Part 14

As written, Esau also married (2) Aryan "Hittites" (seeds of Cain) against the will of Isaac. Esau thus became as one under 3,600 B.C. Aryan Hittite [German] covenant. Over time, Cain-Esau's many seed migrated to Germanica (Europe), and then on to the U.S. Satan has always used Cain-Esau seeds [their sons and daughters] to mix and marry with Israelites and thus "become as one with them" under their "covenant." Through Yahovah's Own law, it is finished. Yahshua said that all must be fulfilled.

As written, Yahshua, our King of Righteousness, has warned us of those who say they are Hebrews of the 12 tribes of Israel, but are not. Beware of them. (These are multi-millions of Germans today) Chris Isaacs (on Letterman) sang one mesmerizing song: of "Two hearts beating as One." On 9/9/93, Isaacs was dressed in all "black": a "black" Shirt, "black" pants, "black" shoes, and having "black" hair: symbolizing Satan being with Eve-Isis to have Cain. This Isaacs is not of Yahovah or Yahshua.

To complete this "bond" of all black (Satan) with all white (Eve-Isis) coming together to produce Cain, "the child", Kim Basinger and Chris Isaacs were shown "side by side" at end of Letterman's show.

Revealing to Satan's wicked that Isis (white) and Osiris (black) have come together to help introduce their son is no problem. (A present with Satan's "pink bow-tie" on it was at Kim Basinger's feet: the same type "gift box with a bow-tie" as shown on an Egyptian "Isis" tomb painting with Osiris-Iesus). Note: International symbol for "Death" is a "Black Square" flag (again, coming from ancient Egypt)

Chris Isaacs dressed in all "black" symbolized "Satan-Gore" (black one of Death), and Kim Basinger dressed in "white" as the beguiled virgin "Eve". Light/dark, Day/night, sun (Satan) and moon (Eve-Isis), united again in spirit to bring forth "Satan's anointed child", Cain, the murderer, reborn = Gore. Wicked must now join Satan's spirit, to create chaos for this last wicked "x" generation: Gore and his Gomer band shall do the great purge, and then, Yahovah shall quickly bring all of it to its end.

Monday (Moon-Isis Day) Valentine's Day on February 14, 1994: the celebration continued with numerous commercials, shows, and specials on television, through the "Eye" of Isis. A clip on early Monday Morning ABC showed a close up of only a "black" hand and a "white" hand touching with the famous ancient Satan's "Little Horn" Golden Ring on, and thus, "two hearts becoming as one".

Good Morning America show aired a 'special segment' of (92) couples 'getting married' at one event on "Valentine's Day". (184) parents were throwing "brown rice" (symbolic of Satan's seed for them to be fruitful and multiply). Others were getting married on the "80th floor" of N.Y. Empire (Reich in German) State building. The 80th Floor = Gore, who is no. (8) and now over his kingdom.

"Night Repair" Commercial, Letterman 9/9/93. Estee Lauder's "Advanced Night Repair" commercial dissolves together "black and white": from bright sun to darkness, and into a "full moon".

A "spotlight" shines only on the face of a reclined "beautiful woman" (again a direct reference to Isis, their Masonic Temple: her heart) in D.C., and the German Nazi "night repair purge" of Jews.

Image of Isis is reclined above the White House: her backside is on a "row of world churches" coming under her: as the United Methodist worldwide churches, ordaining women and changing the word "he" to "she" and "him" to "her" in Bibles. See Yahovah's sudden warning to them on March 27, 1994, in Piedmont, Alabama. To the new Rev. Kelly Clem. Her Methodist Church was destroyed, and her daughter "Hanna" was killed before her eyes at the alter, along with many others.

Woe to them, as they ask each other: why? (It is written of this woman and her child in Revelation). It was a sudden; violent direct hit from a southern tornado on "Palm Sunday". This was straight from Yahovah, even as the choir sang: "Yahovah will provide", and he did. Gore flew immediately down to Alabama to give comfort to this very real Revelation woman (of his own kind, of goats). See?

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Eagle on Top of an Admiralty Law Flag Ultimate Son of "Ham" (This Flag with Gold Trim Means War) (They think he is harmless)

Gore has risen, and riding his "Horse of Death". Sign: "Juice" [Iesus of "Zeus" Great Eagle] O.J. Simpson [Satan's son] "The black one" of death riding a "white horse" [Bronco] from Isis egg [Ford blue Logo] leading a mass of police. 15" blade [555] Phallic of Washington monument. "xxx" cut on her Chest [666] O.J. [Nimrod-Osiris]. Her head was cut-off in Greek legend of Osiris-Iesus.

1993 Prophecy: After Gore on Letterman: October 31, 1993 joined "Night" & "Day" or White & Black: Halloween "black" night and following day was German Catholic's pagan "whitez up" saint's day. Evil will now prevail until the end. You shall see accelerating "lies" and increases in crimes of all descriptions: theft, rapes, murder plots, major sexual perversion, brutal and cruel murders, unusual world incidents and major catastrophic accidents. You shall see the dramatic increases in unethical, immoral, radical, violent emotional anger (as road rage), fear, uncontrolled frustration, severe family conflicts, and "peculiar" unusual behavior from masses in the world as they unite into one evil spirit under Gore. How is this possible? Yahovah said He would send this 'perverse spirit' upon them that they believe the lie (of Satan and Son) that they be damned. This is happening right now.

