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F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 160 Karma: 100
Resources: Rm Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Invulnerability to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins and Disease: CL1000
Immortal: She does not age, and can be affected by Stun, Slam and Kill results.
Flight: Un airspeed
Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Ajak can manipulate cosmic energy at Am rank enabling her to perform the following power stunts:
-Cosmic Blasts: Am Heat, Light or Force at Am range
-Molecular Manipulation: Am ability to transmute living and non-living matter. She can sustain the transformation up to a minute.
-Teleportation: Un
Psionic Abilities: Ajak is capable of the following psionic abilities:
-Transmutation: Mn ability to transmute living and non-living matter.
-Illusions: Rm ability to generate illusions to change her appearance
-Teleportation: Sh-X ability to teleport herself, but must make a Red Psyche FEAT roll to do so. If she succeeds, she must make another Red Endurance FEAT roll or be paralyzed with pain for 1-10 rounds. No Karma can be spent on either of these rolls.
Uni-Mind: Like all Eternals, Ajak can be part of or form the Uni-Mind.

Armor: In material, Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Martial Arts A, C, Wrestling, Archaeology, Horticulture, Gardening

Contacts: Eternals

Ajak's Former Male Form