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These are pictures from my fun time at Aims! Lindsey and Coreen and I were such trouble makers there, it was so much fun. The first picture is of the three of us and a gnome that someone actually stole from a garden that ended up being placed on the desk in the College Center. Weird, I know. The three of us had just gotten awards. Coreen and Lindsey were the two who started the Phi Theta Kappa chapter at Aims, and I won a Humanities award.

The second picture is from our graduation. We all generally got to walk together. Coreen and I talked through the ceremony and I think that bothered Lindsey, but that was also her High School graduation, and since Coreen and I had done that before it wasn't a big deal. Oops.
Don't we look like we should be in some sort of school catalogue? I think we do.

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