German Hittite Tonya Harding (in skating) attacked a Jewish girl. Roman Catholic woman cut off her husband's penis (stopping seed). Two California sons were not convicted for murder of parents. Fast food murders in several states: shootings, thefts, and random murders in many cities and schools. Gore will quickly devour his (son of death) McDonald's "flesh fries" (French fries) by the millions. Nazi Germans are in power, and are well prepared for Gore as their leader in 2001-2002-2003-2004:

Quickly passing U.S. illegal monitoring (in private homes going on now); search/ gun seizure bills. Quickly passing federal, state, city, and local laws "NO GUNS" (Zero) or "gun confiscation" bills Quickly outlawing many types of weapons and small to semi-auto handguns "state-by-state" basis Working on implementation of 100% national gun registration of all Citizens (as did Fuhrer Hitler). United States today has the only major (citizens) "armed resistance force" against 666 Beast.

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Even Over Mafia Gore has Risen His Seal/Mark even over Japanese (The God Father) (Egypt Pharaoh) (The Rising Son of the Sun)

Gore Eagle "Marked" Money: 1996 $100, 97 $50, 98 $20, 99 $10, $5, 2000 "Golden Eagle Dollar." IT IS OVER. Little time left to "BUY OR SELL" without Gore's Eagle Mark money. (Rev. 14:11) Owens-Corning fiber-optics communications system IBM, ITT, ATT linking phones, TV, and on-line/internet computers worldwide (multi-millions are now being monitored around the world).

Already built concentration camps for rebel dissidents across the U.S. Shrinking money supply (cash) and all coded older printed money with magnetic, traceable, and countable, strips. (Illegal seizure and arrest of money without proof of wrongdoing: examples of this happening across U.S.) 1992-2000 passing 3,000 new U.S. laws, statutes, and ordinances (by law) to arrest, convict, and imprison dissidents, and confiscate their private property, plus law enforcement passed EOs.

Illegal use of U.N. and F.E.M.A. Emergency troops in U.S. against "rebel" citizens. Abuse of RICO. German Federal FBI, state, and local controlled Masonic Courts prejudice against political dissidents. June 3, 1994: (EO) Executive Order for FEMA control. Also, changes from local and U.S. News coverage to short and limited world Headline news keeps the majority in the dark as they do their evil. More coverage of stocks, sports, sex, entertainment, talk shows, comics, movies, and more re-runs. (Fox around world in "80 seconds" = garbage; spend 30 minutes on an 18 year old going into porno!) Less to no coverage of group protests against NAFTA, APEC, and GATT. Purging (firing, layoffs) of many non-German Aryans from Corporations, divisions, military, school systems, college teachers, and Federal, state, and local run German governments and Masonic court systems are already done.

EVERYTHING IS SET FOR A SPECIAL EMERGENCY (Order From Gore). Will he do it? GORE HAS FULL POWER IN 2001,2002,2003,2004, and, brings terrible times for Jews.

A potential way of disguising the disposal of Jews and many others in their efficient furnaces is through the pretense of "Mad Cow" disease and/or "Hoof and Mouth" disease raging across the European nations, and allegedly appearing in Texas and Vermont. Who would suspect carrying away of "victims in drums" or in trucks or trains marked in such an "off-limits" manner? They have many ways or options to "cover evil". There are a 'thousand ways' to cover their tracks.

Satan's kingdom must be purged before Gore receives it: imitating Yahovah's promise to Yahshua. Rebel Radio Stations (speaking out against their world order) are already knocked off the air, bought out, or paid off. Consolidation and purging of Armed Forces under Gore and purging of Federal, State and local Police, Sheriff's Depts., CIA, FBI, DEA, and National F.E.M.A. Organizations, are done.

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Gore's Eagle 666 "Mark/Seal" all around the world: even in Moldova.

"Prophecy signal" of Clinton actually saying: "Peace, Peace, Peace", during a speech in "Brussels", Jan. 1994. Upswing in "ethnic cleansing" action in Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, and Nazi uprisings in Germany: "signs" in D.C. Of Nazi movement, and in other states: never making the national news. Anti-Jewish attacks in Germany, South America on graves and synagogues, and attacks in California.

This is a "mirror image" today in imitating original 12 tribes of Israel when they once divided their inherited land given to them by Yahovah--- taken from the ancient Germans (Aryan Hittite Seeds of Cain) in the Northern lands of Canaan and several Hittite/Amorite areas that once stretched down to Jerusalem. The Jacob/Israelite families of today chosen to serve only Yahovah do not have inheritance of this (U.S. Babylonian Whore) land, as their inheritance is Yahovah (YHVH) and what is His, and in serving our Yahshua Messiah in His kingdom, as it is written. "Come out of her My children…" (U.S. is being divided up between Satan's elite, especially Bavarian Masons. They want no Jews in it)

Germanica families chosen to serve Satan have an inheritance of Satan's worldly kingdom: mammon, and their flesh: their inheritance is Satan in their 3600 B.C. "covenant with death". As our Joshua cried out, "choose this day who you will serve". As for me and my family (brothers and sisters in Yahshua) we will serve only Yah and keep His commandments. Yahshua also gave this same saying.

