You're a Villain Now
1. Never practice thievery on a friend without their permission. Do not steal form them, even in jest, without their permission.
2. Practice professional courtesy. If you loot an item on a fellow rogue, give it back. The only exception to this rule is when they have targetted someone who is working with or for S?G, or is in S?G themselves.
3. Treat our allies with respect. You don't have to like them. They recognize our ownership of Bucaneer's Den, so we will be kind to them.
4. Defend our island. Keep opposing rogues and other riff raff out. Do this in any way that suits you. At the least, inform a Thug of their activities so they can be watched.
5. Kill those people who don't cooperate with us. These people are everyone who doesn't fall into the "friends" category. It is acceptable to try to convince them of the benefits of cooperating with us before killing them. Use whatever method is easiest for your character to convince people of this. And it is ok to accept "donations" to our cause.
6. We're establishing ourselves as a legal power. The island of Bucaneer's Den is ours. Treat it as such. Everything on it is ours as well.
7. Use common rules of courtesy when dealing with guild members and guild allies. The rules that all guilds have, such as "don't kill guild members" do apply to our guild just as they do to any other guild.
8. USE YOUR BRAIN! This might be difficult for some. But, before doing anything. Thinkf or a moment. Will this benefit the guild? If not, don't do it.