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Character Profile

Profiles etc...not much to be said. Small images used because of load times and i did theses for this page in about 3 hours.



Emiko Statistics:

Age: 18
Birthday: Juny 1st

Sizes: 89-57-90 (35-22-35
Height: 162 cm (5'4")
Weight: 50 kg (111 lb)

Species: Human
Genus Class: n/a

Hobbies: singing; drawing
Favorite Food: rice noodle
Most Valuable: her c-dolls; hair ribbon
Hates the Most: bugs with many legs
Charm Point: pink hair; body


Emiko is a spunky, physically fit girl who's been living in a world of continual change. She's outgoing, cheerful and sports a rather light-hearted view of life. Having been exposed to many different environments during her travels with childhood friends Mika and Eric, Emiko knows how to handle herself. Her talent to improvise with whatever she has at her disposal makes her pretty useful when the going gets tough.

This skill comes from her fluctuating Genus Classes, which she has to constantly adjust for.


Statistics: Age: 18
Birthday: Maris 9th

Sizes: 86-55-86 (34-21-34)
Height: 156 cm (5'1")
Weight: 44 kg (97 lb)

Species: feline-human
Genus Class: Pow

Hobbies: collecting "junk"
Favorite Food: Halik fish
Most Valuable: bell cloker
Hates the Most: tangled fur
Charm Point: long tail; fuzzy ears


She make look rather weak at first glance, but don't let her appearence fool you. With her "pow" GC she could rip a tree in two with ease. Mika has the tendancy to always refer to herself in third person, and speak in a broken Genesian dialect. That, combined with her rather limited goals in life, tend to give the illusion that Mika is dim-witted.

That is no the case. While not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, Mika is moderately smart. She's also feisty, occationally lazy, stubborn, curious and impulsive.



Age: 21
Birthday: Janvius 7th

Sizes: 104-86-87 (41-34-34)
Height: 188 cm (6'2")
Weight: 95 kg (210 lb)

Species: Elf
Genus Class: En-vel

Hobbies: reflex games
Favorite Food: salted peanuts
Most Valuable: his sword
Hates the Most: n/a
Charm Point: elven face


Outside the company of friends, Eric is a reserved and quite man, who prefers to keep his thoughts to himself. He's not very good at socializing, and while his brooding posture tends to mark him as a troubled individual, his actions on and off the battlefield speak for themselves. He's very protective of those he cares about, and when not hunting criminals he helps people in a discreet manner relfective of his personality.

Within the company of friends, he's a little more open to socializing and is a rather pleasant guy to be around.