They expect to have all World Order dissidents purged and ethnic cleansing completed under Gore by 2001-4 (Rev. 13:5). German Eagles will "blitz" swiftly upon their unsuspecting prey, just as Cain did to Abel. Cain's Eagles have done this for thousands of years. They will come as thieves in the night, or early morning hours. Stay very alert and ready here on out. This is not a game show, or Revelation from Yahovah to scare His Sheep. World War I (first German rib) was real. World War II (the second rib) was real. And, certainly, despite all the U.S. lies and delusions, World War III shall also be real. (This "third rib" in the bear's mouth is not accepted as being realistic by most Jews and Christians)

German Aryans, Catholic-Lutherans, Mormons and Methodist, "Green Peace" and Atheists; German Masons in their "Covenant" are first exempt from persecution. After telling some of what is coming in the U.S. at Purdue University to some coeds, one of them exclaimed with a nervous sigh of relief: "WOW! THEN AM I GLAD I'M A GERMAN. I KNOW MY FATHER IS GERMAN, AND ALSO A CHICAGO POLICEMAN. I GUESS THAT 'SCAREY STUFF' ISN'T FOR US! IT SOUNDS BAD, BUT IF GERMANS ARE NOT TO BE BOTHERED, THEN I'M HAPPY."

See? Woe unto all who choose to remain on Satan's computer list of MANY EXEMPT "GOATS". If it is Yahovah and Yahshua's will that we now be taken, and our brothers and sisters in Yahshua are taken, then we must warn all goats that are now "exempt" with our last breath: There will be "no escape" or "exempt status" for any of them when our Yahovah pours out His seven bowls of double portions of wrath upon all their heads as written in Revelation. Goats even refuse this warning.

Angels and Yahshua's chosen shall rejoice at their terrible punishment as written. Why? Because, as they now show no mercy, concern, and no repentance in their hearts whatsoever for what is to happen to brothers and sisters around them, or no love, or ears for the truth, Yahovah shall bring all of their evil back upon their heads in "DOUBLE PORTIONS". The lid is tight on keeping Gore's evil in his "Lock Box" (for National Security and obvious many other reasons), and Christians are quiet about Yahovah's plans, because they do not understand prophecy. Nothing shall prevent our Yah's plan.

Even after being warned, as the young and beautiful German coed said: "THIS SCAREY STUFF IS NOT FOR ME" and walked away greatly relieved, she declared her position, and sealed her horrible future. SHE WILL SOON BE COVERED WITH HORRIBLE SORES: from Yahovah's first vial of wrath. As multi-millions more Germans turn away from the truth, Yahovah's Judgement will come down on them all. As they showed no concern, thus no mercy will be shown to them. They cannot imagine the horrible plagues and punishment that shall soon consume them: THEIR OLD AND YOUNG, THEIR VERY BEAUTIFUL AND UGLY, AND THE VERY RICH AND EVEN POOR.  Graphic's not available

Note Serpent with Pepsi Red/Blue Time is imminent for "Purge" Hudson's 13-Hour Sale: Letterman Commercial - Gore 9/9/93 & 2000

Turning, moving, "revolving through time" and many gears within different clock mechanisms, then suddenly it stops: a full clock appears with '13' hours, with the hands on '13'. Words of the voice over says: "...IF TIME STOOD STILL..." This commercial has an eerie religious classical background music building up to a climax with a choir of no words: blended voices. The "Hud's Son" Number 13: Gore is making his presence known to Masons. (Prior Hudson River, Rock Hudson, etc. Hu (Heh of Egypt) and "D" (Diana): their deified son.)

Note: 2000 update: in Gore's seven year Anniversary return to Letterman, another 13 Hour Sale Commercial was run, and numerous things repeated from 9/9/1993. Gore is an "ex-Jew" or Israelite, of the tribe of Dan, as in "Wo-dan" (Odin) the Germanican Eagle God King who shall now judge his people. Tribe of Dan is not in Revelation. Gore proclaims to be a "German Baptist" Christian.

When Yahovah orders His seven angels to release their vials, TIME FOR REPENTING IS UP. There will be no more arguments to reject the truth, or the false doctrine in their German controlled churches, synagogues, and courts. No more lies, massive murders, and imprisonment to try and stop, conceal, or ignore Yahovah's Living Word and His truth. Praise Yahovah! Prophets shall rejoice!

(Time for repenting in this Gentile Age is closing in December 2001. Yahovah has now revealed it) Do you now understand why they shall curse Yahovah when He releases His massive punishment on them in double portions? They will not ever repent. Is this not the greatest test of our faith in His "Living Word" that Death has no hold on us? I have already died in my flesh and to give it up means nothing to me. Yahovah has revealed this purge and carnage has already begun and revealed what is behind it to me and now to you. Yahovah's Spirit has revealed thousands of things to prepare us in spirit and in truth. Yahshua will be with us through it all as written. Towards the end of it, Yahovah will cut it short, or all flesh on earth would indeed perish. Gore shall now lead billions to the pit.

The 9/9/93 David Letterman Masonic Introduction of ALBERT ARNOLD GORE, JR.

