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Character Profiles 2

The second page for the profiles.




Age: 10
Birthday: Yunip 7th

Sizes: 53-50-53 (21-20-21)
Height: 84 cm (2'9")
Weight: 25 kg (55 lb)

Species: Human
Genus Class: n/a

Hobbies: collecting stuffed animals
Favorite Food: blueberry cheesecake
Most Valuable: her diary
Hates the Most: spoiled food
Charm Point: overall innocence


It's a little difficult to tell what Mai is thinking sometimes. While overly cute, energetic, and very naive, she also expresses brief moments of wisdom and sheer genius it bewilders her collegues. For the most part though, Mai acts like an average 10 year old on a sugar high. It's unclear why she insists on helping everyone so much, but she does it with an inhuman amount of enthusiasm. Mai's a natural motivator.



Age: 15
Birthday: Dephernia 16th

Sizes: 79-53-82 (31-21-32)
Height: 157cm (5'2")
Weight: 72 kg (160 lb)

Species: Bio-mech
Genus Class: Base

Hobbies: reverse engineering
Favorite Food: lemon tarts
Most Valuable: her friends
Hates the Most: her own insecurity
Charm Point: shy manner


A shy and sensitive girl, Eva has the benfits and pitfalls that comes with being a top of the line super computer. While visibly a teenager, Eva's experience level is that of a newborn. While having more knowledge that most Genesian scientists, she has the wisdom of a fruit fly.

It's unknown why Eva is so overly sensitive to everything; she was programmed to be outgoing and friendly to all she met, but something overrode that subroutine which resulted in her current state of mind.



Age: 19
Birthday: Maris 24th

Sizes: 87-57-87 (34-22-34)
Height: 164 cm (5'5")
Weight: 50 kb (110 lb)

Species: Human
Genus Class: Base

Hobbies: videography; making costumes
Favorite Food: Dotti pancakes
Most Valuable: Autographed photo
Hates the Most: rival reporters
Charm Point: depends on her mood


To Izumi, reporting is not just a job, it's a full contact sport, and she makes sure she does everything possible to get her story. Izumi has a dual personality; Off camera she one tough, determined and vigorous cookie; but when it comes to telling the news to the masses, Izumi sports a sincere, even cute attitude that viewers love to see. It's difficult to tell which one is the real Izumi; maybe it's a little bit of both.