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When Hyperion was a child, he was sent to Earth as the last survivor of another race known as the Eternals. Raised by his adoptive father as Marcus Milton, he learned a strict set of moral codes to benefit society. When he grew old enough, he became the heroic titan, Hyperion. But one day, the skies turned red, and another Earth appeared in the sky. Even with all the other heroes of his Earth coming together, Hyperion could not prevent the catastrophe. By the time both Earths were about to touch, all that remained was Hyperion, struggling to keep them apart. The two worlds broke, and with them, all of existence. The only thing that remained, the only survivor once again, was Hyperion. Floating in a void, Hyperion was inadvertently rescued by the scientists of A.I.M. who would imprison and experiment on him. But Hyperion was rescued by the Avengers. Now, Hyperion hopes for a second chance to save this new Earth he now calls home and a chance at a new beginning.

Current Incarnation:
Hyperion (Classic)