Second Levi Woman "blue" jeans Commercial Letterman Show 9/9/93 Reveals again Isis, the "woman", symbolic of many "women" today in worldly "vices": including lust for sex, adultery, fornication, materialism, and desiring a "perfect body of flesh". These flash (on fast cards) one after another, in the midst of all her vices and sins shown in fast Film cuts (while screaming in a microphone getting it Off her chest) she screams and gives birth to a "Monster Baby", Satan's son, "the child". At last, she (Isis) has delivered the promised one to lead the wicked of the world: It is Gore. This particular commercial was not seen again, nor was it used on other channels. Why? It was designed for only the introduction of Gore. (It made no sense whatsoever, except for its one-time use).

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Pepsi: Just that "One Right Cell"

Masonic Code: Gore is indeed "Pepsi"

Ray Charles PEPSI "Right One Baby" Uh Huh!

Letterman Commercial for Gore 9/9/93

Three beautiful "black women": their "dark flesh" covered by full body "solid white" bathing suits (German Cain's DNA black blood is disguised under pure "white" skin, as Germans are black inside, not white). And all three talk of a very, very special PRODUCE A PEPSI. (A Pharaoh.)

Of that "One Right Cell" (the DNA of "the hidden black royal blood cell" of Cain: of young Egypt's King Tut and of young Tsar Alexis Romanov). From the elite DNA of chromosome 21 and the Y cell(s) "interacting" to "create just the right one…BABY". (Meaning the DNA genetic splicing and alternating of cells which was dead spliced into living cells of a carrier, to create Gore, immaculate deception. On Hardball, 2000, Chris Matthews later called Gore the "Immaculate Conception".) Then, the obvious incredible punch line to Satan's wicked spirits who fully understand: straight from ancient Egypt and shown hundreds of times in tomb paintings; on Pharaoh's portraits: "You've got the right". "Uh huh". (Name of God over Egypt) Pepsi (Pepi) logo comes from Egypt.

It is on borders: and located inside the serpent's (blue and red) neck. A round ball joined together as one inside the serpent's throat, separated by a white line. "Red" in the Pepsi logo: is the symbol of Satan-Osiris the Sun, and Horus, "the Eagle Serpent's "son of the sun".

"Blue" = "Blue Moon" (sacred mother), who is Isis the Queen Mother of Egypt who is to become pregnant and give birth to another PEPSI. They have now come together again to produce their "right one baby". (Compare the old Pepsi logos before Gore and the new "Pepsi" logos). For Halloween (in October 1993) continuing celebration of a new Pepsi (Pharaoh): They ran a special package wrapping showing a Frankenstein made "monster man" coming out of their "joined" together Red-blue "Pep" "Pepsi-Pepi" logo. "Pepsi" was the actual name of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh from iniquity. Satan continues TV "Frank" theme in 2000, asking loudly, How much longer Frank? "You are in the Pepsi "X" Generation, coming at you loud and clear." Do you spiritually understand?

Pepsi Co management are also involved in the World Order. Mentioned by a D.C. Attorney in a May 21, 1993 criminal disclosure to the U.S. Attorney General Reno. (Meetings in Spain). Note: There is 'PEPI' (Pepe) Sports Jean World Business: people are "covering" their bodies with Pepi the Pharaoh.

Gore- Letterman Show "Harry" CBS TV Commercial 9/9/93 (Gore is fighting for Esau's seed line) A conversation between Satan and his son: the name "Harry" symbolizes another rebel seed of Cain who is also "Esau". A 33rd. Degree Mason U.S. President (German seed of Cain): was Missouri boy (Miss Ur's Boy) "Harry" S. Truman. Harry Esau is their "True Man", not Jacob/Israel. Harry Esau wants his inheritance back. Esau described as a "red and hairy beast". "Harry" is saying to boy (Satan's child) 9/9/93 quote: " Sometimes you've got to do the things you don't want to do to make a difference..." This is Satan giving advice to Gore (his son). Letterman's announcer is "Big Red".

The truth of the matter of what is about to happen and Satanic reasoning behind it. All out war on Yah's Jacob/Jews, and "ethnic cleansing" of old people and unwanteds, and death to all dissidents. ...And "the boy" replied: "but I don't want to...I want to be just like you." (Satan's son is like Satan, and this planned "selection" of words on Gore's introduction is incredible)

Local German Embassy TV Commercial 9/9/93 (for future with Gore) Promoted an October 24, 1993 play: day after Mason's War Goddess "Nike" went back on the top of Satan's D.C. Temple of Zeus. Local Mason's caption and message to Gore (Cain-Esau): "GIVE EM' HELL HARRY."

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Master Mason's Harry Truman Richard Nixon was also under the Eagle God (One of Gore's early idols) (Same columns of Eagles as Hitler used)

Reference to Cain, Esau, Truman, and Gore. Gore is a great admirer and avid student of the Masonic President Harry S. Truman. The "insider" Masons know detailed history of their number one "Master" they serve. Commercial showed picture and Headline saying: "Dewey beats Truman". Gore is giving his Masons some hope in thinking that going up against Yah, it might be "reversed".

"Harry" Truman also dropped 2 atomic Bombs on Japan. Many have called "Harry" "the man of death and destruction" in Japan. This commercial gives Gore's assembled Army a big hurrah send off, as they are soon to battle against all of Satan's enemies...especially Jews, and to wage battle with Yahshua. "Give them pure hell." You have been pre-warned. (Gore's admiration for "Harry" is in his biography book) Gore is today's man of death and destruction. He is Esau, the "Harry One".

