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Typical A.I.M. ChemTech Director

Typical A.I.M. ChemTech Director

F) Gd10
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 36 Karma: 50
Resources: Gd/Mn Pop: 0/-15

Known Powers:
For Science: Able to heal up to 20 points of damage for himself and 2 allies once every 20 rounds.

A.I.M. Uniform: Each A.I.M. Uniform provides the wearer with the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Energy, Rm protection vs. Physical
-Air Filter: Ex protection vs. Airborne Toxins and Bacteria
-Chem Burst: When some attacks the ChemTech Director with a melee attack, they must make a Red Endurance FEAT vs. being exposed to a Ty chemical that cause the following for 3 rounds (Heat, Cold, Poison or Radiation)
Iso-8 Fletchette: Rm Thrown Edge, the victim is subjected to Iso-8 poisoning that does Ex damage each round

Talents: Chemical Engineering, Guns

Contacts: A.I.M.