December Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 1205 by Vice President, John Nesmith.
15 members were present.
2. Minutes from 02 November 01 meeting were read and 3.
Financial Report: CPOA Funds: $2500.47 4. Good of the Order:
a. Georgia Monsan had surgery. 5. Old Business: a. Lyle Bails still needs a plaque.
b. Fundraisers – Pizza and Muffins sales
raised $494.00. Upcoming sales scheduled for December 13th, January 18th,
and February 15th. February 15th will be rescheduled due to Paul
Kaplan’s retirement being on the same day. c. Shadow boxes - John Reagan order five shadow boxes at $185.00 each. d. Progressive Dinner – John Nesmith, John Reagan, and Chuck Boyer will host. Motion passed to donate $500.00 ($100.00 toward appetizers, $300.00 toward main course and $100.00 toward desserts.) Motion passed to use leftover gift cards worth $80.00 to offset these costs. Parents are encouraged to bring gifts for their children for “Santa” to pass out at the end. Gifts should not exceed $20.00.
e. By Laws – The by laws were
reviewed. Motion passed to make an amendment that “No CPOA funds will be
used for alcohol”. Motion passed specifying that initiation funds will
pay for the first 6 months dues for new CPO’s. Further discussion was
held regarding specifying exactly what and how initiation funds will be used and
the need to identify that in writing Subject was tabled by John Nesmith and
recommendation made to form separate committee to dictate what initiation funds
can be used for. Amendments will be made and ready for review for next
meeting. 6. New Business: a. Ski Trip – Paul Kaplan is looking at planning a Ski Trip for the 1st/2nd week in February. A recommendation to look at Armed Forces Vacation Rentals was made.
b. CPOA Coins – Discussion was held regarding
purchasing 100 CPOA coins once price and logo can be confirmed. Chuck
Boyer agreed to provide information at next meeting.
c. Welcome Letter – A welcome letter from the
CPOA will be sent with welcome aboard packages for all new CPO’s.
Recommendation was made and accepted to include a copy of the CPOA Rooster with
home phone numbers etc. along with the letter. d. White Hat Luncheon – Motion passed to share cost of White Hat Luncheon with the Ward room in the event that the Admiral does come to Denver. 7. Meeting adjourned at 1310. Next meeting to is scheduled for January 4th at Old Chicago’s.