The political talks, analysis, the mind games, debates, and the parties, are all simply "spin" and fluff. They are trimmings for the party. Gore, the 666 Osiris birthday boy is here: it is now his party. 'The Green Mask' movie was also an unveiling of Satan, when Carrie boldly said: "Its Party Time"! (Exact face Green Mask, which is of the demonic Nordic Gods, is incorporated in Jerusalem Map)

Opening of Letterman Show: "Stiff (stout) Jokes"(Read Dan. 7:20) 9/9/93 Letterman presents jokes about the "Dead Marcos Body" of Philippines being returned. Note: Gore- is this "Dead Body", and he has thus returned as the "stiff" (stout) one: This Dead joke is right 'before' Gore's entry onto the stage: letting alert spiritual Masons know for sure that Gore has returned to them from "the Dead".

Yahshua Messiah was risen from the dead, and is now at the right hand throne of Yahovah. Al Gore was brought back from the book of the dead and sat at the right hand throne of Satan. Letterman's "stiff" jokes are an appropriate introduction for Gore: the prophet Daniel said that he shall be called the "Stiff" (stout) One above his fellows. Letterman's excitement as he described the plane returning Marco's dead body, by air ("Eagle") and the great celebration by masses of loyal people turning out at airport (spiritually Dead, as the grateful Dead) means: the Masons welcoming Gore, their "stiff" Osiris-Iesus (stout) "dead body" of Egypt as their World Order Ruler.

Letterman continued about Marcos: As his 'dead body' "circled round and round" in the baggage area coming off the [Eagle] plane. References to the dead body of Marcos, again and again. Nothing funny about this whatsoever. Letterman's hand signals means: "Gore, the 'dead one from the dead'.

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American (Eagle) Airlines

David Letterman Quote: "American [Eagle] Airlines, now has on board faxes and phones to communicate directly to other planes, cities and people all around the world". Reference to Gore - fulfills Revelation prophecy to the word. "He (Satan) will cause the image (Gore) of the Beast (Eagle Gott) to speak." (Gore and the Eagle are now as one, as Gore is his Eagle Son). This was followed by a Letterman "Eagle" reference to Satan's favorite mystery symbol, "the Square": Eagle being over "Four Corners" of earth. Quote: "Continental Airlines to compete, is now heating up and serving Chicken ala King..." (Yahshua called those that are His "chickens") Ref. The Continental Airlines logo is an Isis "Blue" Egyptian Square with a World Grid inside it.

Isis is opening up her world square bringing forth the "last Eagle Son" World Tsar (Gore will go to war against Yahshua's believers, the chickens). Gore, the "Eagle Son" child, is heated up and full of wrath". Isis-Nike is "heated up" and ready for war and serving up her "bird-man": the King.

On September 11th. 1935, Hitler announced The German World Order!  Graphic's not available

As it was with 'Apollo' landing on the moon: The Eagle Has Landed! UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 THE EAGLE HAS ATTACKED! (Was not "American Eagle Airlines" directly involved in this attack?)

Satan and son are now on the loose! Death has been released. This is a confirmation of the truth in this prophecy from Yahovah. German World War III and Martial Law is disguised behind this one great act of terror, and in truth, the Government is directly behind this to unite all under the Eagle God. Martial Law now declared across the U.S. is disguised and called "Homeland Security", but read EOs Gore is now over the dead, will "encircle the world", and 'collect the dead'. (Spiritually dead are Gore's property. Gore and Satan shall indeed take that which is their inheritance from this world. The deceived are proudly standing up against Yahovah and Yahshua to protect their freedoms!)

Gore- is "Horus-Osiris-Iesus of Egypt, reborn son of the sun from the Egyptian book of the Dead) 9/9/93 Other Letterman "warm-ups" before Gore, the 'Great Eagle Son' of Satan, walked on stage: His references to the "Great Eagle God" that now "speaks and communicates" all around the world.

Letterman: reference to a rude "iron beast" or "beast of iron"..."that has been made to speak"... In Revelation. Quote: "Volvo-Renault" has joined together to produce the first "Talking Car".... but considering who made it, it will probably be "rude" to you". "Volvo" (Switzerland of Old "Germanica" was under Wodan Odin, "the Great Eagle God") "Renault" (German Masonic Northern French) also of "Old Germanica", and also under Wodan (Odin), their Eagle Gotts-a-Gore.

Switzerland Germans of "ancient Germanica" and the French Germans of "ancient Germanica" joined together over 200 years ago to prepare the seat and Temple of Satan in Washington, D.C. The French-German Mason, L'Enfant (the child), designed "the basic 666 demonic plan" * for Washington, D.C. to be the home of "The Child". Gore- * under "the D.C. Child's plan" and covenant, "666 Beast has been made to speak". Gore- has "DNA blood of the seventh, and is the eighth".

"That which was, and is, but is not, and yet is" Gore- "was thus made to speak" by combined efforts of Masonic Switzerland and French "Germanican" workers and German Doctors directed by Satan: they brought forth his son. This man-made "Gizmo," the imitator from the Book of the Dead, is the first.

