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Cloak and Dagger


Tyrone Johnson

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Ty6
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 80 Karma: 36
Resources: Pr Pop: 3

Known Powers:
Animated Cloak: Cloak’s cloak is now more maneuverable and is almost an extension of his physical body. This grants Cloak a form of the Elongation power at Gd rank. Has the following power stunts:
-Cloak can attack non adjacent foes up to 2 areas away.
-When “punching” with his Cloak, Cloak’s attack damage is considered In.
-Grappling: Un to hit and Am for damage
Teleportation: Un ability to create an aperture in to a dimension composed of an insubstantial, featureless, intense black material of unknown nature, with no visual cues as to its surface, even when viewed against the background of the Earth dimension. It is likely that this is the same dimension once called the Dimension of Darkness, but now without the presence of the Darkform. Cloak is also able to “teleport” himself from one point to another on Earth’s surface by entering this dimension, traveling a distance, and emerging back into Earth’s dimension. He can take along others as he does so, or “teleport” other people or objects from one place to another by projecting them through the dimension. Distances within the Ebon Void differ from those on Earth: a mile on Earth might be only a matter of feet in the other dimension. Cloak seems to be able to perceive the Earth dimension in some matter while he is in the Void, as he suffers no disorientation upon reemergence even if he has “teleported” himself a great distance. Before the destruction of the Darkform and the Dimension of Darkness, Cloak once used this method of travel to transport Dagger and himself “half-way across the globe” using a series of short hops. It is believed the could perform similar feats traveling through the Void.
Body Armor (Vacuum of the Void): Though Cloak now has a physical form and is no longer intangible, his cloak will still act as Rm Body Armor in combat. Objects, such as bullets, no longer pass harmlessly through him but are rather drawn harmlessly around his physical body and into the vacuum of the Void.


Talents: Streetwise

Contacts: Dagger, The Alliance


Tandy Bowen

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 76 Karma: 30
Resources: Fb Pop: 2

Known Powers:
Light Generation: Dagger can generate light of Rm intensity, filling up to 2 areas. This light can stun opponents who fail an Endurance FEAT roll for 1 round, and gives those who are attacking her glowing form a -2CS to hit her.
Dagger's internal "light" allows her to protect herself and anyone touching her from the effects of her partner Cloak's dimension of darkness. -Light Daggers: Ex Energy, 5 areas, can penetrate up to Gd Body Armor. The target must make an Endurance FEAT roll against Ex intensity. Failure indicates unconsciousness for 1-100 rounds and -3CS on all FEATs by target for 3 days. Success indicates only a -1CS for 1-10 rounds.
Targets hit by these light daggers are purged of foreign substances, provided these substances are not long-term mutations or alterations (no effect on Spider-Man or Captain America). Individuals with negative Popularity may "repent" while under the effects of the daggers. This "repenting" reduces negative Popularity to 0 and eliminates any Karma possessed by the target. Whether the NPC "repents" is determined by a Psyche FEAT against EX intensity. At the Judge's option, certain villains may automatically resist "repenting."
Dagger may fire up to 4 daggers in a single round at up to 4 separate targets in the same area. She may control the flight of these daggers up to 5 areas away. They do no physical damage and will usually ricochet off solid objects.


Talents: Dancing, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Martial Arts C

Contacts: Cloak, The Alliance