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Inuzuka Kiba w/ Akamaru from Naruto:

This costume I wore at Anime Central 2005.Here are pictures of me in my costume. More to come soon hopefully.

Costume: Inuzuka Kiba w/ Akamaru

Show/Game: Naruto

Made for: Acen 2005

Difficulty: The only difficult prospect of this costume was getting the fur on right and making sure my kunai pouch stayed up. Wearing it was another story...I got a rash from using red permanent marker on my face for the markings, and it was soooo hott. I was melting ><; Even though i thought id have trouble with the pouch, it stayed up nicely, even through a round of DDR. The akamaru plushie gave me the most trouble, it kept falling through my jacket, so i had to pin it there eventually.

Money Spent: This costume was really cheap. I bought the sweatshirt at Dunhams for 12 dollars on sale. I didnt need to buy pants because i already had brown pants that were getting a little too short anyways. The fur however, was 14 dollars a yard. Pretty expensive stuff! XD I used my mom's camera case for my kunai pouch. The forehead protector i borrowed from a friend, and Akamaru was a gift :) In all this costume cost around 50 bucks.

Construction: Me and my mom worked for 3 days on it. Mostly on the jacket, and the kunai pouch.