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This is the deceiver: the man who has already deceived the world! (See how many you can find who believes this is Satan's 666 Son)

December 6th., 2001 Update: Bush, as Gore's proclamation honorary President, and his many workers now 100% dedicated to Gore, have just announced to the world that now is the time to go after all in the world who ARE A "THREAT TO THEIR FREEDOMS" and take them out!

Do you understand the significance of such an announcement? This is the False Messiah now fulfilling the prophecy in Daniel and in Revelation and by other prophets, that he shall go and destroy many! He shall take out leaders and go throughout the world with a vengenance!

Gore- was made into an "Uh-Huh" Pepsi: a unique original, a one of a kind specially made (right one) "baby": he can proudly wear the label "Made In The U.S.A." Made in a German Washington, D.C. "Dumbarton" Laboratory In 1947, and (9) months later, was born (the immaculate deception, without a father) On March 31, 1948 in "Nike-Isis-Arlington" D.C. (Gore does not look like his "adopted" father or mother. However, Gore does look like God Tsar Alexis Romanov when he was young). Letterman described 'talking car' (who is Gore) will be "absolutely rude", hostile, brutal, and furious with his enemies. (This is not a joke by Letterman, and has obvious Masonic meaning).

Letterman: another (joke) reference to "The Great Dragon" Satan-Gore, now here in the U.S. 9/9/93

Letterman Quote: "A Japanese film crew from Tokyo (East) are now in Vermont and looking for a '30-foot' reptile: they should send them over to GE: (General German Electric) the place is crawling with them." Do you understand? Many "reptiles" (serpents) at GE is a great truth. Gore is indeed the 30-foot reptile, and was also shown as the Green (Osiris-Iesus) fire breathing "Dragon of Revelation" in a New York Magazine. He was appropriately called: "Gore"zilla and he is "God"zilla.

(With it all being done as attempted jokes, and even in cartoons, who will take any of this seriously?)

Who will listen? The readers of these three prophecies usually quickly get away from it, and say it is too controversial, to offensive, not enough substantial evidence, and it gets into too much of the evils of Masonry, Satan, and the ancient things of the past. How they find a hundred excuses to not receive the truth. How they greatly resent these things that puts down their favorite movies, cartoons, movie stars, their country, their God, their Jesus, and many other pet coveted things: as their 666 drug habits. Update: The December 2001 record breaking movie "HARRY POTTER" is full of evil, and is thus certainly appropriate for today. It literally means: Harry's (Esau's) Pot (Witches brew) of ancient Ur!

Not Crown of Yahshua! An Apollyon Lion King Crown of Goats  Graphic's not available

Flag and Crown is Egyptian and Ur Chaldean, and the Crest is in Rev. 6:2 For decades, GE (General German Electric), DANA (Drugs Available Nationally Anytime), and German/Columbian Drug Cartel, GM (General German Motors), Ford (German Nazi Promoter) Motors, Chrysler (bought out/merged with Germans) Corporation, other German Corporations and Banks, have helped to distribute trillions of dollars worth of illegal drugs and launder money from South America, Mexico, shipped to Canada and through Turkey, and the East (as China's Opium).

German Corporations and Banks are involved in drug money laundering (as BCCI) and in DRUGS, INC., the second largest world business. "Seldom is heard a discouraging word" on Television. "Quiet hit contracts", strange fatal accidents, heart attacks, and fatal strokes are easily arranged for employee Whistle Blowers innocent enough to report what they see or know to management already involved: cover-ups are committed to keeping their "images" squeaky clean. Letterman said the truth: General Electric is full of serpents (Satan's seed) and a 30-foot reptile (Gore) is now over them.

Massive cover-ups have been done for these German Savings and Loans, Corporations, BCCI, stocks-banks and investment firms. The privately owned German Federal Reserve, F.D.I.C, National German run Universities, such as Yale and Harvard, and Rockefeller Corporations and Trusts, are tied together in tight mazes of "illegal" activity: multi-billions of dollars (even theft of taxpayers); and multi-billions more in dope money are quietly laundered, and then reinvested into the economy each year. But, who cares today? As long as today's teenagers get their own car from today's affluent, go to college, party with lots of sex, see the movies, and buy designer's clothes, they say: don't "Rock the boat".

The future valued millions of prime customers of Dope, Inc. are "college graduates" across the U.S. campuses that can easily afford their drug habits when they land those high paying executive jobs. These high standard of living well educated customers are not going to be out stealing hubcaps and breaking in homes, etc. to support their habits. Therefore, drug distribution points and even elaborate "personal delivery systems" are set up close to these major Colleges and Universities, and obviously close to major cities where they live and work. Colleges and Universities in the U.S. are the "future markets" of excellent and "preferred customers" of illegal drugs. This is documented, and Drugs, Inc. is also run as a professional business, no different than a very large Conglomerate on Wall Street. In addition to efficient distribution, the correct handling and "laundering of money" is also essential.

Many of DRUGS, INC. Executives, controllers, and accountants are sent to Harvard to get MBAs. Those in power usually present to the public on TV a less than smart (red-neck) Nazi rebel skinhead with a Hitler poster, and want this type of person to be in the minds of the public: not a businessman!

Dana has programs for their accountants and upper (hidden drug) distribution executives. A talented young woman, Sharon Rose Smith, a computer operator at Dana, was murdered for her discovery in their database. Law officials and others in town covered up this "hit," and drugs were not mentioned.

