ROCK: Hello radio listeners. This is Kisa Collins of Z98.2 Rock Bottom and tonight we’re interviewing a newer band by the name of the Ameliorites.  I have their CD ‘One More Colour’ and I’ve got to see them play a couple of times, and they’re

really pretty good. So, we'll get right to the point and answer the question that everyone is really wanting me the interview to find out... So guys, boxers or briefs? :laughs: Javier: WHOOHOOO! I've always wanted to answer dat! Gavin: oh god... Javier: I GO COMANDO! Colin: Aw jeezzz... Adam: >has fallen off of the chair laughing< Garrett: serious? ROCK: Just a little ice breaker. Now down to business Garrett: Oh... Adam: what do ladies prefer? Javier: Commando man...commando... ROCK: I'm just one lady, can't answer for everyone now can I? Adam: Weeellll. what do *you* prefer. ROCK: So...getting away from that! Do you consider yourself the "Front man" of the band as you have been previously been referred to as? Garrett: Welll....hmm. I suppose so. But I try to encourage the other guys to take the spotlight if they feel the need. Honestly I think when it comes to performances Colin is pretty damn important. Colin: You're too kind! He does all the writing. He’s the leader, he really is. Javier: ...leading us straight into de hell... Garrett: Pardon Jav? Javier: I didn’t say anyting!!! ROCK: Would you care to share a quick summary of your band's formation? Garrett: How we formed? ROCK: How you met/ decided to become a band etc.. Garrett: Aw, yeah. duh. Well...if I remember correctly... Adam: which he never does... Garrett: It started out with me and my brother playing..then Gavin brought Adam home after school...high school..I had graduated by then... started playing..then..oh..a year later we played in a coffee joint

..and...well, we saw Colin play a solo thing after us. We were impressed and we asked him if he was playing with anyone else. He wasn't, so we adopted him. Then we met Javier at our favorite sushi place. That was a weird one... ROCK: When did you "complete" your group and to you foresee any changes to the structure in the near future? Garrett: Well...Javier is our last member to join..and that was...oh...not too many months ago. I think…I think what we have here is working. Javier: He's lying troo his teet. He hates me Adam: I'll be the 1st to be chopped... Garrett: Will you guys shut up? I'm not gonna chop either one of you unless you give me a good reason! ROCK: On that topic... do you all get along pretty well or is there something you tend to cover up on stage? Javier: I’m wearing your frilly underpants! :laughs: Garrett: We're way too open Colin: Everything gets said on stage...well most of it I think.... Gavin: Sometimes we get annoyed with each other...but...we get over it pretty quick Adam: What? This is news to me. Garrett: Uh...yeah. We get along pretty well. Sometimes I wonder how we cope. ROCK: :laughs: Adam: I think Colin is the biggest pains in our asses Javier: He’s way too loud. And he smells. Gavin: He’s not very nice. Garrett: He ties my hair in knots when I sleep! Colin: ...what??? :everyone laughs, minus Colin: Colin: They're so mean to me!!!! ROCK: It sounds like you all have a good time teasing each other and making jokes. Colin: Teasing me! Javier: Well that’s because it’s Tease Colin day according to my calendar. Tomorrow it’s Tease Gavin Day. Gavin: Oh. Wonderful... Garrett: Sad thing's true. he has a calendar with all of this on it... Javier: Damn straight! ROCK: What would you say is your band's "look"? Would you ever consider going for the boy band look where you all have the same style? Garrett: Oh hell no! I mean...BNL already did a spoof on that... I don't think it needs to be replicated. We wear what we want on stage. I’m not sure we have a "look" per se. Or do we? Javier: I tink we get a bit more dressed up den some bands... Adam: I wanna look sharp for the ladies Gavin: I don't think about it Colin: A look? Adam: You just wear ties. Forget about it. ROCK: Ok, since you already mentioned BNL, which bands do you look up to, get inspiration or just really enjoy? Garrett: Can-rock bands. We all enjoy a wide variety of music and it gets melded into what we do. Adam: I like throwing jazz into my bass work. Gavin: I really enjoy classical and I think that's helped my piano playing greatly... Garrett: but as far as bands go...well...hmm. Ask Colin about the Rheostatics! :laughs: Colin: :laughs: well....yeah. I like them. I like...trying to play like Martin. I dunno... He’s really good. I guess...that counts