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The Genesis Chronicles

This page and the ones currently in production will provide info on the comic i am creating. There will be Info, and concept art as well as the comic itself.


HELLO!!! ^_^ Hee hee, even after aaaaaaall that changing around and redoing of evewything, they STILL put me in charge of the gallery! ^o^ WAI!! Well, I WON'T disappoint you! Now that evewything's running on this..uh...PHP thingy (I'm not computer smart like Eva ^_^;) it's even easier to put new piccies into the gallery! ^o^ Go lookie, there's lots of stuff! ^-^

Oh, and remember, this stuff is our property, so no stealing the artwork, okay? ^_^ Mike doesn't mind you using the artwork for private use, but if you're going to use the art on your web site, please ask first! ^_^ (here's a tip from me: Mike won't let you use us as mascots for your own web site, so don't bother asking, okay? ^_^;) Thank you! ^o^

Concept Art

Color Art 1
Color Art 2


Profiles Page 1
Profiles Page 2
The Story Behind It All
Ok so its nothin to do with GC but its still kewl!