written in Hebrew. God and LORD are not Yahovah.

"What is His Name, and His Son's Name, if you can tell? (Proverbs 30:4) Christians will answer today: "I worship God, and the Lord Jesus Christ." Let us see, as Jews, what these "things" are that they actually worship (defined by "authorities") and yet strongly refuse to repent of today.

God: English Definition.

1. Singular/ from "Gott", An Anglo-Saxon, Germanican, and Gothic word used to describe or refer to one of their pagan named deities of worship.

2. Gods: Plural/ refers also to a variety of ancient; current regional, national, and worldwide named deities now established and/or recorded as being worshiped, or as used in myths and fables. 3. i.e. A worshiped man made "Idol" or Idols, a demonic being, or a 'spirit or spirits'. (See also words: Lord, Bel, Dios, Theos, and Deus.) The actual worshipping or great admiration of a specific person made into an icon that has powers or great enfluence over masses of people. Someone thought to be supernatural above others in character.

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Jack = Satan and Jack's son = Satan's son Can an Ethopian change his color? Jack's "Son" is a "God", an Idol Dangerous & Thriller Albums (Extreme hidden evil in him) (He also worked for Pepsi)

God: How many times have you heard Rock Stars, Hollywood Movie Stars, today's Television Stars, Broadway Production Stars, and Wrestling, Football, Basketball Stars, and many others called Gods? Michael Jackson, to millions is an Icon, a God. Clark Gable and James Dean were considered Gods. The number of Gods in Hollywood over the past 50 years are too numerous to list, and also there is a sidewalk of elite known as (Osiris) Super Stars (from Satan's sea of goats, Satan thus raises them up). Calling on just "God" is not only the invoking of an "unknown" person, place or thing or spirit, it is also a definite identified abomination of Gott from the 13 German tribe's (Bavarian) ancient past.

Example: The number one God (Gott) of all ancient thirteen Germanican tribes was their deified man 'god' king named Wodan (Woden or Odin). Nordic-Germanican's God of War was named Thor, the son of Wodan. Both utilized the ancient Phoenix-Eagle as their major symbol and it represented them in worship as their images. See history of 'Thursday'. Odin is compared to Asshur of the Assyrians.

Wodan is pronounced Wooden, and the day of Wednesday is named after this German God (Gott). God: 4. Descriptive word appearing in forms of GOD, God, and god, before an actual name, place or thing: i.e. The God of Egypt, The God of this World, The God of the Gut, and the ancient God Zeus over the Greeks and the God Jupiter over the Romans, and the Eagle God Nisroch over Assyrians. Pharaohs were men made into Gods, Caesars were men made into Gods, and Russia had God Tsars. Still, the Christians and Catholics say they know who their God is today, but do they? God is Satan!

Yahovah's "Living Word" and gift of understanding of his mysteries-Scriptures: (Luke 24:45) can only come from heaven, or through those chosen by Yahovah to speak it, and are told to "feed His sheep." (John 21:15-17 and 1 Peter 5:2) written in our hearts; quickened by His (Yahovah's) spirit (John 6:63) even with all that are called by "His Name" to this day. (John 6:39-40)

Man cannot understand Yahovah's written "Word" on his own. Why? "Yahovah alone gives His Spirit; teaches those that are His and calls (John 6:44-45) and those He appoints to deliver His prophecy and who He gives different gifts." (James 1:17) "Yahovah's prophecy is spoken only by those moved by His Spirit to speak it: and it is not open to any man's interpretation whatsoever." (II Peter 1:20-21) Thus, "man receives nothing... except it be given to him from Yahovah."

"THIS BUDS FOR YOU" (Satan's Son)   Graphic's not available

EMBED Word.Picture.8 

666 Seat of Satan (Capitol) today over goats: from 3,600 B.C. Eagle God Ur-Hittite Covenant ("Little-Big Horn" in circle, the marriage ring, and the obvious "This bud's for you" red Bow-tie.) Satellite close-up 666 Capitol view, zooming from 1,000 miles out, shown CSNBC April 20, 2001.

See German Hittite England Royalty G.I.R. ("Graven in The Rock") Volumes I-II. Kinns in 1895, Hittite Tarsus Stone Seal in England Museum. "Nisroch": Idol of Ninevites (Nineveh) of Babylon-Assyria, represented their (Most High God) in many sculptures with a man's body and an Eagle's Head. Nisroch = Great Eagle. 1993: Brewer Dictionary, Wordsworth Ltd. ISBN: 1-85326-3001.