as something? Garrett: Well you're like...our lead guitarist, so you’ve really given us a sound. He kicks ass, he really does. Colin: But I’ve only been playing for...oh...three of four years! Garrett: Shut up...rub it in why don’t you? Colin: Whaat??? Javier: He's such a card! ROCK: So you've experienced life on the road as a touring band. How did that affect you personally and as a group? :collective groan!!: Gavin: We wanted to kill each other every other day ROCK: Did I hit a sore spot? Garrett: At 1st it was all fun and games... Kind of.. But I guess...everyone's 1st tour can be a sore spot. But...yeah. As soon as we hit the prairies...well...everything was getting on our nerves. Each other, always being cramped in a van together...the van breaking down...bad venues...bad audiences...loosing gear....we all kind of....had a few break downs. Um…that was just great. Javier: It's amazing dat we still a band Gavin: I’m amazed we’re still alive Colin: I'm amazed I’m not hiding under my bed! Garrett: But there were some good times as well. I think...if anything this brought us all… together even better then before. We recognized our faults, worked them out for the most part...and we helped each other through. We did have some amazing shows...we earned some fans...and we got to see a lot of our home and native land. Colin: And we found a new friend!!! ROCK: A new friend? Colin: was...we hit a snow storm in Alberta...and well...we were stuck at some old abandoned gas stop on the highway for a while. I was wandering called...and I heard whimpering. So I look around and I find this little abandoned husky! So I convinced the guys to let me take care of her... ROCK: How sweet! Garrett: More like begged.... Colin: Well...ok. I begged. She was snow covered and shivering and whimpering...I couldn’t leave her there! They said we'd take care of her until we found her owner. Um....we never did. Garrett: He's so upset about that too. Colin: :laughs: Oh, very! Javier: Good ting I wasn’t allergic to ‘er or anyting! Colin: Oops, I know. Sorry Javier… That’s what antihistamines are for. ROCK: I guess the rumors are true about you Colin Colin: Rumors??? Adam: Whoops...yeah. We told everyone you Javier: Australian! Colin: What? ROCK: What I was referring to was the rumors about you being the sweet/cute/innocent one. Colin: Oh! Those rumors! :laughs: Well...I guess so! I I? ROCK: I think so. Colin: Heh...ok. I never really thought about it... Gavin: He is. ROCK: Ya know, girls really go for that. Colin: Aw jeez! Adam: What, what? Hmm... Garrett: He's the "cute one". If he had all the girls that fall for him.... >smirk< Colin: Oh come on! ROCK: So, do the rest for you have "labels"? Garrett: Labels eh? Hmm...I'm probably the Tight Ass Gavin: I’m the Nerd I bet. It’s the hair....freckles...oh yeah. Stereotypical nerd Adam: I’m the Hottt One! Javier: I’m just de fat drummer! I don’t get anoder title! ROCK: :laughs: Colin: Noooo. Gavin, you're the Brainy one...'re...uh....Flirt. Yeah. Javier...yer the Loud one. You're...just the Leader. Garrett: Oh, I’m glad I get a creative one. ROCK: Do you find that you're stereotyped a lot as a certain type of band? Garrett: I haven’t found that to be true. Most people ask us what we classify ourselves as... so I think that means they don't know what to stereotype us as. If anything I call us the Typical Poor Guy Band. ROCK: What's so typical about a band? Garrett: Um…What they're trying to accomplish. Some guys want money, some want girls...some want fame and video hits. I'm not aiming at that. Adam: Speak for yourself!! Garrett: :groan: Ok...Adam wants girls... ROCK: What are you trying to accomplish? Garrett: Well...I think we're really doing it for the music. That’s the one thing we all have in common. We all really love music and we love playing. So we're just trying to make good music. And I’m serious when we don’t want video hits. We're quite anti-pop when it comes to our own music. ROCK: Would you ever consider making a music video? Garrett: Well...yeah we probably will if the chance arises. But...if for some ungodly reason it was to be played on TRL I'd pull it if I had any power over it, or at least think of something really crafty. ROCK: Since you said that you're anti-pop, would you all care to share some thoughts on performers like Brittney Spears, N' Sync/Back Street Boys/ Christina Aguilera? Garrett: Poor poor them. They're disillusioned by their managers... they don't have a chance to realize what they're doing... Javier: Dey want de money... Adam: Poor them my ass! They weep themselves to sleep on their gold-plated bed frames and money mattresses! Gavin: They're not that’s just that their music is generally not written by them. So they're singing empty words that mean nothing to them. And the fact most of them lip sync... well that’s impersonal. Garrett: Computer synthesized voices... Gavin: OK, now that’s cheating. ROCK: I see you seem to think the way I do Javier: Den dey gave us a good interviewer! ROCK: When did you all realize that music was the thing for you? Garrett: That's a tough one...crap. You guys answer...I gotta think... Gavin: You're all heart... Adam: As soon as I realized that I had a talent at something! Which 9 I'd say... I never had any talents at anything up till that point. Javier: I dunno. I've always liked banging on tings. I tink I just take opportunities when dey show up. So I took dese guys...and became dey're drummer. But I've always liked music. Colin: When I realized a liberal arts degree won’t get you anywhere!! :laughs: I never thought I'd want to be a "rock star." It's still kind of a frightening well. I love playing. That’s why. Garrett: I think...when...I first saw someone playing an instrument... I was very young. I saw that… and I knew...that’s what I want to do with myself ROCK: Wow, I suppose you had less problems than most in high school, when at age 17 they force you to decide your future Garrett: Well I was confused too. Very... I wasn't sure it was the smartest thing to for a few years I dawdled around and had odd jobs and played on the side. Colin: I thought for sure I was gonna be a mechanic! ROCK: You've got to start somewhere Garrett: That's true. Gavin: I wanted to go to know. be a "professional student" But...its waaay too expensive. This is a more interesting life anyway and I think I’m learning a lot of things I wouldn’t learn in college. ROCK: How were all of you as students? Did you enjoy school? Were you more of the track type, art type? Garrett: Hated school. I was an angsty kid. Everyone just seemed so shallow and vain. I met a few kids who were kinda similar to me so that helped, they weren’t as bitchy as I was so they kinda helped me out of that phase. Thank Gord. Oh, and I had never been to a real school until I turned 14. It was all new to me. Gavin: I on the other hand enjoyed it. I just like learning. See? I am the geek. Garrett: I was the aloof kid. I was in band...but I never considered myself a Band Nerd. Gavin: I was that...of course. Colin: I was the Choir Wuss. I didn't mind school. Just when teachers picked on me. I was shy. ROCK: :laughs: Adam: I was....well...high school wasn't the best time for me. I hung out with some bad kids and did some bad things... Music kinda saved me from that. I guess... Javier: School was just anoder place for me to perform! I didn’t mind homework could go...but de rest was fine. I was de class clown. I was in de principal office a lot for disrupting class! ROCK: Hehe, I knew some kids like that Javier: Aw yeah...I was de loud one. I was probably a little too obnoxious. friends...dey encouraged me. Dat didnt help ei-der! ROCK: I bet your teachers loved you Javier: Well...I tink it was a love-hate ting. Cuz..I did my homework... I payed attention. I was just...loud ROCK: :laughs: Alright then. From the past to the future. What would be your ideal venue? Any guest artists? Garrett: Ideal venue? Hell...right now we'd be happy to play the Bathurst street theatre...the Horseshoe...the Ambassador...Anyplace where any of our idols have played. Guest artist? Jeez...that's just too much to think of. I know what Colin would say! Colin: Oh no way! way. I couldn’t do it. I’d chicken out. Gavin: I think it'd be great to open for say...the Ladies. Not only do they have great fans...we'd get to tour and see them all the time. I understand they're really great guys too. ROCK: Have you seen them in concert before? Garrett: A few times... whenever they play the Molson Gavin: they should do it more often. ROCK: I agree. Garrett: Gavin and I actually caught them on their Rock Spectacle tour...that was great. When Kevin just joined... That was one of my 1st CanRock gigs. ROCK: Well, from your own shows, do you have any interesting fan stories to tell? Garrett: Well so...far...the pretty typical. We've had drunk girls flash us... Adam: WHOOHOO! Garrett: There was one was a tough crowd. One drunk guy...well he was being an ass, and I was in a bad mood. So I started arguing with the guy from on stage...well he charged the stage! Colin: That was scary... Adam: