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Hercules is the son of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, and Alcmena—herself the great-granddaughter of Zeus. Accounts and chronology of Hercules’ adventures often vary, and Hercules’ lengthy existence and frequent battles have been credited for possible discrepancies in his memory. By most accounts, over three thousand years ago, recognizing the need for a powerful son to defend both humanity and the Olympian gods from future dangers, Zeus seduced Alcmena in the guise of her husband, Theban general Amphitryon.

Jealous over this infidelity, Zeus’ wife Hera sought vengeance on the infant son born to Alcmena, originally named Alcaeus. The goddess Athena renamed the boy Heracles, as he had earned Hera’s wrath.

Heracles’ extraordinary strength became apparent at one year old when he strangled two serpents sent by Hera to slay him. As a young adult, Heracles joined Jason and his Argonauts on their quest to find the Golden Fleece of the winged ram Chrysomallos. In 1289 BC, while off the coast of Mysia, the Argonauts sent Heracles and his arms-bearer Hylas, the orphaned prince of the Dryopians, to gather lumber to repair an oar that Heracles had broken. While ashore, Hylas was abducted by water nymphs who were bewitched by his great beauty. Heracles would not stop searching for his missing friend and was eventually left behind by the Argonauts.

Current Version:
Hercules (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Former Versions:
Hercules (Orginial)
Hercules (Powerless)
Hercules (Power Returned)