Dana is a major parts supplier to Ford, GM, and Chrysler, who for years had the nerve to "code" their CIA and German Drug Distribution connections to the German Columbian Mafia. How? Locating many of there front facilities and operations based on the Cocaine drug code name "Columbia". i.e. Columbia, South Carolina, Columbus, Ohio, Columbia, Missouri, and even their 600 Dana Truck Fleet (DTF) N. A. Divisional headquarters in Columbia City, Indiana, for moving and distribution.

It should be no surprise that this German Columbian CIA multi-billion dollar drug business worldwide is directly connected to, and leads straight to Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia), and the Mason political elite affiliated with the German Mafia and CIA, and also connected to the British Empire. Many Presidents and Executive Officers of Colleges and Corporate institutions are also involved in this multi-billion dollar drug business per year. Police and the local authorities around them seldom bother to smack the hand of the German-Masonic Mafia well oiled and established system. Why?

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Under the Eagle God Under the Eagle God The Lord of the Rings is "Gore"! (German Controlled) (German Controlled) (Rings are from Ancient Ur)

If they ever did so, they would soon find themselves a target. They may pick on CIA/DEA/FBI "pre-selected" and "pre-approved" drug busts, or arrests, of lower class Non-German users (as blacks) and competitors (as Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and Russians). German Aryans have had a monopoly on this business for many decades and is connected directly to England. The drug business in Europe is controlled by them, and anyone today that tries to break into their monopoly is quickly taken out.

Ref. Documented book: Dope, Inc., "British Royalty Connection" Ref. Documented book: BCCI "False Profits". Ref. Scripps Howard News Service, Ref. Austin, Texas Molly Ivins News Article 2/11/94: and Ref. L.R., D.H., D.S., D.M., G.B., B.H., B.B., G.F., Dana Corporation

Quote: "The series detailed the whole unbelievably corrupt and incompetent system under which the FDIC took over hundreds of collapsing Banks (intentional part of German take-over plan) in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They then called in thousands of Loans and Mortgages on people who 'never missed' a single payment, seized their homes, farms, ranches, and businesses, and turned around; sold them for 'pennies on the dollar' to big rich (German Aryan and German Masonic Elite) investors."

German 'Norwest' Banks were directly connected to German World Order takeover: now changing their name again, or consolidating with Wells Fargo Banks and their Eastern Banking Associates. (Consuming over 4,000 banks scattered in the United States as part of German Order consolidation)

Former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright actually told the truth, but it is much worse. Quote: "What the F.D.I.C. did was the most massive transfer of wealth from 'ordinary people' to rich people (elite German Aryan Masons and their associates) in the history of this country." End of Quote.

These documented truths are given a deaf ear by Christians today. After all, if they are not affected in their financed homes, businesses, jobs, or banks, they consider these things none of their business.

Many German Corporations are infiltrated by CIA and German "organized crime" networks for major dope distribution: They "eliminate" competition and those who know too much that might expose or hurt their "image": CIA, DEA, FBI, ATF, Rockefellers, Rothschilds; many in U.S. Government are connected directly to German British Royalty, Germany, Russia, and China Drug Dragon: leading back to Egypt and the "Isis" sexual cult with use of drugs. BP [German British Petroleum] is also buying up/consolidating Independent Gasoline-stations in the U.S. and throughout their One World Order.

(The gradual snare that has taken place in the U.S., especially since the end of World War II, has been so subtle, that few have even noticed. Like the frog put in water and gradually brought to a boil.)

John F. Kennedy, (not an elite Mason) before being assassinated by an elaborate German Mafia "hit" and German Masonic Government cover up/conspiracy; after firing "their" German C.I.A. Director, prosecuting their German Organized Crime, and going up against "their" Private German Federal Reserve Banking System by authorizing the actual printing of "legal" U.S. Dollars, asked:

Quote: "My god, what are we running here anyway? Murder, Inc.?" (Kennedy was not a Mason and did not understand how all of this is connected to Germans and Masons in many organizations.) Kennedy and his brother got their answer delivered: "Their God is Murder, Inc.!" by the German/ Mason run CIA, FBI, Organized Crime, German/Mason Federal, State, and Local Police Agencies, and German top officials, who lied to cover the murders of over 100 witnesses, destroyed considerable evidence, altered, and sealed off the JFK files, denied a conspiracy, and then swiftly covered it up.

(Same I.D. as "Cain", Hitler, Gander plane crash, Waco, Texas murders, Foster, and Sec. Brown murders. It will be an incredible time to be around to hear of the mass murder of Jews excuses/lies) Cain's seed in the news say: "What conspiracy? These things have gone on for decades".

John F. Kennedy is one of their greatest "hunting trophies" to this day, and many Germans and Masons proudly display His "head" (his bust) on their desks to show-off (secretly) what they got away with! Their German Aryan Volk will reject this truth, and the unknowing understand it not. U.S. German 33rd. Degree Mason President Ford was rewarded for his part of the cover-up in the Warren Report and Commission lie, and so was Ford's Lee Iacocca, who was responsible for disposing of one of the most critical pieces of evidence: THE CAR! (The 'other' Bullet holes).

