Maxwell-Yuy Addiction

The Maxwell-Yuy Addiction's Summer 2003 Fanfic Contest

Contest Doors now closed. Judging has begun and will continue until 9/12.

Okay kids... This comes with rules and information... Be sure to adhear to all of the following guidelines.


15 june 2003 - 28 august 2003


The theme of this contest is to write the kinkiest sounding but not actually kinky fic. Complicated? Not really. I trust you know what you're doing.

A good example is Caroline's [ 100 Strokes ] fiction, which did much to inspire this contest.


Write a fic based on [ this ] picture... Seems simple enough...

All fics must be emailed [ here ] preferably with the subject line "Contest Submission"


Unlimited amount of fics per author. Go ahead - run amuck!

Don't worry... They can be fics you've already written.

All fics must me less than 15 pages.

Lemons are allowed. This is a yaoi contest, for the record.

Although it is prefered that the focus is on Heero and Duo, other pairings will be permitted.


All fics will be posted and archived.

Fics will be rated by a panel of judges. If you'd like to be a judge, email [ here ] , subject line "judging"

Good luck everyone!

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