craptastic garrett

Ok ok...I mention further down this page that I saw a cartoon guy that reminded me somewhat of Garrett. Well, here is that hoser. The name's Spike. Granted, the two are about as opposite as day and night personality wise....(cept...both at good at martial arts...but Id bet Spike would win in a battle royal) Spike 'ere is from Cowboy Bebop, 11:30 saturday nights on Cartoon Network. Its a serious cartoon, with random episodes that are just funny. Anyhoo, I found it humourous that Garrett and Spike both have obnoxiously large hair, and a similar facial structure. (long faces, small chins, pointish noses...see it now?) and they're both built about the same. Tall, lanky-ish. Cept Spike has broader shoulders. But he's also older...So...yeah! What was I trying to prove? No clue. But this pic was fun to make. I tried to copy Spike's art style, yet still keep my own to show the similarities. And I just had to give Garrett the same pose idea. But no guns or ciggies for no! A sucker and guitar for him. I had a sucker at the time of doodeling

Garrett walking in the rain. Well, at least he's not flying a kite at night... "hello mother dear..." snork! X)~

A few studys of my main man Garrett. 1st pic is a lame example of Garrett's martial ability. Next two I used a new way of drawing the male body. Thusly they are sketchy because its a study...:P Garrett also gets a middle name in the 2nd one. ( I wanna find this one picture, because I think I see another character the reminds me of Garrett. [But I drew Garrett before I saw this be the judge])

Garrett soaking up the morning sunlight. And a study of my own characters face up close, and a study of severe shadows. I like them...

An older looking Garrett...for some a trenchcoat. A not very good one at that. Maybe he jsut saw the Matrix...har har...

Garrett aged aboot 10 or so years. Maybe a few more. Anyhoo...he's not drunk...he just has really messy hair. He's "social drinking"

Ok, I was doodeling in Observational Astronomy...and this is what happend. Um, he's yeah. And dont know the I think this just means I've been watching too much Cowboy Bebop again...

Garrett in his official Hwa Rang Do garb. According to his garb...he's a E Dan, 2nd degree black belt. hiYA!

I mentioned on another page (I think Col and Adams...) That they all have side jobs. Well...I said Garr's side job was being a Hwa Rang Do assistant teacher. Well...yeah...that's all fine and dandy...but if the kid wants money for doing it...he might as well just quit. I guess unless you're a money for you! So, seeing on how Garrett enjoys not having to sleep on the streets, he'll have to! AHAHA! Yes! Why? Well...I think all musicians have to have had "One of Those Jobs" once in their life. Don't feel too bad for him, he works in one of those large office buildings, so everyone is pretty clean. (Ever see the video for Aparations from Mathew Good Band? Garr's kinda like the janitor there. Goofs with the security guy [who's close to his age] and rolls his eyes at all the fat cats who work there.)

I was feeling adventurous, so I thought I'd give Garr a haircut to see what he would look like. I don't think it looks too bad, but obiously Garrett doesnt care for me anymore because of it...

Drew this while sitting in my 'rents motorhome whislt in Arizona, being bored. Oh, and I was waiting for my night photograph of the stars to finish exposing. Um, I like the way his legs just kinda's tre cool. And I gave him a different style of eyes for shits and giggles. He almost looks his age here....wait...he does...

Needed to try a funky style to prove to myself that I still could. Phew. The small one is the original coloring. Stared at it for a while trying to figure out what was wrong with it. Figured out the color scheme I used was blatantly 80's. Updated the color scheme and got the big pic. I think this is a pretty bitchin picture. Drawn and colored in paintshop.

Garrett in his winter digs.

I find it amusing to have Garrett as a coliky child. I think this pic would make an interesting story, because I want to know what all the fuss is about... don't you? Hey, Kelly! If you see this, maybe you should write a story based on this picture! LoL... All this and I wanted to drawl a pic of the brothers really young and have their rents be in it...

Tried a new way of coloring, using layers. Basically I colored everything behind the drawn lines and erased the crud I didnt want showing up. This was done 100 percent in Adobe photo. I was inspired to try this style when I saw a great artist going through her drawing step by step. Tre cool eh?