(John 6:51). Most are ignorant of 6,000 years of history, of the Sumerians, the Ur-Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Canaanites, (today's German Aryan Hittites) Persians-Assyrians (Aryans), Egyptians, Greek-Romans, and European "Germanicans", German-Royalty-Russians, and U.S. German Aryan Volk. It is too late to present volumes of truth never taught in Cain's many Universities, Colleges and Masonic public schools with NEA Bavarian Socialist One World Order agendas today. It is obvious that thousands of Churches of God never discuss where "God" originated or discuss its definitions.

God: (Theos) was used by the Greek philosophers to describe their "Unknown God" of worship with no name. 4. 'Goth' means God. 'Gottin' means Goddess, and the German 'Gatt' means husband and/or marriage. 'Gattin' means wife. (Note: 118 Countries signed GATT in 1994. Gore is definitely the unknown God of the Christians and billions of others today, but known by Masons)

God: frequently used in daily conversations as contractions: "God be with you" (God-bye) = Good Bye, "I commend you to God" {a'Dieu}, "Have a good day" = "God's day". Good Night = "God's night" and "Good Morning". Note: There is only one that is Good, and that is Yahovah, not "God". Therefore, Satan is getting his glory every day and every night when "Good" is used by; on thousands of people, animals, dogs and cats, greetings, places, and for things as books and sex. What? (Not only has Satan deceived the world into worshipping him as "God", they blasphemy Yahovah).

God: Source '1967 Edition Webster's New World Dictionary'. Number One Definition: "God" (god): n. word [as] 1. Any of various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over people, and nature; esp. a 'male' deity. 2. An image that is worshipped; 'an Idol'. 3. A 'person' or 'thing deified', or 'excessively honored' and admired. (Do you understand what you just read? Hundreds of deified God Tsars, {Kaisers, Caesars}, Pharaohs, the "Gods" and the Star Goddesses of Hollywood and Sports have nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua). How can the world include Yahovah into a maze of millions of various beings? Yet, they have done it.

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Gore "Number One" World Mason Retired Dole is a 33rd Degree Mason

Albert Arnold Gore Jr. was "consecrated/deified", and declared "God" by the world's Grand Master Masons September 18, 1993. Thus, when you say "God" and pray and worship to "God", you are worshipping Gore, like it or not. He is not Yahovah or Yahshua! Christians say they worship only one God, and he has many names! This fits Masonic description of Lucifer and Gore as God Tsar perfectly and also Webster's definition. Gore is Gott, and God is the Eagle, and Gore is the Eagle!

See? Those who value truth and love Yahovah (YHVH) should never call Him "God" or "LORD". Christians get upset, embarrassed, and want to argue and debate, and try every approach to get around not using or accepting the only Name Yahovah and His Son's Name Yahshua as Salvation. But now, Yahovah has given the time of cut-off for them of Hearing the Word of Yahovah: December of 2001.

They say their 'Bible' says "God" and "Jesus" and they will stand on that alone. See? They reject the only Name by which they could be saved, as written. Read (Timothy 4:3-4 and John 3:18). "He that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only Son of Yahovah." (We know Yahshua came in His Father's Name and was given His Father's Name).

God: (Gad) 1. A being possessing more than human powers. 2. A physical object as an image or idol worshipped as divine. 3. Something held to be the most important thing in existence. Source: Webster's Intermediated Dictionary, 1977 Edition, p. 318. These describe Dan, the Mason's "Gore" today. Ask this mystery question: why is Dan not mentioned in Revelation? What happened? He is The God They Trust of the Germans and Catholics. (Remember Dan Divine name of Notre Dame?)

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See Eight Pointed Star See the Goat Hand Sign Worship of 666 Madonna Worship of the 666 Iesus Christ (No Salvation in her) (No Salvation in him)

This is a Yahovah Commandment: "You shall not bow down to their 'Gods' (deities) nor serve them, nor do after their works…" (Exodus 23:24) Yahshua also verified this commandment and again stated plainly that we are not to be like 'appointed rulers' and 'leaders' over the Gentiles, as Greeks and Germans today. (Luke 22:25-26, and Mark 10:42-43) Why? There is no salvation in their Gods (as Zeus) or their Goddesses (as Isis-Nike) today, and never in the past. Christians and Catholics still worship the God Zeus (Deus)! Who was/is this Zeus God of Greeks called only God?

Zeus- was Supreme Most High "God" and ruler over all "Gods", especially those of Greeks/Romans. (Zeus is still the adversary of Yahovah, and Iesus is still the adversary of Yahshua Messiah) Both Zeus (Jupiter) and Iesus (Jesus) use the Great Eagle (God) "Nisroch" as their symbol.

