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[ Frequently Asked Questions ]

  Q: When do you update?

  A: Every Wednesday.

  Q: Are any of the characters based on you or anyone else in real life?

  A: Some of the characters are based on real people. That would be me, Eddie, Adrian, and   George. All the other characters are fake.

  Q: How do you make the comics?

  A: I draw all my comics by hand on a piece of paper. Then I scan it and use Adobe Photoshop to   add all the dialogue. I don't have much to work with. That's why all the comics look like shit.

  Q: How can I contact you?

  A: Come on! My e-mail address is on the main page! Is it that hard to find? Anyways, here it is.

  Q: Will you accept guest comics or fan art?

  A: Sure. Just send it to me and I'll put it up. It's easy as that.

  Q: What's up with the Orb?

  A: Uhhhhh, you'll have to ask Eddie about that, it was his idea.

  Q: Why does your site look like shit?

  A: That's because I'm the one who designed it. It's just me working on the site. My HTML skills   are very poor. I can barely put a table together. Maybe I should get somebody who knows how   to design webpages and have them do this for me.

  Q: You suck at drawing.

  A: Uhhhh.....

  Q: Your comic sucks.

  A: But.....

  Q: How come no one posts in the forums?

  A: Hmmmm.......

  Q: I don't like your comic. The character's suck, the story stinks, and you can't draw for shit. This   is the worst webcomic I have ever read!

  A: But....

  Q: Nobody asked you these questions, did they?

  A: Ummm...........no