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The Genesis Story

Below is the story behind the Comic, so enjoy:

In the beginning of known Genesis history, civilizations grew imprisoned under the sheilding of continent-sized domes, created by an ancient race for an unknown purpose. With no idea of what was outside, domed colonies grew independant of each other for many centuries. This was the Era of Isolation.

Then, on that fateful day, many domes began to open, releasing the trapped (and in some cases overcrowded) civilizations onto new soil. As expected, each dome developed differently. While one dome harbored a wealth of scientific knowledge, another nourished an affinity for the mystical. Six domes in total opened to the new world. They discovered a land filled with beautiful yet bizarre landscapes, overcast by a sky that held thousands of planets in it's grasp. Sadly, misinterpretations and differences of opinion replaced this new facination with hatred. Diverse cultures, unable to settle their differences, began to fight. It was the Era of Conflict.

After decades of fighting, a single tragic event signalled an end to the chaos; the domes established a truce which gave birth to an uneasy peace. In an effort to prolong this peace, many colonies joined together to create a new city amidst the tragedy. Neo Genesis was born.

That was the past.

This is now.

Neo Genesis is now reaching it's two hundredth birthday. Rigorous urban development by the domes has resulted in one colossal city. You could say that the project was an enormous success. There is an air of optimism among the people as they try to figure out the mysteries of the planet. However, all is not well beneath the surface. Conflicts of interest are resulting in bursts of gang warfare; the culture clash of the old era is being revived, and a new fear is arising between people of different Genus classes. It is during this confusing time that Genesis Chronicles begins.