Zeus- known as the God of the Sky, of thunder and lightening. Zeus was the same God as the Roman God Jupiter, who was chief God of the Federation of Latin Cities, to which Rome belonged. The Flamen Dialis (Roman High Priest) was Jupiter's High Priest (Roman Catholic's Pope today).

Jupiter/Zeus worshipped as the greatest-best of the Gods (Deus* Optimus Maximus, D.O.M.)

* Note: The established Latin (Catholic/Masonic) word used to describe Zeus is Deus.

Zeus- Known as God of Kingship: "maker of rulers and kings", thus mocking Yahovah's High

power and His authority as 'the appointer' of "all who rules over men". (Read Daniel)

"Look unto Me all that desire Salvation--- For it is I (Yahovah) that can deliver, and no other!" (Isayah 42:8, 43:3-11, 44:6-8, and Psalm 3:8) "We will walk in the Name of Yahovah our Mighty One forever and and ever." (Micah 4:5) Apostle Paul proclaimed "I worship the Yahovah of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets." (Acts 24:14) (How many today live for our Yahshua Messiah, and believe and follow Apostle Shaul/Paul's teachings?)

It is a sin to even 'Shake Hands' or 'Extend your Hand' to the wicked: especially the Masons. "Put not your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." (Exodus 23:1) This is why Masons have many hand signs; finger signals when 'shaking hands' under their covenant with death. (See Egyptian and Canaanite-Hittite writings with their extended covenant hand shakes.)

And when millions enter into user money/credit/loans with Masons, they extend their hands quickly. See many Masons lined up at the door of the Southern Baptists and Church of Christ Churches and many others, happily extend their hands for 'victims to shake'. (They are defiling them) See the great shaking of hands among a billion plus Christians, Masons, Catholics, Mormons; others. Note: "Approximately 33% of world's population today are Christians." Source: CNN August 24, 1999.

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They Worship the Wrong One Catholic Popes are leaders of Goats (They repent not!) (Yahovah put them there!)

"Billy" (Wilhelm the Billy Goat) "Gray-ham" (Death in the Dark One) loves the Pope in Jesus Christ! Rev. "Billy Goat" had another "Jesus" revival 7/2001 that drew 190,000. The "deception" continues! The unrepenting who worship and follow the Beast and its Image to the pit are literally the seeds of the wicked one himself to be destroyed. (Rev. 13:4-8) Yahshua said, "That every seed (tree) His Father (YHVH) did not plant on this earth, shall (now) be rooted up." (Matthew 15:13) Satan's worldly churches are filled with these seeds: fruit from their trees (kids, the goats of Ur's tree) never admit that Satan has millions upon millions of "actual seed", and knows all of "his chosen seed" today. What? (Cain's seed and many others today still reject Yahovah's written truth) (KJ Genesis 3:14-15)

"Yahovah said unto the Serpent (Satan), because you have done this, you are cursed… and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed." See? Who said Satan has seed? Was it not Yahovah? And later, is it not written that Cain was the seed of the wicked one? (Yet, the deceived do not want to discuss these matters, and it is just as well. It is over. They will keep buying, and selling and planting, and getting married, and then sudden destruction!) Malachi 4:1-5 warned why Yahovah would thus put the earth under a terrible curse: to destroy the unrepenting, and wicked seed of the earth. The time of Yahovah's Judgement has finally arrived.

Do you still lack wisdom and understanding today? Ask then (YHVH) Yahovah. (James 1:5) Messianic Jews should have a basic history of all tribes of Israel, Yah's prophets, Apostles, Yahovah, and Yahshua Messiah, and His promised Covenants. It is too late for massive teaching that exposes countless lies and unending worldly illusions taught by "seeds of the wicked one" (as these Masons). However, as written, nothing is "impossible" for Yahovah. For as happened, when His Spirit of Truth enters into you, (as written) "you will be set free by His truth". All worldly lies and untruths will be flushed away by Him alone. Repent, and your eyes will then "see" and your ears will "hear".

Therefore, this is Yahovah's last call from His Spirit to quicken "those that are His" and call on His Name to be saved as written. The wicked, and those now pretending to be Yahovah's chosen Jacob (Israelites-Hebrews-Jews) when they are not, will soon receive their just "reward". (Rev. 16:10) (Praise Yahovah! Praise His blessed Name! He shall quickly take out His wrath upon all wicked!)

It is amazing today the millions who now say that we, as real Jews, and Messianic Jews, are not real! You are either in Yahovah's Book of Life or out. Those in it will not remain in darkness; caught unawares without being called and awakened and taught by Yahovah's Spirit (Ruach ha Kodesh).

