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November Meeting Minutes
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1.         The meeting was called to order at 1145 by President, Neil Wasserman.  14 members were present.

2.         Motion passed not to accept any minutes from July meeting.

3.         Financial Report:  CPOA Initiation Funds $2833.85

4.         Good of the Order: 

a.         Congratulations goes out to:

   Mark Osvirk – new baby girl

   Danny Moore – engagement

   John Nesmith – engagement

   Neil Wasserman – delayed retirement

   Becky Waller - birthday

        b.         Welcome to Andy Wilson, Jennifer Greenwell, Brenda Williams, Ken Norris, and Clint Benson.

        c.         In remembrance of Doug – Neil used a big word

That word being “Jockular”.

5.         Old Business:  None.

6.         New Business: 

        a.         Changing Charter - Discussions were held regarding disbanding the Rocky Mountain CPO and forming the NSGA CPOA with a focus on NSGA sailors.  Final outcome resulted in the motion being presented and seconded to re-write the Rocky Mountain CPOA By Laws vice disbanding.  Re-write will reflect that any Active duty Chiefs, Retired, and initiated “Chiefs” from other services can join. However, only active duty NSGA Chiefs (in good-standing) will serve as elected officials.

        b.         Dues/Fundraising – Discussion held to run dues September through September, and possibly lower to five dollars a month based on fundraising efforts.   Ben Alvarez was appointed as the Fundraising Committee Chairperson.  He will report back at next meeting as to ADF’s fundraising requirements and expected income.  Ben was tasked with developing a Fundraiser watch bill.  Members need to provide Ben dates they are not available on a monthly basis.

        c.         Splitting Funds - Discussions were held regarding splitting the CPOA funds and the initiation funds into two separate accounts.

Leaving a balance of $500.00 in the initiation fund for startup costs.  Fran Boswell brought up the need for identifying what initiation funds can be used for and to put that in writing.  Motion presented and seconded to spit accounts and govern both by the CPOA. Initiation fund will start up with $500.00. During initiation a weekly treasurers report will be provided for the initiation funds.  Members were asked to email the Secretary their ideas for use of the start up fund.

       d.         “Khaki Ball”/Progressive Dinner - Motion presented and accepted to have host two separate events.  Committees were formed to plan events.

        “Khaki Ball” scheduled for Friday Nov 16th.

       e.  Motion presented and accepted to support “Operation Warm Heart” in the amount of $200.

       f.  Motion amended and seconded to reflect the purchase of gift certificates based on names provided to Operation Warm Heart in the amount of $20.00 not to exceed $300.00.

7.         Meeting adjourned at 1300.  Next meeting to is scheduled for December 7th place to be determined.