Rockefeller-Rothschild German worldwide empires, and thousands of other German Corporations and Banks that run and control their Volk and millions that work for them, are indeed "ruthless reptiles". For they are Seeds of Cain, "merciless beasts", out for themselves and their own kind. They have already "purged" out many "Aryanized" Israelites/Jews and unwanted management racial inferiors out of their corporations, exactly as was done under Hitler. Gore is taking up where Hitler left off, and has promised to finish the job with a great purge. This is the future for those who unknowingly trust them.

Letterman: Continuous references to "secret security" Quote: "They are there working, and you feel secure, But you can't see them." Exactly what German strike force led by the CIA, FEMA, ATF, FBI, DEA, and special elite Secret Service (German SS) intelligence are doing to dissident Americans. When they put America under Martial Law, they will disguise it as something else!

They are doing evil behind the scenes to dissidents, unwanteds, Jews, Israelites, and known enemies or 'potential enemies' in their own ranks. They are very busy, while multi-millions under them now feel warm, snug, secure, and cannot see the evil around them. They do not know these "purgers" are there, and refuse to believe that it is happening. (Never covered on TV today). They continue to think that way, because few personal attacks (one person targeted attacks) are seldom on News, or connected to the Federal authorities. (Identical "mass purges" and deaths occurred "openly" under Hitler)

Note: Anyone secretly under attack from German employers, government agencies, C.I.A., F.B.I, I.R.S, ATF, DEA, City and State Police, court systems, German Banking, local Sheriff County police, Federal Agents; and others, only need to see Personal files on "whistle blowers" * firings, demotions, "black" lists, persecution, prosecution, harassment, terrorism, selected vandalism, imprisonment, and, when necessary, serious accidents and death. The profiles of non-Aryans have "identical" patterns of attacks in U.S. * Ref. "Whistle Blower", Integrity International, Inc. Chairman, in Washington, D.C.

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"The Ball" "Satan at his best with a woman and deceiving her" (Osiris) (Isis figure) (Satan the Joker) GORE VISIT AND PREPARATION: "Security people search" before Gore entered:

9/9/93 Letterman "promoted frisking": reference jokes to it, and "black and white" film clip showing men and women in line being "frisked" from head to foot and being waved with a metal detector wand.

Inspector (as a joke) examined "design brand Label" of a man's shirt while being "frisked". Note: in Sept. 2000 on Gore's return trip to Letterman, they had a similar spin on this same "frisking" thing.

Done by Hitler and their Gestapo: Germans divided all "spoils" of their victims, including clothes and shirts off their victim's backs. And "their property", "homes", "vehicles", "personal belongings", and "their gold teeth fillings", "their hair", and even "their skin off their backs made into lampshades". Jews were enemies of Cain and his seed, and looked at as a "human resource": the same as "their workers" are classified today in their U.S. Volk. How much are they worth? Could they be harvested? Yes. This is imminent to happen again, only this time the Germans have kept their intentions in total stealth. The harvest time has arrived for both the Jew and the Gentile in this last perverted generation.

One TV Commercial shows an old Jewish couple, an old black couple, and two others, being invited into an apartment and shaken down by the hosts on a couch, and they were not allowed to eat, and the money was gathered up from the couch; saying this was what some will do to pay for their retirement. (This is spiritual: meaning the "Shake down of these unwanteds, and getting their assets is imminent")

Letterman's subtle "exposure" to a line of people "frisked". Nothing to get excited about as it is all in the plan. 9/9/93 and again on 9/2000, Letterman: made it appear as a "fun" experience. "Frisking" of "all people" coming into the studio by Gore's "men" was not bad, and he (as a Mason) "personally" thought it felt good, and that "you" ought to try it. Again, the shakedown is now imminent. Note: I have been frisked and searched, and it was totally unexpected. It was done to me and I did not like it.

The "frisking" of everyone: means for "guns" knifes, etc. Weapons are being confiscated from non-Germans, and dissidents, through illegal unconstitutional laws, house searches, and seizures, or by brute force tactics. They use illegal false charges, and pretense of "drug" raids. The German world order and German police state is here. Even U.S. patriotic groups are deceived, and reject these truths. They do not know what they are fighting. Do you think Satan's workers want their "sworn enemies" around with high powered efficient guns where they could possibly shoot back, or actually kill them?

Even Letterman's Jewish band leader cried out, "Frisk me, frisk me, frisk me, baby." Referring to Kim Basinger being on the show, but in truth, also meaning, "Gore", "the baby", "the child", who will have everyone "frisked" and his seed (as Masons) will not mind one bit, and even ask for it by law. A skit involving Paul (Jewish band leader), was very revealing. He was shown trying to give a bunch of flowers to Gore backstage, saying, "I Love You, Al Gore", but was roughly picked up by two large secret service men, and dragged away. Understand? Even the Jews that are well known and say they love Gore, will not save them, as they will all be 'hauled away', and all be put to death!  Graphic's not available

Read his "Extras", as they have 'hidden meanings' Letterman is the "Pen" for Gore (See the ones with Masonic Numbers) (Always flipping his pen)

Clinton (for Gore) says he "favors" a national [computer-connected] gun registration law of 'All Firearms' in the United States. He has also asked the NRA to cooperate with him in this program. Many NRA people have declined. They know Hitler did this, and then "confiscated all of the citizen guns". Even the Jewish "retirement" of Seinfeld, and the Jewish "retirement" of Barbara S. are signs.

Part 15