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Doctor Doom

Dr. Doom

Victor Von Doom

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Am50

Health: 120 Karma: 140
Resources: Am Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Hyper-Invention: Mn
Mind Transferal: Doom can trigger his Am ability with anyone in 3 areas of him who makes eye contact with him. Targets get to make a Psyche FEAT vs. Am to resist power.
Magic: Doom is an adept sorceror, trained by Dr. Strange.
-Crimsom Bands of Cyttorak: Rm
-Dimension Travel: Limited to Mephisto's Realm at Ty, but he needs at least an Ex rank aid to break though dimensional barriers.
-Eldritch Bolts: Am
-Eldritch Shield: Rm, 1 area
-Summoning: Gd

Doom's Armor: Doom's personal battle armor has the following powers and effects:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Am protection vs. Energy including Heat, Cold, Radiation, Electricity and Lasers
-Force Field: Un, Doom cannot attack while the force field is active.
-Flight: In airspeed
-Blasters: Mn Force or Am stun, 7 areas. The blasters can also be used as an area attack, affecting everyone in an adjacent area at -2cs. Area attacks cannot be dodged, but intended targets can escape its effects by leaving the area of effect.
-Laser Beam: Am Energy, 7 areas
-Lightning Beam: Am Electrical or stuns opponents with In ability at a range of 3 areas.
-Electric Touch: Mn Electrical or Am Stunning on contact.
-Disruptor Beam: Disrupts electrical fields, rendering electronic equipment powerless for 1-10 turns with Am ability at a range of 5 areas. A successful power FEAT roll against the intensity of the disruptor negates the effect. The disruptor ignores body armor but not force fields. However, if the force field is generated by an electronic device, the disruptor can affect it with power rank ability.
-Neuro-Neutralizer: Disrupts the brain waves of living opponents, paralyzing them with Mn ability for 1-10 turns at a range of 5 areas. A successful End. FEAT roll against the intensity of neuro-neutralizer negates the effect. The neuro-neutralizer ignores body armor, but not force fields.
-Sensors: In Infravision and Enhanced Hearing, the armor is also equipped with radar, sonar, sonic, thermal, infra-red, and radiation detection units. Each has a range of 100 miles and functions with Am ability. While the sensors are active, Doom cannot be blindsided. Doom's armor also can detect hazardous gases, chemicals, and particles, estimate height, weight, and distance, and estimated times of arrival based on velocity with Am ability. If the sensors are inactive or disabled, Doom's Intuition is reduced to Ex. This does not affect his Karma.
-Communicators: Mn
-Air Supply: 1 hour of normal breathing, The oxygen tanks automatically replenishes itself when exposed to breathable air. It takes approximately 5 turns to completely replenish the air supply.
-Life Support: Doom's armor provides a complete nuclear, chemical, biological environment for 30 days by filtering air.

Talents: Leadership, Electronics, Engineering, Physics, Robotics, Weapon & Energy Systems, Spacecraft Technology, Superhuman Physiology

Contacts: The Syndicate, Doombots, Servobots