This is just a lil bit about me i guess

Theres so much shit about me.. I love it outside.. im always outside.. i love riding bikes (especaially on trails), Jetskiing, driving our checkmate (boat), walkin around, chillin with people (especially Christine and Ryan from vvs!), i love playin basketball (cuz its funnier then hell when u school a guy and they get pissy and they want a "rematch" and ya keep winning), i love playin 21 in basketball, I love Cars!! especially cameros, race cars, corvettes, jags, vipers, and supras.. i would be the happiest person alive if i ever owned any of those.. i think that Big Ass sound systems w/ big ass speakers kick ass! i love when people go by me and u can feel the base from their cars.. thats pretty cool. I think ground affects are fuckin cool too.. i can't wait till i get a car.. its gonna fuckin kick ass! its gonna be hot! nice big ass sound system with a lot of base and ground affects and custom paint job.. its gonna be awesome..I think my favorite kind of car is a Toyota supra though.. cuz its hot and u can make them look wicked awesome (like the blue one in the pic)... I also love aniamls.. I have two cats Sylvester (fat and orange) and duelly (black and white).. I love my life.. even though shit happens and sometimes im not the luckiest person in the world or the most graceful person.. its all good.. i still love my life...