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Homeland Security

Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge announces terror alert system on March 12, 2002
Homeland Defense Codes Red means Severe risk of terrorist attacks and may require the pre-positioning of especially trained teams, closing public and government facilities and monitoring transportation systems.

Orange signifies a High risk of attack, meaning the government should coordinate necessary security efforts with armed forces or law enforcement agencies and take additional precautions at public events.

Yellow is an Elevated condition, meaning there is a significant risk of attack. Increased surveillance of critical locations and implementing some emergency response plans are called for.

Blue is a Guarded risk, and agencies are asked to review and update emergency response procedures.

Green is a Low risk of terrorist attack.'s been over 6 months since the cowardly attacks on September 11,2001 and I thought that since the US Office of Homeland Security has just instituted a new threat advisory system,that I'd go ahead and create a page about Homeland Defense.

Since just about a month or so after the attacks,it seems that our lives have changed greatly. People have been more concerned about whether the middle-eastern or even hispanic looking person next door is a terrorist or just an innocent "nobody" just going about their everyday lives...or trying to,at least.I know that I have. Well,hopefully,this new system will make it much easier for the common Jane and Joe Q. Citizen to keep themselves informed.

And this system isn't the only thing that the US govt. has been doing to help keep our country safe. Since a little over an hour (I guess) since the attacks,we've had USAF fighters flying on patrols over some of the country's largest population centers as well as US Coast Guard personnel performing port defense duties.

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