Israelites are being brought together in Yahshua. (People now consumed in this world know it not). Yahshua calls them to repent, and as Moshe said, you will find His love; forgiveness in these "latter days". Yahshua does not need billions of dollars to contact "those that are His sheep". Very few are left that want the truth, or seek and pray for the truth, or ever accept the truth from Yahovah. Why? (Rev. 13:8). This covers time and 'all' people born 'since the beginning' up to today.

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Satan's Seed are Grateful No Difference in Christians (Today's "Grateful Dead") (Teenagers play same tune)

Majority choose to remain with the condemned walking dead (Satan's Grateful Dead) and to trust in lies to the end. Yahshua warned of a danger sign to occur (towards the end) when Apostles asked:

"...where Master will these things (end times, which is now) happen?" And Yahshua, our Master, replied: "where the bodies* are (those spiritually dead or fallen away, yet alive in their flesh) as in "let the dead bury their dead" (Matt. 8:22) the Eagles (Eagle son rulers, leaders, and warriors under their Eagle God) will gather themselves together." (Uniting together to suddenly and viciously attack their chosen prey without warning) (Luke 17:37) "Christian Dead" are same as Satanic Dead!

"Body" is used singular and plural. These "dead bodies" are deceived (as German Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons and Methodists, and many "Iesus Covenant" Churches). No, billions since the beginning have not found salvation in "Jesus" (Osiris-Iesus on back to Cain). Many only thought they were saved! They were deceived! They had nothing. Cain is Osiris, Osiris is today's Iesus!

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"Opening the Square to Conquer" German Democratic Republic (Symbols used by Greece) (See Masonic Symbols)

Multi-millions of Nazis (Eagle soldiers) are under this covenant with death as they once had Hitler as their Masonic German Messiah. Today it is Gore. By doing evil in the open and darkness for many centuries, they think they have succeeded. Paid "mercenaries" shall again help execute their evil plan (trained and expendable "Gomer" bands of murderers). They are already in their places in U.S.

THEY NOW BELIEVE THAT THEIR ARMY OF DEMONS WILL DELIVER SALVATION! One of their primary goals today is to finally, without any hesitation, and with doctor's tools of precision, cut-out and totally eliminate what they consider a cancer in "their" society: all Jews!

Satan's Eagle warriors are prepared; organized. This was done by other "little horn" Eagle sons of Cain under their Eagle God: Nimrod-Osiris, Pharaohs (Horus), Asshur-"Nazir"-Pal, Alexander the Great, Napoleon the Great and Cain's long series of German Hittite rulers and German-Roman Popes.

It continued with Frederick the Great, Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany's war man), Ivan "the Terrible", Russia's Stalin-Lenin "great butchery" and Fuhrer Hitler's holocaust of six million Jewish victims. Now, Cain's Eagle warriors under Gore, their "last bear" world ruler, shall feed mightily on warm blood of multi-millions of unsuspecting prey. Yahshua warned ahead of time of the destruction of Yahovah's Temple by Romans in 70 A.D.. We have warned of today's coming tragedy 8 years.

Cain's "Eagle sons" rule the world. (Genesis 4:7) Cain's seed (his Eagle sons and daughters) under them are deceived by their lies and murders: these are DNA seeds of Cain of the wicked one. They "lie", "deny", and "cover up" or hide their wicked deeds (works), as Cain first did to Yahovah. (Genesis 4:9). Note: On 6/3/94: "Vice" Gore and Clinton issued an (EO) Executive Order for future U.S. Federal Emergency (FEMA). Action. Elite Eagles are obeying "every single word" coming from Gore to the end. Those now under Yah's "strong delusion" know it not.

YAHOVAH HAS WARNED US! BLOW THE HORN NOW! RED ALERT! 'THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATE'! January 8, 1992 to present: severe warning signs from Yahovah are in abundance that His tribulation is already upon us. Yahovah's "wake up" warnings have been ignored across the U.S. and the world. Since 1/8/1992, His Mighty Hand has caused 8 (eight) trillion dollars in catastrophic type destruction through over 33,000 worldwide disasters: many catastrophic. The huge sea of world goats repent not. Behold even Revelation 8:10 the "Great Ball of Fire" coming down from the heavens July 23, 2001!

Therefore, the first angel, the second angel, and the third angel have already sounded over the earth! Therefore, let it be known that Yahovah's righteous judgement is already upon the world's nations! The world has ignored His incredible judgement sign, as they have ignored all other Yahovah signs.

Part 1a. Continue Next


Kenites a search for Clarity

How The Names were changed and by Who.

Third Curse

55 pages copied from CD
Hundreds of pages and Graphic on the CD