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Concept Page - The Genesis Chronicles

This is the concept page where i will post the art i will draw for the "The Genesis Chronicles" comic. Some will be in colour and some will be in Black and white but most will be actual art using the characters

Concept Art 2


Izu with Gun and Japanese Police Unifrom

This is Izu. I thought about making a comic about a team of Japanese anti-terrorist police officers. Its an early image so the character might change along with the storyline. Its a big image and i hope you have a fast internet connection or a lot of spare time. I could write loads about this character but it would give the plot away a bit.

Mai + Mimi

Well, after being idle from drawing for a few weeks, and after the persistant nagging of one of my friends, I finally drew this picture of her cat. ^_^ The cat's name is Mimi. It's a pretty simple drawing, but I think it looks cute. The girls name is Mai and her role in the comic might not happen but then again... im not saying anything else until i release the comic.

Mai + Mimi

Right! at dog) "My dog is scaring me!!". This image was done, when paint shop pro went bust during college. I rekon that the guy that used it before changed all the colours so that all i could use was blue. a good colour though it is it pretty much managed to destroy the image i was going to do. *sigh* But i mangaed to do this in about 3 hours. I wasted our free lesson, my lunchbreak and a *ahem* working lesson. I have no idea if i will use the Angel or the boy in the comic. I will (hopefuly) manage to finish on time, so there. enjoy ^_^