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The Sentinels

The Sentinels are a group of mutant-hunting robots. Sentinels are programmed to locate mutants and capture or kill them. Though several types of Sentinels have been introduced, the typical Sentinel is three stories tall, capable of flight, projects energy blasts, and can detect mutants.

Known Sentinels:
Typical Coeus Sentinel
Typical Crius Sentinel
Typical Cronus Sentinel
Typical Eos Sentinel
Typical Helios Sentinel
Typical Hyperion Sentinel
Typical Iapetos Sentinel
Typical Phoebe Sentinel
Typical Rhea Sentinel
Typical Selene Sentinel
Typical Themis Sentinel

M-Series Rho MK III
M-Series Sigma MK III
M-Series Sigma MK IV
M-Series Tau MK III
M-Series Tau MK IV

Other Sentinels:
Omega Sentinel
Prime Sentinels