The girls or the drunk guy? :laughs: Colin: The guy!! Adam: So what was the girls? Colin: That was...that was... embarrassing! All shirts should be kept on during shows... ROCK: "No shirts, no shoes, no service" :laughs: Colin: Exactly! I mean...jeez... Adam: He had never seen those before! Gavin: Oh god... Colin: What?!! Adam: :in hysterics: Javier: I love being a rock star... Garrett: there have been a few bar fights...we kind had some stalkers for a week...that was fun. :laughs: ROCK: do you have any longtime/strong fans that follow your career? Garrett: Our friends. :laughs: ROCK: Family members? Adam: There have been a few girls that have followed us for a bit. I've recognized a few faces throughout crowds... ROCK: Have you come to put names to faces yet? Colin: My family is very supportive... closest brother Dylan shows up a does my sister Therese. My mom would show up...but a lot of the places we play are kind of dingy! ROCK: Hm, not really "good, clean fun for the family" type of places are they? Colin: Not really! :laughs: Garrett: Well...there's one kid...we keep seeing her outside the bar places because I think she’s underage. I kept trying to ask her name but she would run away in a giggle fit ROCK: "The Ameliorites” is an interesting name. Did it come from anywhere in particular? Garrett: Well...hmm...I don't really remember where it stemmed’s the story?? Gavin: Colin...he asked me what the word "ameliorate" meant... Colin: Oh yeah! Gavin: And I said..."Well. It means ‘to make better.’" Garrett: That’s right...that's it. So...well we had just been discussing that fact we needed a name. So...I think it just...happened. Gavin: You're the one the termed the word "Ameliorite" For someone who tried to make things better. Like you knew that’s what we had to be... Garrett: Did I? Colin: Yeah...I remember that part too. Garrett: Well…yeah. Basically we all agreed that...well...we wanted to make better music. So it made perfect sense ROCK: That's so interesting and it actually makes sense! Garrett: Yeah...we really like our name. ROCK: It's probably a good idea to stick to it. You wouldn't want to confuse anybody now would you? Garrett: cant change now. Otherwise how will our trans Canadian fans find our cds? ROCK: What would you say to anyone who felt they wanted to begin their own music group? Garrett: Good luck, but realize right now that it's not going to be all limos, wild hair and screaming girls! ROCK: If you could go back and change something or do anything different... would you? Garrett: I'd.......I wouldn’t have been a monster as a little kid. Does that count? ROCK: Sure, anything's game Gavin: I wouldn’t have created mosquitoes. ROCK: …what? Adam: I wouldn’t have said no to all those playboy girls... Javier: I wouldn’t have eaten de whole ting! Colin: Um....I wouldn’t have...gotten…that…um...bad haircut. Garrett: Oh sure...they make jokes... ROCK: We have just over a minute left here tonight, is there anything you want to say to anyone? Anyone at all, especially if they may be listening. Friends, fans? Other listeners? Garrett: Well, we encourage anyone out there to check us out...if you like...weird, eccentric, rockin...experimental fun might hate us or you might love us. So...ya know...stop on Javier: And don't do drugs! Gavin: Be cool, stay in school! Adam: If you're a lady and you want a me, Adam Breckler at...555-4234... Colin: And don't forget to wash behind your ears everybody! Garrett: Eat wheat, not white... Javier: Remember...Mr. Christie does make good cookies! Adam: Stop pollution; eat garbage ROCK: Mmm... garbage Gavin: Stop inbreeding, ban country music! Colin: and most of all...don't…Blame Canada! Garrett: That's right. It's always Canada's fault for's take pride in that ok? Javier: You better cut us off now...oderwise we'll go on all troo de night ROCK: That's fine with me..:laughs: OK, in that case...I'd like to thank you guys for coming down here, and I wish you luck on all your albums...finished and unfinished.. Garrett: No, thank you Kisa... ROCK: Well you're welcome. So, you're listening to Z98.2 RockBottom and we've just run over our time limit with the Ameliorites. I encourage you all to check them out. Its ten to eleven here…so it's time for a commercial break. Thank you Ameliorites! Garrett: Thank you, good night! Gavin: Night listeners… Adam: >smooch< goodnight all you beautiful ladies! Colin: Night mom! Javier: Bonsoir!! Je'taime vous Aimee! >kiss kiss<

Thanks to Kisa "Clover" Collins for the interview! I like the way it turned out!