Credits, and Thank You's.

Hello there, this is Nicki. (well Duh I know...I know...jeez...anyway, this is where I'd like to thank all the people who have inspired me to come up with my own creative thing. (which has NEVER happend this well before. Or lasted this long.) Anyway, my friend's have helped me, even if they don't even know it. But they should, I normally make it obvious when I like their ideas. Anyway, now...I name Names;

Kelly F. For telling me a long time ago to just make up my own frikken band to write about. It didnt appeal to me at the time....but now it obviously does! She also came up with a LOT of funnier then hell story ideas. Um...the band's fallout for a day when they go on tour. A session where all the guys contemplate their futures(well, she wanted a story set like...10 years from their current situation. I compromised and said, they'll imagine it instead.) HMM...OH! And she gets a purple heart for looking up something for me that I just couldn't bring myself to do. Kelly, you know what you did, and I commend you! UM, well...I give her props in trying to convince me that Gavin is insane. I'm sorry, he's not insane Kelly, so drop it! Oh yeah...a bar fight somewhere...(actually, that was more my idea, but I'll dedicate it to her. Either that or the Hockey fight...her choice...) that at I look at story notes...I notice she's really helped. Dammit kelly, why don't YOU write the stories eh? I'll just boss you. :P Ok, kelly really helped me figure out the character's nuances and crap like that. Oh, she also basically came up with Daryl Mundy and the CSIS neighbor Mr. McCluskey. (names are mine though) Hey, Kell...if there's anything you'd like to take credit for that I havn't mentioned, yell at me! of course, you would have had to of come up with it. ;P

Daryl Mundy!

Nicole T. Came up with Sykes for Garrett and Gavin's last name. And, dude, she's my best friend. She puts up with me rambling about my silly stories, and well, she edits them........just has a hard time getting them to me. (dude, im kidding, I don't care. love you man!) She also tells me that they're good, but I think she's just being nice. I know good writing when I see it, and my writing is not it. (at least these stories are not it) They're just fun, and that's all that matters. She also tells me how to make sense a bit more. Sometimes I forget that people don't know ME, so reading my stories could be a little hard for the average consumer. What, just editing. She even went to the trouble of talking to some writing people at her school and asking them about dialogue and crap. Man, i just chose her as editor because she's good at English, and whatever she knew would be more then me. Something else. Great conversations. This girl can interpret, critique, take apart...about anything. So needless to say...I had to have her take on my characters. Funny thing is, she said things I was aware of...but could never put into words. She also figure suggested a few things that make total sense. It's actually kinda freaky... So, a 24 fret guitar solo for you mes amie.

Gavin thinks the name Sykes rocks, and he thinks you're Number 1!!

Patrick B!! Put's up with me too. Just barely. I swear to gord. Anyhoo, he edited a bit of this site. Maybe one day he'll do the whole thing.... unless he can't stand reading my free association that much. I know, its a mind job. :P He gave me the idea for the Cruisin For Chicks picture, and came up with the whole Gothic Chick band battle thing. Also came up with the name Prince Albert (after I told him a funny part of one of the stories.) And also their hit song...oh god...what is's horrible....something guys wouldnt, can't think of it! I'll have to ask him....>sigh< So anyhoo, thanks. And maybe one day I'll let you read what I've got. :P

Adam...saying hi.

Ok, and props go out to Kate W. of Barrie! Introduced me to Happiness. Um...I mean....introduced me to the Rheostatics. I think they were the straw that broke the camels back. Meaning...when I realized I liked TWO Toronto bands.......I had to make up my own. I don't know, it makes sense in my brain. Also, she made me realize this....Colin is a lot like her! (close enough anyhoo) Both of yas like Martin T (Rheos guy. Wow, amazing dude. Amazing talent. Mon Dieu, need...cold...shower....too...much...talent!) AnWAY, both like Martin, both collect...ties...(kate, that's the funniest hobby. You rule!) And, well...both cried at Patch Adams. (but who didnt? SOB!!!) But anyway, thats close enough for me! So, Kate....I informally dedicate Colin to you!

Mum and Pa. Why? Because I had questions about Canada, and they answered them. That and Javier is a French Canadian, and so is my dad. So, when I get to his dialect, I'll basically be typing the way my dad speaks. Tre amusant!

Javier speaking Fluer De Lis!

BNLClover. For looking at my site and seeming to enjoy it! And for giving my very first gift art. That's still the coolest thing ever! Since you like Garrett, Garrett gives you the peace sign and a smile!

Jean from down the hall. LoL. Jean used to be one of my suitemates... Anyway, I somehow got to talking about my creations, and she suggested on of them should have Turrets. NO, no one is going to have Turrets, but it did give me an idea for Javier. So Javier swears in French at you Jean. (like she'll ever see this....)

Ok, now to just name random things that have inspired The Ameliorites, and maybe WHY: Barenaked Ladies; For proving that bands are funnier then hell, interesting people, can be brother like, and also don't have to adhear to the sterotyplical band behavior roles. (ie: groupies, drugs, being rude) The Rheostatics for proving that you don't have to be popular to be popular. Make any sense? To me it does. Also for kicking musical arse. Martin T for being Colin's music model. The Look People. For basically the guys' crazy get ups, and sometimes zany behavior. Chris Gartner, former look person, current Thin Buckler. Inspired Adam's Bass, and now that I think of it, his outfit. Andy Creeggan/Kevin Hearn. For Gavin's musicality. (new word!) That and the brothers in a band relationship idea. (jim/andy. Garrett/Gavin) Ok, what else has inspired me. People I see, the guys down the hall and the way they interact with people. The term "bitchmonkey" from Abhi. the show Cowboy Bebop for giving me ideas on personalities and interesting behavior quirks. (and for making me realize I was drawing everyone with too short of limbs in the beggining. mon dieu!) Anyone else? HMMM.....

Well, I think I'd just like to thank everyone who checks these hosers out eh!! ;D